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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Originally posted by Vahram View Post
    "The last words --- GOD is watching --- is at this moment my only real hope.
    Artashes "

    What am I supposed to say to this? So Armo's gather around God as he is watching! Don't think he is not! And if he really wants to finish it let him, until then 4 armo's out of Millions will stop them.

    Getze em pokrig Hayastaness, Getze em pokrig marteeg, Getze em pokrig marteeg, Getze Hayastan!
    Have no idea what this comment means, but I do know what my comment means --- except for the trust in GOD, I have no trust or confidence in Russia, EU, America, the rest of the world to say with words or actions this is intolerable and we will not honor it(pardon, or release) and we cannot deal with a regime(s) that exhibit sush a total lack of recognition of reality.
    The definition of psychosis is a break from reality.
    The responses so far are not commenseret with what has happened but rather are(in my opinion) measured fiasco controll response were more effort is being applied to damage controll then the actual crime and appropriate measures that are due.
    Am I making sense here or just wasting my breath?


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      What I mean by god watching is just that. He is watching and doing little else, so putting all your hopes on a dude that is watching is a waste of time. Just like hope in the rest of the states you mentioned to do anything about it. All I see them saying is for everyone to remain calm. WTF?

      Were we not told to stay clam and not make a big deal of this murder at a Nato base?
      Were we not told not to make a political issue and the rule of law take it's course?

      What did we get for all this? We got a slap in the face and God just watched!


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by Vahram View Post
        What I mean by god watching is just that. He is watching and doing little else, so putting all your hopes on a dude that is watching is a waste of time. Just like hope in the rest of the states you mentioned to do anything about it. All I see them saying is for everyone to remain calm. WTF?

        Were we not told to stay clam and not make a big deal of this murder at a Nato base?
        Were we not told not to make a political issue and the rule of law take it's course?

        What did we get for all this? We got a slap in the face and God just watched!
        All I see them saying is -- remain calm -- I agree with that assessment.
        On a ----- dude ----- I have to admit you got me laughing
        After hearing our presidents speech I don't think we are going to drop the ball(I hope to GOD).
        In my opinion the unwavering pointing out of the psychosis involved and the direct reflection upon the moral bearing of the parties involved with the psychotic(unrealistic) baboons as well as the psychotic behavior by all who can't recognize an AG for an AG should be brought out in the glaring light of truth and be hammered home with unrelenting fury.


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            ՀՀ ԱԻՆ առաջընթացը
            03/09/2012 13:55

            Անցած տարվա ընթացքում ՀՀ ԱԻ նախարարությունն արձանագրել է լուրջ առաջընթաց` թե պատրաստվածության, թե տեխնիկական հագեցվածության, թե բնակչության կողմից ձեռք բերված վստահության առումով։

            ԱԻՆ օդանավակայան և մարդասիրական օգնության միջազգային կենտրոն

            ՀԱՊԿ շրջանակներում Հայաստանում կստեղծվի ՀՀ և ՌԴ արտակարգ իրավիճակների նախարարությունների համատեղ մարդասիրական օգնությունների կենտրոն։ Նախատեսվում է Ստեփանավանի օդանավակայանը տրամադրել ՀՀ ԱԻ նախարարությանը ։

            Նոր հրշեջ մաս Երևանում

            Երևանի Մյասնիկյան 1 հասցեում կառուցվել է բոլորովին նոր հրշեջ մաս` թիվ 8 հրշեջ-փրկարարական ջոկատի համար։ Այնտեղ է տեղակայվելու նաև ԱԻՆ նվագախումբը։

            Պոլիկլինիկա` ԱԻՆ աշխատակիցների համար

            ԱԻ նախարարության անձնակազմի, փրկարար ծառայողների, նրանց ընտանիքների ու կենսաթոշակառուների բժշկական ապահովումն այսուհետ կիրականացվի ԱԻՆ սեփական պոլիկլինիկայում։ «Փյունիկ» հիմնադրամը ՀՀ արտակարգ իրավիճակների նախարարությանը նվիրաբերել է 50 համակարգիչ և «Ֆոլքսվագեն» մակնիշի շտապբուժօգնության մեկ ավտոմեքենա։

            Բարեկարգվել են հրշեջ մասերը

            Ամառվա ընթացքում բարեկարգվել են Երևանի, Արագածոտնի ու Կոտայքի մարզերի հրշեջ մասերի տարածքները, շենքերում իրականացվել են լայնածավալ վերանորոգման աշխատանքներ, զգալիորեն բարելավվել են հրշեջ-փրկարարների կենցաղային պայմանները։

            Տեսախցիկներ` հրշեջ և փրկարարական մեքենաների վրա

            Հրշեջ մասերում, հրշեջ և փրկարարական ավտոմեքենաների վրա տեղադրվել են տեսախցիկներ, որոնք հնարավորություն են տալիս գրեթե ամբողջությամբ վերահսկել արտակարգ իրավիճակներին արձագանքման գործընթացը։

            Բեռնատար ամենագնացներ ԱԻՆ-ի համար

            ՀՀ կառավարության որոշմամբ ՀՀ ԱԻՆ Պետռեզերվների գործակալության միջոցներից Փրկարար ծառայությանը հատկացվել է բոլորովին նոր թվով 7` 5 «ՈւՐԱԼ» և 2 «ԿԱՄԱԶ» մակնիշի բեռնատար ամենագնաց ավտոմեքենա և 6 շարժական էլեկտրակայան` 500, 400 և 30 կվտ հզորությամբ։ Այդ բեռնատարներից մեկական հանձնվել է Շիրակի, Գեղարքունիքի և Արագածոտնի մարզերին։

            Սակրավորների ու պայթեցնողների մասնագիտացված խումբ

            Հունվարին ԱԻ նախարար Ա. Երիցյանը վկայականներ հանձնեց պայթեցման աշխատանքների իրականացման դասընթացները հաջողությամբ ավարտած 6 փրկարարի, որոնք իրենց հմտությունները ցուցադրեցին Վանաձոր-Ալավերդի մայրուղուն կից տարածքում վնասազերծելով վտանգավոր ժայռակտորը, Շիրակի մարզում` պայթեցման շնորհիվ կանխեցին ձնահյուսը և պայթեցման միջոցով անվնաս ապամոնտաժեցին Երևանի կրկեսի հին շենքի գմբեթը։

            Գիտատեխնիկական խորհուրդ` արտակարգ իրավիճակների համար

            Հունվարին ՀՀ Վարչապետի որոշմամբ հաստատվել է ՀՀ ԱԻՆ Գիտատեխնիկական խորհրդի ստեղծումը, որի նպատակն է բնական և տեխնածին աղետների կանխարգելման ուղղությամբ իրականացվող աշխատանքներին նպաստելը, տվյալ բնագավառի արդիականացումն ու գիտական նորարարության ներմուծումը, նոր ծրագրերի մշակման հիմնարար չափանիշների ձևավորումը ։

            «Նորքի» տեղեկատվական բազաները ՃԿԿ-ում

            Աշխատանքի և սոցիալական հարցերի նախարարության «Նորք» տեղեկատվավերլուծական կենտրոնի 30-ից ավելի տարբեր տեղեկատվական համակարգերն ու շտեմարանները համալրեցին ԱԻՆ ՃԿԿ տեղեկատվական բազան։

            Համալրվել է ԱԻՆ հակակարկտային բազան

            Կառուցվել է 35 հակակարկտային կայան, որոնցից 9-ը շարժական։ Նար կայանները տեղակայված են Արմավիրի, Արագածոտնի և Լոռու մարզերում։

            Նոր սեյսմիկ կայաններ` ճապոնացիների աջակցությամբ

            Երևանում գործարկվել է իրական ժամանակում սեյսմիկ ինտենսիվության բաշխման նոր սերնդի համակարգ: Ճապոնիայի միջազգային համագործակցության գործակալության (JICA) կողմից «ՀՀ-ում սեյսմիկ ռիսկի գնահատման և կառավարման պլանավորման ծրագրով» տեղադրվել է հինգ նոր սեյսմիկ կայաններից բաղկացած համակարգ, որը հագեցած է ժամանակակից սեյսմոգրաֆներով: Այդ սարքավորումները ճապոնական կողմն անհատույց փոխանցեց ՀՀ ԱԻՆ ՍՊԱԾ գործակալությանը: Շուտով նման համակարգ կտեղադրվի նաև Գյումրիում։

            Գառնիի դիտարանը` տարածաշրջանային գիտական կենտրոն

            2012 թ. մարտին ՀՀ կառավարության որոշմամբ դիտարանը հանձնվել է ՀՀ արտակարգ իրավիճակների նախարարությանը: Մշակվել է Գառնիի դիտարանի զարգացման ծրագիր, որի համաձայն` այն կարդիականացվի, կվերազինվի ու կդառնա գիտական հետազոտությունների տարածաշրջանային կենտրոն։

            Վերազինվել է ՀԱԷԿ-ի հատուկ հրշեջ ջոկատը

            Մայիսին ՀՀ ԱԻՆ ՀԱԷԿ-ի հատուկ հրշեջ ջոկատը ստացել է նոր, «Պրոֆի» տիպի շնչառական ապարատներ, որոնք փոխարինելու են արդեն հնացած թթվածնային մեկուսիչ հակագազերին: Շնչառական ապարատներից բացի` ջոկատի անձնակազմն ապահովվել է նոր մարտական համազգեստով (ջերմակայուն հագուստ, ճտքավոր կոշիկներ, սաղավարտ, ձեռնոցներ) և ջերմաանդրադարձիչ հանդերձանքով, որը թույլ է տալիս աշխատել չափազանց բարձր ջերմաստիճանի պայմաններում: Մոտ մեկ տարի առաջ ջոկատը ստացել է նաև բոլորովին նոր` 2010 թ. արտադրության, 5 տոննա ջրատարողությամբ «ԿԱՄԱԶ» մակնիշի հրշեջ մեքենաներ:

            Ստեղծվում են կամավորական հրշեջ ջոկատներ

            «Քաղպաշտպանություն առանց սահմանների» կազմակերպությունը կաջակցի կամավորական ջոկատների ստեղծման հետ կապված հարցերում։ Լոռու մարզում արդեն ակտիվորեն իրականացվում են կամավորական հիմունքներով հրշեջ-փրկարարական ջոկատների կազմավորման աշխատանքները։


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Well ...

              PanARMENIAN.Net - On Tuesday, September 4 Heritage parliamentary group secretary Zaruhi Postanjyan put into circulation a bill on “Recognition of Nagorno Karabakh Republic” at the National Assembly.

              By the adoption of the law, Armenia, based on the fact that the Artsakh Republic possesses all of the prerequisites of a sovereign state that are pursuant to the norms of international law, will de jure recognize the de facto status of Artsakh.

              The bill contains 2 articles:

              Article 1: Armenia recognizes Nagorno Karabakh Republic

              Article 2: The draft law comes into force on the 10th day following its official publication


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Armenian terrorist organization ASALA threatens Azerbaijani diplomats

                Azerbaijan, Baku, Sept. 4 / Trend /

                In connection with the extradition to Azerbaijan and pardon of Ramil Safarov Armenia and Armenian Diaspora continue to escalate the artificial stir and set international opinion against Azerbaijan, the AzerTAc agency reported. Armenian terrorist organizations, inspired by inciting and aggressive stance of the Armenian government, threaten the diplomatic missions of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis abroad.

                As is known, the Armenian terrorist organizations, which have for many years taken root in the West and in some Eastern countries, at times intensified, committed actions that led to the loss of many lives, and after carrying out their mission continued to work in illegal conditions. The result of the atrocities of these organizations is numerous terrorist attacks in the 70-80s of the last century all over the world against Turkish diplomats, and later against the citizens of Azerbaijan.

                The document, received on September 3 by the Azerbaijani Embassy in Hungary from the ASALA Fighters terrorist organization, calls as a target Azerbaijani diplomats, Azerbaijani students studying abroad, businessmen, activists of diaspora organizations and states that they will be killed.

                The international community, which in the XXI century is waging active war on international terrorism must take more seriously the threat of Armenian terror, prevent a recurrence of many human tragedies occurred in the recent past.

                AzerTac offers the text of a letter received by the Azerbaijani Embassy in Hungary and other countries from the ASALA terrorist organization.

                "Azerbaijani and Turkish murderers!

                If you believe that by releasing murderer by the name of Ramil Safarov, you defeated the Armenians, you are wrong.

                During all stages of the history the Armenian people experienced great suffering, but have always been able to be themselves. Armenia is surrounded in the west by Turkey, in the east by Azerbaijan and its allies - the Zionists.

                Political, economic and military attacks carried out by you against Armenia have always come to grief. Thanks to our resistance, honor and perseverance, despite the fact that we have a small population, your pan-Turkic efforts to eradicate the Armenian people have constantly failed.

                The genocide committed by Turkish murderers at the end of the last century, which is characteristic of the Turks and resulted in the murder of 600,000 Armenians, lives in the memory of the Armenians. We take vengeance for this genocide today, supporting and giving directives to military operations of PKK.

                Every day we increase the number of dead bodies of Turks until the number of dead Turks reaches not 40,000, but 600,000.

                Your bloody and barbarous contempt, hatred and aggression towards neighboring nations will come back to you with three times of hatred and revenge.

                We will inundate you with blood of innocent people shed by you.

                While dead bodies of Azerbaijanis killed by us in Khojaly are still rotting, we increase the number of dead bodies of Azerbaijani soldiers at the border of Karabakh.

                Please note, we send you this message.

                In the near future the employees of all Azerbaijani diplomatic missions will be killed in a way that we have not used before.

                Rashad Safarov - your punishment is death!

                Eldar Aliyev - your punishment is death!

                Anar Imanov - your punishment is death!

                Lala Safarova - your punishment is death!

                Huseyn Jafarov - your punishment is death!

                Vugar Aliyev - your punishment is death!

                Gulnara Mammadova - your punishment is death!"

                Seriously if they want to portray as terrorists they can atleast try to make it look realistic I am dissapointed.


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  I think Arkadi Ter-Tadevosyan's statement is coming true.

                  Azerbaijani authorities plan to kill Ramil Safarov to start war in Karabakh (PHOTOS)

                  September 04, 2012 | 15:01
                  YEREVAN. – The Azerbaijani authorities plan to kill Ramil Safarov, who murdered the Armenian lieutenant Gurgen Margaryan in 2004 in Budapest, than was extradited to Azerbaijan on Aug. 31 and granted pardon, Artsakh [Nagorno-Karabakh] war veteran and hero Arkadi Ter-Tadevosyan said at a press conference. Photo coverage of the story is available here.

                  He also said that Safarov was a part of a big deal initiated by Turkey and Azerbaijan.

                  “Azerbaijan intends to resume war in Karabakh and Safarov was a part of the plan. According to a military theory, war resumption requires three components, including powerful army, high level of trust of population towards the authorities and preparedness of the society. Safarov had to satisfy the last two components,” Ter-Tadevosyan said adding by extraditing Safarov, Aliyev secured the second component, while the Armenian reaction only made it stronger.

                  As for the third component, preparedness of society, Safarov’s death is necessary for ensuring this last one. Azerbaijani authorities intend to kill Safarov and later to catch and to imprison someone with Armenian origin just to say that alleged killer of Safarov acted according to the orders of the Armenian authorities.

                  “Such a step will bring forth double reaction. On the one hand, it will cause the Azerbaijani society, who believes de-facto that Safarov was a national hero, to make revenge and will raise their preparedness to military actions. On the other, the Armenian side will be blamed for terrorism and entering Azerbaijan, hence justifying the resumption of military actions in the eyes of the world community and receiving its support,” the war veteran said adding the war threat has significantly escalated.

                  At the same time, he does not doubt that the Armenian side will win the war.

                  Photo by Sona Barseghyan


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Originally posted by Etchmiadzin View Post

                    Armenian terrorist organization ASALA threatens Azerbaijani diplomats

                    Azerbaijan, Baku, Sept. 4 / Trend /

                    In connection with the extradition to Azerbaijan and pardon of Ramil Safarov Armenia and Armenian Diaspora continue to escalate the artificial stir and set international opinion against Azerbaijan, the AzerTAc agency reported. Armenian terrorist organizations, inspired by inciting and aggressive stance of the Armenian government, threaten the diplomatic missions of Azerbaijan and Azerbaijanis abroad.

                    As is known, the Armenian terrorist organizations, which have for many years taken root in the West and in some Eastern countries, at times intensified, committed actions that led to the loss of many lives, and after carrying out their mission continued to work in illegal conditions. The result of the atrocities of these organizations is numerous terrorist attacks in the 70-80s of the last century all over the world against Turkish diplomats, and later against the citizens of Azerbaijan.

                    The document, received on September 3 by the Azerbaijani Embassy in Hungary from the ASALA Fighters terrorist organization, calls as a target Azerbaijani diplomats, Azerbaijani students studying abroad, businessmen, activists of diaspora organizations and states that they will be killed.

                    The international community, which in the XXI century is waging active war on international terrorism must take more seriously the threat of Armenian terror, prevent a recurrence of many human tragedies occurred in the recent past.

                    AzerTac offers the text of a letter received by the Azerbaijani Embassy in Hungary and other countries from the ASALA terrorist organization.

                    "Azerbaijani and Turkish murderers!

                    If you believe that by releasing murderer by the name of Ramil Safarov, you defeated the Armenians, you are wrong.

                    During all stages of the history the Armenian people experienced great suffering, but have always been able to be themselves. Armenia is surrounded in the west by Turkey, in the east by Azerbaijan and its allies - the Zionists.

                    Political, economic and military attacks carried out by you against Armenia have always come to grief. Thanks to our resistance, honor and perseverance, despite the fact that we have a small population, your pan-Turkic efforts to eradicate the Armenian people have constantly failed.

                    The genocide committed by Turkish murderers at the end of the last century, which is characteristic of the Turks and resulted in the murder of 600,000 Armenians, lives in the memory of the Armenians. We take vengeance for this genocide today, supporting and giving directives to military operations of PKK.

                    Every day we increase the number of dead bodies of Turks until the number of dead Turks reaches not 40,000, but 600,000.

                    Your bloody and barbarous contempt, hatred and aggression towards neighboring nations will come back to you with three times of hatred and revenge.

                    We will inundate you with blood of innocent people shed by you.

                    While dead bodies of Azerbaijanis killed by us in Khojaly are still rotting, we increase the number of dead bodies of Azerbaijani soldiers at the border of Karabakh.

                    Please note, we send you this message.

                    In the near future the employees of all Azerbaijani diplomatic missions will be killed in a way that we have not used before.

                    Rashad Safarov - your punishment is death!

                    Eldar Aliyev - your punishment is death!

                    Anar Imanov - your punishment is death!

                    Lala Safarova - your punishment is death!

                    Huseyn Jafarov - your punishment is death!

                    Vugar Aliyev - your punishment is death!

                    Gulnara Mammadova - your punishment is death!"

                    Seriously if they want to portray as terrorists they can atleast try to make it look realistic I am dissapointed.
                    1.) No Armenian would ever admit to the events that took place in khojaly
                    2.) It seems like aliyev wants to clean house so he will kill these people and blame Armenia
                    3.) Why isnt safarov on this list?
                    4.) Why does it say 600,000 were killed in the genocide when the number is 1.5 million?

                    Its an obvious fake, pathetic attempt by the azeris.


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      According to my earlier post in this thread a few months ago (regarding its dwindling oil reserves), Azerbaijan is nearing a point when it has to make a choice: War or No War. For them it's now or never. And Russia helped with such a provocation as Safarov's release, which gave a multilayered diplomatic advantage to Armenia for the future, but also brought the tension to a near boiling point.

                      The reason why I'm saying that the country calling itself "Azerbaijan" is nearing a point of no return is simple arithmetics. Check out this article from

                      No money left at the State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan in 2015

                      Fantastic transfers prove that all oil revenues can be spent within next 3 years

                      Finance Ministry of Azerbaijan reports that consolidated budget draft of Azerbaijan is made with the forecast of SOFAZ’s revenues at AZN 10.697 billion ($ 13,54 billion) and expenditures at AZN 10.482 billion ($ 13,27 billion). The Ministry reports that the Draft Law says that the oil sector will provide at least AZN 12 billion ($ 15, 28 billion) or 73.2% of revenues and the non-oil sector AZN 4.4 billion ($ 5, 56 billion) or 26.8% next year. Transfer to the State Budget from the State Oil Fund of Azerbaijan (SOFAZ) will reach AZN 9.905 billion ($12.538 billion) or 60.3% of all budget revenues. Figures show that Azerbaijan State Oil Fund’s budget expenditures will be almost equal with revenues in 2012.

                      Vugar Bayramov, chairman of Center for Economic and Social Development (CESD), mentions that SOFAZ is not adequately meeting its central objective – preserving oil money for future generations. It seems difficult to protect the money from the consumption appetite. The transfers from SOFAZ to the State Budget have shot up from $ 686 million in 2007 to $ 11, 64 billion in 2011 and a decision has been taken to further raise the transfer to $ 12,538 billion in 2012. It means that amount of transfers from the fund to the state budget is 18 times higher than in 2011 compare with 2007 which is barely credible in the oil countries’ experience in the world.

                      Vugar Bayramov said that more than $ 19, 0 billion transferred only last 2 years (2010/2011) and $31,6 billion are transferred between 2010-2012 years which is more than total of assets of SOFAZ. The fund’s current assets are about $ 30 billion. CESD estimates prove that SOFAZ’s budget will be equal to zero if the government keeps this level of fantastic transfers from the fund to the budget. CESD assessment model also include tendency of decreasing of oil production in Azerbaijan. State Oil Company of Azerbaijan (SOCAR) produced 50 million ton oil in 2010. SOCAR targets 46 million ton for 2011 which 4 million ton less than last year’s output. Meanwhile, the latest predictions confirm that oil production will be decreased to about 35 million ton in 2015. Even with current prices of crude oil in the world market, SOFAZ’s assets will be totally spent within the budget lines if current unbelievable transfers’ level kept. Keeping such fantastic transfers can result in negative consequences because of theatrical cutting of budget expenditure lines due to potential lack of financial resources.

                      CESD chairman added that the existing policy framework and execution have clearly failed and a new one needs to be designed and implemented to ensure the efficient and ethical management of oil revenues. The technical challenge is to create the scheme such that the amounts withdrawn during the resource exploitation phase and the post-resource financial return phase are the same. However, the details of the Permanent Income scheme have not yet been worked out and agreed to and it has not been implemented. Thus, the pressure on SOFAZ to relinquish funds continues and intensifies. One of the difficult elements of the Permanent Income approach is that in order to determine the current levels of withdrawals, the value of the stock of oil in the ground must be known, and therefore knowledge of the future profile of oil prices until the resource is exhausted is necessary. To date, this calculation has been based on “expected” or historical averages of oil prices, and several scenarios have been posited. As the recent past has shown, oil prices can be extremely volatile and relatively unpredictable. Thus, while considering average or expected oil prices is not unreasonable, it is only a starting point. Another difficulty of the Permanent Income approach is that it is inherently unstable because of the volatility of oil prices. That is, if the withdrawal amounts are set too high, and that amount is kept up, the oil fund will be exhausted. This is a very realistic possibility since future oil prices are not known, and some sort of projection is required up front. Given the volatility and uncertainty of future oil prices, it is almost inevitable that this projection will be wrong. Thus, to avoid this outcome, the withdrawal amounts should be set in a sufficiently conservative manner or regularly reset.

                      Vugar Bayramov reminds that CESD experts concluded that assessment should be done on how oil money has been used in the country rather than how much we gained. Lack of transparency and accountability remain a problem in usage of oil revenues which reducing impacts of usage of oil money. Transparency is considered an important prerequisite for establishing proper institutional and regulatory structures, and for creating the conditions in which abuses can be challenged. The CESD experts recommend that sustainable long-term development needs to be a major focus and the only criterion for the use of oil money, as with any public resource. The short-term availability of this resource, however, makes the issue more subtle and brings additional concerns. The need for sustainable long-term development makes the macroeconomic concerns a priority. This is to say that the nation’s strategy for the use of oil money needs to focus on the long-term growth of GDP, fiscal stability and independence, and monetary concerns in order to avoid inflation, account for the capacity of the public sector and prevent the creation of an environment conducive to corruption. The strategy must clearly delineate the share and dynamics of national consumption, public investments, government expenditures and trade with other countries with the hydrocarbon resources deducted and oil money added to the national assets. A good strategy will measure and use the oil money not for separate consumption expenditures or investment projects, but in line with all public spending, while accumulating and saving that oil money separately. The diversification principle need to be prepared to illustrate the ceilings expressed in percentages of the Fund’s resources can be allocated in each country, in each currency, each type of the business, and each company, as well as ceilings expressed in percentages of the invested company’s assets.

