Re: The truth about Khojalu
nobody cares about khojalu, neither should we.
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The truth about Khojalu
Re: The truth about Khojalu
6 Azerbaijanis remembered Khojali tragedy in New York
On February 26, Azerbaijani young people held a demonstration in front of Armenian Embassy in New York as a sign of protest over Khojali (Xocali) tragedy.
Despite the planned “large-scale” demonstration with the participation of representatives of Azerbaijani organizations in megalopolis only 6 protestors, including the photographer were chanting slogans through loudspeakers.
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Re: The truth about Khojalu
[ 2010/02/25 | 18:51 ] Nagorno Karabakh politics
The anti-Armenian campaign in connection with the regular anniversary of the tragic events in the settlement of Khojaly, which has set everybody’s teeth on edge for a long time, has gained an unprecedented scope this year in Azerbaijan.
In connection with the insinuations of official Baku, the Press Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Nagorno Karabakh Republic considers it necessary to remind that a military operation was organized on February 25-26, 1992 with the aim of unblocking the only airport in the Republic situated near the settlement of Khojaly and neutralizing the fire-points of the enemy just in Khojaly, from where, beginning from spring 1991, the settlements of Nagorno Karabakh were regularly attacked by the Azerbaijani OMON-members and exposed to artillery bombardment, including from «Grad» rocket launchers – weapon of mass destruction (WMD) prohibited by numerous international conventions.
Fulfilling a vital goal for the Karabakh people, the units of the NKR self-defense forces, attacking Khojaly, provided a corridor for the civilians’ safe leaving the military activities zone, about which the Azerbaijani party was informed beforehand.
This fact was repeatedly confirmed by the Azerbaijani officials, in particular, the then President Ayaz Mutalibov.
But, the Azerbaijani authorities made nothing for the peaceful population’s withdrawal from the military activities area.
Moreover, a column of civilians was shot down at the approaches to the Aghdam region’s border, which was later confirmed by Mutalibov, connecting this criminal act with the opposition’s attempts to remove him from his position, making him responsible for the events.
The territory, where pictures of numerous corpses were made, is in a three-kilometer distance from the town of Aghdam and in 11 kilometers from Khojaly.
Up to the summer of 1993, this territory was under permanent control of the Azerbaijani armed forces, which excluded any access for the units of the Karabakh self-defense forces.
«The Azerbaijani official propaganda tries to blame Armenians for the killing of the civil population of Khojaly, but even Azerbaijani President Mutalibov admitted that “Armenians still provided a corridor for the civilians’ leaving the place», the Russian Nezavisimaya Gazeta from April 2, 1992 wrote. Also, Ogonyok journal (#14-15, 1992) noted that «…the attack of Khojaly wasn’t sudden».
Some details of that military operation are still shrouded in mystery, which is actively speculated by the Azerbaijani state propagandistic machine, using various falsifications, forgeries, and obvious lie. Last year, the NKR MFA drew the public attention to the false photo placed at some Azerbaijani websites, including the one of a generator of false ideas – The Heydar Aliyev Fund (
In fact, the photo related immediately to the events in Kosovo and just as such, along with numerous others, was introduced at the Serbian, Albanian, and one of the specialized German forums, at the site of The New York Times authoritative journal, and others.
This year, new forgeries have been added to the noted one. Thus, about 20 false photos used by the Azerbaijani party, in particular, those of the victims of the Kurdish pogroms in Turkey, the victims of the massacre in Srebrennitsa, and others, were introduced during the February 24 presentation of the project in Yerevan.
Besides, outrageous falsifications were discovered in the lists of the Aghdam tragedy victims introduced by the Azerbaijani official structures – embassies, the presidential library, etc. Also, the site provides video-films about the interrogations of the Turks-Meskhetians, which testify that despite the Armenian party’s warning of the Khojaly attack, the Azerbaijani servicemen banned the escape of the Turks-Meskhetians’ families, which were artificially settled there by the Azerbaijani authorities.
The Azerbaijani propaganda tries to introduce the betrayal of the Khojaly civilians by their high-rank compatriots as the Armenians’ revenge for the bloody orgy in Sumgait.
But, the remarks and assessments of the Khojaly events by some Azerbaijani top officials, human rights activists, and journalists refute flatly the false thesis of official Baku.
Thus, Azerbaijani human rights activist Arif Yunusov wrote: «The town and its citizens were deliberately made victims of the political goal – to prevent the Azerbaijani Popular Front’s coming to power” (Azerbaijani Zerkalo newspaper, July 1992).
Tamerlan Karayev, in due time Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the Azerbaijani Republic (now AR Ambassador to India), testified: «The tragedy was implemented by the Azerbaijani authorities», specifically «some of the top officials» (Mukhalifat Azerbaijani newspaper, April 28, 1992).
Heydar Aliyev admitted himself that «the former leadership of Azerbaijan is also guilty” of the Khojaly events. According to Bilik-Dunyasi Agency, still in April 1992 he expressed a cynically monstrous idea:
“The bloodshed will do good to us. We shouldn’t interfere in the course of the events». Did the «father» of Azerbaijan bear the responsibility for these words?
Czech journalist Yana Mazalova who, by the Azerbaijanis’ oversight, found herself in both groups of the mass media representatives, which were shown the «corpses defiled by Armenians», noted a sufficient difference in the latters’ condition.
Visiting the field immediately after the events, Mazalova didn’t see any traces of barbarity on the corpses. And two days later, the journalists were shown the disfigured bodies already «prepared» for filming.
The Russian Megalopolis-Express newspaper wrote: «We cannot but admit that if the Azerbaijani Popular Front had really far-reaching goals, so it has achieved them. Mutalibov is compromised and dismissed, the international community is shocked, the Azerbaijanis and the friendly Turks believed in the so-called «genocide of the Azerbaijani population in Khojaly».
As it is known, still on February 26, 47 Armenian hostages were kept in Khojaly, which is deliberately concealed by the Azerbaijani mass media. After liberating Khojaly, there were only 13 of them (among them 6 women and a child), while the rest 34 were taken away in an unknown direction by the Azerbaijanis. So far, there is no information about there further fate. We only know that they were taken away from the village in the operation night, but they didn’t enter Aghdam.
It is evident that those who wanted to make a semblance of the corpses’ defilement by Armenians disfigured, first of all, the bodies of the Armenian hostages in order that they couldn’t be identified. Just for this purpose, the majority of the corpses were undressed, and just for this purpose, the victims’ bodies were exposed to outrages, which changed them out of all recognition.
Proceeding from the abovementioned facts, we can confidently state that the Azerbaijani party is guilty of the death of the civilians of Khojaly and the Armenian hostages kept there, and that the Azerbaijani party committed a monstrous crime against its own people for the sake of its political intrigues and struggle for power.
It is already obvious for everybody that the «genocide» of Azerbaijanis in Khojaly is a myth created still by Heydar Aliyev and taken up by his throne-successor Aliyev-the-junior in order to draw the international community’s attention away from the massacre of Armenians in Sumgait, Baku, Kirovabad, and many other populated-by-Armenians settlements, as well as to conceal the political, humanitarian, military, economic, and other penal offences of the Azerbaijani leadership against Armenian civilians and against its own people.
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Re: The truth about Khojalu
Kosovo is not Aghdam: Azerbaijan acknowledges frauds
Presenting the Project, the “Xenophobia Prevention Initiative” held Wednesday the Khojaly Review Conference, causing Azerbaijan to react nervously.
The “issue of Khojaly”, Azerbaijan-made legend, turned to dust: the frauds committed by Azerbaijan, are uncovered now, and the legend’s tale-tellers can only lament and lay to Azerbaijani government and media a charge of inability to “tell lies qualitatively.”
“Azerbaijan’s state-controlled media resources and propaganda organisations appear to have been overdoing, and made serious mistakes and falsifications. Thus, ‘taking the vanish off’ Armenians, some our on-line media were so overzealous, that borrowed photos from Turkey, Palestine, and other countries, presenting them as Armenia-made crimes in Khojaly,” edition had to acknowledge.
Keeping in view and admitting that “Armenians came to hand quite politicly, comparing these photos’ originals and the posted pictures in Azerbaijani media, points in its article: “This once again shows how grossly the Azerbaijani propaganda and state-controlled media work.”
“This will seriously influence the international community, which will in season and out of season refer to this resource [ Project] and the uncovered frauds, and will call on explanations.”
Another Azerbaijani media, Vesti,az agency, in its turn, regrets that the issue of Khojaly and circumstances in Aghdam “come to the world only a day before the tragedy’s anniversary.”
Well, this once again lays stress on artificiality of the issue of Khajaly. Actually, it’s impossible to remember and pay a tribute to victims of a tragedy only “by order”. It’s impossible to mourn and at the same time use false information, frauds, and falsifications in relation to people’s troubles and pains.
25.02.2010, 12:17
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Re: The truth about Khojalu
Originally posted by Mos View PostLook Khojalu happened, don't be like the Turks in trying to cover up what is fact. My mother also knows some of the people who were involved and me as well.
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Re: The truth about Khojalu
Originally posted by Mos View PostLook, I know some of the people involved in this Khojalu, they grew up in 3rd mas where my mom grew up also, and tell you the truth the Khojalu massacre was a thing that taught Azeris to back off and that for them to know who they were dealing with. They always made fun of Armenians of being gentle sheep who woudn't touch innocent civilians.
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Re: The truth about Khojalu
Look Khojalu happened, don't be like the Turks in trying to cover up what is fact. My mother also knows some of the people who were involved and me as well.
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Re: The truth about Khojalu
Along with Hayk Demoyan, Levon Melik-Shahnazaryan is the founder of the recently launched Levon MS is perhaps best known for being the target of failed Azeri assassination attempts over the last couple of years. No wonder they wanted this man gone. You should check out this as well after reading the article pasted above. It is pretty long but very detailed and descriptive.
Black firework for “festival” of Khojaly
By at 24 February, 2010, 4:44 pm
Since the beginning of March 1992 state propaganda of Azerbaijan Republic tells the world about the “genocide” of Azerbaijanis in the Khojaly village. Terrible pictures of killed people filled TV screens of many countries. Azerbaijani agitprop compared Khojaly with Hiroshima, Khatyn, and Lidice and other major tragedies of the XXth century. For the confirmation of the aforesaid Azerbaijani agitprop published and printed numerous shots indented to confirm the “atrocities” of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’s armed units. All attempts of the Armenian side to refute this monstrous lie failed, since public’s sense of logic was overshadowed by more than expressive photos. The photographs of killed and raped children, scalped body, mother frozen in a mournful pose above the killed children, turned off thinking and the ability to rational and impartial analysis.
Azerbaijan skillfully used this human psyche property, exposing for the public display more and more “documentary evidences” of the Khojaly tragedy. All reasons and arguments faded against this “universal weeping with illustrations”. Khojaly gradually transformed into the common word, overshadowing many other real tragedies of our time.
“Khojaly” initially pursued the idea of hate increase towards the Armenians in the younger generation of Azerbaijanis. It was the cynical calculation, which continues to this day. In schools, universities, and Youth Theatres told about victims among civilians population of the village, shown photos and videos. The psyche of Azerbaijanis traumatize, number of murders and suicides increases; however, it doesn’t stop apologists of the devouring hatred. Then Azerbaijan’s tested monstrous lie left to the international arena.
At the same time Azerbaijan studiously avoids delicate moments of this tragedy, the questions that required to be answered. List them again.
1. Why Azerbaijan stubbornly ignores reasons of the village assault by the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic’s armed divisions?
2. Why Azerbaijan doesn’t mention the existence of the safe corridor for civilians from the combat zone?
3. Why Azerbaijan doesn’t present number of killed in the village itself? There were only 11 people.
4. Who sent escaping Khojaly people in the Armenian village Nakhchivanik, reporting by the radio, that village was allegedly captured by Azeris and there they can get help? In the clash with the Nakhchivanik’s defensive fort post Azerbaijan side lost up to two dozen people, mostly civilians.
5. Why there is a silence about the fact that the territory, where were found hundreds of Khojaly’s civilians dead bodies was under Azerbaijan’s control? Until the summer of 1993.
6. Why there is a silence about the fact that this territory was actually located within the Agdam’s limits, big city populated by Azeris until the 1993?
7. What is Azerbaijan’s purpose to be silent on the well-known fact that 34 thousand of heavily armed Azeris were in Agdam on February 1992?
8. Why the Armenian troops, if they really wanted to kill Khojaly people released village civilians from the fire bag?
9. How could happen, that the news of the mass loss of Khojaly’s population spread across Baku few hours before the village assault by Armenian divisions?
10. Who and why outraged upon dead bodies of Khojaly people, if known that they were within the territory controlled by Azerbaijani military?
Honest and sincere answer to these questions can ruin the entire pyramid of dirty lie and insinuations, lovingly built by the Azerbaijani propaganda. However, our questions are not over yet.
Azerbaijan operators made videos of Khojaly’s killed bodies several days in a row. In particular, the posthumous fame received Azerbaijani journalist Chingiz Fuat-oglu (Mustafaev), whose footage became the most important “argument” to accuse Armenians, he made videos on 28th February and, second time, on 2nd March of 1992. Both times in the frame Azerbaijani militaries and civilians. However, during the second shooting on March 2 clearly evident that some bodies positions are changed, and some of them subjected to mockery of vandals. Who could do that, if the territory was controlled by the armed forces of Azerbaijan Republic?
This question is not rhetoric, as it may seem at first glance. According to Azerbaijani propaganda it turned out that Armenians let Khojaly people leave in order to kill them (in front of 34 thousand armed Azerbaijanis) in Agdam’s suburbs. After this crime Armenians retreated, leaving the field strewn with corpses to Azerbaijani operators to re-risk their lives after that by breaking into the territory only in order to desecrate the corpses of civilians. Azerbaijan replicates this nonsense already during 18 years in the countless petitions, speeches, articles, books, films and scientific works.
I am convinced that any reasonable person, who faced with aggressive, deceitful propaganda of Khojaly “genocide”, would certainly pay attention to the listed inconsistencies. However, people’s reason was overshadowed by video- and photo documents. Terrible and pitiless.
Some of the young Armenian patriots and enthusiasts undertook to refute this “argument” of Azerbaijan Republic. As a result, after long and persistent search they found a considerable number of facts, fully exposing the sinister role of Azerbaijan in the death of Khojaly people and ensuing bodies desecration. Even today, I can’t unequivocally say that the Azerbaijani servicemen intentionally killed Khojaly people. However, with the complete confidence we can assert that the desecration of bodies made Azerbaijani side: first to conceal wittingly or unwittingly crime and blame the Armenians, and then turning their own crime in the instrument of anti-Armenian propaganda.
On the created by the abovementioned enthusiasts site are collected numerous videos and photos refuting the vile anti-Armenian lies. The site materials clearly show what has been repeatedly written and said: the corpses of Azeri refugees from Khojaly were desecrated by Azeris. At the same time Azerbaijan didn’t distain outright forgery: revealing pictures of other tragedies, including photos of corpses. The hard and laborious work of the site creators turned into success, demystifying the enemy propaganda. I am convinced that Armenian diplomacy should use the site materials in their daily activities.
I am certain also that demystifying of monstrous anti-Armenian lies must be continued. Continuing the search of refutation outside Armenia and Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, it is necessary to apply to people, who participated in the successful operations of NKR’s release and suppressions of weapon emplacements in Khojaly. Every memory, every detail is important because it could shed light on the monstrous crime committed by Azerbaijan to destroy their own tribesmen.
Azerbaijan that turns every 26th February almost in the mourning holiday, with fanfares and fireworks, must be nailed to a pillar of shame. Masks must be disrupted from killers. Fireworks in the honor of Khojaly‘s people “genocide” must be black, it would adequately reflect the black essence of ideologists, organizers and executors of this crime.
P.S. Article was ready to the publication, when Azerbaijan’s newspaper “Zerkalo” reported the interesting news. According to newspaper, “Turan” news agency in Baku reported the launch of new website Immediately after this “Turan” agency became to expose Azerbaijani propaganda: “However the official Azerbaijani propaganda and the state controlled media overdid and allowed serious mistakes and frauds. Thus, exposing Armenians, some of our electronic media were so overzealous that borrowed photographs from Turkey, Palestine and other regions, presenting this as an evidence of Armenian crimes in Khojaly”. I am sure that such recognitions in “overdoing” became the direct result of staff’ hard work and it will continue.
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Re: The truth about Khojalu
Look, I know some of the people involved in this Khojalu, they grew up in 3rd mas where my mom grew up also, and tell you the truth the Khojalu massacre was a thing that taught Azeris to back off and that for them to know who they were dealing with. They always made fun of Armenians of being gentle sheep who woudn't touch innocent civilians.
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