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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Originally posted by Wolf View Post







    Сегодня мы видим хваленную Армянскую армию, которая стремится показать, что всё в армии благополучно. Мы обладаем неопровержимыми доказательствами обратного. Факты говорят сами за себя. Факты показывают негативное отношение солдат к своему президенту и своему национальному флагу.

    Армянские солдаты способны надевать форму – только если для храбрости они напьются пива. Видимо это придаёт храбрости оккупантам Карабаха. Где же хваленная армия? Где дисциплина и вера в правительство? Беспредел – вот конечный итог всех лозунгов армянской армии. Меч бутылка и сигареты – вот с чем армянские солдаты будут воевать. СОЛДАТЫ АРМЕНИИ ПЬЮТ ЗА ТЕБЯ СЕРЖИК!!!
    LOL this kids would kick your ass... well as we did in its time...

    Well azeri soldiers would dream of bear... all they can get is just a donkey to xxxx


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      apparently turks are sick of the azeri lies also

      Անկարան անհանգստացած է Ադրբեջանից ստացվող սուտ լուրերից
      ՍԵՊՏԵՄԲԵՐ 12, 2009
      Մի քանի օր է, ինչ թուրաքական լրատվամիջոցներն անդրադառնում են , իրենց որակմամբ, Լեռնային Ղարաբաղից ստացված «տագնապալի լուրին»:
      Թուրքական մամուլը հղում անելով ադրբեջանական ԱՊԱ գործակալությունը, տեղեկացնում է, թե հայ-ադրբեջանական շփման գոտում` Աղդամի ուղղությամբ հայերը հարձակման են անցել: Հարձակումը կասեցվել է, 5 հայ զինվոր սպանվել է, 3-ը` վիրավորվել, իսկ ադրբեջանական կողմից ընդհամենը 1 վիրավոր կա: Թուրքական ԶԼՄ-ները հիշյալ լուրը շրջանառեցին այնքան ժամանակ, մինչև հայկական կողմին հաջողվեց (հիմնականում բլոգերների ջանքերով) կոնկրետ փաստերով բացահայտեց ադրբեջանական կողմի տարածած կեղծիքն ու սուտը:
      Այսօր արդեն Թուրքիայի ԶԼՄ-ներում ակնհայտորեն փոխվել են շեշտադրումները. նրանցում արդեն իսկ խոսվում է այն մասին, թե Թուրքիայի ԱԳ նախարարությունն այս առիթով տեղեկացրել է, որ ի տարբերություն Ադրբեջանի պաշտպանության նախարարության, որը դեպքի հետ կապված որևէ հայտարարություն չի հնչեցրել, Լեռնային Ղարաբաղի Հանրապետության Պաշտպանության նախարությունն արդեն հերքել է այդ կեղծիքը:
      Թուրքիայի ԱԳ նախարարի խոսնակը նույնիսկ շեշտել է, որ հայկական կողմի «հարձակման» մասին լուրերն իրականությանը չեն համապատասխանում, և որ փոքր եղբոր` Առրբեջանի մանր խաղերը` հայ-թուրքական բանակցային այս փուլում, իրենց խիստ անհանգստացնում են:


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Originally posted by Yedtarts View Post
        These drunk beer drinking half organized and half volunteer Armenian soldiers in past kicked you azerbaboon arsses so hard that you didn’t know where to hide; I mean imagine if they were sober they would’ve kicked your arsses out of azerbaboonistan. And these beer drinking drunk soldiers are ready to do the same if you dare to do the same mistake, but this time they are more than ready and organized and waiting for cry babies.
        They even smoke too. It's a shame they kicked the Azeri's ass with very short breath. They would probably be able to slaughter Azeri soldiers if they didn't smoke.


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

          Azeri Helicopters Did Not Infiltrate NKR Air Space
          [ 2009/09/12 | 16:59 ] Nagorno Karabakh

          Today, one of the Armenian papers reported that from 8-10 Azeri military helicopters passed over into Artsakh airspace and then returned after flying about for some time.

          NKR Defence Army Press Secretary Senor Hasratyan reported that air defence units of the NKR had indeed monitored the flight of Azeri helicopters but that it was some 6-7 kilometres within Azerbaijani territory and that no action was taken as a result. The NKR press release stated that the NKR air defence units are constantly monitoring the borders for enemy aviation movement and that any attempts to infiltrate Artsakh air space would be severely counteracted.

          Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            Another suicide in Azeri army
            20:14 / 09/14/2009

            Tofik Aliyev, а 19-year-old soldier in the Azerbaijani army, shot himself dead in a military unit in the Terter region, Azerbaijan, reported anspress.

            The soldiers’ uncle, Yadigyar Aliyev told journalists that his nephew was called up last September. After a year of service he was granted a month’s leave and returned to the unit on September 11. The same day Tofik made a mobile call to his uncle…

            On September 13, Tofik’s army-mates brought his body home and told the soldier’s relatives about the suicide.

            The press service of the Ministry of Defense of Azerbaijan neither confirmed nor refuted the incident pleading a day off.


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Kashatagh is number 7 on the map below. It has the longest border with Armenia. Its importance cannot be overstated.
              Tufenkian Foundation Urges Increased Assistance to Kashatagh

              [ 2009/09/15 | 01:36 ] Nagorno Karabakh

              The Tufenkian Foundation, which organized a conference in Kashatagh in the Spring of 2008, emphasizing the importance of the liberated territories for the security and viability of Artsakh and which sought to attract diaspora business investment to the region, has issued a statement calling on Armenians to redouble their efforts in supporting humanitarian and economic development projects there.

              Executive Director Antranig Kasbarian notes the mixed results of the conference and laments the fact that “the majority of participants have been slow to respond – either expressing goodwill without tangible result, or remaining silent altogether.” Luckily, Mr. Kasbarian adds that some groups in the diaspora have stepped up their efforts, already taking on important projects to benefit the region.

              The Tufenkian Foundation oversees a number of projects in the liberated territories in the health, education and culture, infrastructure and agricultural sectors.

              Mr. Kasbarian stresses the importance for the continued funding of projects in the region. “At a time such as this, when Azerbaijan and Turkey seek land concessions in return for normalizing ties with Armenia, Karabagh’s fate hangs in the balance,” he notes.

              Those interested in getting involved are urges contact Maro Matosian, Karabakh Country Director at our Stepanakert office at [email protected].

              Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                this is messed up. its from the turkish army

                Last month, four Turkish families with men in the army received the dreaded news: “Your sons have fallen as martyrs while on operation.”

                Ten days after the four young men were buried, the public was able to read the eyewitness accounts in a small and remarkable newspaper called Taraf. Ibrahim Ozturk, 25, had fallen asleep while on guard duty. After he was found out, his commanding officer pulled the pin of a grenade and handed it to him. He was ordered to hold it, with its safety lever depressed, until he understood the importance of staying awake. Mr. Ozturk scavenged for a spare pin. He pleaded with his superior. After less than an hour the grenade exploded in his hand, killing him and three other conscripts. Forced to admit there had been a cover-up, the army charged the officer with murder.

                This is the latest army scandal publicized by Taraf. In less than two years, Taraf has exposed a dozen cases of cover-up, national security negligence, and plans of a coup d'etat.

                “Taraf is a democratic newspaper. They put it all out on the table,” says Taraf reader Ali Ergul, 28.

                Before Taraf, the army enjoyed almost no journalistic scrutiny. The need for favour and credit has always made it too risky for big-business media bosses to oppose the military.

                Kaya Balaban, 56, reads Taraf because of what he saw during the military coups in 1960 and 1980. “I read Taraf to reassure myself,” he says. “Resisting a foreign occupation is easier than resisting your own soldiers.”

                Taraf is run from the top floor of a bookstore in Istanbul by best-selling novelist Ahmet Altan, 60, and veteran correspondent Yasemin Congar, 42.

                “It is easy to explain to Westerners. We're not radicals, we're plain old democrats. … We want the military out of politics. We want Turkey to be able to talk about its own history openly,” says Congar.

                Gradually, it seems, they are getting what they want. Fundamental change is happening in Turkey. Civilians are forcing the army to relinquish its decades-long control of the state. Earlier this summer, the ruling AK party passed a ground-breaking law allowing military personnel to be tried in civilian courts. Last week, the government announced its rapprochement with Armenia, pledging that historians would investigate the Armenian genocide, a proposal that is anathema to the military. And the Kurdish issue – Turkey and the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) have been exchanging blows for decades – is to officially become a matter of social policy, no longer considered just terrorism to be fought by the army. Taraf's reporting has contributed to all this.

                “Taraf has been quite influential in shaping the agenda,” says Suat Kiniklioglu, an AK party member of parliament. But the army remains powerful, and it has always been dangerous to cross them; rumours and slander can be deadly in Turkey.

                “This means you become a real target. It could mean that you get killed,” says Amberin Zaman, the Turkey correspondent for The Economist and a Taraf columnist. Turkish-Armenian editor Hrant Dink was assassinated in 2007 after his conviction by a Turkish court for “denigrating Turkishness” made him a target of fascists.

                “We do not sit and calculate risk. Ever,” says Congar. Taraf has printed a headline in Kurdish, the first national newspaper to do so. Against convention, it has chosen not to distinguish between “martyrs” and “terrorists” when describing casualties in Turkey's war with the PKK. And it published satellite photos showing the army allowed, whether by negligence or complicity, a PKK attack on an army outpost in late 2008, which killed 17 soldiers.

                There have been consequences. Taraf is fighting more than 100 court cases. Ahmet Altan has been charged more than 50 times, including for affirming the Armenian genocide on Taraf's front page. Congar has “five or six” cases still open against her. “If you are in Turkey, and if you want to say the truth, you will be charged,” says Altan.

                “We are used to it,” says Congar, who was first charged when she was 19 years old. Bianet, a media monitor group here, reported that in April, May, and June of 2009, 57 journalists were put on trial in Turkey. They estimate the actual number is more than three times this. This week it was reported that Turkey refused to sign a press freedom declaration issued by other European countries.

                Since modern Turkey was established in 1923, the Turkish army has been the centre of the Turkish state, guardian of the Turkish republic, and defender of founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk's secular ideals.

                And they have had passionate support.

                “Talking against the military was talking against everything that was dear to this nation,” explains Congar.

                Still today, many Turks drape flags and images of Ataturk from their balconies on national holidays. Ataturk's image is used as Facebook profile photos. His signature can be seen tattooed on shoulders.

                Inevitably in Turkey, discussions of civilian control of the state will turn to the spectre of Islam. Many Turks believe only a strong military can prevent Islamists from taking over, and many also believe muckraking around the army is part of an Islamic agenda. No wonder there is so much rumour, often accepted as fact, that Taraf's coverage of the army is funded by Fethullah Gulen, leader of a large and most influential Muslim movement, and usually considered secular Turkey's enemy number one. Both Taraf and the Gulen movement deny any connection.

                “Taraf is … not giving an easy ride to the military but it's giving an easy ride to political Islam,” argues Esra Arsan, a professor of journalism at Istanbul's Bilgi University.

                Whatever the rumours, an important question for the future is whether, once the generals' retreat from the centre of the state is complete, Taraf will go after the ascending civilian power as tenaciously as it has the army.


                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Russia-Azerbaijan military cooperation
                  17:46 / 09/22/2009

                  September 21, Russian and Azerbaijani Defense Ministers Anatoliy Serdyukov and Safar Abiyev approved the program of bilateral military collaboration for 2010.

                  In the course of the meeting Abiyev stated the development of bilateral relations in military sphere is based on mutually beneficial cooperation and is implemented in due course.

                  Azerbaijani soldiers’ training in military institutions of RF Defense Ministry was discussed. Serdyukov informed Abiyev that Russian side will continue free admission of Azerbaijani serviceman to military institutions.


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    [ 2009/09/25 | 19:36 ] society


                    Considering the obvious incompatibility of the so-called “Madrid principles” -issued by the presidents of the countries co-presiding the OSCE “Minsk Group” on the Karabakh conflict resolution- with the national and state interests and the very existence of Armenia;

                    Considering the total threat to the Armenian nation and to the Republic of Armenia that the complete or partial implementation of the “Madrid Principles” contains, including:

                    - The annihilation of the defense capacities of the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Mountainous Karabakh;

                    - The complete destruction of the current military and political balance which is the single guarantee of the safety and security of the peaceful civilian population;

                    - The inevitability of the resuming of Azeri genocidal aggression against the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Mountainous Karabakh, as a consequence of the above mentioned reasons;

                    - The inevitable and irreparable depopulation of vast parts of the Republic of Mountainous Karabakh and the Republic of Armenia due to the loss of the real guarantees of security;

                    - The reinforcement of the political and military blockade of the Republic of Armenia;

                    Stating that the unilateral disintegration of the military and political balance -shaped by the suppressing of the Azeri aggression against the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Mountainous Karabakh as well as by the liberation of the part of Armenian territory according to the international law- and the “peacekeeping activity” suggested as a compensation for this one-sided disintegration of the national security is absolutely unable to defend the Republic of Armenia and the Republic of Mountainous Karabakh from the Azeri and Turkish genocidal intensions;

                    Estimating as absurd and illegal all attempts to deprive from their rights the Armenian citizens of Artsakh, who have realized their right of self-determination according to the various international agreements and acts and who live on the part of the national territory belonging by international law to the Republic of Armenia, and to replace these rights by some uncertain “referendum” and “expression of the will”;

                    Stating that the Armenian-Turkish “reconciliation” supported by the countries co-presiding the OSCE “Minsk Group” is aimed to suspend the recognition of the Armenian Genocide and to officialize the current illegal territorial division in the region, which is but the result of the annihilation of the Armenian population;

                    The “Miatsum” National Initiative, aspiring to reach to a sustainable peace and stability in the region, based on the restoration of the international law, on behalf of the Armenian nation living in Armenia and in the Diaspora announces:

                    the President of the USA Barak Obama, the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev and the President of France Nicolas Sarkozy who officially approved the so-called “Madrid Principles” and the fake Armenian-Turkish “reconciliation” are implementing a mutually agreed policy tantamount to provoking a new genocide of the Armenian people and to the annihilation of the Armenian statehood.

                    The “Miatsum” National Initiative calls upon the Presidents of the USA, Russia and France to step back from the planning and implementation of schemes which will trigger a new genocide of Armenians, to withhold from the current criminal support of the Turkish-Azeri genocidal policy -inspired by the expectations of doubtful geopolitical benefits-, and to establish a real peace in the region and to work for the total restoration of the rights of the Republic of Armenia, violated by the Genocide.

                    On behalf of the “Miatsum” National Initiative:

                    Grizelda Ghazaryan,

                    Alex Kananyan

                    Tigran Khzmalyan,

                    Seda Melikyan,

                    Zarouhi Postanjyan,

                    Jirayr Sefilyan,

                    Alec Yenikomshyan,

                    September 25th, 2009


                    Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Six Armenians in Azerbaijani captivity

                      No incidents were reported during the September 29 OSCE monitoring in Tavush Marz (Armenia) on the Armenia-Azerbaijan border. Armenian side proposed to hold a meeting of the frontier villages’ heads. However, Azerbaijani side refused the proposal reasoning by absence of the official decree from superior bodies and Baku authorization.

                      As to exchange of prisoners, the RA Armed Forces General Staff representative Samvel Asatryan stated that currently there are six Armenian soldiers in Azerbaijani captivity, whereas 2 Azerbaijani ones — in Armenia. Negotiations on the exchange of prisoners are presently held with international organizations.

                      Azerbaboon: 9.000 Google hits and counting!

