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Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

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  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

    Սահմանն իր կանոններն ունի, այն բամբասանքի հարթակ մի դարձրեք. Տավուշի մարզպետի կոչը լրատվամիջոցներին
    09 Հունիսի 2012 - 18:22

    «Սահմանների պաշտպանությունը փայլուն է կատարվում, մարզում կյանքն ընթանում է իր սովորական հունով: Տղերքը շարքային զինվորից մինչև հրամանատար աչալուրջ են: Սահմաններում միշտ էլ կրակոցներ հնչում են, իսկ վերջին շրջանի ակտիվությունը ՀՀ զինված ուժերը կարողանում են լռեցնել: Սահմանային իրավիճակը վերահսկվում է, մարտական հերթապահությունն ուժեղացված է », –ին տված հարցազրույցում վստահեցրել է Տավուշի մարզպետ Արմեն Ղուլարյանը:
    Այնուհետ մարզպետը մանրամասներ հայտնեց պաշտպանության նախարար Սեյրան Օհանյանի սահմանագոտի կատարած երկօրյա այցից` շեշտելով, թե Սեյրան Օհանյանը գիտի սահմանի ամեն մի հատվածն ու սահմանամերձ գյուղի բնակիչների խնդիրները:
    «Նախարար Օհանյանը այցի ընթացքում եղել է Չինարիում, Դովեղում: Չինարիում գյուղացիներին գյուղտեխնիկա է բաշխվել, իսկ Դովեղում` դիզվառելիք:Մեր մարզի սահմանամերձ գյուղերը նախարարի ուշադրության կենտրոնում են»:

    Հարցին, թե որքանո՞վ են նպաստում ԵԱՀԿ մոնիտորինգները և որքանո՞վ կհանգեցնեն հրադադարի ռեժիմի խախտումների նվազմանը միակողմանի մոնիտորինգները, Արմեն Ղուլարյանը նկատեց, թե անհրաժեշտ են անմիջական շփումներ հակառակորդի հետ, որոնցից վերջին տարիներին, նրանք հրաժարվում են և դիտարկումներին միայն տեսաշփումներ են լինում:

    «Ժամանակին, երբ հայր Ալիևն էր, ադրբեջանցիների հետ, թե գյուղապետերի և, թե հրամանատարների անմիջական շփումներ լինում էին, իշխանությունը որդուն անցնելուց հետո նման բան չի եղել »:

    Զրույցի ավարտին Արմեն Ղուլարյանը խնդրեց փոխանցել երևանյան լրատվամիջոցներին իր հորդորը. «Մեր զինված ուժերը կարողանում են թշնամուն համարժեք պատասխան տալ: Սահմանն իր կանոններն ունի: Ասեք, որ լրատվամիջոցները անհարկի խուճապ չստեղծեն և սահմանը բամբասանքի հարթակ չսարքեն: Ախր նրանցից շատերը մի անգամ գոնե սահմանում չեն եղել, չեն տեսել ինչ է արվում, բայց խոսում են, վերլուծում են…»:

    Մարիամ Պետրոսյան


    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

      Արցախում հակառակորդը կիրառել է նաև անօդաչու թռչող սարքեր

      12:56, 9 հունիսի, 2012
      Համաձայն ՊԲ օպերատիվ տվյալների՝ հունիսի 3-ից 9-ն ընկած ժամանակահատվածում ղարաբաղաադրբեջանական հակամարտ զորքերի շփման գծում հակառակորդի կողմից հրադադարի պահպանման ռեժիմը խախտվել է շուրջ 1400 անգամ, որի ընթացքում, տարբեր տրամաչափի հրաձգային զինատեսակներից, հայկական դիրքապահների ուղղությամբ արձակվել են հազարավոր կրակոցներ:

      Բացի մեծաքանակ խախտումներից, անցած շաբաթվա ընթացքում հակառակորդի կողմից ձեռնարկվել են նաև հետախուզադիվերսիոն գործողությունների փորձեր:

      ՊԲ առաջապահ ստորաբաժանումների կողմից իրականացված օպերատիվ կանխարգելիչ միջոցառումների շնորհիվ ադրբեջանական բանակի հետախուզադիվերսիոն գործողությունների բոլոր փորձերը կանխվել են և հակառակորդը, մեծ կորուստներ տալով, ետ է շպրտվել իր ելման դիրքեր:

      Շաբաթվա ընթացքում հետախուզական գործողություններ իրականացնելու նպատակով հակառակորդը կիրառել է նաև անօդաչու թռչող սարքեր:

      ՊԲ լրատվության և քարոզչության բաժին


      • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

        Armenian Border Village Struggles For Normalcy Amid Heavier Fighting

        Hovannes Shoghikian
        Հրապարակված է՝ 08.06.2012
        Life in Chinari, a village in northeastern Armenia bordering Azerbaijan, has been far from normal for two decades, and the last few days have made it even more challenging and dangerous for more than 1,000 people living there.

        The mountainous settlement is located near the scene of a vicious gun battle that left three Armenian soldiers dead and several others wounded in the early hours of Monday.

        The incident, which the military authorities in Yerevan say stemmed from an Azerbaijani “sabotage attack” on Armenian army positions, was followed by a series of ceasefire violations along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border and the “line of contact” around Nagorno-Karabakh. At least five Azerbaijani soldiers were shot dead at a nearby border section the following morning in what official Baku described as an Armenian commando raid.

        On the face of it, it was business as usual in Chinari on Thursday. Classes continued in the village school and kindergarten, and several local men played backgammon outdoors.

        ​​“The situation is dangerous at any time,” one of them told RFE/RL’s Armenian service ( calmly. “We can now be hit by a stray bullet while playing backgammon.”

        “We have suffered for a long time and know that we must respond adequately,” he said, pointing to an Azerbaijani border outpost overlooking the village.

        Cross-border shooting from Azerbaijani forces exchanging fire with Armenian troops stationed nearby has been a virtually daily occurrence ever since the Karabakh conflict degenerated into a full-scale Armenian-Azerbaijani war in 1992. Chinari has been occasionally targeted in those exchanges, including during the latest bout of fighting in the area.

        “Shootouts occur on the border posts, especially at night, but, thank God, there have been no gunshots towards the village since yesterday,” said Samvel Saghoyan, the village mayor. “But there is internal tension here.”

        Traces of small arms gunfire could be seen on some village houses and the local kindergarten. Its director, Parandzem Aghasian, pointed to a bullet stuck into the kindergarten façade as she showed an RFE/RL correspondent around the two-story building.

        “When they fire [on the village] they usually hit the kindergarten because it’s an easy target,” Aghasian said. “But we keep going about our normal business. We are practically not scared of gunshots, they have become an ordinary thing for us.”

        The kindergarten has a safety shelter where its small children take cover during border shootouts. “When we shout ‘Children, they shoot’ they immediately come here,” Aghasian said. “It’s like a habit.

        ​​“We play music or just have them sing patriotic songs so that they don’t hear that. By the way, our children know more patriotic songs than children’s songs because they live on a battlefield.”

        “We are trying to make sure that they don’t feel, hear or fear [border fighting,” added the director. “Some kids understand but others don’t know what shooting and its consequences are.”

        Sonia Hovakimian, a Russian language teacher in Chinari’s school, proudly stated that classes there have never been interrupted because of border incidents. “You can hear gunshots every evening,” she told RFE/RL’s Armenian service.

        Because of the unresolved conflict, a large part of the village’s agricultural land and pastures adjacent to the frontline has not been cultivated since the early 1990s. Mayor Saghoyan estimated their total area at around 700 hectares (1,730 acres). “Fearless people sometimes collect hay there for their cattle during night hours,” he said.

        According to local residents, cultivating other, supposedly secure plots of land is not safe either. “It’s dangerous but we have to tend our gardens,” Gor, a young man carrying a rake, told RFE/RL’s Armenian service as he walked out of the village early in the morning.

        The Armenian government has sought to mitigate this security problem with considerable infrastructure upgrades that have been carried out in Chinari in recent years. That has included the reconstruction of the local drinking water and irrigation networks and a road leading to the village. Its residents have also been given access to centralized supplies of natural gas.

        For Hovakimian, the schoolteacher, that is not enough given the challenging conditions the people of Chinari live in. “We have been living under fire for twenty years,” she said. “True, we are at the center of [government] attention but we don’t get enough assistance.”
        Life in Chinari, a village in northeastern Armenia bordering Azerbaijan, has been far from normal for two decades, and the last few days have made it even more challenging and dangerous for more than 1,000 people living there.


        • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan



          • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

            It is getting hot, guys read this link very intersting stuff.

            "These thoughts reflect the real state of things, and it would be wrong to deny the main constraints on Turkish intervention in the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan but in a big regional war the reality will be significantly modified. The U.S. and NATO proceed from the assumption of a controlled war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which will allow them prevent further escalation in the region on which the current views of the Atlantic policy makers and politicians are based.

            Will Turkey be reluctant to see its protectorate Azerbaijan defeated, especially if it understands that all its partners in NATO want the military defeat of Azerbaijan and, at the same time, a strong Turkish-Russian confrontation to show Turkey its real place in the regional policy?"

            The UFO in the sky was a warning like I said before. The question remains they have slowed down the shooting on the front line. Either they are going to blink or start something stupid. The problem is if they poke too much we are ready and I think the people will scream for justice! So either they have to learn their lesson or this is going to get much more serious. I will say this to these filthy toorks south of the boarder, next time it won't be just a light show in the sky warning. Next time things are going to change to something you don't like even more.


            • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

              Hello neighbors seems like xxxx is escalating and at the same time its all calm and clear, i am currently in Baku and i see youngsters walking around and yelling some slogans soldiers walking around the city . not sure if its just separate reaction to the flare ups or the government is trying to raise a morale before a big storm. i read and follow news ours yours russian and etc. and i see all 3 different picturies, I will explain, Your medis states of about 54 death on our side, funny thing is our media reports about 56 death on your side, russian media is stating about 9-12 death for each , but i guess those are confirmed deaths and we have about 9 to 10 and for some odd reason the same is on your side. I do understand than none of us lost 50 soldiers because that would have escalated in something serious long time ago but 9-10 is more or less close to what it could be. Now i know y ou can come up with 1000 of articles saying that Azerbaijanis lost 50 soldiers but i can show the same and i dont trust anyone at this point because information war seems to be more serious than the actual skirmishes.

              Anyways speedy recovery to all wounded and RIP to all fallen, i am getting old and i just started a family guess if the war breaks out now i can still go and participate because in 2-3 years when i have kids it will be a tougher decision for me. Anyhow please refrain from replying to me saying that Azeri media lies and our super Armenia media says only the turth or blah blah , we are all the same candy with different wrap...


              • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                Originally posted by Vahram View Post
                It is getting hot, guys read this link very intersting stuff.

                "These thoughts reflect the real state of things, and it would be wrong to deny the main constraints on Turkish intervention in the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan but in a big regional war the reality will be significantly modified. The U.S. and NATO proceed from the assumption of a controlled war between Armenia and Azerbaijan, which will allow them prevent further escalation in the region on which the current views of the Atlantic policy makers and politicians are based.

                Will Turkey be reluctant to see its protectorate Azerbaijan defeated, especially if it understands that all its partners in NATO want the military defeat of Azerbaijan and, at the same time, a strong Turkish-Russian confrontation to show Turkey its real place in the regional policy?"

                The UFO in the sky was a warning like I said before. The question remains they have slowed down the shooting on the front line. Either they are going to blink or start something stupid. The problem is if they poke too much we are ready and I think the people will scream for justice! So either they have to learn their lesson or this is going to get much more serious. I will say this to these filthy toorks south of the boarder, next time it won't be just a light show in the sky warning. Next time things are going to change to something you don't like even more.
                Not a very good analysis. The point about NATO charter not allowing members to make other military alliances may not be true. The US has bilateral defense agreements with a number of countries, mostly in the Pacific region, such as Taiwan, the Philippines, S. Korea, and Australia.

                Also, NATO has been encouraging turkey to act tough with Syria, unlike what the article claims. The EU does not give a damn about the religious make up of the Balkans when they consider whom to support. And when they have provided their support it has been in favor of the Catholics and more so the Muslims over the Orthodox,]. Turkey trying to further its influence in the region is nothing new (neo-ottomanism) nor is it something that the EU is very worried about. Frankly, even if they were, they can not do much at the moment due to their internal financial issues.

                The only part I agree with is that Armenia's ties with Russia are likely to prevent a direct turkish interference, I would say even if the Russians got in on the action. And we must not forget Iran, they too would not allow turkey to get involved in a war against Armenia. Just as the Russians do not want to lose the Caucasus and see pan-turkism spread, neither do the Iranians.

                And finally, the West is not balanced on the Karabakh issue, they have tended to lean closer to the azeri position, particularly the British for obvious reasons. If it were totally up to the executive branch of the American government, that is the presidency and the departments under him, such as the Defense and State, azerbaijan would be getting much more in funding than Armenia. But since Congress is successfully lobbied by Armenian-American advocacy groups, there is some level of parity. And let us not forget that many of the azeri snipers were/are trained by NATO.
                For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
                to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



                • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                  Originally posted by Wanted View Post
                  Hello neighbors seems like xxxx is escalating and at the same time its all calm and clear, i am currently in Baku and i see youngsters walking around and yelling some slogans soldiers walking around the city . not sure if its just separate reaction to the flare ups or the government is trying to raise a morale before a big storm. i read and follow news ours yours russian and etc. and i see all 3 different picturies, I will explain, Your medis states of about 54 death on our side, funny thing is our media reports about 56 death on your side, russian media is stating about 9-12 death for each , but i guess those are confirmed deaths and we have about 9 to 10 and for some odd reason the same is on your side. I do understand than none of us lost 50 soldiers because that would have escalated in something serious long time ago but 9-10 is more or less close to what it could be. Now i know y ou can come up with 1000 of articles saying that Azerbaijanis lost 50 soldiers but i can show the same and i dont trust anyone at this point because information war seems to be more serious than the actual skirmishes.

                  Anyways speedy recovery to all wounded and RIP to all fallen, i am getting old and i just started a family guess if the war breaks out now i can still go and participate because in 2-3 years when i have kids it will be a tougher decision for me. Anyhow please refrain from replying to me saying that Azeri media lies and our super Armenia media says only the turth or blah blah , we are all the same candy with different wrap...
                  so you think that when azeri media says this guy died of a cement block, or another guy drowned in the kura river, or another hit a mine on the border, JUST AFTER the latest skrimish, it doesn't have to do anything with armenian bullets?
                  how come we don't have cement blocks falling on our heads? is there something wrong with azeri building architecture?


                  • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                    Artillery reconnaissance equipment produced in Armenia


                    • Re: Nagorno-Karabagh: Military Balance Between Armenia & Azerbaijan

                      Originally posted by arakeretzig View Post
                      so you think that when azeri media says this guy died of a cement block, or another guy drowned in the kura river, or another hit a mine on the border, JUST AFTER the latest skrimish, it doesn't have to do anything with armenian bullets?
                      how come we don't have cement blocks falling on our heads? is there something wrong with azeri building architecture?
                      no some of those deaths are from hazing and offciers not giving xxxx about conscripts and trying to hide the illness untill its too late , yet some could be also from enemy fire, but just to let you know in Baku kids drive liek its the last day of their life while i was here for 3 weeks i witnesed 6 car accidents with 5 fatalities, and everyday on news you hear how our morons young drivers hit a woman or hit another car and everyone dies, but i also know that both of our armies hide death toll this what we have inerited from Soviet union when 30k people died stalin would say it was only 5k , i am just saying before we can rid ourselfs from soviet mentality we can never find peace and can never come to any conclusion or at leats beat corruption and hazing.! besdies hitting a mine is not really a hidden death most likely it was your mine. I can not trust any of the sources neither yours or ours, but there is a reason iam always here because i always wanna know the other side of the sotry weather its fake or real i dont care. But on facebook they ussualy put up pics of fallen and like today i saw two pics and few days ago i saw few more. Its funny how i never write in other azeri forums because they say the same bullxxxx as you guys, that Armenins hide all their deaths that it was way more than that , that it was you who advanced first and all this bullxxxx i see here is the same. Therefore i do not comment on that. Everyone is going to believe and trust the story that feels right to their hearts even if deep down they know its porbably not the real truth

