I know this is something done before, but I wanted to re-cap this in light of the current trends in Armenia, and abroad in the Diaspora. As we all know Armenia has been suffering one of the worst population declines, due to a low birth-rate, and emigration, since there is no chance of life in Armenia, due to government idiocy, and criminality. Anyone can go to the basic news site and read up on the current trends.
It does not take a math wizard to project the population implosion into the distant future, and see that the future doesn't bode too well for Armenia, nor its people. As Armenia is more and more depleted of its population, the people find haven abroad in the diaspora, where they have a better chance at life. The Diaspora is said to be a good thing, and all, because of all the opportunies. Unfortunately, like all things, there are good sides and bad sides. The good side is evident: A chance to prosper, educate thyself, be able to get rewards for your input of work and studying, etc. The bad side is obviously the cultural disintegration. More and more Armenians will assimilate, and this isn't meant to somehow get "mad" at them or anything. It is simply the inevitable process of historical forces.
Solutions are thrown out from every corner, such as Armenians emigrating back to Armenia from the Diaspora, but how many will seriously move back? It is evident that to many Armenians the seriousness of a culture asunder is not obvious. Either they have not been versed on the matter, or they simply do not care. The new Armenian generation in my age range and below is really a horrible ignorant and stupid bunch, especially here in L.A. from the very unique "I'm unique because I go to clubs and I have a v-tech engine" xxxos to the thuggish "I wanna be black" fools. In each case, it is a bunch of stupid apathetic morons who know nothing of their heritage, their language, nor what the simple geopolitical situations are in the world around them. Is this what it has come to?
There was this supposed dream of a Armenia from sea to sea. Ironically, it was another Young Turk dream of Talaat and Enver to have a Pan-Turkic state spanning from sea to sea, and it appears that is where it is headed, in a cold, and calculated yet bold historical process. Perhaps Armenians lived for far too long. Either way, it is a wounded body, with the knife stuck in its back, breathing and gasping its last breaths, as it slowly dies by the wound. I'm told I am pessimisstic. But what's being pessimisstic when one simply projects the current trends into the distant future? There is no pessimism, just reality getting closer and closer.
In 100-200 years the Armenians in the Diaspora will be assimilated, and this is no surprise, and only the process of the centrifugal forces of history. No one is to blame for the inevitable processes of history. Nor do many Armenians care nowadays, and what is the point? Who cares? As long as most of us can live for the self-seeking gratification of what we vaguely term 'happiness' as long as we have a good paying job and enjoy our life in the Diaspora, a culture is in the midst of disappearing. Like the former Armenian communities in Eastern Europe, and the Crimea, the current ones in the Diaspora will eventually subside, as the wind unleashes its forces unto the dim flickering light of whatever is left from the cultural candle. Perhaps there is nothing Armenians could do. Perhaps this is simply the forces of history acting, as they have always acted. Perhaps it is simply destiny and the rise and fall of civilizations. Perhaps the reason I am bothered by this is because I can feel its effects personally, since I have personally felt the touch of this culture, as I'm a part of it. It remains, what lies ahead, nothing can prepare us for.
It does not take a math wizard to project the population implosion into the distant future, and see that the future doesn't bode too well for Armenia, nor its people. As Armenia is more and more depleted of its population, the people find haven abroad in the diaspora, where they have a better chance at life. The Diaspora is said to be a good thing, and all, because of all the opportunies. Unfortunately, like all things, there are good sides and bad sides. The good side is evident: A chance to prosper, educate thyself, be able to get rewards for your input of work and studying, etc. The bad side is obviously the cultural disintegration. More and more Armenians will assimilate, and this isn't meant to somehow get "mad" at them or anything. It is simply the inevitable process of historical forces.
Solutions are thrown out from every corner, such as Armenians emigrating back to Armenia from the Diaspora, but how many will seriously move back? It is evident that to many Armenians the seriousness of a culture asunder is not obvious. Either they have not been versed on the matter, or they simply do not care. The new Armenian generation in my age range and below is really a horrible ignorant and stupid bunch, especially here in L.A. from the very unique "I'm unique because I go to clubs and I have a v-tech engine" xxxos to the thuggish "I wanna be black" fools. In each case, it is a bunch of stupid apathetic morons who know nothing of their heritage, their language, nor what the simple geopolitical situations are in the world around them. Is this what it has come to?
There was this supposed dream of a Armenia from sea to sea. Ironically, it was another Young Turk dream of Talaat and Enver to have a Pan-Turkic state spanning from sea to sea, and it appears that is where it is headed, in a cold, and calculated yet bold historical process. Perhaps Armenians lived for far too long. Either way, it is a wounded body, with the knife stuck in its back, breathing and gasping its last breaths, as it slowly dies by the wound. I'm told I am pessimisstic. But what's being pessimisstic when one simply projects the current trends into the distant future? There is no pessimism, just reality getting closer and closer.
In 100-200 years the Armenians in the Diaspora will be assimilated, and this is no surprise, and only the process of the centrifugal forces of history. No one is to blame for the inevitable processes of history. Nor do many Armenians care nowadays, and what is the point? Who cares? As long as most of us can live for the self-seeking gratification of what we vaguely term 'happiness' as long as we have a good paying job and enjoy our life in the Diaspora, a culture is in the midst of disappearing. Like the former Armenian communities in Eastern Europe, and the Crimea, the current ones in the Diaspora will eventually subside, as the wind unleashes its forces unto the dim flickering light of whatever is left from the cultural candle. Perhaps there is nothing Armenians could do. Perhaps this is simply the forces of history acting, as they have always acted. Perhaps it is simply destiny and the rise and fall of civilizations. Perhaps the reason I am bothered by this is because I can feel its effects personally, since I have personally felt the touch of this culture, as I'm a part of it. It remains, what lies ahead, nothing can prepare us for.