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Armenian Political Parties....Which one do you support?

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  • #11
    Re: Armenian Political Parties....Which one do you support?

    I wish Dashnaks and Republicans had a close alliance. Do people here think it was worth it for Dashnaks to exit the ruling coalition over the protocols?
    Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
    "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


    • #12
      Re: Armenian Political Parties....Which one do you support?

      "Dashnaks to exit the ruling coalition over the protocols?"

      I feel the same way, the protocols were a slap in the face. It worked politically good for us but still I’m saddened. The Tashnag way is the clean way, but as we all know this is a dirty world. Shame really on the world, cleanliness is next to goodliness they say, but your mother is sold on the open market by the politics. Even if selling her does not make a dime, she will still be sold.
      Last edited by Vahram; 03-06-2012, 02:29 PM.


      • #13
        Re: Armenian Political Parties....Which one do you support?

        Originally posted by Mos View Post
        I wish Dashnaks and Republicans had a close alliance. Do people here think it was worth it for Dashnaks to exit the ruling coalition over the protocols?
        I don't understand why those two parties should work together, one is a right wing party and the other one is a left wing party. The ideologies and economical realities of both parties are so distant from each other that those two parties will never be real allies and can only cooperate on some issues. Too bad non of the parties even follows their own ideology in Armenia.

        And a real shame there is not a libertarian party in Armenia or a real economical liberal one that follows the ideology!


        • #14
          Re: Armenian Political Parties....Which one do you support?

          "Too bad non of the parties even follows their own ideology in Armenia."

          Yes shame! ( Ayo Mekzek )

          "And a real shame there is not a libertarian party in Armenia or a real economical liberal one that follows the ideology! "

          On thing at a time big fella


          • #15
            Re: Armenian Political Parties....Which one do you support?

            Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
            I don't understand why those two parties should work together, one is a right wing party and the other one is a left wing party. The ideologies and economical realities of both parties are so distant from each other that those two parties will never be real allies and can only cooperate on some issues. Too bad non of the parties even follows their own ideology in Armenia.

            And a real shame there is not a libertarian party in Armenia or a real economical liberal one that follows the ideology!
            I wish the Republican economics was more towards the left actually. But another significant difference between the Dashanks and Republicans is that Republicans stress Armenian Church more.
            Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
            "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


            • #16
              Re: Armenian Political Parties....Which one do you support?

              62.50% This is not correct!

              This should at least be 99.9 percent otherwise some western beach would say the elections are rigged...LOL


              • #17
                Re: Armenian Political Parties....Which one do you support?

                What are your opinions about Sardarapat Movement?

                "Sardarapat Movement is an actual alternative to the politics and political organizations which discredited the Armenian policy and the very idea of statehood in the Armenian society. We estimate the current situation as a deep political, social and moral crisis that became a logical result of the criminal oligarchic economy, policy and morality.
                Sardarapat Movement is warning about serious challenges which Armenia faces today and which demand the unity of national forces for the common struggle. Time has come to give Armenia back to the Armenians.
                Sardarapat Movement is an actual alternative to the politics and political organizations which discredited the Armenian policy and the very idea of statehood in the Armenian society. We estimate the current situation as a deep political, social and moral crisis that became a logical result of the criminal oligarchic economy, policy and morality.
                Sardarapat Movement is warning about serious challenges which Armenia faces today and which demand the unity of national forces for the common struggle. Time has come to give Armenia back to the Armenians."


                • #18
                  Re: Armenian Political Parties....Which one do you support?

                  Originally posted by Suedia View Post
                  What are your opinions about Sardarapat Movement?

                  "Sardarapat Movement is an actual alternative to the politics and political organizations which discredited the Armenian policy and the very idea of statehood in the Armenian society. We estimate the current situation as a deep political, social and moral crisis that became a logical result of the criminal oligarchic economy, policy and morality.
                  Sardarapat Movement is warning about serious challenges which Armenia faces today and which demand the unity of national forces for the common struggle. Time has come to give Armenia back to the Armenians.
                  Sardarapat Movement is an actual alternative to the politics and political organizations which discredited the Armenian policy and the very idea of statehood in the Armenian society. We estimate the current situation as a deep political, social and moral crisis that became a logical result of the criminal oligarchic economy, policy and morality.
                  Sardarapat Movement is warning about serious challenges which Armenia faces today and which demand the unity of national forces for the common struggle. Time has come to give Armenia back to the Armenians."
                  What is their economical plan? What are they going to do against the oligarchs who are strangling the economy? What concrete steps are they going to take against the corruption in Armenia?
                  What I've read here is that they are an other group that love to you buzz words to get support but don't have that much of a substance.


                  • #19
                    Re: Armenian Political Parties....Which one do you support?

                    Originally posted by Suedia View Post
                    What are your opinions about Sardarapat Movement?

                    "Sardarapat Movement is an actual alternative to the politics and political organizations which discredited the Armenian policy and the very idea of statehood in the Armenian society. We estimate the current situation as a deep political, social and moral crisis that became a logical result of the criminal oligarchic economy, policy and morality.
                    Sardarapat Movement is warning about serious challenges which Armenia faces today and which demand the unity of national forces for the common struggle. Time has come to give Armenia back to the Armenians.
                    Sardarapat Movement is an actual alternative to the politics and political organizations which discredited the Armenian policy and the very idea of statehood in the Armenian society. We estimate the current situation as a deep political, social and moral crisis that became a logical result of the criminal oligarchic economy, policy and morality.
                    Sardarapat Movement is warning about serious challenges which Armenia faces today and which demand the unity of national forces for the common struggle. Time has come to give Armenia back to the Armenians."
                    Big words, no action.
                    Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                    "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                    • #20
                      Re: Armenian Political Parties....Which one do you support?

                      About Sardarapat Movement

                      We created Sardarapat movement as our answer to the Armenian Question. We, the men and women of the Republic of Armenia—Karabagh War veterans, school teachers, economists, human rights activists, and artists—came together in late-2010 to resist the ongoing political and economic crisis, to build a country that generations of Armenians have dreamt about, a country of freedom and social justice, of equal rights and responsibilities, a country of hope and opportunities for each and every Armenian worldwide. We realized that citizen-oriented domestic policies and independent foreign policy are far too important for be trusted to the current illegitimate ruling regime. That is why we decided to take charge now, just as we did 20 years ago, when we rose and won the war for Karabagh against all odds; and just like our ancestors did 90 years ago, by pushing back the advancing Turkish armies in the battle of Sardarapat. There were no political parties involved then, no regular army to speak of, and not a state in charge—just the free will of free people of Armenia, Armenians and non-Armenians alike. The name of our movement thus bears a direct reference to the Sardarapat victory, a critical turning point of our modern history.

                      Indeed, today’s Armenia is facing a new Sardarapat: the nation is divided by terrible polarization and injustice, when people are deprived of their basic rights of free vote and independent due process; when a handful of corrupt individuals has “privatized” the heritage of generations and bargains with adversaries on the terms equivalent to conceding our independence and our victories. Sardarapat movement stands for strong and vocal Armenia-centric foreign policy; against any territorial concessions in Karabagh, which would be equivalent to jeopardizing safety of people who live there and the security of the country as a whole. No reconciliation with Turkey is possible unless Ankara accepts its responsibility for the Genocide and takes credible steps for addressing its implications. On the domestic front, we believe that our economy can no longer be a hostage to a few oligarchs, while the overwhelming majority of population is being humiliated by poverty and unemployment. We have to rebuild a strong export-driven economy in Armenia instead of maintaining the current deeply flawed model of overreliance on foreign transfers and import. Thousands of small and medium sized businesses should sprawl where at present a few monopolies choke the economy. We have to cherish our land and use its agricultural potential properly, no matter if it is in Armenia proper, Artakh, or the liberated territories. In rebuilding our economic potential we have to rely on all our resources, first and foremost on the human capital of those in Armenia and the Diaspora. Together we can achieve a lot. Together we will!

