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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Originally posted by Spetsnaz View Post
    Dude Armenian power they are around 40k! and soon the government is going to release them from the prisons.. as i heard max within a year...!
    Armenian Power? as in the mafia/gang?


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      29 September 2015 – The peaceful resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh problem remains one of the most salient issues in the South Caucasus, the President of Armenia today told world leaders attending the General Assembly, while highlighting that the establishment of the UN has been one of the “greatest achievements of humankind” that consolidated nations around shared aspirations and principles.

      “I shall note that aggressive policy pursued by Azerbaijan resulted in the absence of any meaningful progress in negotiations for the conflict settlement, and the situation drifts toward increasing tension,” said President Serzh Sargsyan at the annual debate in New York.

      An autonomous region during Soviet times, Nagorno-Karabakh has been at the centre of a dispute between the neighbouring countries since they became independent in the early 1990s.

      “Just a few days ago in the bordering area of Armenia, three women fell victim to Azerbaijani bombardment,” the President recalled. “It is obvious for us that the Azerbaijani leadership has irreversibly lost both the sense of reality and of norms of human conduct.”

      He further noted that Azerbaijan “completely disdains” five joint statements issued by the leaders of the United States, Russia and France, as well as the efforts of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group.

      “Shall it continue such an aggressive policy, it will not leave Armenia any other choice but to take necessary legal and political-military steps to provide the Republic of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh Republic with the opportunity to develop in security and peace,” President Sargsyan warned.

      Meanwhile, he recalled that last year, one the eve of the Armenian Genocide Centennial, he expressed gratitude to the nations that recognized the Armenian Genocide and named them all individually.

      “Today, from this very podium, I thank Pope Francis, and acknowledge the historical Mass he served; the European Parliament, and recall the Resolution it adopted; the German President, and, believe me, his well-known statement will thenceforth take part in the pages of our nation's history textbooks,” the President continued.

      He also thanked the legislative bodies of Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, for their recent recognition of the 1915 genocide.

      “Our determination to keep the prevention of the crime of genocide on the international agenda is [exemplified] by the resolutions we periodically table at the Human Rights Council,” Armenia’s leader underlined.

      Furthermore, President Sargsyan said the global community is today witnessing “unspeakable cruelty” in the Middle East, and that his country has been directly affected by the atrocities unfolding there, since they result in the destruction of the Armenian spiritual and cultural heritage artefacts, as well as the murder and expulsion of the numerous Armenians residing in Iraq and Syria.

      “The Armenian community of Syria, whose history is centuries-long, shares and experiences all hardships that the Syrian people are undergoing in these difficult times,” he declared.

      “We are trying to aid the refugees to the best of our abilities: until this day, Armenia received more than 16,000 refugees from Syria. By this sheer figure, Armenia is one of the first among recipient European countries.”

      He also highlighted the historical agreement made on the nuclear programme of Iran, which he noted is an “immediate neighbour” of Armenia.

      “All these come to prove that when there is political will to bridge disagreements and emphasize the spirit of cooperation, it is indeed possible to find solutions for the most complicated issues,” the President highlighted.
      Last edited by Shant03; 09-29-2015, 04:24 PM.


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        I guess this might be considered a signal of ensurance by the Russians,an indirect slap to Azerbaijan to sit down and stop throwing a tantrum,what u guys think?its quite debatable

        Russian Ambassador: There won't be any war in Karabakh

        It is impossible to solve Nagorno Karabakh conflict by the military means.

        It can only be resolved through negotiations and peaceful way.

        Oxu.Az reports with reference to that the statement came from the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Russia to Armenia Ivan Volinkin, adding that it aimed OSCE Minsk Group and the international community in a conversation with journalists on September 29.

        "So I hope there won't be any escalation," Ivan Volinkin said.

        According to him, what happened on the contact line and the border, is deeply regrettable.

        "I express my deepest condolences to the bereaved families of servicemen," the Russian diplomat said.

        In response to the question, if it it possible to ensure that the meeting of Presidents of Armenia and Azerbaijan at the end of this year, the Russian ambassador said:

        "I think that the topic was discussed during the talks between the two ministers in New York. But, unfortunately, I have no idea of the results."

        Touching upon the question of correspondent of on what the OSCE Minsk Group is missing and what is being done to prevent periodic ceasefire violations from Azerbaijani side, Ivan Volinkin stressed:

        "The OSCE Minsk Group - is a mediator, nothing more. The main thing, of course, is the negotiations between the two countries."


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Originally posted by Shant03 View Post

          29 September 2015 – The peaceful resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh prroblem remains one of the most salient issues in the South Caucasus, the President of Armenia today told world leaders attending the General Assembly, while highlighting that the establishment of the UN has been one of the “greatest achievements of humankind” that consolidated nations around shared aspirations and principles.

          “I shall note that aggressive policy pursued by Azerbaijan resulted in the absence of any meaningful progress in negotiations for the conflict settlement, and the situation drifts toward increasing tension,” said President Serzh Sargsyan at the annual debate in New York.

          An autonomous region during Soviet times, Nagorno-Karabakh has been at the centre of a dispute between the neighbouring countries since they became independent in the early 1990s.

          “Just a few days ago in the bordering area of Armenia, three women fell victim to Azerbaijani bombardment,” the President recalled. “It is obvious for us that the Azerbaijani leadership has irreversibly lost both the sense of reality and of norms of human conduct.”

          He further noted that Azerbaijan “completely disdains” five joint statements issued by the leaders of the United States, Russia and France, as well as the efforts of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group.

          “Shall it continue such an aggressive policy, it will not leave Armenia any other choice but to take necessary legal and political-military steps to provide the Republic of Armenia and Nagorno Karabakh Republic with the opportunity to develop in security and peace,” President Sargsyan warned.

          Meanwhile, he recalled that last year, one the eve of the Armenian Genocide Centennial, he expressed gratitude to the nations that recognized the Armenian Genocide and named them all individually.

          “Today, from this very podium, I thank Pope Francis, and acknowledge the historical Mass he served; the European Parliament, and recall the Resolution it adopted; the German President, and, believe me, his well-known statement will thenceforth take part in the pages of our nation's history textbooks,” the President continued.

          He also thanked the legislative bodies of Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Luxembourg, and the Netherlands, for their recent recognition of the 1915 genocide.

          “Our determination to keep the prevention of the crime of genocide on the international agenda is [exemplified] by the resolutions we periodically table at the Human Rights Council,” Armenia’s leader underlined.

          Furthermore, President Sargsyan said the global community is today witnessing “unspeakable cruelty” in the Middle East, and that his country has been directly affected by the atrocities unfolding there, since they result in the destruction of the Armenian spiritual and cultural heritage artefacts, as well as the murder and expulsion of the numerous Armenians residing in Iraq and Syria.

          “The Armenian community of Syria, whose history is centuries-long, shares and experiences all hardships that the Syrian people are undergoing in these difficult times,” he declared.

          “We are trying to aid the refugees to the best of our abilities: until this day, Armenia received more than 16,000 refugees from Syria. By this sheer figure, Armenia is one of the first among recipient European countries.”

          He also highlighted the historical agreement made on the nuclear programme of Iran, which he noted is an “immediate neighbour” of Armenia.

          “All these come to prove that when there is political will to bridge disagreements and emphasize the spirit of cooperation, it is indeed possible to find solutions for the most complicated issues,” the President highlighted.
          A great speech filed with appericiation and offering of hospitality,yet warning the baboons in an international platform,a very good old fashioned slap to aliyevs bulldog face,my apologies to Bulldogs to compare a filth with them lol


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Yes it was a good speech and it was just one of many good speeches he has made over the years. Our foreign policy has been rather solid given our very limited resources.
            Hayastan or Bust.


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Originally posted by Ak105 View Post
              Armenian Power? as in the mafia/gang?


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


                «Ժողովուրդ». Ուորլիքն ուշագրավ բացահայտում է արել. ռուս խաղաղապահների հարցը քննարկվել է

                «Ժողովուրդ» թերթը գրում է. «ԵԱՀԿ Մինսկի խմբի ամերիկացի համանախագահ Ջեյմս Ուորլիքը «Ժողովուրդ»-ի հարցմանը պատասխանելիս ուշագրավ բացահայտում է արել: «Ժողովուրդ» օրաթերթը Հայաստանում ԱՄՆ դեսպան Ռիչարդ Միլսին մի քանի հարցեր էր ուղղել` Լեռնային Ղարաբաղի խնդրի կարգավորման գործընթացի հետ կապված, որոնց թվում նաեւ հետաքրքրվել էինք, թե ինչպե՞ս է ԱՄՆ վերաբերում այն լուրերին, ըստ որոնց՝ Ռուսաստանի Դաշնությունը, հնարավոր է, միանձնյա որոշի խաղաղապահ ուժեր մտցնել ԼՂՀ, եւ արդյոք խաղաղապահներ տեղակայելու ծրագրի վերաբերյալ ՌԴ-ի եւ ԱՄՆ-ի միջեւ պայմանավորվածություն կա:

                «Ժողովուրդ»-ի հարցմանը պատասխանել է ԵԱՀԿ Մինսկի խմբի ամերիկացի համանախագահ Ջեյմս Ուորլիքը: Ամերիկացի դիվանագետը փաստացի գաղտնազերծել է, թե ովքեր չեն կարող լինել խաղաղապահ ուժերի կազմում: «Միացյալ Նահանգների դիրքորոշումն այն է, որ համանախագահ եւ հարեւան երկրները չպետք է ներգրավվեն միջազգային խաղաղապահ ուժերի կազմում: Մեր պատկերացմամբ կողմերը համակարծիք են այս հացում, եւ թեման արդեն իսկ քննարկվել է»,- «Ժողովուրդ»-ին տրված պատասխանում նշել է Ուորլիքը»:


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Originally posted by Spetsnaz View Post

                  YEREVAN. – Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group Co-Chair, Ambassador James Warlick of the United States (US), made a noteworthy revelation when responding to a query from Zhoghovurd daily, the latter reported.

                  “We had asked how the US looks at the information, according to which the Russian Federation [(RF)] may unilaterally decide to enter peacekeeping forces into the NKR [i.e. the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic], and whether Russia and the US have agreed on a plan to deploy peacekeepers [there].

                  “The American diplomat actually declassified who cannot be in the peacekeeping forces. ‘The US position is that the [Minsk Group] co-chairing [i.e. US, Russia, and France] and neighboring countries shall not be engaged in the international peacekeeping forces. In our view, the parties agreed on this matter, and the topic has already been discussed,’ noted Warlick,” wrote Zhoghovurd.


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Let's not forget another important issue. During his speech a few days ago, the president for the first time in Armenia's modern history stated that "when he says Armenia, Nagorno Karabakh is an inseparable part of it". This was a huge statement also!


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Armenia Defense Minister visits military support points
                      18:13, 29.09.2015
                      Theme: Politics

                      As part of his Monday visit to the 2nd subunit of Armenia’s military union, Armenia’s Minister of Defense Seyran Ohanyan visited the military support points and thanked the personnel for their dedicated service.

                      Seyran Ohanyan familiarized himself on the ground with the organization of service, military and professional trainings of the servicemen, as well as social conditions, Armenia’s Ministry of Defense press-service reports. He also personally assured himself of the reliability of strengthening and engineering structures, observed the military support points and emplacements, and checked the course of implementing the instructions given during the previous visits.

                      Minister Ohanyan dined with the servicemen in the military support points and personally thanked each of them for the dedicated and courageous service to the homeland.

                      Armenia News -
                      Minister Ohanyan dined with the servicemen in the military support points and personally thanked each of them for the dedicated and courageous service to the homeland...

