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The Future of Armenia and Armenians

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  • #11
    Originally posted by sSsflamesSs
    Perhaps, but the rules of entropy predict otherwise.

    degradation of our nation...that hurts
    I'm a monstrous mass of vile, foul & corrupted matter.


    • #12
      The only degredation of our nation that i see is that right now the Armenian nation is at a turning point and our nation is in turmoil and people would rather talk about the shawshank redemption or "the only thing that counts is your post count" rather than try to follow what is going on in their nation and express their ideas about it.

      I mean i come here after reading the latest news about police attacking demonstrators, hoping to find some other people that might actually give a xxxx and have some sort of a discussion and sharing of ideas about what is going on but to no avail.


      • #13
        Originally posted by TigranJamharian
        ...people would rather talk about the shawshank redemption or "the only thing that counts is your post count" rather than try to follow what is going on in their nation and express their ideas about it.

        This has been the worst post all week. Have your mommy and daddy spank the pus out of you, kid.


        • #14
          oh yeah you are sooooo clever dusken.
          woohoo look at me my name is dusken, i am original, i think out of the box. i am so intelectual. im your god, i post a weird picture as my avatar every other day and i can come up with catchy rebuffs like have your mommy and daddy spank the pus out of you.

          congragulations sir. now get a life.


          • #15
            Congratulations! You are so original in using the "you are so original" response. You get a life and stop the self-importance nonsense.


            • #16
              Let's settle down people. You don't need to agree, but let's keep it civil.

              As for my own opinion, Tigran's frustration is very understandable, and I happen to share it too. It IS quite frustrating when all these things are happening in Armenia and the Diaspora in general does not really seem to care...


              • #17
                Discussing other things does not mean one does not care. That is absurd and immature.


                • #18
                  I am not saying you shouldnt be discussing other things. All I am saying is that i am frustrated that Armenians on this forum can be so oblivious to what is going on.

                  Maybe go and reread the post


                  • #19
                    I think you should reread the post. There will always be people that care about politics and those who do not. And there will always be people who may care but feel they cannot participate. Be frustrated at that if you must but watch where you point your finger.


                    • #20
                      You people are discussing the degredation of Armenian youth, and I feel when people do not care about the welfare of Armenia and what is going on over there right now that is a degredation of the youth. And it is not politics. It is fraudulant elections and it is violations of people's constitutional rights. I am sure if it was something with Bush and topics like this people would be flying off their seats trying to put in their views, but when something is going on in dear old Armenia ...

