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The truth about Khojalu

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  • Sako
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    Your welcome, Azerkakjan.
    I second that !

    This is there HERE and NOW...we need to make websites for the truth.
    Me and a considerably big team including members from the AG Forum here in HyeClub are working on a very massive site based on the AG and all the other Genocide's that ever took place in history. We have support from serious people from many different countries and the site will probably be released by the end of May. We are aiming to make Candles and Ashes the HQ of the Armenian Genocide and a place where people from all over the world will be able to come and stand together. We've been working on all this for over 4 months.

    Just wanted to let you know and hope to meet you in our site in the near future.

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  • TomServo
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    Originally posted by Palavra View Post
    genocide deniers?
    Yes. Azerbaijan has joined Turkey as being the second country to vehemently deny the Armenian Genocide at the state level.

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  • Palavra
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    genocide deniers?

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  • ninetoyadome
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    Excerpts from the book series on “The Assemblige of Artsakh Struggle for Existance” by Bakour Karapetian (Book 1, pages 187-189)

    The founder and commander of the detachment of “special appointment group” Vladimir Vardanov tells us about it.

    When the military action started in 1989, our forces in Armenia were divided according to directions. Baghdassarian Gevorg was appointed as the coordinator of the northern wing. I was appointed as a specialist of modern war or guerilla warfare methods. I served at the 12th brigade of “GRU” of the Soviet Union. I acquired military experience in Afghanistan, in Arabic countries and participated in rescue actions in Africa.

    I know some facts about the case of Khodgalou. The action of Khodgalou was elaborated by Felix Gzoghlian as chief of the headquarters of the first and the only regiment and he was the main reporter. Others were Ivan Ghoukasich from the Soviet Secret Service who was a very literate man, Alik Petrossian, the chief of the headquarters of “Erkrapah” (Land Guards), Vazgen Sargssian, Smbat Hakobian and me as a specialist of guerilla warfare methods and special actions. We reduced to a common denominator: at least 150 men were needed to seize Khodgalou and if opposite happens, it will be beyond our power. I had a big zone of responsibility, starting from Krasnolesk till Noiemberian, that’s why I didn’t participate very often in the actions connected with Karabakh. Ghoukasov asked me to help in the case of Khodgalou, to reconnoiter in the direction of Aghdam on who are to come for assistance to Khodgalou.

    2 days before the action of Khodgalou, I was sitting at the intersection of the two roads in the direction of Nakhijevanik positions 3 km far from Aghdam. I was sitting with a boy of Karabakh origin, whose name I don’t know till now. He had “Rambo” nickname. We returned the next day from Khodgalou actions. This was the way I participated in the Khodgalou action. We were coming back with a group of young people of the group of Smbat Hakobian by helicopter. But our friend Gevorgian Karen from Smbat Hakobian’s group died there.

    B.K. – Did the elaboration of the action function?

    V.V. – No, another action was elaborated. At first, the basic emphasis was done on special forces, i.e., on secret service men, on saboteurs as it was a landing and assaulting action – the intrusion of saboteurs and seizure by the landing force. I had to play one of the main roles in this action. They decided that for that special action, Armenia couldn’t devote other means except for well prepared human resources. They calculated that 150 people were needed, and it was beyond Armenia’s power. It is not enough to seize, one must seize and keep it. It turned to a simple, infantry action, on the elaboration of which I didn’t participate. I had the 4th or the 5th role in it, which was that I and my scouts were observers in the direction of Aghdam. What concerns Khodgalou, what I saw on TV – corpses of Azeri gathered numerously on a small field, is an obvious lie and I can prove it. The corpses belong to people who died long before it. As an observer, I was sitting right there, and these corpses appeared there after the end of the battle, some 7-8 hours later.

    B.K. – Was the territory, where the corpses were lying, under the control of our people?

    V.V. – I was sitting right at that place while being a secret service man on the territory of Turks.

    B.K. – Our people could go there and hit, couldn’t they?

    V.V. –Our forces were 4-5 km far from that place, these were the positions of Nakhijevanik.

    B.K. – So what kind of victims and where were they from?

    V.V. – I don’t think that the governing body of Azerbaijan was so mean as to shoot up their escaping population biased. I would like to tell you whatever I saw that night, what could be seen. We hadn’t seen the group which started to approach, but the guys seeing them from the positions of Nakhijevanik, started to fire, the so-called “frightening fire”.

    B.K. – How big was the group?

    V.V. – It was dark, I couldn’t see. I saw an exchange of fire with the position of Nakhijevanik, which lasted some 1-2 minutes, not more. After it, the refugees, understanding that it was a wrong direction, didn’t go to the positions of Nakhijevanik. I don’t exclude that some refugees died during the exchange of fire. When Azeri refugees went to Nakhijevanik, they were forced back from the position. Some 15-20 minutes after it, a very fierce fire was opened from the Azerbaijan positions. I don’t exclude that Azeri, who were in front of the position of Nakhijevanik, while seeing the numerous group approaching them, thought that Armenians were attacking, because before that they had an exchange of fire with Armenians. When refugees appeared in front of Azeri, a very fierce firing started. It is possible that the soldier, who watching over the position, was sleeping, but during that firing, he opened his eyes and “started” to fire uninterruptedly. A very strong firing continued. I believe that soldiers, who were sitting on the Azerbaijan position, killed their population. If we objectively approach the situation, I think that the governing body cannot punish those soldiers: it was their position, they were keeping it safe and they didn’t have any information. If those people died in Khodgalou, they wouldn’t appear on the territory under the inspection of Azerbaijan, Azeri would not come to take photographs, the highly esteemed governing body wouldn’t cry over the dead population. Me, who was fighting against them, felt bad seeing it, but when they showed the place, it became clear for me. After a very fierce firing, Azeri soldiers, who were among the refugees, started to fire back and it became a real battle. I don’t exclude that the corpses were gathered from the Turkish firing point and shifted to a medium size clearing to blame Armenians and to take photographs of the corpses. There were no corpses there. When the fire ceased, I was informed by Soviet portable radio transmitters: “You can come back”. Next midday we returned and there was no exchange of fire there.

    B.K. – At what time of the night was the firing?

    V.V. – I can’t say, because I had other problems, had a specific task, I was inspecting the road. I heard all this from aside.

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  • Mos
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    good it happened, taught Azeris and turks a deserved lesson. After Karabakh war Azeris should hide in shame how with a handful of men we destroyed their israel, us, middle east supported army and they should always know we could have gone all the way to Baku. Khojali was a lesson for all the times the Azeris and Turks have killed and abused us. Also before Khojali Azeris were provacating us on how we could not harm innocent civilians. Your welcome, Azerkakjan.

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  • ninetoyadome
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    the good thing about khojaly is that besides the some muslim countries no other country officially recognizes it. recently the azeri US lobby tried to convince US senators to go on record condemning what the armenians supposedly did in the artsakh war. they actually told the senators that if they go on record condemning the armenians they would get all expense paid trips to azerbaijan. Azerbaijan succeeded in convincing just 1 out of 535 members of the House and Senate to do so. Congressman Ed Whitfield (R-Ky.), the co-chair of the Congressional caucus on Turkey, was the only member of Congress who made remarks about this highly controversial incident.
    Elin Suleymanov is azerbaijans first consul to los angeles. Suleymanov even visited the Flathead Indian Reservation in Montana and claimed that there are racial similarities between Azerbaijanis and Native Americans. A student at the University of Montana quoted Suleymanov as stating that Native Americans actually originated from the region of Azerbaijan and that is why the consul general “felt a certain kinship for tribal people of the U.S., like brothers or cousins.”
    native americans apparently come from azerbaijan, didnt every one know that?
    Nevertheless, despite Azerbaijan’s intensive lobbying of California legislators, only 1 out of 120 members of the State Assembly and Senate agreed to send a letter to President Aliyev in February 2009 expressing sympathy for “the victims of Khojali.” This letter, signed by assemblyman Felipe Fuentes, was copied from a draft provided by lobbyist Jason Katz. It was noteworthy that Katz had raised the possibility of sending friendly legislators on junkets to Azerbaijan.
    California state assemblyman Paul Krekorian (D-Glendale) worked to prevent other legislators from signing the Azerbaijani letter by alerting his colleagues about the falsehoods contained in it. The lone letter signed by Fuentes was hailed by Suleymanov as a major victory for Azerbaijan. The Azeri media disseminated that letter worldwide, misrepresenting it as a condemnation of an alleged “genocide” committed by Armenians!

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  • AlphaPapa
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    Originally posted by Hellektor View Post
    Why all the fuss about this non-incident?

    We say Sumgait they scream Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    We talk about the pogroms in Baku they wail Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    We mention the slaughter in Gandzak they howl Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    We write about the Maragha massacre where they sawed off heads of dozens of Armenians they whimper Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    We mourn the “Ring” operation they shout Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    We tell them about Karintak they cry Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    We show the world what they did in Shushi they beat their heads chanting Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    We bring up the Nakhijevan destruction they say those were only stone what about Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    To all the savageries they committed in fake “Azerbaijan” in Shamkhor, Shamakhi, Hadrut, Getashen, Berdadzor, Sheki, Voskepar, Zakatali, Chardakhli, Shahoomian, etc., from 1988 to 1994 they regurgitate Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    Aerial bombardments of Artsakh Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    Shelling Stepanakert Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    The Baku, Artsakh, Nakhijevan genocidal acts in 1905 - 1906 Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    The Hamidian Genocide Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    The Adana Genocide in 1909 Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    The Marash massacres in 1920 by genocidal Hammal Cacaturk Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    The Smyrna burning in 1921 again by Ataturd Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    The slaughter of 30,000 Armenians in Baku in 1918 after their English lovers fooled Armenians to put down their arms Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    The holocaust of Shushi in 1920 where this magnificent cultural city and its population were reduced to cinders, an event which shifted the capital of Artsakh to the small village Vararakn (later renamed after the Bolshevik: Stepanakert) Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    The Armenian Genocide 1071 - 2009 Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy...

    What about the 34 out of 47 innocent Armenian hostages whose pure bodies were desecrated by throwing them on the “Azeri”/Meskheti pile to increase the number of casualties, the performing of corpse porn to hide their identities and to cry wolf: “genocide, Khojalyyyyy”? This is the atrocity that happened in Khojaly and yes the Khojaly monstrosity happened to the Armenians not vice versa.

    More about the The Greatest Intergalactic Tragedy in the History of the Universe the Insignificant Khojaly Incident
    This is a very good point. The turks and azeris are getting all excited about this khojalu bok but we need to remind them that they can't expect any sympathy from us, even if it were true.

    We also need to realize that there's a cyber war of information going on right now...even in this thread, on this forum, some google ad was here from some turkish american association about 'history, not genocide' or something.
    This is there HERE and NOW...we need to make websites for the truth. had a good article a while back about the 'tallarmeniantale' website and how most of the supporting claims from that website was traced to lies, discovered from that political party that probably had something to do with Hrant Dinks murder. This is what we need to do, because the recent incursions into Artsakh by azeris and turkey talking about opening the border and wanting 'relations' tells me that the azeris plan to attack Artsakh this summer.

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  • Federate
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    ANCC: American professor made racist and derogatory remarks about Armenians

    10.03.2009 00:11 GMT+04:00

    /PanARMENIAN.Net/ At a lecture sponsored by the Assembly of Azerbaijani-Canadian Organizations, with "kind assistance from the Azerbaijani Embassy in Ottawa", American journalist and professor of political science Thomas Goltz made racist and derogatory remarks about Armenians in Ottawa last week. Goltz' remarks were in response a question from the audience on how to convince Armenians of Nagorno-Karabagh to stay within the "current boundaries of Azerbaijan." Goltz, who teaches at the Montana State University, replied: "By building a forward-looking democracy you will be able to let the garlic-growing Armenians beg to join you (Azerbaijan)."

    Goltz was in Ottawa as a speaker, invited by the Azeri embassy and the Assembly of Azerbaijani-Canadian Organizations, to talk about the events of February 26, 1992 in the town of Khojaly in Nagorno-Karabagh. Goltz delivered his speech "Khojaly Massacre: Crime and No Punishment", at the National Archives of Canada. Some 60 people (mostly Azeris and Turks) attended. Next day Goltz delivered a variation of the same lecture at the National Press Club's Newsmaker Breakfast series, hosted by the Azeri embassy. About 20 people attended that gathering.

    Goltz accused Armenians of perpetrating "ethnic cleansing" in Khojaly and said the Armenia argument that the Khojaly operation was a necessary pre-emptive and defensive measure to relieve Nagorno-Karabagh's capital Stepanakerd from relentless shelling from Khojaly was "nonsense".

    The most dramatic moment of the lectures occurred when Aris Babikian from the Armenian National Committee of Canada (ANCC) successfully refuted two controversial statements by Goltz.

    At the Newsmaker Breakfast lecture, Aris Babikian, executive director of the ANCC, confronted Goltz and mocked him for his "command performance of misrepresentation and revisionism." Babikian exposed Goltz' hypocrisy by pointing out that the American journalist had "conveniently forgotten to mention the Sumgait, Baku and Maragh massacres of Armenians by Azeris... and that had it not been for the Russian Navy 230,000 Armenian inhabitants of Baku would have not survived."

    Regarding the Khojaly killings, Babikian said: "Armenians did not claim that Azeris had perpetrated the massacres of their own people. It was the Azeri president, Ayaz Mutalibov, who made such a statement in an April 2, 2004 interview published in Nezavisimaya Gazeta. In the interview with Czech journalist Yana Mazalova, Mutalibov said that his opposition, the National Front of Azerbaijan, were behind the killings to undermine his authority and to topple him.

    In further questioning, Babikian asked Goltz to explain why the bodies of Azeri victims were found 11 km from Khojaly and 2 km from the most heavily fortified Azeri military town of Aghdam. "Is it logical for Armenians to follow Azeri 11 km, risking their own lives to eliminate the enemy around Aghdam, instead of killing them in Khojaly?" Babikian asked.

    Babikian challenged Goltz to explain why so "many Azeri journalists who had questioned Azeri government's version of Khojaly events were jailed or killed. Babikian cited the case of jailed Azeri journalist Eynulla Fatullayev whose jailing was investigated by the European Court for Human Rights.

    Babikian asked Goltz to be honest and impartial when employing quotes and to do so "without misrepresentation and misquotation so that they can fit and augment his narrative of the events."

    The ANCC executive said that he found it strange that Goltz praised his "old friend" the late "great" Aliyev as an "extraordinary guy" when everyone in Azerbaijan knows that he was a despot and a man who stifled democracy while his son, the current president, follows in his father's infamous steps. Babikian said it was obvious that for Goltz "the lure of the petro-dollar is much stronger than the lure of truth and impartiality."

    Goltz did not answer any of Babikian's questions and skirted around them.

    Dr. Girair Basmadjian, president of ANCC, said: "We condemn such racist and hate-disseminating lectures spewed by the mouthpiece of a foreign government on Canadian podiums. It is unfortunate that some Canadian Parliamentarians, Senators, and journalists had to hear such vile statements without even raising an objection or questioning the organizers and the speaker about the validity of their words and action."

    The ANCC leader added that "The Canadian government and police should investigate the grave and far-reaching consequences of such hateful speeches. We also would like to ask Canadian Parliamentarians to disassociate themselves from this lecture and the anxiety it has caused
    to the Canadian-Armenian community," ANCC reports.

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  • hrai
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    Originally posted by Hellektor View Post
    Why all the fuss about this non-incident?

    We say Sumgait they scream Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    We talk about the pogroms in Baku they wail Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    We mention the slaughter in Gandzak they howl Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    We write about the Maragha massacre where they sawed off heads of dozens of Armenians they whimper Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    We mourn the “Ring” operation they shout Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    We tell them about Karintak they cry Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    We show the world what they did in Shushi they beat their heads chanting Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    We bring up the Nakhijevan destruction they say those were only stone what about Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    To all the savageries they committed in fake “Azerbaijan” in Shamkhor, Shamakhi, Hadrut, Getashen, Berdadzor, Sheki, Voskepar, Zakatali, Chardakhli, Shahoomian, etc., from 1988 to 1994 they regurgitate Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    Aerial bombardments of Artsakh Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    Shelling Stepanakert Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    The Baku, Artsakh, Nakhijevan genocidal acts in 1905 - 1906 Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    The Hamidian Genocide Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    The Adana Genocide in 1909 Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    The Marash massacres in 1920 by genocidal Hammal Cacaturk Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    The Smyrna burning in 1921 again by Ataturd Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    The slaughter of 30,000 Armenians in Baku in 1918 after their English lovers fooled Armenians to put down their arms Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    The holocaust of Shushi in 1920 where this magnificent cultural city and its population were reduced to cinders, an event which shifted the capital of Artsakh to the small village Vararakn (later renamed after the Bolshevik: Stepanakert) Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy
    The Armenian Genocide 1071 - 2009 Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy, Khojalyyyyyyyyyyy...

    What about the 34 out of 47 innocent Armenian hostages whose pure bodies were desecrated by throwing them on the “Azeri”/Meskheti pile to increase the number of casualties, the performing of corpse porn to hide their identities and to cry wolf: “genocide, Khojalyyyyy”? This is the atrocity that happened in Khojaly and yes the Khojaly monstrosity happened to the Armenians not vice versa.

    More about the The Greatest Intergalactic Tragedy in the History of the Universe the Insignificant Khojaly Incident

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  • Pedro Xaramillo
    Re: The truth about Khojalu

    Someone posted this on the AG forums wwaaaayyyy back, this sums it up
    Attached Files

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