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Armenia and the information war

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  • Re: Armenia and the information war

    Originally posted by ninetoyadome View Post
    Those who are on Armenia's side try to combat those lies because they want to, they dont get paid for it.
    I would argue that we do not need people "on Armenia's side". Nobody wants even more propagandists, more liars - we see enough of them from Azerbaijan. What is wanted is knowledgeable people interested in truth and accuracy (and, yes, not interested in money or gratitude - fat chance of ever getting any of that - the best they can hope for is not to be stabbed in the back by some fanatic Armenian).
    Last edited by bell-the-cat; 04-04-2011, 06:16 PM.
    Plenipotentiary meow!


    • Re: Armenia and the information war

      Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
      I would argue that we do not need people "on Armenia's side". Nobody wants even more propagandists, more liars - we see enough of them from Azerbaijan. What is wanted is knowledgeable people interested in truth and accuracy (and, yes, not interested in money or gratitude - fat chance of ever getting any of that - the best they can hope for is not to be stabbed in the back by some fanatic Armenian).
      There is one guy out there that i know who is trying his best to show the truth, countering everything shirvan neftchi, aka seasnakex, aka caspianreport is doing. I would say shirvan is the most popular azeri on youtube but this Armenian is doing a great job countering his videos.
      A team of dedicated Armenians working to have the voice of their nation heard in the internet media. The name "Arzive" is a stylized version of the Armenian word "artsiv," from Urartian "artsibini," meaning "eagle." It reflects the freedom Armenians have been fighting to gain for centuries. Armenian freedom is suppressed on all levels, to this day. The fedayi (freedom fighters) have succeeded in liberating a portion of the Armenian homeland, and Arzive's purpose is to liberate Armenians' voice in the media.

      another good source is They counter the azeri claims with evidence and tons of it. Its a group of people who post articles. Here are some examples:
      Do you know how azeris claim Armenians were responsible for what happened in Sumgait and how they claim an Armenian was among those who killed people, etc. this website shows that the Armenian didnt kill anyone by showing police records, etc.

      They also show how the azeri claims of genocide in guba are groundless and this is a great article, it shows how heydar aliyev created mass graves of his own soldiers to show lesser losses during the war


      • Re: Armenia and the information war

        Originally posted by bell-the-cat View Post
        I would argue that we do not need people "on Armenia's side". Nobody wants even more propagandists, more liars - we see enough of them from Azerbaijan. What is wanted is knowledgeable people interested in truth and accuracy (and, yes, not interested in money or gratitude - fat chance of ever getting any of that - the best they can hope for is not to be stabbed in the back by some fanatic Armenian).

        And we certainly don't need 3rd party posters to rile things up but you have a bad habit of not knowing when you are not wanted.
        For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
        to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


        • Re: Armenia and the information war

          Shirvan's youtube comments have been spammed by someone -- I'm sure his page will be fixed soon, but it's worth a laugh.
          Share your videos with friends, family, and the world


          • Re: Armenia and the information war

            Originally posted by Persopolis View Post
            Shirvan's youtube comments have been spammed by someone -- I'm sure his page will be fixed soon, but it's worth a laugh.
            That was funny, i dont know how that happened since i think to post on his page you need approval from the user. Also his last video, history of oil industry, is interesting considering he doesnt mention how they were run by Armenians.
            Armenians in Baku launched a broad economic, commercial and construction activity. They are particularly distinguished in the field of oil industry. From 1850 to 1854 were the largest contractors Baku Tiflis merchants Kukudzhanyan, Babanasyan, General Ter-Ghukasyan, and further Hovhannes Mirzoyan. The first commercial nefteskvazhina Baku, which has earned in 1869, belonged to A. Mirzoyan.

            According to official figures in 1846 all trade with Russia, the Caucasus is in the hands of Armenians and was 5,534,600 rubles. Representatives of the Armenian capital continually attract new business sectors.

            As a result, the government announced the auction in 1872, the owners nefteskvazhin were 12 Russian and 11 Armenian entrepreneurs (O. Mirzoyan, G. Lianosyan, etc.), and one Armenian association called "Collateral", founded by Bogdan Dolukhanyan and Minas Kachkachyan.

            In 1878 shushintsy Samvel Bagiryan and Harutyun Madatsyan, teamed up with Bruno de Boer, base oil industry and trade company "Caspian commonwealth, which in 1888 has completely passed to the brothers Ghukasian and Hovhannes Ter-Markosyan.

            Outstanding representative of Armenian businessmen Baku was Mantashyan Alexander, who in the oil industry enjoyed great prestige. In February 1894 between the Armenian group A. Mantashyan and the Association of Owners of Baku kerosene plant was signed an agreement under which Armenian businessmen were able to freely enter the international market.

            As of 1902 136 companies operating in Baku and surrounding areas are extracted 636,528,852 pounds of oil, of which 24 leading companies - 521 million pounds. Of these 24 companies, 13 were Armenians and mined 203 million tons of oil, ie 39% of the total.

            As of 1907 from 448 million tons of crude oil produced in Azerbaijan, 54.4% and in 1917 from 168 million tons of crude oil 53% of the total mined by Armenian companies.


            • Re: Armenia and the information war

              That d bag looks rather young. So an azeri foundation has him as the face of their propaganda machine? How sad.
              For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
              to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



              • Re: Armenia and the information war

                This article cannot be republished enough, good PR potential. I will be praying to see an article tomorrow titled "Azerbaijan declares TRNC politician Kutlay Erk persona non-grata in Azerbaijan". Man up Azerbaboons, declare him persona non-grata per your policy!!
                Turkish Cypriot Politician Visits Stepanakert

                Kutlay Erk

                YEREVAN (RFE/RL)—A prominent Turkish Cypriot politician paid a landmark visit to Nagorno-Karabakh over the weekend to take part in roundtable discussions organized there by a British peace-building charity.

                Kutlay Erk, secretary general of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), reportedly shared with local officials and civil society members his long experience of face-to-face contacts with Greek Cypriots. He said such contacts are important for resolving the decades-long conflict in Cyprus.

                “Before that we were enemies, but thanks to our communication we became friends. Mutual trust developed into friendship,” the Regnum news agency quoted Erk as saying at a seminar in Stepanakert sponsored by the London-based group International Alert.

                “Our existing status quo is unacceptable, unstable,” he said. “We need to look for other solutions. The status quo in the Karabakh conflict zone is not the best one either.”

                Erk served as the mayor of the Turkish-controlled part of the Cypriot capital Nicosia until 2006 and was later a special negotiator of Mehmet Ali Talat, the former CTP leader and president of the unrecognized Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

                According to Regnum, Erk, who is apparently the first Turkish Cypriot to set foot in Karabakh, was asked by a seminar participant about Azerbaijan’s threats to shoot down civilian aircraft that will use Stepanakert’s sole airport currently undergoing reconstruction.

                Erk appeared to disapprove of those threats, saying that Northern Cyprus has for decades had flight services with Turkey despite being recognized only by Ankara. “Despite political protests from the Greek side, there have never been any harmful actions, any threats to shoot down civilian planes,” he was quoted as saying.

                A prominent Turkish Cypriot politician paid a landmark visit to Nagorno-Karabakh over the weekend to take part in roundtable discussions organized there by a British peace-building charity.
                Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                • Re: Armenia and the information war

                  Am I the only one that's pissed off that Armenia did not make a huge deal about Azerbaijan threatening to shoot down civilian planes landing at the Stepanakert airport?? Wake up Armenia! My God do we suck at this sh!t or what. Where are the complaints to the UN? Where is the huge fuss about Azerbaijan threatening Armenia with STATE TERRORISM? Where are the comparisons to Al Qaeda? Some 9 year old was shot dead in Azerbaijan and we're still hearing them talking about it. So disappointing and frustrating, opportunities lost.
                  Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                  • Re: Armenia and the information war

                    Originally posted by Federate View Post
                    Am I the only one that's pissed off that Armenia did not make a huge deal about Azerbaijan threatening to shoot down civilian planes landing at the Stepanakert airport?? Wake up Armenia! My God do we suck at this sh!t or what. Where are the complaints to the UN? Where is the huge fuss about Azerbaijan threatening Armenia with STATE TERRORISM? Where are the comparisons to Al Qaeda? Some 9 year old was shot dead in Azerbaijan and we're still hearing them talking about it. So disappointing and frustrating, opportunities lost.
                    Yep. It's ridiculous.


                    • Re: Armenia and the information war

                      Originally posted by Federate View Post
                      Am I the only one that's pissed off that Armenia did not make a huge deal about Azerbaijan threatening to shoot down civilian planes landing at the Stepanakert airport?? Wake up Armenia! My God do we suck at this sh!t or what. Where are the complaints to the UN? Where is the huge fuss about Azerbaijan threatening Armenia with STATE TERRORISM? Where are the comparisons to Al Qaeda? Some 9 year old was shot dead in Azerbaijan and we're still hearing them talking about it. So disappointing and frustrating, opportunities lost.
                      I think it's because we have gotten so used to their propaganda, it's like normal everyday speech.
                      Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                      "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."

