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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Originally posted by gokorik View Post
    The F-35 a work of art and the F-22 a disaster? LOL! For someone that's suppose to be in the aviation field you seem extremely ill informed... Makes me wonder..

    Here ya go..

    Sorry for off topic.
    Cost overrun disaster Captain, not aircraft performance........jee, gotta spell everything out in a post.

    Its time for Armenian military to take a strong initiative to push the line of contact towards Azerbaijan, overrun their trenches. hold a new line.
    B0zkurt Hunter


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      «ՀԺ». Ադրբեջանցիները ամրացնում են Հայաստանի հետ իրենց սահմանները

      «Հայկական ժամանակ» թերթը գրում է. «Ադրբեջանական զինուժը այս օրերին Հայաստանի հետ սահմանի երկայնքով ինժեներական ամրացման աշխատանքներ է իրականացնում: Մի քանի օր առաջ մեր թղթակիցը արձանագրել է, որ հայ-ադրբեջանական շփման գծի Երասխ-Սադարակ հատվածում հակառակորդի բուլդոզերը հողի բարձր պատնեշներ է կառուցում անմիջապես սեփական խրամատների երկայնքով:

      Տավուշի մարզի Իջեւանի տարածաշրջանից մեզ հասած տեղեկությունների համաձայն, նմանատիպ աշխատանքներ են ընթանում նաեւ Կայան-Ղազախ հատվածում, եւ ինչպես Երասխում, այնպես էլ այս դեպքում, հայկական կողմում լսելի է հակառակորդի ծանր տեխնիկայի շարժիչի ձայնը: Երեկ էլ Ֆեյսբուքում գրառումներ են հայտնվել այն մասին, որ ադրբեջանցիները ամրացնում են նաեւ Նոյեմբերյանի տարածաշրջանի հետ իրենց սահմանը»:


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by Chubs View Post
        This is true, they shoot down towards the villages in Tavush. Not much can be done, and a straight out incursion into those trenches is near suicide due to the climb and uphill fight. Its gotta be hit with arty. 155mm HE should be lobbed down range straight into those fuc*** rat's nest.

        Then Armenians can have a thanksgiving feast.
        the good thing is they would launch attacks in order to shift the attention from karabakh and require us to send less equipments and resources to karabakh and protect tavush but they wont actually go thru with the attacks,like the previous war proved to us,it would drag in russia and csto if they try to invade the mainland armenia which they cant risk doing,since they want to face Armenia solo in the battlefield,which i wouldn't recommend them either,this isn't 1918 armenian army and they know it


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Armenian Army


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Armenia MOD speaks on Azerbaijan’s fortification of border
            15:25, 17.04.2015
            Region:Armenia, Karabakh, Azerbaijan
            Theme: Politics

            YEREVAN. – Both the adversary and we always carry out mechanical equipping of the defense line. Artsrun Hovhannisyan, the Press Secretary of the Minister of Defense of Armenia, told the abovementioned to Armenian Hovhannisyan stated this commenting on the media reports that the Azerbaijanis are fortifying their border with Armenia.

            In his view, it is only natural that the parties in a frozen and heated conflict—and in this case, in a slow war, too—regularly equip their defensive line.

            “This is a constant process, this is what the logic of the conflict prompts,” Artsrun Hovhannisyan added.

            As reported earlier, the Azerbaijani armed forces are carrying out engineering fortification work along their border with Armenia, Haykakan Zhamanak daily wrote.

            “Several days ago, our correspondent recorded that the adversary’s bulldozer is building high barriers of soil at the Yersakh-Sadarak sector of the Armenian-Azerbaijani line of contact, [and] directly along its own trenches.

            “According to information we have received from the Ijevan region of the Tavush Province [of Armenia], similar works are underway also in the Kayan-Ghazakh sector, and just like in Yeraskh, the Armenian side can hear the sound of the engine of the adversary’s heavy equipment.

            “And yesterday[, Thursday,] Facebook posts appeared that the Azerbaijanis are also fortifying their border with the Noyemberyan region [of Armenia],” Haykakan Zhamanak also wrote.
            “This is a constant process, this is what the logic of the conflict prompts,” Artsrun Hovhannisyan stated…


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Armenians floating shells down rivers in Azerbaijani settlements
              [ 17 April 2015 18:55 ]
              Tovuz. Azer mammadli – APA. Shells and its remains have been found in the ditch flowing through a backyard in xxxalganli village of Tovuz district.

              As water in the ditch dried up, the residents found explosive shells and its remains. The villagers claim that the ditch filled with water from the rivers that originate in Armenia and these are deliberately floated down the river by Armenians.

              According to the report, as the river water is used for irrigation, it poses a threat to villagers.

              The residents informed the relevant authorities in this regard.
              Click image for larger version

Name:	af44bb2e5e3a907857d83faf5b4040bb.jpg
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ID:	539095
              Last edited by argin; 04-17-2015, 11:15 AM.


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Originally posted by argin View Post
                Armenians floating shells down rivers in Azerbaijani settlements

                The Azerbaboons should be aware that the Armenians can float mines not only on water but also in the air.


                Now you know !!

                Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
                Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
                Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  I could be wrong, but I think this might be more of Azeri propaganda that fact. Azerbaijan is usually the one behind sick sadistic schemes like this that target civilians. Armenia generally doesn't have a history of doing things like this, and I don't know why we would start now. We generally don't shoot down random civilians, and don't arrest or abuse any civilians, or even soldiers for that matter. Hell even the two people who committed murder in Artsakh were given a fair trial with representation and were given prison sentences instead of a death penalty. Similar to this, Azerbaijan were really pushing the idea a few years back that Armenia was sending down grenades shaped like toys down the river to mutilate and kill little children. That's some serious sick twisted s--t that even the most horrible people on earth wouldn't easily do, let alone the Armenian govt.


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Originally posted by Mher View Post
                    I could be wrong, but I think this might be more of Azeri propaganda that fact. Azerbaijan is usually the one behind sick sadistic schemes like this that target civilians. Armenia generally doesn't have a history of doing things like this, and I don't know why we would start now. We generally don't shoot down random civilians, and don't arrest or abuse any civilians, or even soldiers for that matter. Hell even the two people who committed murder in Artsakh were given a fair trial with representation and were given prison sentences instead of a death penalty. Similar to this, Azerbaijan were really pushing the idea a few years back that Armenia was sending down grenades shaped like toys down the river to mutilate and kill little children. That's some serious sick twisted s--t that even the most horrible people on earth wouldn't easily do, let alone the Armenian govt.
                    Serious sick twisted s--t ...

                    The eastern turcs (azer) are projecting their sicko mentality as if it's ours. Mher is right, that's not something we would do. Militarily it's worthless. Only the turcs would do something like that because INHUMANITY runs throughout their entire history.


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Originally posted by Mher View Post
                      I could be wrong, but I think this might be more of Azeri propaganda that fact. Azerbaijan is usually the one behind sick sadistic schemes like this that target civilians. Armenia generally doesn't have a history of doing things like this, and I don't know why we would start now. We generally don't shoot down random civilians, and don't arrest or abuse any civilians, or even soldiers for that matter. Hell even the two people who committed murder in Artsakh were given a fair trial with representation and were given prison sentences instead of a death penalty. Similar to this, Azerbaijan were really pushing the idea a few years back that Armenia was sending down grenades shaped like toys down the river to mutilate and kill little children. That's some serious sick twisted s--t that even the most horrible people on earth wouldn't easily do, let alone the Armenian govt.
                      Azerbaijani masterpiece of idiocy: ditch running lies

                      In the village temporarily occupied by Azerbaijan Tovuz (Armenian name - Tavush), in flowing through the infield irrigation ditch (ditch) found a shell, media reported Azerbaijan in its headline as "Armenians rivers fused shells in populated areas of Azerbaijan."

                      Shell (in the accompanying news photos, incidentally, shows a shot of mortar) was found in the garden of one of the villagers with the eloquent title Bozalganli, which translated to zakturetskogo means "gray-red blood."

                      Bozalganli residents told reporters that the ditch filled with water from the rivers that originate in Armenia. Bp all news is - the only truth: all the western districts of the modern Republic of Azerbaijan exist solely due to the Armenian water.

                      However, the following uiverzhdenie Azerbaijani propaganda - "These shells specially alloyed Armenians" - can be described as a masterpiece of Azerbaijani idiocy.

                      Some time ago, Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev stated that the Armenians do not have modern military equipment, and what is shown on television, is a wooden fakes. Now, the Armenians were floating on ditches whole shots from mortars and some fragments. Apparently, also made of wood, metal as projectiles to swimming, and even on the tomato garden beds are not adapted.

                      Who and who threw it in the frightened village Bozalganli, let understand themselves Bozalganlintsy. Including the fact of them first drank arak and plopped in the ditch flow of lies and floating shells in it.

