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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Originally posted by ayrudzi View Post
    The facts are not in the 1000s like some claim thats all im saying. Also being a blind nationalist isnt exactly looking out for our causes either. Also whats with people here that everytime someone brings up an issue that doesnt go with the official government statements of armenia they start being labled a turk or azeri? You do know that same exact thing is done by turks and azeris right? ones that question the state and their "mighty" leaders are called anti turk or as an insult an armenian you guys use turkish tactics you should be a shamed of yourselves.

    Mi ankam em asum indz voreve mek turk kam azeri yete uzuma hamari khntrumem tox ga eres ar eres et barer asi
    no, it's not even remotely similar. In Azerbaijan they use that method by ridiculously accusing journalists whose identity is clear and with the intention of hiding government theft and other matters that have nothing to do with national security.

    here however, you have total anonymity and I have no way of knowing your identity beforehand. Moreover we have had several Azeris attempt to do that, so the paranoia is very much justified. The reason is, we're not discussion government corruption, but a very real national threat with an active information war that is half the battle.

    Just in the past five years we have made a dramatic shift in national dialogue with the use of proper maps of Artsakh and with ending the levonakan karabakhci v hayastanci bullsh-t, thanks in part due to the effort of people here or like minded people, and this has completely affected our approach and our chances in the current conflict. Just search images for "map of karabakh" and compare it to a search limited to items from 2010 and before and you'll see the difference.

    So when we have accused someone of either being Azeri spreading misinformation, or an Armenian inadvertently hurting our cause by their uninformed statements, it has always been accurate. It hasn't been for whether Lfik or Sashik have been stealing. It's been for uninformed statements like yours.

    What you are doing is hurting that very information war. Our media is ranked 74th in terms of independence while theirs is ranked 163rd. And 74th is about as high as it gets for countries in Armenia's active conflict situation like South Korea and Israel. Armenian online media has total independence. a large majority of online Armenian media is anti-government. I'm more pro-democracy than most, but even I think Armenian media is some regards is too free and ends up hurting our national cause. So when our media reports 85 deaths for us and over 300 deaths for them, I believe that there was 85 deaths for us and over 300 for them.

    Nobody ever said thousands. there was a single unofficial statement made once by some govt rep saying they might have had up to 2000 injuries/deaths combined. And I never said you were an Azeri. What I tried to convey is that you are unaware that you are contributing to their information war.


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      One NKR Serviceman Killed in Action STEPANAKERT, NKR (A.W.)—Armenian serviceman Hayk Minasyan (b. 1996) was killed in action on the Nagorno-Karabagh Republic (NKR/Artsakh) Line of Contact (LoC) on the night of April 26-27. Severe fire [...]
      General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by Mher View Post
        no, it's not even remotely similar. In Azerbaijan they use that method by ridiculously accusing journalists whose identity is clear and with the intention of hiding government theft and other matters that have nothing to do with national security.

        here however, you have total anonymity and I have no way of knowing your identity beforehand. Moreover we have had several Azeris attempt to do that, so the paranoia is very much justified. The reason is, we're not discussion government corruption, but a very real national threat with an active information war that is half the battle.

        Just in the past five years we have made a dramatic shift in national dialogue with the use of proper maps of Artsakh and with ending the levonakan karabakhci v hayastanci bullsh-t, thanks in part due to the effort of people here or like minded people, and this has completely affected our approach and our chances in the current conflict. Just search images for "map of karabakh" and compare it to a search limited to items from 2010 and before and you'll see the difference.

        So when we have accused someone of either being Azeri spreading misinformation, or an Armenian inadvertently hurting our cause by their uninformed statements, it has always been accurate. It hasn't been for whether Lfik or Sashik have been stealing. It's been for uninformed statements like yours.

        What you are doing is hurting that very information war. Our media is ranked 74th in terms of independence while theirs is ranked 163rd. And 74th is about as high as it gets for countries in Armenia's active conflict situation like South Korea and Israel. Armenian online media has total independence. a large majority of online Armenian media is anti-government. I'm more pro-democracy than most, but even I think Armenian media is some regards is too free and ends up hurting our national cause. So when our media reports 85 deaths for us and over 300 deaths for them, I believe that there was 85 deaths for us and over 300 for them.

        Nobody ever said thousands. there was a single unofficial statement made once by some govt rep saying they might have had up to 2000 injuries/deaths combined. And I never said you were an Azeri. What I tried to convey is that you are unaware that you are contributing to their information war.

        Ok. Lav nor anradarcucuneri vra kentronanaq


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Հայկական հոսպիտալները զինված են անհրաժեշտ ամեն ինչով. Կամավոր Խաչատրյան

            27 ապրիլի, 21:31

            Հայաստանում եւ Լեռնային Ղարաբաղում ռազմական հոսպիտալները զինված են անհրաժեշտ սարքավորումներով եւ դրանցում հնարավոր է որակյալ եւ արագ բուժօգնություն կազմակերպել վիրավոր զինվորների համար: Այդ մասին լրագրողներին պատմել է Հայաստանի Պաշտպանության նախարարության ռազմաբուժական վարչության պետ, գնդապետ Կամավոր Խաչատրյանը:

            Նրա խոսքով, հոսպիտալների ներկայիս սարքավորումը ոչ մի կերպ չես համեմատի նրա հետ, ինչ առկա էր 20 տարի առաջ: Մարտակերտի հիվանդանոցում, օրինակ, իրականացրել են գրեթե բոլոր վիրահատությունները, որոնք անհրաժեշտ էին Լեռնային Ղարաբաղում շփման գծում ռազմական գործողությունների ընթացքում, ինչպես նաեւ Ադրբեջանի կողմից հրադադարի պայմանավորվածության խախտման հետեւանքով վիրավորված զինվորներին:

            Կամավոր Խաչատրյանը նշել է, որ հոսպիտալները քաղաքացիականներից վատ չեն զինված. ցանկացած ժամանակակից սարքավորում, որն այժմ առկա է քաղաքացիական հիվանդանոցներում, առկա է նաեւ ռազմական հիվանդանոցներում: Իսկ անհրաժեշտության դեպքում եւ քաղաքացիական հիվանդանոցները, եւ ոչ զինվորական բժիշկները անում են եւ կանեն ամեն հնարավորը զինվորների կյանքը եւ առողջությունը փրկելու համար:

            Կամավոր Խաչատրյանի խոսքով, մասնագետների պակաս եւս չկա. քառօրյա պատերազմի ընթացքում ռազմաբժշկական ծառայությունն օգտագործել է հիվանդանոցային մահճակալների իր պահուստի ընդամենը մի փոքրիկ մասը: Իհարկե, եկել են նաեւ մասնագետներ այլ երկրներից, սակայն ոչ նրա համար, որ Հայաստանում եւ Ղարաբաղում պակասում էին բժիշկները, այլ նրա համար, որ ամբողջ աշխարհի հայերը ցանկանում էին իրենց ուժերի սահմաններում օգնություն տրամադրել եւ գալիս էին սեփական նախաձեռնությամբ:

            Կամավոր Խաչատրյանը հիշեցրել է, որ եթե հանկարծ հայ բժիշկները չկարողանան օգնել վիրավոր զինվորներից որեւէ մեկին, վերջերս երկրում ընդունված օրենքի համաձայն, այդ զինվորի բուժումը պետբյուջեի հաշվին կկազմակերպեն արտասահմանում: Սակայն դրա անհրաժեշտություն առայժմ, ինչպես նա ընդգծել է, չի եղել:

            Կամավոր Խաչատրյանի խոսքով, մասնագետների պակաս եւս չկա. քառօրյա պատերազմի ընթացքում ռազմաբժշկական ծառայությունն օգտագործել է հիվանդանոցային մահճակալների իր պահուստի ընդամենը մի փոքրիկ մասը…


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Forget those two clowns.......once we pillage conquer Azergayjanikess I take her as a part of my share

              B0zkurt Hunter


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Originally posted by arakeretzig View Post
                I wonder how long Armenia can afford to launch grad missiles. Weeks or months? We will need an update package from Russia soon I reckon.
                I reckon we must attack ara you Armenian cowboy. Where are you, Texas?

                I say Soften up a small area, send in troops with tanks (if possible). This way you don't waist the missiles.
                I am a flyboy so not sure what I am talking about on ground power but we could also use NKR SU-25 to bomb their positions to kingdom come (at night).
                B0zkurt Hunter


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Originally posted by burjuin View Post
                  Speedy recovery to our wounded warriors.
                  B0zkurt Hunter


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Originally posted by burjuin View Post
                    Originally posted by ayrudzi View Post
                    government states with solid proof around 100 . so even the several 100s there is no proof. blind nationalism will not solve anything armenian military needs to upgrade its hardware and tactics going off of bravery alone will not cut it. Im being objective here and we need not turn a blind eye to the big problems that we have that if not addressed can become a national security issue.

                    I beleive the war is going to start now. LIke i said april 2-5 was recon God bless Armenia and the Armenian soldier
                    About Azery losses. We are comparing two different things here(wrong to do so).
                    Our government is transparent about our losses. Azeri government keeps it secret. That 100 Azeri dead are proved by our government. Do you guys think that it is possible to say how many Azeris lost? Not untill they publish oficially(so it's not going to happen).
                    What is left if to rely to estimates, military strategists guesses, our soldiers accounts and most of all bits and pieces of Intel, like Azeri phone conversations, coming from enemy. Above all it is a matter of belief.
                    Anybody that refuses to accept anything other than Azeri official numbers actually helps Baku in coverup and propaganda.
                    The real important point is what our and especially Azeri public believes. By listening to that phone conversation I could tell that some Azeris believe their dead are truckloads, hundreds and maybe thousands.
                    Right after our MOD spokesman wrote (very briefly,unfortunetly) 2000 Azeri killed in his facebook, their Azeri opposition took that number in severely criticizing government.
                    Because Azery official government keeps their dead a secret, we have a golden opportunity to declare and insist on a number (with our government and all media) that will spread more dispair and fear among Azeris. That will be great help to our army.
                    Now, despite believing Azery dead number around 2000, I insist that actually they lost 1000 for sure. Prove me I am wrong.
                    My proof is in the fact that their government keeps the info secret...

                    The war has already been going on. What you have after April 5 is a verbal lull agreed by our government to allow Azerbaijan to catch its breath after shock.
                    Now that ease to Baku was given by our diplomatic weakness and Russia's largest nfluence. But it is abvious that both Baku and Moscow have used a valuable asset that cannot be used over and over if we are smart.
                    Both Azerbaijan and Russia are going to have less and less room to maneuver. That guarantees intense war, but also, since our military performs brilliant so far, will give us more Political capital. If we are unified and smart.
                    Last edited by Hakob; 04-27-2016, 11:19 AM.


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      About azeri losses as a clue

                      This site has 15 pages of pictures of a get together the sultan had his wife madam sultan to comfort and I guess commemorate their deaths.

                      These are wives and mothers.

                      "On behalf of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation Mehriban Aliyeva President Ehsan was given for the repose of the souls of the martyrs"

                      This was at the very early days.

                      Not sure if they are still counting or going through the motions of the commemorations.

                      Start counting.

                      Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
                      Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
                      Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests

