Liberation of Western Armenia

The question regarding whether or not we Armenians would be able to 'liberate' our western lands have been raised recently. I would like to address this by first saying that this issue in question is a very complex geopolitical matter, thus it cannot be answered quite that easily.
No one but God knows when the day will come when we will able to send Armenian army units into Van, that glorious day may or may not happen within our life times. However, we as a nation need to be vigilant and ready if and when that day arrives. If we are not ready to take our lands back - then there is no chance what-so-ever. However, if we are ready and work towards that particular goal - then there is a chance, a good chance. Therefore, its up to us as a people to decide what we want for our future. Sadly, many Armenians today have already given up, and that is the main obstacle we face, not Turks.
The enemy is us.
The last thing I want is for us to be asleep at the wheel when the opportunity comes. Most Armenians were sleeping at the wheel or scared into inaction during 1915. Had we been well organized back then we would have been able to carve a huge amount of our historic lands and there would not have been an Armenian Genocide to lament over. Of course, the Bolshevik revolution and the chaos in Europe did not help our cause either, but that's - Hayu bakhd@ - for you again. However, that was then this is now, lets look ahead.
Anyway, getting our lands back is based upon various geopolitical socioeconomic factors. We need to work on these various factors, we need to be patient, and we need to hope for the best. I firmly believe we will liberate our lands, I just don't know when that time will be. That is one of the fundamental reasons why I say "no relations with Turks what-so-ever." Yes, of course our Republic needs to engage in political dialoug and give lip service to the superpowers that be, but our real national interests must burn bright within us. I will now briefly address the arguments regarding the aspects of getting our lands back:
How will we defend the land?
Those lands in question can easily be protect and defended by a well armed, well trained modern military force. The land is rugged and alpine, once you aquire it and dig in, you are in total control - look at Artsakh. Also, if you do have a nuclear bomb behind you, you are virtually untouchable - look at North Korea, Pakistan and very soon Iran. Besides, I only envision making a move onto western Armenia when the Turkish nation is unable to defend its-self. What's more, if the time is right, Russia and/or Iran may want to participate. In other words, when the Turk is vulnerable you stomp on its head as fast as you can and as hard as you can and you don't stop until you accomplish your mission. Let's not forget, politics is dirty business, we also need to dirty ourselves once in a while.
We need to get rid of our Genocide complexes. We need to get rid our our Diaspora mentalities. Unfortunately, we Armenians think small. When one thinks small one accomplishes small. In this respect, I have a lot more hope in Hayastantis than in diasporans. Hayastantsis don't have these Diaspora derived mental hang ups, as we saw in Artsakh. Moreover, they are free thinkers, shrewd, rash and they are cut-throat, all these work well in politics. As a result, the foreign policy formulations of Yerevan today is excellent, they are well balanced, nationalistic and clever. That is also the reason why I respect the ARF: Regardless of your sentiments are towards them, I know them to be shrewd, well organized, well disciplined and aggressive. And today, they are the only ones in the diaspora that preserves our nationalistic pride and cause.
What about the Kurds?
The Kurds will have a nation they may want to move to in norther Iraq or the south of Van. Those who decide to remain in our historic lands will simply have to become Armenian citizens, just as they are Turkish citizens now. If they decide to give us a hard time, then they simply have to pack and leave as well, its no big deal. In times of geo-political chaos, these things occur naturally. Israel has been able to displace close to a million Lebanese in two shot weeks. The Artsakh army was able to do the same with Azeris in 1993. The Kurds are quite disorganized and disunited, therefore Armenians need not worry much about them as a military/politcal factor.
What is so important about our lands?
The lands we want hold great sentimental value. That is where our genealogy began, it is where human civilization began, its where our martyred ancestors lie in unmarked graves. More importantly, the land belongs to us legally. Moreover, the land has vast economic, strategic and political value. The region is rich in natural resources and agricultural potential. I envision the Republic of Armenia growing in population within the next hundred. Therefore, we will eventually need our lands back. Every Armenian wants to see a prosperous Armenia, right? Well, a prosperous Armenia will need to expand eventually. So, what better land than 'ours' to expand into? What's more, the only way we Armenians can get respect from the international community is by creating a large powerful nation. A nation that would be able to sit on the table, as an equal, with the regional superpowers.
As long as we remain small, dependent and vulnerable, the international community will spit on us - its quite natural. Whether or not we will be able to get our lands back is based upon the following factors. We are making good progress in many areas, but there is a lot more to accomplish:
The out-come of the Artsakh issue
The strength of the Armenian economy
The strength of the Armenian military
The strength and ideological conviction of the Armenian Diaspora
Whether or not Armenia develops and nuclear bomb
Superpower interests within the region
Strong Armenian-Iranians relations
Strong Armenian-Russian relations
Armenian-Kurdish relations
Armenian-Arab relations
Armenian-EU relations
Turkey's internal problems - social and economic
Turkey's external problems - political and military
Unexpected "natural" disasters
The above are the factors that would potentially dictate whether or not we will be able to regain our lands. Obviously, its not simple, but as I said: If we keep this within our sights then there 'is' a chance, if we don't then there is 'no' chance. Thus, the pivotal factor is played by nobody but us.
Our people can be our worst obstacle, or our catalyst to a greater future.