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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    По имеющейся информации, в 2011 году ОАО "Рособоронэкспорт" были заключены контракты на поставку партий танков Т-90С производства ОАО "НПК "Уралвагонзавод" Азербайджану и Туркмении.

    so, T-90 is coming to Armenian army in near future?


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      "vahram sorry,i cant understand west armenian,thats why i talk english, but if you can my armenian,no problem, "

      We should speak more Armenian amongst us especially when we are talking about tactical stuff this way we are the only ones listening

      The only place an Armenian should teach a toork something is another lesson on the battlefield


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by arakeretzig View Post

        so, T-90 is coming to Armenian army in near future?
        what? There is no word about T90's in Armenia, i've heard about turkmenistan,but if azeris will get t90 its will be little serious
        Last edited by HyeFighter2; 02-09-2012, 03:24 PM.


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Originally posted by Vahram View Post
          "vahram sorry,i cant understand west armenian,thats why i talk english, but if you can my armenian,no problem, "

          We should speak more Armenian amongst us especially when we are talking about tactical stuff this way we are the only ones listening

          The only place an Armenian should teach a toork something is another lesson on the battlefield
          since there are more than 100 people reading this maybe talk English a lot, and trust me no one here has any tactical things that need to be hidden from the enemy. If you can find it on the web so can they.


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            "and trust me no one here has any tactical things that need to be hidden from the enemy. If you can find it on the web so can they. "

            Not talking about finding anything on the net, in that case you are right. I'm talking about ideas that we are coming up with in the open! There are things we can do with Scuds, this is not on the web, and I mentioned this once before but I did it in my messed up Armenian. You might not think it had any tactical value and you have a right to your opinion but what if there is value in it? This should be open for toorks to see?


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
              Civilian aircraft are normally on a flight plan that can be forwarded to the Air Defense headquarders. Also they are suppose to transmit (sqwak) a certain transponder code assigned by the air traffic controllers which again can be relayed to proper defense authorities. In case of preceived airtrikes all civilian flight will be canceled, time permitting...No VFR flights will be permitted.

              Also our military jets would have what we call an IFF (in Flight Friend or Fow) with coded transmission that will distinguish between a friendly aircraft and the enemy. Also all aircraft have different radar signature, to a trained eye it could be possible to tell what type of the aircraft it is, especially if its flying at its max performance.
              Let us not forget that during the war an Armenian Su-25 was shot by friendly fire.


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Originally posted by Aralez View Post
                Azeri air force list includes the JF-17: 4 (delivered?)/26 (ordered?)

                Also, they are trying to buy Israeli Heron-TP UAV which has a sensor package good enough to allow UAV to stay at medium altitude (12,000 meters) and may be able to carry air to surface missiles:

                Brazilian MAR-1 anti-radar missile added to Pakistani JF-17, China trying to make stealth version of JF-17:

                I do not know if the JF-17 is any better than the MiG-29? The turks do not get independence from Russia as a supplier, because the engine is a Russian engine. Maybe they can buy weapons for this plane that Russia will not sell them for their MiG-29s.
                LoL! in the site most of the Armenian flrrt numbers are wrong.


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Air force (Armenia), Air force

                  The Armenian Air Force is equipped with a modest number of operational but ageing aircraft. To date, the focus has been on providing credible tactical and national air defences, although there are still significant shortcomings in terms of national capability.Unlike most former Soviet republics, Armenia had no legacy air force bases on its territory and no combat aircraft were stationed there. Most of the equipment acquired came from civilian stock (transport helicopters and small fixed-winged aircraft), Russian bases in Georgia and North Caucasus (attack helicopters) or was purchased from Slovakia in 2004 (such as Su-25 ground support aircraft). However, the use of these aircraft in combat is likely to be hampered by absence of a fighter force and limits of the ground-based air defence umbrella. Despite these shortcomings, there are no public plans for expansion of the air arm, although acquisitions from Russia have been rumoured. This is likely because of a jointly operated Russian-Armenian air defence command centre near Yerevan, the integration of Armenia's national system into the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) air defence network and the stationing of current generation Russian air and air defence systems in their country, Armenia has seen a significant upgrade to its air defence capabilities. The continuation of this military co-operation agreement that provides for this support allows Yerevan to forgo pursuing expensive air force capabilities in the short-term.That said, Armenia has acquired battlefield-mobile, ground-based tactical air defences to help counter an anticipated increase in the number of enemy airborne ground attack

                  Since independence, Armenia has been at a disadvantage in terms of air force capabilities, although transport aircraft - particularly Mi-8 helicopters - played a crucial role in supplying self-defence forces in Nagorno-Karabakh, particularly at the start of the 1988-1994 conflict when ground communications were not available. Throughout the war, Armenia also occasionally deployed Mi-24 attack helicopters and, less frequently, Su-25 ground support aircraft. One each was lost in combat, with the Su-25 a victim of friendly fire.In terms of air defence, at the outset of the conflict, Armenian forces relied on the mix of air defence guns (mostly ZSU-23s) and man-portable air defence systems (Strelas and Iglas) to bring down at least ten fixed-wing Azerbaijani aircraft and a similar number of helicopters. In the face of these ground-based counter-actions, Azerbaijan effectively suspended air-to-ground attack missions weeks before the formal cease-fire was implemented.Since then, Armenia has used a combination of ground-based air defences and its own Su-25 aircraft to deter Azerbaijan intrusions, especially those by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs); it has also reportedly begun production of indigenous UAVs.



                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    ZSU-23-4 "shilka"
                    In wiki in the name of operators other than Armenia there is the name of Nagorno-Karabakh.


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Originally posted by Spetsnaz View Post
                      Let us not forget that during the war an Armenian Su-25 was shot by friendly fire.
                      and the pilot beat up by his countrymen after ejecting safely, Ouch!.........I can't think of nothing worse than getting shotdown by friendly fire.

                      I would assume Armenia's air defence system of today to be more advanced and coordinated, however one should always fly with one's eye on one's six (in case) because misidentifications always happen even in best conditions using advanced systems, then you have operator and human factors.
                      B0zkurt Hunter

