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Who owns what in Armenia

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  • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

    the financial capacities of the Marzbeds.


    • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

      unofficial estimates.....


      • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

        Originally posted by Vrej1915 View Post
        Financial capacities of Deputy/Oligarks
        One of the articles in Iragir is titled --- who owns Armenia's resources ---
        Up here in Alaska , when they found the north slope oil fields ( prudoe bay ) we had a governor by the name of Jay Hammond .
        The most beloved governor this state has ever had . Beloved by the general population .
        The reason being , not only did he get a large cut of the profits for the state but he also implemented the " PFD = permenent fund dividend . Every year money from oil profits is put into this fund . It's worth billions .
        Every year since 1982 ( I think ) every Alaskan citizen receives a check from the state drawn from the interest this fund earns . Last year everyone got 1000 + dollars . The smallest was only 300 $ and the largest was $ 3,000 .
        Personally I like Vrej's idea of getting a combination of things from the resource development and especially in kind payment ( copper , gold etc ) directely to the Hay govt .
        Would also like to see a dividend given to each citizen as a direct way for the people to share in THEIR wealth .


        • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

          Do we have anything about Movses Dzavaryan?
          Plenipotentiary meow!


          • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

            350 միլիոն դրամ, 3.5 միլիոն դոլար և 1.4 միլիոն եվրո. Սամվել Ալեքսանյանի քրոջ որդու կարողության մի մասն է
            Գրիշա Բալասանյան

            20:33, 14 ապրիլի, 2013
            «Լուս Աստղ շուգր» (Ախուրյանի շաքարի գործարան) ընկերության փոխտնօրենը` Արթուր Պետրոսյանը, Երեւանի ավագանու ընտրություններում զբաղեցնում է ՀՀԿ-ի ցուցակի 44-րդ համարը:

            Արթուր Պետրոսյանը թեեւ հանրապետական է, սակայն նրան «առաջ» է տարել մորեղբայրը` ԱԺ ՀՀԿ խմբակցության պատգամավոր Սամվել Ալեքսանյանը:

            Որպես ավագանու թեկնածու՝ Արթուր Պետրոսյանը ներկայացրել է գույքի ու եկամուտների հայտարարագիր, որտեղ ներառված գույքն ու դրամական միջոցները, մեղմ ասած, առողջ տրամաբանության շրջանակից դուրս են:

            Ըստ նույն հայտարարագրի՝ Արթուրը 2012թ. հունվարի 1-ից մինչեւ այս տարվա հունվարի 1-ն ունեցել է ընդամենը 1 միլիոն 100 հազար դրամի եկամուտ, որը «Լուս Աստղ շուգր» ՍՊԸ-ից ստացած աշխատավարձն է, սակայն կուտակել է մեծ կարողություն:

            Պարզ հաշվարկով, պատգամավորի քրոջ որդին ամսական ստացել է մոտ 92 հազար դրամի եկամուտ, սակայն նրան է պատկանում 34 միավոր անշարժ գույք. շենք-շինություններ, հողամասեր, բնակարաններ, ավտոտնակներ ու ավտոկայանատեղիներ, կրպակներ, առեւտրի սրահ, շուկա, խանութներ եւ այլն:

            Նշենք, որ 30-ամյա Արթուր Պետրոսյանի հողամասերից 4-ը, ինչպես նաեւ 2 բնակարան եւ 2 ավտոկայանատեղին գտնվում են Հյուսիսային պողոտայում:

            Համեմատության համար նշենք, որ Հյուսիսային պողոտայում գտնվող բնակարաններից մեկի մակերեսը 140 քմ է, իսկ այդ վայրում մեկ քառակուսի մետր անշարժ գույքի շուկայական գինը սկսվում է 600 հազար դրամից:

            Ավագանու թեկնածուն ունի նաեւ «ԳԱԶ 33021-212» եւ «Ռենջ-Ռովեր Սպորտ V-8» մակնիշի 2 ավտոմեքենա:

            Քիչ չեն նաեւ նրա դրամական միջոցները: Ապրիլի 3-ի դրությամբ Արթուր Պետրոսյանի հաշվին եղել է 350 միլիոն դրամ, 3 միլիոն 500 հազար դոլար եւ 1 միլիոն 400 հազար եվրո:

            Չի բացառվում, որ Արթուր Պետրոսյանի անշարժ գույքի եւ ֆինանսական միջոցների զգալի մասի իրական սեփականատերը լինի ԱԺ պատգամավոր Սամվել Ալեքսանյանը: Որպեսզի պատգամավորը մնա ստվերում, դրանք գրանցել է իր բարեկամների, այդ թվում` Արթուր Պետրոսյանի անունով:

            Հակառակ տրամաբանությունը չկա, թե ինչպես կարելի է տարեկան 1 միլիոն 100 հազար դրամով այդքան կարողության տեր դառնալ:


            • Re: Who owns what in Armenia


              19/04/2013 13:08:00
              Oratert News

              Businesses, belonging to the leader of "Prosperous Armenia" party
              Gagik Tsarukyan, these days are tested in detail. According to the
              newspaper "Zhoghovurd" RA State Revenue Committee began extensive
              testing at the factory owned by Tsarukyan "Ararat"- Yerevan brandy
              factory, brewery "Kotayk" and other enterprises.

              According to the newspaper, SRC with monitoring inspects even in
              "Princess" shop, which belongs to Tsarukyan's daughter. In all
              likelihood, Gagik Khachatryan (Gago of customs) does this through a
              political decree.


              • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

                OLIGARCHS IN PANIC

                The press informs that the tax service checks the companies owned by
                Gagik Tsarukyan.

                There is information that some oligarchs are abroad to discuss their
                own destiny. Yesterday Speaker Hovik Abrahamyan did not attend the
                meeting of the RPA Executive Committee. He is has gone away.

                The oligarchs are in panic, both the oligarchs of the government and
                the PAP camp. Panic intensified after the dismissal of the chief
                of police of Yerevan Nerses Nazaryan. The official reason for his
                dismissal was his coalescence with business. Panic had started when
                offshore assets were declassified, and Russia launched the process
                of legalization of capital.

                Before submitting declarations on expenditure 30 members of the Russian
                Duma divorced their wives in whose name part of their property is
                registered. Most property of the Armenian oligarchs, officials and
                members of parliament is registered in the name of their wives. Will
                they divorce their wives? Already some cases have been reported.

                The Russian deputy prime minister Shuvalov proposed an amnesty of
                Russian capital hidden in the offshore. Putin has not responded
                yet though he is a supporter tough redistribution of property, not
                an amnesty.

                The Armenian oligarchs and officials own huge capital in Russia.

                Besides, Russia used to sponsor the development of the oligarchic
                economy of Armenia. Now Russia is not so reliable, which also affects
                the moods of the Armenian oligarchs.

                It is meaningless to resist because in the past five years the armed
                guards of the oligarchs were outlawed. There is no Russian support,
                Europe ~Scuts~T illegal assets, Serzh Sargsyan has no commitments to
                the oligarchs.

                Naira Hayrumyan 14:40 19/04/2013 Story from News:


                • Re: Who owns what in Armenia


                  Thursday, April 18, 20:34

                  Byurakan village residents are against construction of a hydro power
                  plant at Amberd river in the Orgov gorge of Aragatsotn region of
                  Armenia. About 150 residents of the village came to the construction
                  site today to express their protest.

                  They told ArmInfo correspondent that they worry that the shallow-water
                  river will dry up and the village will remain without water. However,
                  the construction of the Amberd power plant has already started and
                  Byurakan residents are confident that Armenia's Prosecutor General
                  Aghvan Hovsepyan is behind the construction. The latter has already
                  built houses and green houses in Byurakan and does not want to stop.

                  Armenia's Economy Minister Tigran Davtyan told journalists earlier that
                  "Amberd GES" Ltd. is going to invest about 790 mln drams (about $2
                  mln) for construction of the power plant cascade and the government
                  of Armenia adopted a decision to postpone VAT payment from import of
                  equipment for three years.

                  To note, "Amberd GES" Ltd. was founded in November 2004 by Gurgen
                  Hakopyan and a citizen of Iran Parviznosrati Alasdari.


                  • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

                    Armenian Tax Chief Probed Over Business Ownership

                    Anush Martirosian
                    Հրապարակված է՝ 22.04.2013

                    A state anti-corruption body has launched an inquiry into a possible conflict of interest stemming from the alleged ownership by Gagik Khachatrian, the controversial head of Armenia’s tax and customs services, of lucrative businesses.

                    The state Commission on the Ethics of High-Ranking Officials has given Khachatrian until Tuesday to provide detailed explanations regarding persistent media reports implicating him in large-scale economic activities.

                    The commission based at the presidential administration building in Yerevan issued the order on April 13 in response to a request by the Anti-Corruption Center (ACC), the Armenian branch of the Berlin-based watchdog Transparency International. The ACC in turn cited an article published in the pro-opposition daily “Haykakan Zhamanak” last October.

                    The article contained a long list of companies which it said are owned by Khachatrian. Among them are a major Internet and cable TV service provider, two food-importing companies, one supermarket, a car dealership and a luxury watch store in Yerevan. According to “Haykakan Zhamanak,” the head of the State Revenue (SRC) also controls a company that has a legal monopoly on supplying paper for cash registers used by thousands of businesses.

                    The anti-graft commission is due to investigate whether Khachatrian’s alleged links to those firms constitute a conflict of interest.

                    The SRC declined to comment on the inquiry on Monday. It strongly denied Khachatrian’s involvement in business earlier this month. In a statement posted on its website, the tax collection agency slammed unnamed media “attributing assets” to its powerful chief.

                    Opposition-linked and independent media outlets have for years portrayed Khachatrian as one of the country’s richest men.

                    In a March 13 interview with RFE/RL’s Armenian service (, one of Khachatrian’s deputies, Armen Alaverdian, insisted that the SRC chief does not “personally” own any businesses. “But as far as I know, people close to him might be involved in entrepreneurial activity,” Alaverdian said.

                    Sona Ayvazian, the deputy director of Transparency International’s Armenian affiliate, said that even if this is the case the ethics commission should clarify whether Khachatrian has exploited his government position to help his wealthy relatives or friends. “They should also investigate to what extent those businesses have fulfilled their tax obligations,” she told RFE/RL’s Armenian service (

                    Ayvazian argued that the official reason for the recent sacking of Nerses Nazarian, the Yerevan police chief, was his involvement in business. Nazarian had repeatedly denied such involvement, saying that companies linked with him are owned by his son.

                    In a recently circulated annual report, Armenia’s state human rights defender, Karen Andreasian, said that owning businesses is the norm among tax and customs officials. The report said some of the companies belonging to them or their cronies enjoy privileged treatment by the tax authorities, undermining their competitors.


                    • Re: Who owns what in Armenia

                      Zhoghovurd: Imperial Hotel owned by Arthur Baghdasaryan?

                      11:27 16/05/2013 » DAILY PRESS

                      Yerevan's newly built Imperial Hotel is owned by Secretary of
                      Armenia's National Security Council (NSC), leader of Orinats Yerkir
                      Party Arthur Baghdasaryan, Zhoghovurd daily says. However, Orinats
                      Yerkir spokesman Arthur Sisakyan refuted this information to the
                      paper, saying that Baghdasaryan has no connection with Imperial Hotel.


