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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Originally posted by burjuin View Post
    Apreldə şəhid olan 18 əsgərimizin son videosu
    18 Azerbaijani soldiers who were killed in April. latest videos

    18 əsgərimizin şəhid olduğu döyüş - Aprelin gizli qalan tərəfi (VİDEO) / 18 of these askyars in April were killed under Seysulan (the list is this: Samir Kaçayev, Mikayıl Vahabzadə, Elşən Səmədov, Nazim Zəkəralıyev, Orxan Əliyev, Firdovsi Bağırlı, Mahir Quliyev, Rəşad Niftallı, Əmiraslan Xeyirbəyov, Fəxrəddin Qurbanlı, Vüsal Alıyev, Altun Dəmirli, Tural Dadaşov, Əbdülməcid Axundov, Rəvan Nurayev, Elvin Mirzəyev
    I cross-referenced these names with the list of killed Azeris has published from the 4-day war and found each one there. Hats off to them.
    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Originally posted by armnuke View Post
      Aliyev's rhetoric has obviously changed lately. He sounds like he doesn't know what to do and is in some sort of psychological unrest.
      You would be in that state too if the Russians gave your enemy Iskander system and Kerry from the American side doesn't love you any longer. I think the Armenian government should send him a big teddy bear while he waits for oil prices to come back. As for Mehriban not feel neglected, we should send her some knee pads for her European red carpet visits. No more carpet burns for her.

      Those look like carpet burn knees to me


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by ASALA2116 View Post
        Defense Minister Wants Bigger Role for Armenian Army

        Armenia’s armed forces should play a greater role in the county’s social and economic life, the newly appointed Defense Minister Vigen Sargsyan said on Wednesday.

        “Given the environment our state is in, the region, the existing political challenges, it’s obvious that a large army will remain part of our reality,” he told the Armenian parliament. “Therefore, we need to understand two important things. First, how to ensure that the army…turns from being a very heavy burden on our state and economy into a leader and locomotive of that state and economy?”

        “That means the entire population, not just those who serve in the armed forces, should have many scientific, economic, industrial or other projects related to the army,” he said. “In that sense, the army can become a solution, rather than a problem.”

        “And the second important component is that the army must turn from a mere mirror of the society into a school and workshop of the society. That is, a soldier demobilized from the army should be much more patriotic, better educated, stronger and combat-ready than those young people who are called up by the armed forces,” Sargsyan added during the Armenian government’s question-and-answer session in the National Assembly.

        The U.S.-educated minister did not give further details of the transformation advocated by him. He said only that both President Serzh Sarkisian and Prime Minister Karen Karapetian agree with his vision for national defense.

        Sargsian, 41, was named Defense Minister on Monday as part of a government reshuffle that followed the September 8 resignation of Prime Minister Hovik Abrahamian. Introducing him to Armenian Defense Ministry staff, Sarkisian said the new minister will have to focus on a broader range of tasks, including “military-political diplomacy,” military education and social security of military personnel.

        “The defense minister must deal very little with day-to-day activities of troops,” the president said.

        Armenian Defense Minister Vigen Sargsyan on October 5, 2016
        Hello Gentlemen. I have not logged on for ages. I would like to say that I am worried about relieving Seyran Ohanyan as Defence Minister. If we had one legit, confidence giving, non corrupt, and decent member of the Armenian Government it would have been him.

        I really don't know anything about the new Defense Minister, and I do wish him well, but to be honest I'm worried about his ability to make proper decisions in a timely manner.


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Originally posted by Monte View Post
          Hello Gentlemen. I have not logged on for ages. I would like to say that I am worried about relieving Seyran Ohanyan as Defence Minister. If we had one legit, confidence giving, non corrupt, and decent member of the Armenian Government it would have been him.

          I really don't know anything about the new Defense Minister, and I do wish him well, but to be honest I'm worried about his ability to make proper decisions in a timely manner.
          Hopefully he'll be able to do a good job, but we won't be able to know that until he tested by a serious situation like April. If that recent article was right, that could be as soon as some time this month. Does anyone know what Seyran Ohanyan's current position is now? Retired? Or does he still have some different job?


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Originally posted by Monte View Post
            Hello Gentlemen. I have not logged on for ages. I would like to say that I am worried about relieving Seyran Ohanyan as Defence Minister. If we had one legit, confidence giving, non corrupt, and decent member of the Armenian Government it would have been him.

            I really don't know anything about the new Defense Minister, and I do wish him well, but to be honest I'm worried about his ability to make proper decisions in a timely manner.
            I am not so sure with some of your characterisations of Seyran Ohanyan.
            He certainly has been a symbol in the minds of the people for moral, the feeling of being in safe hands.

            Unfortunately there were/are issues which he is answerable, some outside his control at the time
            but answerable all the same as the highest official of defence.

            Firstly he has served well but he has been too long at his job. That is unhealthy for an institution.
            We should never rely on one man.

            Him being mentioned as potential future President would unnerve at least one person
            who has his eye on that job for as long as he can stand up even on crutches ala Brezhnev.

            Now more serious staff.

            The April war concluded as it did only thanks to the self sacrifice our boys who did not yield to the surprise attack
            The supporting infrastructure had serious issues.
            Poor chain of command, corruption which effected supply to the front lines as well as such strategic issues as the undermining of our military/industrial complex.
            This cannot be argued, all you have to do is look at the sackings at the MOD.
            Good management sacks officials before a war not after a war.

            Another point is that as a tradition in the military, no General keeps his position/duties after loosing a war.
            Like it or not we cannot call the outcome as having won,
            Only the outcome was not as bad as could have been, however only thanks to our boys on the front line.

            Any arguments about this being a fixed war etc, He is in the best position to know/find out.
            If he was not party to that he should have initiated military tribunal. If overruled he should have resigned.
            If he was party to that, then God save us.

            Lastly as just about everybody is aware of the mansions ministers and government officials have been building which is impossible to justify those individual salaries.
            The system is so shameless, stolen money is not in kept in some secret account but brazenly flaunted, almost one-upmanship.
            Sadly he is among them.
            Last edited by londontsi; 10-08-2016, 09:52 PM.
            Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
            Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
            Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Not strictly Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan issue but what is hanging from behind the dress.

              Politics is not about the pursuit of morality nor what's right or wrong
              Its about self interest at personal and national level often at odds with the above.
              Great politicians pursue the National interest and small politicians personal interests


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Originally posted by Azad View Post
                You would be in that state too if the Russians gave your enemy Iskander system and Kerry from the American side doesn't love you any longer. I think the Armenian government should send him a big teddy bear while he waits for oil prices to come back. As for Mehriban not feel neglected, we should send her some knee pads for her European red carpet visits. No more carpet burns for her.

                Those look like carpet burn knees to me


                No my friend, you are wrong. Those are red knees, but not from European carpets.
                They have to do with Lukashenko and dogy stiles.
                Last edited by Hakob; 10-09-2016, 12:10 AM.


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Originally posted by londontsi View Post
                  Not strictly Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan issue but what is hanging from behind the dress.


                  It's not behind the dress. Most likely it's the wool ball that I was talking about, just ready to fall down


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Զինված ուժերի 2016թ. պատրաստության պլանի համաձայն` Ալագյազ ուսումնական կենտրոնում անցկացվել է ՀՀ ԶՈՒ և ՌԴ ԶՈՒ զորքերի (ուժերի) միացյալ խմբավորման զորավարժություն:


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      An interesting photo just popped up online.
                      One of our guys in a T-90A tank. The T-90A is different than the T-90S we got in the biathlon. The S is the export version, while the A is the Russian Army version. The interior of both versions are different.

                      For comparison, here are some T-90A interior photos.

