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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Originally posted by Armanen View Post
    My understanding is that the Armenian Ministry of Defense are indeed working on most of the things you mentioned in conjunction with the Russian Ministry of Defense. Two agreements, the one signed last August, and another signed in December of 2009, laid out what you described above (for the most part).
    Thanks Armanen. That's very good. Increasing production with increased defensive potential and a continued policy of intelligent purchasing along with free deliveries of various key armaments will serve Armenia well. But in the short-run, considering Armenian resources and frontline situation, I would rather have the means to destroy hundreds of enemy jets, helicopter, and tanks than have masses of the aforementioned that would be turned into scrapmetal on the battlefield. Quality over quantity. Destroy your enemy en masse when they attack and have enough for an effective counter-attack. Despite shortcomings in the Armenian government, I believe the Armenian Defense Ministry is well-run. Focus on making Armenia and impregnable fortress first with well-disciiplined and trained troops and then Armenia can focus more on offensive capabilities.
    General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      1:42 Bordyuzha: To date, the RRF has about 17,000 troops
      Interview of Secretary General of the Collective Security Treaty Nikolai Bordyuzha electronic edition of the Strategic Culture Foundation.

      1. At a press conference after the CSTO summit in Moscow on February 4, 2009, commenting on the issue of the Rapid Reaction Force Organization (RRF), Russian President Dmitry Medvedev said: "This will have serious form, sufficient in scope, equipped with the latest technology, efficient. They must be in its combat potential is not worse than the forces of the North Atlantic alliance. "

      Could you, Nikolai, talk about what are the CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Force today, after two years? What are the main tasks of these forces?

      Let me remind that the establishment of the Collective Rapid Reaction Forces made by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev at an informal summit of the presidents of five of CSTO member states on December 19-21, 2008 in Hog. And in an extraordinary session of the Collective Security Council on Feb. 4, 2009 in Moscow it had already been issued in the form of the relevant decision of Heads of States members of the Collective Security Treaty.

      At a regular (Moscow) CSC session June 14, 2009 was signed a basic agreement on the CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Force and approved by their members. It includes for the joint performance of combat tasks such as mobile connections and units of constant readiness of the armed forces of Member States of the Organization, and the formation of special forces, consisting of the departments of Interior (police), security and intelligence services, as well as Commissioners the prevention and elimination of emergencies.

      To date, approved by Heads of State of RRF has about 17,000 troops and about 2 thousand employees of units of special forces.

      With regard to problems of RRF, the main ones are:

      - Participation in activities to combat international terrorism, illicit drugs, weapons and ammunition, other forms of transnational organized crime;

      - Participation in preventing and repelling an armed attack, including aggression, the localization of armed conflict;

      - Participation in the implementation of measures to protect the public from dangers arising from the conduct or a result of military action, as well as emergency and humanitarian relief.

      In addition, the formation of special forces, depending on the specific situation can also be applied to tasks such as conducting special operations to free hostages seized by terrorists, the objects of high technological and environmental hazards, the nuclear industry, transport, energy and other objects (buildings and premises organs of state power and administration, diplomatic missions, international organizations), disarmament and the elimination of illegal armed formations; suppression of terrorist activities, terrorist and other criminal groups, opposition to rioting, preventing the fulfillment of tasks.

      In order to prepare the RRF to carry out these tasks focus in the past period was paid Exercises foundations of troops and units of special forces from the joint exercises operational and combat training government troops and forces and assets of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. The first joint exercise involving complex RRF was held in October 2009 on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Training Center of Land Forces of the Armed Forces, polygon "Matybulak") in the strategic command-staff exercise "Cooperation-2009".

      The format of participation by Member States of the Organization to exercise was different from the operational team of the Ministry of Defence to military contingents RRF (battalion, company) isolated from the armed forces of Kazakhstan, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan and Russia, as well as the Interior Ministry and Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan and Russia. Altogether, the doctrine of the RRF was involved over 7,000 troops, a significant number of military and special equipment.

      Practical actions contingent on the teachings of RRF was appreciated the presence of Heads of Member States of the Organization.

      In June 2010, at the range of interior troops of Russia "Kadamovsky in the Rostov region were joint special tactical exercise groups of special forces" Cobalt-2010, which for the first time on a multilateral basis have been worked out issues of cooperation between special units of internal affairs bodies of Armenia, Belarus Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan.

      In October 2010, a joint operational-tactical exercises with the military contingents of the RRF "Cooperation-2010" in the Russian Federation in the Chelyabinsk region in the landfill under Chebarkul. It was attended by units of the armed forces of Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan, as well as the Task Force Defense Ministry of Belarus. The exercise worked out issues of governance military units in combat operations to eliminate small groups of irregular armed formations, blocking them in the village, as well as fending off an attack and defeat a large squad of militants.

      In 2011, scheduled for next comprehensive exercise involving troops and units of Special Forces, members of the RRF.

      Pursuant to the decision of Collective Security Council initiated an RRF modern equipment and compatible weapons and military equipment. A draft of the Task interstate program to equip the RRF which is currently undergoing a preliminary examination in the concerned ministries and departments.

      In connection with the creation of RRF was carried clarify the current regulatory framework, aimed at "embedding" of the Collective Rapid Reaction Forces in the system of collective security arrangements.

      Thus, only two years that passed since the launching of the initiative, undertaken by a complex and very important work to strengthen the collective security of member states of the Organization. Formed by the power component that allows to respond quickly to a wide range of challenges and threats. Carried out its regulatory and legal clearance. The practical verification of the correctness of the decision. The directions of further improving the mechanism of rapid response to crisis situations and to define concrete measures for their implementation.

      2. According to many experts, the most robust military-political associations are those which are in addition to the military clamped economic, cultural and religious ties. With regard to space the CSTO, the association is formed of an economic nature - the Customs Union, single economic space.

      How much you think it is the undisputed expert opinion? What is in this context the strengths and weaknesses of the CSTO?

      In regard to the CSTO, it should be stated that our organization from the very beginning was in a privileged position. It was created by the former Soviet Union, where there were close ties between the Soviet republics in all areas of life. CIS and the Eurasian Economic Community, whose members are almost all CSTO member states, also contribute to the maintenance of close cooperation in economic, cultural, spiritual and other fields, thus contributing to their cohesion within our Organization. Obviously, the Customs Union, especially as the occurrence in it of other CSTO member states, and formed the Common Economic Space will develop and strengthen economic ties between our countries.

      There is no doubt that the interaction of multilateral integration organizations on issues of common interest, helps in the CSTO. After all, in essence we are talking about greater cohesion and greater understanding between the allies. In addition, in some cases there is a direct connection. For example, a well-established in other integration structures facilitate economic ties we cooperate in the military-technical sphere. That is the generally high level of cooperation in economic and other areas helps ensure close interaction directly in the military-political sphere.

      And it would be worth to emphasize that the main factor in our unity, readiness of the Organization to further development is the coincidence of interests of states are actively working for the sake of strengthening collective security and stability. Everything else is an additional factor.

      With regard to those or other expert conclusions about the stability of military-political alliances, it is rather a question for political scientists. Anyway, to doubt the strength of our Organization is no reason not.

      3. The tragic events in Kyrgyzstan have given impetus to the decision to create a CSTO peacekeeping force. At the Moscow meeting of 10 December 2010 MC received the status of generally recognized, even without the consent of Uzbekistan on individual items.

      Can we talk about the need for further reform of the CSTO in connection with potential new threats to regional states and Russia?

      First of all, you need to make some clarifications. The fact that the CSTO peacekeeping force established long before the events of 2010 in Kyrgyzstan. Let me remind you that the agreement on peacekeeping activities of the CSTO was signed by the heads of Member States, except the Republic of Uzbekistan, 6 October 2007, which since January 15, 2009 came into force for six of CSTO member states. Given the fact that they have ratified this agreement and have identified national contingents of "blue helmets" of the collective peacekeeping forces at the summit of the Collective Security Council on Dec. 10, 2010 in Moscow by the Heads of States adopted a declaration of readiness peacekeeping force to solve problems on "Prevention of Armed conflicts and peaceful settlement of conflict and crisis situations. " As part of about 3,500 soldiers and more than 500 representatives of law enforcement bodies. In 2010, fees were held unit commanders submitted by States in the CCM. This year will be conducted drills and exercises on the possible use of peacekeeping forces on the territory of the CSTO, as well as outside the UN mandate.

      In general, the Collective Security Treaty Organization was created and operates a system of forces and means of collective security, capable of providing a solution to the problems faced by the task.

      Created Collective Rapid Reaction Forces (RRF) and the peacekeeping force, as mentioned above. Underway to optimize formed in 2001, the Collective Rapid Deployment Forces of Central Asian region. These forces are composed of ten battalions: three from Russia, two from Kazakhstan, the rest of the CSTO countries represented by one battalion. The overall strength of the collective force - about 4 thousand people. Aircraft component (10 planes and 14 helicopters) is a Russian military airbase in Kyrgyzstan. With the forces and means of collective security are regularly conducted exercises in which topical issues are fulfilled their purpose.

      Perfected the system and put into practice the regular holding of a series of operations to combat illicit trafficking of drugs ("Channel") and illegal immigration ("Undercover"), as well as in the sphere of information security ("Proxy"). Operations are quite productively, they are actively involved the relevant structures of all Member States, and in operation "Channel" and several other countries.

      At the December 2010 summit of the Collective Security Council adopted a very important document regulating the activities of the CSTO in crisis situations. In general, formed a normative legal framework to fulfill the task entrusted to the Organization. With this in mind, this year all efforts will be focused on solving practical problems.

      As to your question on the reform, the Collective Security Treaty Organization - an organization alive and it is constantly a process of improvement and adaptation to existing realities.


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        4. Despite the apparent similarity between NATO and the CSTO, what in your opinion, the main differences between the two organizations?

        Both NATO and the CSTO was originally created as a military and political alliances of countries whose primary purpose was to provide security in the event of armed aggression against one or group of members in these organizations. With the changed situation in the world, the emergence of innovative, modern security threats and challenges adapts as the CSTO and NATO to the new realities, and both structures were essentially transformed into a multifunctional organization.

        In this case, their purpose, status of forces means, to regulate the activities, as well as many other conceptual issues, there are serious, fundamental differences.

        For example, in NATO based on the fact that this organization is the key "supplier" of stability where possible and where it deems necessary, including those far outside the territory of its Member States.

        CSTO has set itself the tasks aimed at strengthening peace, security and stability, and protection for collective independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Member States. With priority in achieving these goals is given to political means. CSTO zone restricts its activities solely the territory of its Member States and outside it is only possible within the framework of peacekeeping operations conducted under a UN mandate.

        NATO relies on a system of deterrence, based on a set of nuclear and conventional weapons of its Member States, which is a key element of its strategy, and notes that "as long as nuclear weapons exist, NATO will remain a nuclear alliance." Nuclear Planning Group of NATO, with the participation of defense ministers of both possessing and not possessing nuclear weapons, is involved in policy development alliance in the field of nuclear weapons and decisions regarding the nuclear posture of NATO.

        The CSTO this sphere of activity within the exclusive purview of the Russian Federation and in Central Asia created a zone free of nuclear weapons.

        Recently, NATO believes that its functional purpose has expanded considerably and now, in addition to traditional security threats, also includes such areas as the fight against cyber crime, energy security, protection of energy infrastructure and transit routes of energy delivery, countering the risks associated with climate change, water shortages, increased disease. But while NATO is based solely on military capabilities.

        In the CSTO priority first and foremost a collective counter modern threats and challenges: manifestations of international terrorism and extremism, narcotics, especially coming from Afghanistan, sharing of information security, combating illegal migration, mutual assistance in emergency situations of natural and manmade disasters . That is the priority cooperation of the security and intelligence agencies, law enforcement bodies (police) agencies responsible for preventing and eliminating emergency situations.

        In the sphere of international cooperation as its partner in the dialogue among international organizations in NATO seriously consider only the UN and the European Union, while stressing that the alliance is "a unique organization of security and is able to solve all problems, relying solely on its own strength .

        The CSTO, by contrast, are ready to develop cooperation with all international and regional organizations that pose as their objectives for peace and international security.


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Originally posted by arakeretzig View Post
          . Take into note that, even if they got the S300 by now, it would take them years of training to master the beast.
          The S-300s they are getting are more advanced than the ones we operate. The S-300 is a defensive weapon, however it acts like a castle, which by its nature can be an offensive force just by its presence. This also makes any aerial counter offensives on Azerbaijan much harder.
          B0zkurt Hunter


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
            The S-300s they are getting are more advanced than the ones we operate. The S-300 is a defensive weapon, however it acts like a castle, which by its nature can be an offensive force just by its presence. This also makes any aerial counter offensives on Azerbaijan much harder.

            Where did you read that they are getting s-300s more advanced than the one employed by Armenia?

            Armenia essentialy does not have an air force, I highly doubt we would employ it, but our long range missles which Ohanyan has mentioned a few times in the recent past may be affected.
            For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
            to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              S-300V (Defence against cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, long range missiles, aircraft).I think its for two reasons. Iran and protect oil fields and pipelines.

              I thought Armenia has the S-300P but could have been upgraded I suppose.
              B0zkurt Hunter


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  At 7:42 does this look like a Tunguska M1 in the backgournd of the scene. At 7:43 you can also see a radar mast on the rear of the vehicle with a simmilar outline of the Tunguska radar mast.

                  Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                  A large acquisition of these air deffenese vehichles can counterthe Mi-35 purchase and can also somewhat protect our mechanized columns from EXTRA and LYNX missile barrages.
                  Last edited by Guest; 03-03-2011, 02:29 AM.


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    None. This is a ZSU-23-4 Shilka


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      The Army has increased the number of casualties from hazing relations
                      2011 March 03 (Thursday) 14:46:48
                      (Views 17)

                      During January and February of this year significantly increased the number of casualties in defense and security, reaching 22 people.

                      14 people were injured, three were killed by shelling from the Armenian side, and 19 is a non-military losses. Of these 19: one died of unknown causes, two died in an avalanche, two - Accident (carbon monoxide poisoning), one - in a car accident, three of them - from disease, nine of vneustavnyh relations, and one committed suicide.

                      20 of the victims - soldiers Ministry of Defense, a border guard, one soldier of internal troops. All of these data presented at today's press conference, the head of the Center for Investigative Journalism military "doctrine" Jasur Sumerenli.

                      According to him, in 2010, the losses on defense and security amounted to 71 people. In this case, the losses in a combat environment consisted of 17 people (16 in the shelling, and one in mine explosion).

                      Non-combat losses amounted to 54: 7 - from disease, 9 - suicide, 16 of vneustavnyh relations, 15 - as a result of accidents in cars and airplanes, 6 - by mysterious circumstances, and one from frostbite, said Sumerenli.

                      During the period from 2003 to 2010 the number of casualties in the army of 465 people. In this case, the victims vneustavnyh relationship was significantly greater than that of attacks by the Armenian side. Whereas in the period 2003-2007. deaths of 187 military, over the years 2007-2010 died uzhe268 people. Victims vneustavnyh relations za2007-2010 was 68 people, whereas in the previous period is only 33. V2007-2010, the number of suicides in the military were 35 people, and in 2003-2006, there were 23.

                      "In general, in the period 2007-2010. defense and security in Azerbaijan and the growth of the dead according to parameters such as bullying, car accident, suicide, "- said Sumerenli.

                      The representative of the Ministry of Defence, Major Ibrahim Rustamov said at a press conference on reforms in the national army, the improvement of social conditions of the military.

                      increase the number of dead, he explained, "increased dynamics in the army." According to the Center of the "Doctrine", in May 1994 after the conclusion of the ceasefire, the total number of losses in the army amounted to 3500 people. To change the situation, the Army needs a real reform and to eliminate such negative issues as corruption and drugie.

