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The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

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  • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

    Originally posted by yerazhishda View Post
    Is Russia financially baking the Ossetians? Aren't the Russians waiting for a reason to go to war with Georgia?

    More or less they are backing the Ossetians financially, but their aim is not to go to war with georgia, it is to bring them back under their sphere of influence through diplomatic pressure. Of course Russia would win any war with georgia, and official tiflis knows nato will not come to its aid, but Russia would lose a lot of diplomatic/political capital if a war with georgia began, because no matter what Russia would be painted as the "bad guy" trying to stifle "democratic" development in georgia, the typical crap printed in american and western european media.
    For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
    to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


    • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

      Arif Yunusov: "Serzh Sargsyan obviously feels not at ease in an attempt to become closer to Russia and the West and please all of them"

      - How do you assess the current sociopolitical situation in Armenia?

      - It is difficult to specify situation in Armenia in brief, because the events there develop by a script differing from ours or Georgia's. Parallels can be formally drawn with the 2003 events and I can say that the same occurred in Armenia in spring. At the same time, the situation is even more complicated. Thus, on the other hand, the society demonstrated strong resentment with the ruling regime. The fact that regime is not local but originates from Karabakh even added negative. In the result, people were waiting for a charismatic and wise opposition leader to reverse the situation in Armenia. Levon Ter-Petrosyan has become such a leader, through his second appearance on the political stage astonished most people greatly, for Armenia thought he will never return as a politician again. The statements that the Armenian people will not forgive the terror, suffered by the people, especially Yerevan residents in the ealy 1990s, have been repeatedly made before. But it all sank into oblivion. The most important thing were the organizational and declamatory skills of the first President. But it is not enough to have a leader and intention of the society. For such small countries, as ours, reaction of the leading geopolitical players is crucial. But here everything is different. In West's opinion Armenian opposition was untimely in raising the combat, as now Russia's position is more important for the West and today it is not profitable for the West to argue with Russia for Armenia. This is not Georgia, where the majority of population is anti-Russian. It is unclear how can it affect the West in Armenia. Russia's positions are strong enough here. In the result, opposition failed to complete its duty. Russia did not believe to Ter-Petrosyan urgently arriving in Moscow, while the West has taken the wait-and see stance, while Armenian society was striken with pessimistic spirits. Today, these very feelings-disappointment and pessimism are defining for understanding the situation in Armenia. At the same time, it can not be said that Serzh Sargsyan has managed to consolidate his positions. He still feels not at ease while attempting to get closer to the strongest countries - Russia and the West and wants to please all of them. On the other hand, Levon Ter-Petrosyan and his supporters have a rich political experience, they were caught in such situations and managed to find a way our. Thus, there has been a certain pause in the political situation in Armenia, which will probably last until spring of the next year, when situation in Armenia may deteriorate again under the influence of talks on Karabakh and PACE resolution, and perhaps on other reasons. But there can hardly be anything serious in Armenia before it.

      - How would you comment on the statement of first Armenian president Levon Ter-Petrosyan who said that adoption of resolution 1620 at PACE summer session regarding Armenia is illogical and "evidences the unscrupulousness of this organization and that the West has created virtual Armenia for itself and now tries to prove us that the country where we live is wonderful"?

      - Levon Ter-Petrosyan statement proves strong disappointment with the West's position. We have sustained this repeatedly in Azerbaijan, while Armenians have faced this for the first time, as opposition hoped for the principal position of the West in the face of the OSCE and PACE. But it did not occur, which has become a kind of a cold shower for Armenian opposition. But belief in West has been preserved, otherwise what should they do? Russia's position in the elections in any country in the post-Soviet area is primordially known, there is nothing unclear there. There is no Islam factor in Armenia as well. Therefore, Armenian opposition's choise is too restricted. It is too discontented with the position of the West, if exactly, western organizations, it will periodically criticize them, but at the same time not lose hope for their assistance.

      - What is a difference between Azerbaijani and Armenian opposition?

      - The differences are great and they are caused by many factors, including actions of the authorities, position of the society and reaction of geopolitical actors. There is a great difference everywhere. For example, energy factor plays important role for the West in Azerbaijan. Therefore, the West shows passive reaction to the actions of the authorities, formally in order not to spoil their image completely. As is said, even PACE resolutions smell of oil in Azerbaijan, which will last until the time when oil reserve are exhausted. Our authorities are aware of it, and act fearlessly as they understand that nothing threatens to them in real. Therefore they can use force and money is enough to buy opposition when necessary. Besides, our society is also pessimistic. The situation is quite different in Armenia and the society is not so pessimistic there and the West thinks not about the reserves in the country, therefore, at some stage it will impose pressure on Armenian authorities and assist to opposition. The latter just hurried, as our compatriots in South Azerbaijan did in May of 2006. At the same time, our opposition has to learn from Armenian's. First of all, Armenian opposition has a definite strategy, which it executes consistently enough or at least tries to implement. And tactically it is more creative. Let's recall the story with the spread of DVD and cassettes from Ter-Petrosyan's meeting among the population. Know-How is on the high level. It also invests something and tries to act unexpectedly.

      - Nevertheless, despite expectations of most experts, June 20 meeting of the Armenian opposition involves masses. How did Armenian opposition manage to attain such a success, as conduction of mass protest action in the center of Yerevan in conditions of strong pressure by Armenian authorities?

      - Everything is relative. The pressure of Armenian authorities on opposition is in fact not so strong, especially in comparison with us. On March 1 the authorities managed to take control of the situation only with use of force and deploying army in the streets. Now, when the pressure of the authorities has weakened, the opposition has a chance to conduct its activity. The question is how to atract masses? Ter-Petrosyan managed to relieve a part of the society from apathy and distrust in their powers. But only a part of the society. Another part, especially beyond the capital city, is still sleepy and fearing its authorities. Thus, the meetings in Yerevan are only attended by those who joined them in February-March.

      - In this case, what can we expect from the meeting of Armenian opposition, scheduled for July 4?

      - This meeting will not be so decisive for Armenia. The past script will repeat. Another moment is important here: Armenian opposition, led by Ter-Petrosyan always invents and undertakes something, permanently holding the authorities under tension, which is important. This means that the working Armenian regime will always be under pressure, Even summer vocations are not for them, through traditionally political activity is declining in this period, while in Armenia we see different developments, which is a result of opposition's actions.

      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


      • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

        Originally posted by Artsakh View Post
        I'd much rather enjoy it with you, as you remind me of my brides sister. I'm a very handsome guy--are you sure you want to pass this up?
        Yes I am sure
        It wouldn't matter, If you were a very very handsome guy and I have never seen very very handsome Armenian Boy

        My love life demands on emotions and out of such kind of fantasy...and my lover should be my slave Always listening me

        Go out to other door! Sorry And don't speak outside subjects
        Last edited by Kanki; 07-05-2008, 03:02 AM.


        • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

          Originally posted by meline

          Hmmmmm, who is of the same kin in the region then...Let me guess...Turks and Azeri? Obviously a fruitless relationship.
          I didn't mention Azeris, I spoke general.


          • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

            Tensions in Caucasus not reducing over ongoing propaganda war between Yerevan and Baku

            /PanARMENIAN.Net/ Russia is concerned over West’s increasing presence in Georgia and Azerbaijan, since it can later turn over to Armenia, thus embracing the entire South Caucasus, according to a Russian expert.

            “Trip to Baku is not Medvedev’s only visit to Transcaucasia. He also plans to visit Armenia,” Vadim Mukhanov, senior fellow of the Center of Caucasian Studies at Moscow State Institute of International Relations, said when commenting on the outcomes of the Russian President’s visit to Azerbaijan.

            “The talks focused on possibilities to intensify political and economic cooperation, specifically in energy sector. The Russian government supports Gazprom’s talks with local companies on Azeri gas purchase while Azerbaijan is interested in entering the Russian market,” he said.

            “However, relations between Russia and Azerbaijan are restricted to state interests of both states. It’s obvious that Russia will not sacrifice its strategic partnership with Armenia for closer relations with Azerbaijan,” he said, adding, “Tensions in Caucasus are not reduced over ongoing propaganda war between Yerevan and Baku, which is pregnant with a new burst of violence,” Mukhanov said.

            Among other issues discussed by the Russian and Azeri leaders, the expert mentioned illegal migration, IA Regnum reports.

            For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
            to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.



            • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

              Originally posted by Armenian View Post
              U.S. Is in No Shape to Give Advice, Medvedev Says
              The Russian president is right - the USA must mind its own business and should not stick its nose into every hole it can find.....


              • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                South Ossetia Declares Nation-Wide Mobilization

                Shelling reported in Georgia's breakaway region:

                Georgia’s breakaway province South Ossetia has declared the nation-wide mobilization following the attack on Tskhinvali at night from July 3 to 4. The death-toll is two persons, Interfax reported with reference to South Ossetia's officials. President of unrecognized South Ossetia Eduard Kokoity threatened to deploy major combat vehicles in the conflict area if the attack is launched again. South Ossetia’s capital, Tskhinvali, was under attack till 2:30 a.m., July 4, and the bombs hit nine houses. Georgia claims that the fire was opened after the previous night’s attack on Eredvi and Vanati villages. The peacekeepers’ contingent in the conflict area has been put into extreme combat alert and commanding officers urge opposing parties to immediately proceed to negotiations. In this respect, of interest is that Georgia unilaterally stepped up the strength of enforcement bodies in a few settlements of South Ossetia past afternoon.


                Seven Unidentified Jets Spotted in South Ossetia

                Seven unidentified jets were seen flying during the night attack on Tskhinvali, RIA Novosti reported with reference to Vladimir Ivanov, who is the aid to commander of Joint Peacekeeping Forces in the Georgia-South Ossetia’s conflict area. Past night, Georgia brought down fire on South Ossetia in three directions, attacking its capital Tskhinvali and Ubiat and Dmenis villages. One man was killed, three injured in time of shooting. “The peacekeepers’ outposts recorded seven flights of the aircraft from 1:10 a.m. to 5:00 a.m., Friday, – two Su-25 jets at 4:47 a.m. and the spying drones in the remaining cases. The contingent of peacekeepers was put into combat readiness,” Ivanov said. The breakaway republic of Georgia, South Ossetia is seeking the independence recognition, but Georgia is ready to grant only the wide autonomy to it. The joint contingent of peacekeepers that consists of three battalions (Russian, Georgian and North Ossetia’s, 500 servicemen each) secures peace in the conflict area.


                Russia begins military exercises in volatile N. Caucasus region

                Russia began Saturday large-scale military exercises in several regions of the Southern Federal District, which includes highly volatile North Caucasus republics, a senior military official said. The exercise, dubbed Caucasus Frontier 2008, will involve units of the North Caucasus Military District, mainly the 58th Army, the 4th Air Force Army, Interior Ministry troops, and border guards. "The active phase of the multi-stage exercise will be held through the second week of July," said Maj. Gen. Vladimir Maystrenko, deputy chief of staff of the North Caucasus Military District. He said the main goal of the exercise is to practice interoperability between federal troops, interior ministry's troops, border guards, and the Air Force in special operations against militants and the defense of Russia's state borders. The exercise will mostly take place on the territory of Chechnya, North Ossetia, Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, and Karachayevo-Circassia. According to statistics, 80% of terrorism-related crimes in Russia occur in the Southern Federal District, which includes North Caucasus republics of Chechnya, Daghestan and Ingushetia. During the first five months of 2008, Ingushetia alone saw a sharp increase in assaults on law enforcement and military personnel. In 53 attacks a total of 12 police officers and four servicemen were killed and 46 law enforcement officers and 11 soldiers were injured. On Wednesday, two policemen were killed, and five others wounded in the town of Malgobek in Ingushetia after their vehicles came under fire by unidentified gunmen. The region has also been recently shaken by an intensified conflict between Georgia and its breakaway republics of South Ossetia and Abkhazia.


                Russia warns of "new war" in Abkhazia conflict

                A "new war" could break out in Georgia's breakaway region of Abkhazia if Tbilisi uses military force to resolve the conflict, Russia's Defence Ministry said on Saturday. Separatist leader Sergei Bagapsh accused Georgia on Saturday of planning to take over the region by force earlier this year, though the operation did not come to fruition. "Such plans by Tbilisi can only be seen as yet another step towards further escalating the tensions in the region, which will bring the conflict into a new war," the Defence Ministry said in a statement on its Web site A popular Soviet-era resort, Abkhazia threw off Tbilisi's rule in a 1990s separatist war. It is not recognised by any state, but runs its own affairs. Earlier this week, Abkhazia said it was sealing itself off from Georgian-controlled territory after a series of explosions it blamed on Tbilisi.


                Russia urges Georgia to sign ceasefire deal with its breakaway regions

                The Russian foreign minister said Russia is concerned over the escalation of violence in Georgia's breakaway region of South Ossetia and urged Georgia to sign a ceasefire deal with its breakaway regions, the RIA Novosti news agency reported Friday. "We ... want the international community to take urgent steps in both conflicts with South Ossetia and Abkhazia to persuade Tbilisi to sign a ceasefire agreement," Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov was quoted as saying. Russia's Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Georgia's actions to attack South Ossetia are an "open aggression." "Moscow believes it is unacceptable when Tbilisi tries to create an illusion of progress on the Abkhaz front and simultaneously commits undisguised acts of aggression against South Ossetia. Such tactics could reduce to zero the prospect of settling both conflicts," the ministry said. According to confirmed reports, an alleged Georgian attack on South Ossetia's capital of Tskhinvali left one dead and three injured late last night, Igor Alborov, a deputy defense and emergencies minister in the breakaway republic said. South Ossetia declared its independence from Georgia following the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. A joint commission co-chaired by officials from Russia, Georgia, and North and South Ossetias has been involved in conflict resolution negotiations. However, Tbilisi has indicated that it doubts results can be achieved in the current format. Relations between Moscow and Tbilisi have drastically deteriorated since Russia's former president Vladimir Putin called for closer ties between Moscow and the breakaway republics in mid-April.

                Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


                Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


                • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                  Originally posted by Kanki View Post
                  Yes I am sure
                  It wouldn't matter, If you were a very very handsome guy and I have never seen very very handsome Armenian Boy

                  My love life demands on emotions and out of such kind of fantasy...and my lover should be my slave Always listening me

                  Go out to other door! Sorry And don't speak outside subjects
                  You haven't seen any handsome Armenians? Where do you think you get your looks from? Your forefathers looked no different from modern-day chinese or japanese. Modern day "turks" look the way they do because they have Armenian, Greek, and other blood flowing through their veins.


                  • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                    Originally posted by Artsakh View Post
                    You haven't seen any handsome Armenians? Where do you think you get your looks from? Your forefathers looked no different from modern-day chinese or japanese. Modern day "turks" look the way they do because they have Armenian, Greek, and other blood flowing through their veins.

                    I saw many Armenian guys in Turkey But they look like Kurdish people who are not handsome. . . and very very hairy guys..... öghhhhh yuck!! Maybe I was unlucky to see handsome Armenian boy. . . maybe

                    No no you can't say all "Turks are mixed" Turks 15% are still homogeneous...

                    Our race is only harmonize Anatolia (climate and other factors etc) for 1000 years.

                    If you say true, Ok I am an Armenian girl but Why you are my enemy ???
                    Last edited by Kanki; 07-05-2008, 12:23 PM.


                    • Re: The Rise of the Russian Empire: Russo-Armenian Relations

                      Originally posted by Kanki View Post
                      I saw many Armenian guys in Turkey But they look like Kurdish people who are not handsome. . . and very very hairy guys..... öghhhhh yuck!! Maybe I was unlucky to see handsome Armenian boy. . . maybe

                      No no you can't say all "Turks are mixed" Turks 15% are still homogeneous...

                      Our race is only harmonize Anatolia (climate and other factors etc) for 1000 years.

                      If you say true, Ok I am an Armenian girl but Why you are my enemy ???
                      Artsakh is quite right. After 1915-1923 the turks impregnated the most goodlooking Armenian women and other Christian women and also they got hold of our children, that's how you got your good looks from. Your turkish peoples' Dna has more thant 70% Greek Dna in them, and also Armenian blood and some Cherkez blood too.

                      Why we are your enemy? Because your government do not teach you to love Armenians. They don't tell you the truth about your history. They make up history and fed you their lies, that's why. They are into denial.
                      Last edited by Anoush; 07-05-2008, 01:57 PM.

