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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Look from 8:16


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Funny but even now when i am in my 40s i can destroy that big azeri comando guy. These guys just have no antimidation value at all. If they did not have such numerical and material advantages they wouldn't exist as a country after the Artsagh war.
      Hayastan or Bust.


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Exclusively military - patriotic songs are scheduled to be performed in all military units of the Republic of Armenia in connection with the 21st anniversary of...

        Military song the best companion of Armenian soldier in battlefield

        11:09, 28 January, 2013

        YEREVAN, JANUARY 28, ARMENPRESS: Exclusively military - patriotic songs are scheduled to be performed in all military units of the Republic of Armenia in connection with the 21st anniversary of Army day. Artsrun Hovhannisyan, Defense Ministry press secretary stated in the briefing with Armenpress, the Ministry undertakes measures so that each unit to have its own song. According to the interlocutor the combat path of majority units possessing their song pertain to the day date rather old. The hymn of Armenian Army ''My Dream Homeland Armenia'' will be performed in all military units of the Republic during morning and evening roll call. The song is also dedicated to the memory of Vazgen Sargsyan.

        ''My Dream Homeland Armenia'' in principal is the symbol of the Army

        Composer of ''My Dream Homeland Armenia'' Robert Amirkhanyan stated in the briefing with Armenpress, the song rises gorgeous but subtle patriotic feelings.'' Once a soldier appealed to me stating the song helps him to overcome difficulties, to continue to believe'' composer noted. In the words of Amirkhanyan this is a full assessment for his creation: the song encourages a soldier.

        Ten songs by Goosan Haykazun are performed in the Army as marches

        '' Getashen'', ''Armenians let us unite '', ''Come zoravar'', ''Dance Artsakh people'' and other well knowen military patriotic songs created in different years are authored by Goosan Haykazun . All these songs are particularly popular among the Armenians. Goosan notes, most of the songs he wrote while participating in Artsakh war. According to him he felt there was a need of such songs, they inspired people then. Goosan Haykazun underscores nothing units more powerfully than the song.

        Armenian General Staff Military Band participates in most important events held in the Republic

        Armenian General Staff Military Band was founded in 1992 November by Armed Forces General Staff military orchestra Division head, chief military conductor Armen Poghosyan.

        Currently the Military Band cooperates with a number of military organizations, internal troops, Honor Guard unit, as well as with the people representing pop and classical music.

        Song "I have the honor" authored by Colonel Armen Poghosyan is scheduled in the frame of 21 th anniversary gala concert of January 28, 2013. Military Band also participates in various international festivals. It was the winner of an International Military Festival hosted in Sweden in 2010.

        Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
        Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
        Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


            12:37, 29 January, 2013

            YEREVAN, JANUARY 29, ARMENPRESS: CSTO Secretary General Nikolay
            Bordyuzha do not take seriously Azerbaijani statements regarding
            threats to use its airspace to destroy civil aircrafts. Nikolay
            Bordyuzha stated in the briefing with the journalists launched on
            January 29 he takes Azerbaijan as a civilized state, Armenpress

            "We do know examples of hitting civil aircraft in the history;
            definitely we do know the counter response by international community.

            I do not think any state would intend to take such a step, so I do
            not take that information for granted. Secretary General Nikolay
            Bordyuzha has one assessment regarding that news calling it either
            unsuccessful comment or lame joke.

            According to Azerbaijani APA agency Azerbaijani Government has
            made amendment in "Rule on the use of the airspace of Azerbaijan
            Republic". These rules enable chance to Azerbaijan Republic illegally
            destroy the planes entered the territory of the country.Some experts
            connect that decision with the operation of Stepankert airport
            Hayastan or Bust.


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              YEREVAN, JANUARY 29, AREMNPRESS: Azerbaijan is concerned over only the program of creation of CSTO academy in Armenia. Program includes a series of...

              Azerbaijan is concerned over creation of CSTO academy in Armenia

              21:03, 29 January, 2013
              YEREVAN, JANUARY 29, AREMNPRESS: Azerbaijan is concerned over only the program of creation of CSTO academy in Armenia. Program includes a series of measures to expand military-technical cooperation and the repair of equipment and weapons in the territory of Armenia. Events with participation of political experts as well as leaders of political and public youth organizations are scheduled. It is considered in Baku that this is another program of Kremlin “aimed against Azerbaijan”. Some experts evaluated this step as another tension for Azerbaijan, reports Armenpress referring to

              In this regard, former adviser of president, political expert Vafa Guluzade declared in interview with agency, that neither Azerbaijan not Georgia should become members of Eurasian Union created by Moscow in order to “keep their independence”. Guluzade assured Russia was establishing academy in Armenia for “breaking Azerbaijani will”.

              “We shouldn’t forget about other factors. Russia depends on prices of oil and gas. Gas prices are already falling as Europe is switching to fissile gas. Russia will collapse with the decrease of oil price. So Azerbaijan’s position is not desperate,” he said.
              General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                “We shouldn’t forget about other factors. Russia depends on prices of oil and gas. Gas prices are already falling as Europe is switching to fissile gas. Russia will collapse with the decrease of oil price. So Azerbaijan’s position is not desperate,” he said.

                Vafa, just because you want/wish something it true, does not make it so. Besides, if the prices of fossil fuel decline so dramatically (not to mention falling production), does this not in some way affect Azerbaijan???
                General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Azerbaijan keeps Armenia’s airspace under full control
                  [ 28 January 2013 17:37 ]

                  Baku. Rashad Suleymanov – APA. The modernization of the Air Defense System is one of the spheres that the Azerbaijani government has attached great importance to within the framework of the Armed Forces development program since 2005.
                  According to APA’s study several important programs have been implemented in the past seven years for the modernization of Azerbaijan’s air defense system. Modern technical equipment and systems have been purchased.
                  It should be mentioned that during the Soviet times Azerbaijan’s air defense system was the major part of the South Caucasus air defense system. The most modern air defense systems of the USSR were deployed in the republic, those systems protected the southern borders of the former union from the direction of Iran and Turkey. The system included modern antiaircraft missile complexes of the time, fighter jets and since 1986 Gabala radar station.
                  Air Defense Troops were established under Azerbaijani Armed Forces after the country gained independence. The abovementioned troops were united under the same command as Military Air Forces.
                  Azerbaijan’s Air Defense System did not actively participate in the 1st Karabakh war. It is attributed to the limited use of military aviation by Armenia during the 1st Karabakh war. Antiaircraft weapons and portable antiaircraft missile complexes were majorly used in Karabakh war.

                  APA reports that alongside the modernization programs, Azerbaijan purchased new antiaircraft missile complexes from foreign countries.
                  In 2010 Azerbaijan purchased from Russia 2 divisions of S-300 complexes and 112 48N6U2/SA-10E missiles. The contract signed with Russia is reportedly worth more than $300 mln. They say one more S-300 division will be bought. S-300 missile complex was first demonstrated in the military parade in Baku in 2011. Referring to the pictures taken by the Google Earth, these complexes are protecting the airspace of the capital Baku.
                  “Barak-8” antiaircraft missile complexes (1 division – 6 throwing devices and 75 missiles), EL/M 2080 Green Pine missile defense radars were purchased within the framework of $1.6 bn-contract signed with Israel in 2011. “Barak-8” missiles purchased from Israel are mainly designed to be deployed on ships.

                  Azerbaijan is the first country in the CIS to purchase EL/M-2080 Green Pine. Green Pine reportedly operates in search, detection, tracking, and missile guidance modes simultaneously, capable of detecting targets at ranges of up to about 500 km, and is able to track more than 30 targets at speeds over 3,000 m/s.
                  During the reporting period Azerbaijan purchased a number of air defense systems from Ukraine. According to official information, Ukraine has recently sold several “Kolchuga-M” electronic reconnaissance stations to Azerbaijan.
                  Director of “Tetraedr” company of Belarus told APA in February, 2011, that Azerbaijan intended to purchase T-38 “Stilet” antiaircraft missile complexes. Moreover, various military websites report that Azerbaijani Army is going to purchase “Pantsir” antiaircraft missile complexes from Russia in the near future.

                  Current opportunities

                  According to APA, Azerbaijan, which reestablished its air defense system over the past 7 years, purchased Modern radio-technical surveillance systems, as well as antiaircraft missile complex from Ukraine, Belarus and Israel. Several programs were carried out towards modernization of the existing missile park.

                  In 2008-2011, two separate programs were carried out by the Belarusian Tetraedr company on modernization of S-125M Pechora and 9K33M3 "Osa-AKM" systems included in inventory of air defense forces. As a part of this program carried out with the participation of local “Azairtecservise” company, 27 pieces of S-125M complexes were improved to the level of S-125 – 2TM. Control system of the complexes were electronized, life expectancy extended to 15 years. As a result of the modernization, shooting distance of the missiles was doubled (reached 35 km) and the height increased by 7 km (reached 25 km). Now these missiles are capable of striking the targets moving 900 meter/second. This number was 560 m/second before the modernization. At the same time its accuracy of target destruction was increased.

                  Another antiaircraft missile complex improved to the level of 9K33-1T “Osa-1T” after the modernization by Tetraedr company in 2008-2009 differs for a number of distinct advantages from 9K33M3 “Osa-AKM”. Protection of the complex against interferences was improved, combat control automated. New drive system that allows striking targets moving 700 m/second on 7 km altitude and 12 km away was applied at the modernized “Osa-1T” complex.

                  In addition, the complex included OES-1T electro-optical system, infrared radar with a range of 8-12 microns, TV channel and laser range-finder to determine target distance when radar system is not working. The reliability of this complex was improved due to modernization of 80 percent devices. During the tests, “Osa-1T” proved its opportunities to destroy small-size targets, as well as targets established on Stealth technologies.
                  In general, the air defense of Azerbaijan is ensured by EL/M-2080 Green Pine in a large distance (200-500 km), S-200 "Vega" (29-40 km altitude, 250 km range, middle range S-300 PMU-2 Favorit (200 km range). For comparison, according to these indicators, Azerbaijan leaves Turkey behind for the level of Air Defense System.

                  Moreover, Azerbaijan’s Air Defense System has S-125-2TM Pechora, 9A33-1T “Osa”, Buk-M1-2, 9K35 “Strela-10” and 2K11 “Krug” systems used against close targets.

                  According to military experts, at present, the Azerbaijani Air Defense System is keeping under full control not only the airspace of the occupied territories, but also the territory of Armenia from north-west and Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. The recently-purchased radar facilities, especially TRML-4D radar delivered by the US enable to fully control the airspace over the Caspian Sea.
                  The airspace of Nagorno Karabakh and the surrounding regions occupied by the Armenian Armed Forces are controlled by the radar systems in Beylagan, Fuzuli, Agjabadi, Goygol region, Nakhchivan and Kurdamir. Each of the processes in this airspace and Armenia’s airspace is recorded.
                  Azerbaijan’s missile systems near the frontline are regarded as potential threats to the flights to Khojaly airport that Armenians are going to open and enable to directly prevent flights to this area.
                  Currently, Armenia’s air defense system includes S-300PT, S-300PS, S-300PT, “Krug”, S-125 “Neva”, “Osa” and “Strela-10” complexes, this country has no long-range air defense systems like those in Azerbaijan. Late in December Armenia’s Defense Ministry declared program on modernization of air defense systems. S-300 systems will be first modernized within this program.


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    The "man of democracy" speaks. I'm glad the Russian Federation was able to bring this criminal to justice in 2008. His days are numbered, it's time that this political corpse is finally buried because his stench is becoming unbearable.


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Look from 8:16
                      Hey there nice video, where did you get it from? Did you cozen send it to you?

