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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Originally posted by armnuke View Post
    I've never seen Putin this strong.
    - "Turkey will not get away with just a tomato ban"
    - "Allah decided to punish Turkey leaders by making them lose their minds"
    If by Allah you mean USA then yes. Turks are not stupid. There is no way they do any of this without the backing of USA.
    Hayastan or Bust.


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Hello dear Haykakan this is your Armynia

      I have noticed something in your response that you wrote

      Please delete the USA portion of your response above as soon as possible.

      Thank You.
      Last edited by Armynia; 12-03-2015, 06:52 AM.


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        More and more and more....

        The Motives Behind a Russian-Armenian Air Defense Deal

        November 20, 2015 | 09:15 GMT Print

        Russian S-300 long-range surface-to-air missile systems are on display in a celebration in Minsk on May 9. (Handout/RIA Novosti/Getty Images)

        The standoff between Russia and the West is once again heating up, but this time tensions are centered on the Caucasus. On Nov. 11, Russian President Vladimir Putin instructed his government to sign an agreement with Armenia to create a joint missile air defense system in the region. Not long after, the Armenian government confirmed that Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev is expected to visit Armenia in late November to officially sign the air defense system deal.

        The move, though reminiscent of Moscow's actions in Central Asia and Belarus in previous years, comes at a time when Russia is being forced to respond to a wider array of challenges than ever before. Threats are rising from the Near East, while the West is ramping up its military activities in Georgia and Nagorno-Karabakh moves closer to changing its political status. And as Russia increases its military presence in Armenia, its competition with major regional powers for influence in the South Caucasus will intensify, adding to the growing list of issues Russia must contend with outside its borders.

        Russia has been pursuing the creation of a joint air defense system with Belarus and several Central Asian countries for some time. If constructed, the system would help Moscow better prepare for a range of threats growing beyond Russia's borders, including NATO's military buildup in Eastern Europe and rising terrorism in Afghanistan.

        Putin's Nov. 11 order would create another similar system in Armenia that would protect the airspace far south of the Russian border. It would most likely involve air defenses and Russian combat jets deployed in Russia's Southern Military District. But it would also be located in a geopolitically complex region where many other regional players have significant strategic interests. An expanding military presence will put Russia in direct competition with Turkey's ambitions in the South Caucasus and Georgia's cooperation with NATO and U.S. forces. It will also put the brakes on Azerbaijan's goal of retaking its separatist Nagorno-Karabakh region and seven adjacent territories.

        For Armenia's part, the joint air defense deal comes at an opportune time. Its government has received mounting criticism from Armenian politicians and media amid a growing belief that the country's membership in the Russian-led Collective Security Treaty Organization and its reliance on Russia as a security guarantor have yielded few results, particularly as Azerbaijan pursues a more assertive military posture around Nagorno-Karabakh. Under the new agreement, Armenian air defenses will be strengthened, and the country will likely see new air defense equipment, radios, radar systems and combat helicopters deployed to its territory. Armenian Minister of Territorial Administration and Emergency Situations Armen Yeritsyan also recently announced that the Stepanavan Airport, located a mere 20 kilometers (about 12 miles) from the Armenia-Georgia border, will host Russian Mi-24 and KA-32 heavy helicopters starting in 2016. While these aircraft do not amount to a projection of Russian force because of their limited range, they do reflect the Kremlin's broader policy of boosting its air capabilities in Armenia — a process that dates back to January 2014, when Russia announced that it would strengthen Armenia's Erebuni Airport with Mi-24P, Mi-8MT and Mi-8SMV helicopters. Along a similar vein, Nagorno-Karabakh's president has said Russian forces may use his region's Stepanakert Airport for air operations, an offer that may be in response to the recent uptick in air cooperation between Armenia and Russia.

        Russia's growing military presence in the South Caucasus will be especially worrisome to Turkey and Azerbaijan, Armenia's longtime rivals in the region. The two countries have ramped up their joint military exercises with Georgia over the past year, posing a heightened threat to Armenia, whose strategic position is already weak. Since Turkey already had less ability than Russia to project power into the South Caucasus, the Kremlin's recent moves will only increase the gap between Russian and Turkish influence there, thus intensifying their competition for sway in the wider region. Meanwhile, Russia's stronger aerial presence in Armenia could alter the military balance of power between Armenia and Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani politicians have already voiced concerns about the air defense agreement, and on Nov. 11 — the same day Putin gave his orders to sign the deal — Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev visited his country's S-300 anti-aircraft missile brigade, the unit responsible for Azerbaijan's aerial defenses.

        The timing of the deal is significant for a number of reasons. First, it signals Russia's response to recent developments in the ongoing standoff between Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh. As talks progress on Armenia handing over to Azerbaijan several regions adjacent to the breakaway territory, Russia will boost its military presence in the South Caucasus to ensure the security of Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh and to make any further territorial concessions more politically palatable to Yerevan. Second, as Russia becomes more involved in the Syrian conflict, Moscow is keen to increase its ability to monitor its southern borders — a goal that a military presence in Armenia, with its proximity to the Middle East, is ideally suited to achieve.

        Beneath these more immediate motives, the Kremlin also has several deeper, long-term strategic interests in mind. From Moscow's perspective, Georgia is moving closer — perhaps dangerously so — to the West. The country recently opened a NATO training center, and it continues to hold regular exercises with U.S. forces. In June and July, Georgia signed deals with France to procure an advanced system that would guarantee its air defense. Given the fact that Georgia was placed under a Western military embargo after the 2008 Russo-Georgian War, these events indicate an important turnaround taking place in relations between Georgia and the West. They also show that the air superiority Moscow heavily relied on to win its last conflict with Georgia may no longer be so assured.

        Maintaining an advantage in air capabilities will remain a high priority for Moscow and will continue to drive Russia's military buildup in the South Caucasus. The Kremlin's latest air defense deal with Armenia is just another part of that effort as Moscow looks to counter rising threats from the Near East and Western encroachment upon the Russian periphery.


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Originally posted by Armynia View Post
          Hello dear Haykakan this is your Armynia

          I have noticed something in your response that you wrote

          Please delete the USA portion of your response above as soon as possible.

          Thank You.
          Hayastan or Bust.


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


            According to the Azerbaijani website News.AZ the French company
            Arianespace will launch a communications satellite for Azerbaijan.

            This telecommunications satellite Azerspace-appointed 2/38 would be put
            into orbit following the signing of an agreement to be reached between
            Azercosmos and Arianespace, as the Deputy Minister of Communications
            and High Technologies Elmir Velizade quoted by News.AZ.

            In February 2014 the site stated that Azerbaijan would proceed
            to launch its second satellite, specializing in the economics of data
            and technology, a device Starts by Global Resources. The satellite
            launched in 2017 would have a powerful optical vision which ranks
            among the family of spy satellites.

            It also remembers putting into orbit in 2014, again by Arianespace,
            AzerSky of an observation satellite to Earth has an optical resolution
            of very high quality (1,5m on the floor). Defense & Space Airbus, a
            subsidiary of Airbus specializes in satellite construction, working
            with the Azerbaijani government, military use of the spacecraft,
            especially in terms of geo-intelligence data to ensure control of
            military operations remotely . More than 25 Azerbaijani professionals
            will be trained in France for the next 15 years to carry out various
            operations associated with the operation of this satellite.

            Source on the link below.

            Thursday, December 3, 2015, Ara ©
            Pour la première fois depuis son ouverture au public en 2010, la Fondation Boghossian présente une exposition solo consacrée à un artiste europé...

            Other information available: NEWS.AZ
            Hayastan or Bust.


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              The rising tension between Turkey and Russia has raised fears of a proxy war in the Caucasus between the two tiny former Soviet republics.


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Armenian Army
                Special forces


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  A joint Russian and Armenian air defense system project was launched long ago and is not connected to the ongoing turmoil in the Middle East. Nevertheless, the crisis in the region proves the necessity of such measures, political analyst Sergei Minasyan said.

                  Rocket launch by the Pantsir-S surface-to-air missile system during an exercise (air defense conference) of the Air Defense soldiers. Ashuluk firing ground, Astrakhan region
                  © SPUTNIK/ MIKHAIL FOMICHEV
                  Putin Instructs Gov't to Sign Agreement With Armenia on Joint Air Defense
                  Russia President Vladimir Putin ordered to sign an agreement on the creation of a joint air defense system of Russia and Armenia. The decree was published Wednesday.
                  The system will allow for protecting the airspace far to the south of the Russian borders, political analyst Sergei Minasyan said.

                  "The system will comprise air defenses and Russian combat jets deployed to the Southern Military District. This would allow for monitoring the airspace far from the Armenian borders. The system will also help modernize Armenian air defenses and improve their operational range," Minasyan told Sputnik Radio.

                  The deployment of air defense missile systems, radio-radars and jet fighters to Armenia will allow for protecting the airspace far from the Russian borders, including in the Middle East, he pointed out.

                  According to him, the initiative was launched long ago.

                  An S-400 Triumph / SA-21 Growler medium-range and long-range surface-to-air missile system
                  © SPUTNIK/ MAXIM BLINOV
                  Saudi Arabia Eyes Russian S-400 Missile Defense Systems - Rostec Head
                  "It has been in the development for over 10 years. And now it’s just a coincidence with the Syrian conflict. The situation in the so-called Greater Middle East just proves that the measures are effective," the analyst said.
                  Minasyan underscored that Moscow and Yerevan laid groundwork for the project back in the 1990s.

                  "From political and strategic points of view there have been no significant changes. The system still works. Russia and Armenia coordinate their actions in patrolling the airspace. The new joint air defense system would just be more effective," he said.

                  It would be nice to see how much territory the new defense deal will cover.


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                    If by Allah you mean USA then yes. Turks are not stupid. There is no way they do any of this without the backing of USA.
                    No, he is quoting he must be furious with Turks.

                    However you are right, Turks won't have done this without the OK from NATO.
                    B0zkurt Hunter


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Armenian Air Defense

