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Armenian-Turkish Relations

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  • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

    Harut Sassounian Publisher


    Turkey's growing influence in the Middle East, even before the naval
    confrontation with Israel over Gaza, had prompted some Arab countries
    to restrict the political rights of local Armenian communities.

    It is feared that the latest Gaza conflict, which catapulted Prime
    Minister Erdogan to a heroic stature throughout the Islamic world,
    would result in further limitations on Armenian activities deemed to be

    In recent months, Jordan, Lebanon and Syria have taken specific
    actions to place some restrictions on the activities of their Armenian
    citizens either out of concern for a backlash from Turkey or under
    direct pressure from Turkish authorities.

    A case in point was the Jordanian government's cancellation of AGBU's
    Middle East Young Professionals Forum that was to take place in Amman,
    June 3-6. Talin Suciyan, reported in The Armenian Weekly that Jordanian
    authorities had expressed reservations for the gathering of 150 young
    Armenians from various parts of the world. Suciyan, who was invited
    to speak on the "Legacy of Hrant Dink" and the Armenian community in
    Turkey, stated that the organizers were informed the night before
    that the forum was canceled by orders "from above." Some observers
    attributed the cancellation of the AGBU forum to the agreement to set
    up a Free Trade Zone, which was to be signed between Jordan, Lebanon,
    Syria, and Turkey, on June 10. A commentator pointed out the irony
    of Armenian conferences being allowed to take place in Turkey, but
    not in Jordan!

    Earlier this year, when a Lebanese TV crew was about to enter
    Syria to record footage on "the Armenian killing fields" in Der
    Zor, border guards refused to admit them, even though they had
    secured the necessary filming permits from the Syrian authorities
    in advance. This incident took place shortly after CBS aired in its
    "60 Minutes" program a segment on the Armenian Genocide. The program
    depicted the protruding bones of Armenian Genocide victims from the
    desert sands of Der Zor. Turkish officials lodged a complaint with
    the Syrian government for allowing CBS to film an "anti-Turkish"
    program in their country.

    The third incident, unexpectedly, took place in Lebanon, home to one
    of the most influential Armenian communities in the Diaspora. In
    a surprise move, government officials banned the airing of Eileen
    Khatchadourian's music video, "Zartir Vortyag," a genocide era song
    calling for resistance against oppression. Even though the song makes
    no reference to Turkey, Lebanese authorities were concerned that it
    would negatively affect Lebanese-Turkish relations.

    These are troubling examples of blatant interference with Armenian
    citizens' right to free expression. In all three countries, Armenians
    have long enjoyed the most cordial relations with their respective
    governments and are viewed by them as loyal citizens. Local Armenian
    community leaders must strongly protest such arbitrary violations
    of their basic rights as citizens of these countries. They should
    consider carrying out a campaign to educate their fellow citizens
    about the extensive damage Turkey has caused to Arab interests for
    decades, as a close military ally of Israel. Armenians should point out
    that, despite Erdogan's blistering anti-Israeli rhetoric, he has not
    canceled any of the 16 agreements with Israel, including the exchange
    of intelligence, according to Today's Zaman newspaper. Sedat Laciner,
    head of Ankara-based International Strategic Research Organization,
    told Hurriyet that the military leaders of the two countries had
    also signed several secret agreements. According to the Middle
    East magazine, the intelligence agencies of Israel and Turkey have
    cooperated "since the 1950's in the fight against radical Islamist
    groups and Iranian clandestine operations in the region."

    Furthermore, Turkey was reported to have allowed Israel "to monitor
    Syrian military maneuvers from Turkish soil." In addition, Turkey
    awarded .8 billion in military contracts to Israeli companies. The
    total trade turnover between the two countries reached .5 billion in
    2009. More than 900 large Israeli corporations have been operating
    in Turkey and over 1,000 small Israeli exporters have established
    commercial ties with it.

    Erdogan has cleverly capitalized on the political vacuum created by
    the inaction of Arab leaders regarding the plight of the Palestinian
    people, thus raising his own as well as his party's political rating in
    advance of the September 12 referendum on constitutional amendments,
    and next year's crucial parliamentary elections. It is a pity that
    Arab leaders have totally abdicated their own responsibility, allowing
    an outsider to claim the mantle of Arab leadership! Prior to Prime
    Minister Erdogan's scheduled visit to Lebanon next month, where he
    might receive an undeserved hero's welcome by some Lebanese, Armenians
    must expose his hypocritical show of solidarity with Palestinians,
    and convince their fellow citizens that he is acting in his own,
    rather than Lebanon's, best interest.
    Hayastan or Bust.


    • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations


      2010-06-22 17:49:00

      ArmInfo. Armenian President Serge Sarkisian expressed little hope on
      Tuesday that his country could resume relations with Turkey.

      He said this during his first state visit to Germany.

      M&C quotes Sarkisian as saying: 'Turkey's current policies are not
      conducive towards engaging in relations.'

      In Berlin, Sarkisian held talks with Chancellor Angela Merkel, who
      offered to help resolve the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict.

      'In those areas where we can be helpful, we want to be helpful,' Merkel
      told journalists, adding her hope that resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh
      issue would also help ease tensions with Turkey.

      'We greatly welcomed the fact that there was some movement in
      relations between Armenia and Turkey some time ago,' the chancellor
      said. 'Unfortunately the whole thing has lost its momentum,' she added.

      Sarkisian said he was not optimistic about Turkey's recent foreign
      policy shift, which has seen the country take a more assertive role
      in international issues such as Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip
      and Iran's nuclear policy.

      The Armenian president went on to say that an improvement in the
      countries' relations would require political efforts from Ankara.

      'We have not seen this will from Turkey,' he added.
      Hayastan or Bust.


      • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

        According to Melkonyan the Armenians who migrate for Turkey from Armenia are changing their religion by force.

        Forced islamization of Armenians in Turkey

        Today the specialist of Turkish Studies Ruben Melkonyan on the meeting with the journalists said that after 2-3 decades we will have to make researches on the Armenians who have changed their religion by force as in the latest period can be noticed a new stage of islamization of the Armenians in Turkey.

        According to Melkonyan the Armenians who migrate for Turkey from Armenia are changing their religion by force. “We can frequently come across with articles in Turkish media titled “the Armenian bride adopted Islam”, “Armine became Nenjmie,” R. Melkonyan said and added, “The Armenians that live in Turkey, want to make a business, integrate into Turkish environment and to become a part of it, so they accept Islam.”

        According to the researches of the Turkish studies scientist in the Armenian community of Turkey the 82% of the Armenian youth is not speaking in Armenian, “even the sermon in the church and the education at schools is in Turkish. We should seriously examine this issue and prevent it.”
        According to Melkonyan the Armenians who migrate for Turkey from Armenia are changing their religion by force.


        • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

          Originally posted by Muhaha View Post
          According to Melkonyan the Armenians who migrate for Turkey from Armenia are changing their religion by force. “We can frequently come across with articles in Turkish media titled “the Armenian bride adopted Islam”, “Armine became Nenjmie,” R. Melkonyan said and added, “The Armenians that live in Turkey, want to make a business, integrate into Turkish environment and to become a part of it, so they accept Islam.”
          That's kind of deceptive since the bride wasn't forced to be married and she chose to marry and adopt Islam. There are Armenians and Greeks in Canada and USA that marry into Islam by choice. Except in Turkey, it's more of an incentive since Turks already have an upper hand on having a good job, stable life, etc. When in Rome, do as the Romans.
          "Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it." ~Malcolm X


          • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations


            July 14 2010

            The speculations about the opening of the Armenian-Turkish border
            in the Turkish press appeared after Hillary Clintonâ~@~Ys visit to
            the region.

            Journalist of the Turkish Radikal newspaper Murat Yetkin wrote that
            Turkey prepares to temporarily open the Armenian-Turkish border
            to provide access of the countryâ~@~Ys military equipment in the
            â~@~\Armenia 2010â~@~] joint exercise to be conducted this September.

            According to the diplomatic sources, the border opening will not
            be offical.

            As reported earlier, â~@~\Armenia-2010â~@~] joint exercise on
            eliminating consequences of emergency situations within the framework
            of NATO â~@~\Partnership for Peaceâ~@~] will be conducted in Armenia
            on September 11-17.
            Hayastan or Bust.


            • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

              Six Armenian-Turkish films to be released till 2011

              “Armenia-Turkey film platform” opened today in the framework of Golden Apricot 7th film festival in Yerevan.

              Coordinator of the platform Artsvi Bakhchinyan said in a press conference today that the orgainzers of the project are Golden Apricot and Turkish Anadolu Cultur NGO.

              The platform aimes at initiating a dialogue between Armenian and Turkish film makers through films. There is also a practical part of the program: joint film production.

              Chosen as s result of competitions held in Armenia and Turkey this year 6 film projects are participating in this film platform.

              “Our aim is to have three short and documentary films till the end of the year,” said he, adding that this year the films will be financed by the US embassy in Armenia.

              Further Bakhchyan presented the participants of the film platform: Gagik Harutyunyan and Harut Kbeyan from Armenia, and Rusla Saracoglu, Sayat Daghlian, Janai Ozden from Turkey.

              In his words the films yet to be shot will be presented to the Istanbul 2011 Film Festival.


              By the Way

              Winners of the 7th GOLDEN APRICOT Yerevan International Film Festival

              GOLDEN APRICOT for the Best Feature Film to the Turkish director Reha Erdem for the film Kosmos.

              Trailer :



              • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

      , Armenia
                July 17 2010

                Turkey not to open border with Armenia, Turkish FM says

                July 17, 2010 | 17:37

                Turkey will not open border with Armenia for the "Armenia-2010" joint
                exercise within the framework of NATO "Partnership for Peace", Turkish
                Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu stated at the OSCE Informal
                Ministerial in Almaty.

                Davutoglu said he spoke of the matter with his Azerbaijani counterpart
                Elmar Mammadyarov, stressing the border opening is impossible now,
                Turkish Hurriyet daily reports. "Let no one expect it," he added.

                As reported previously, Turkey does not rule out a temporary
                border opening with Armenia to provide access of the country's
                military equipment to the "Armenia 2010" joint exercise.
                Hayastan or Bust.


                • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

                  Hurriyet Daily News, Turkey
                  July 16 2010

                  Hot July with Armenia

                  Friday, July 16, 2010
                  GÄ°LA BENMAYOR

                  Sixty-five young musicians between the ages of 16 and 23 have been
                  selected among hundreds of conservatory graduates in Turkey and
                  Armenia to set up an orchestra that no one could even imagine years

                  It is the Turkey-Armenia Youth Symphony Orchestra.

                  Before lending an ear to these young people, who gave their third
                  concert at Cemal ReÅ?it Rey Concert Hall Thursday night following a
                  concert at BoÄ?aziçi University and another one in Büyükada, let's read
                  together what two conductors of this awesome project have said:

                  One of them was born in Istanbul, 40-year-old Armenian Nvart Andreassian.

                  And the other is working hard to make youngsters love classical music.
                  He is Cem Mansur, conductor of the Akbank Chamber Orchestra. Mansur
                  is, at the same time, founder of the National Youth Symphony

                  `I had a crazy idea to unite the musicians of the two countries,' says

                  Just like the famous Israeli pianist and conductor Danial Barenbroim
                  and his close friend Palestinian philosopher and author late Edward
                  Said brought Palestinian and Israeli musicians together.

                  Listening to each other like musicians do

                  Andreassian shares his project with Osman Kavala, CEO of Anadolu
                  Kültür A.Å?. (Anatolian Culture Inc.).

                  Kavala, as a strong voice of a civil initiative, which plays a
                  critical role in solving Turkey's problems with its neighbors Greece
                  and Armenia, someday asked, `Why should we not set up an orchestra?'

                  And the orchestra came to life.

                  `For a good orchestra, musicians should listen to each other.
                  Listening to each other and understanding each other¦ The orchestra
                  will do what the two peoples have to do because music is a common
                  language of all,' adds Andreassian.

                  Mansur rather speaks politically.

                  `I don't understand musicians who act indifferent. We all are living
                  on this planet, and we all function individually. We, musicians, can
                  do what others cannot or are afraid to do.'

                  Istanbul Art and Culture Foundation, or Ä°KSV, organized the concert
                  together with Anadolu Kültür and BoÄ?aziçi University. Unfortunately, I
                  will go to the concert after I am done with this article.

                  I will not be able to share my expressions with you about Armenian and
                  Turkish young musicians who will play the pieces of Bizet, Beethoven,
                  Smetana, Hacadurian and Ulvi Cemal Erkin.

                  Hot days of September at the door

                  The Turkey-Armenia Youth Symphony Orchestra is the last ring of events
                  taking place in the hot days of July between Turkey and Armenia.

                  Another art activity, which was not introduced well enough in the
                  media, in Istanbul is a sign that the `days of no dialogue' between
                  Turkey and Armenia are left behind.

                  The Armenian ballet artist Avetik Karapetian won the 2nd
                  `International Ballet Competition' in Istanbul.

                  The artist coming to Istanbul with no visa application had a problem,
                  but it was solved in two hours at the Interior Ministry.

                  Who would think years ago that this could be possible?

                  In fact, we received the first sign of `hot days of July' between
                  Turkey and Armenia following the visit of U.S. Secretary State Hillary
                  Clinton to Baku and Yerevan in early July.

                  Ten days later, we learned that Turkey will participate in NATO's
                  humanitarian assistance exercise in Armenia, which will be a first for

                  It's been said that Turkey might open the border for logistics
                  delivery to the military exercise to be held on Sept. 11 and 12.

                  Following the NATO drill, thousands of Armenians will participate in a
                  critical rite to be held at the Akhtamar Church in Van on Sept. 19.

                  After hot days of July, `hot days of September' will be at the door.
                  Hayastan or Bust.


                  • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

                    Turkish troops crossing Armenian border? Never mind.
                    July 20, 2010 - 3:39pm, by Joshua Kucera

                    Remember when we thought that the prospect of Turkish troops going to Armenia, through a temporarily opened border, for a NATO exercise was a further step toward rapprochement between the two countries? Well, never mind. For all the enthusiasm Turkey apparently held for the idea, it was less popular among Armenian officials, who quickly rejected the notion:

                    The Armenian Foreign Ministry refrained from officially commenting on the possibility of a temporary border opening. But a diplomatic source in Yerevan shrugged off the Turkish statement as "a public-relations stunt aimed at burnishing Turkey's image."

                    "Armenia has no desire to contribute to that effort," the source, who asked not to be identified, told RFE/RL. The Armenian government might refuse to let any personnel or vehicles enter the country from Turkey during the exercise, he added.

                    Other Armenian officials went on the record rejecting the Turkish reports:

                    The talks on a temporary opening of the Armenian-Turkish border during the NATO military drills to be held on September 11-17 in Armenia are groundless, assure correspondents of the RA Ministry of Emergency Situations with which NATO is organizing this year's military drills.

                    During the initial and final planning conferences organized within the framework of the NATO military drills, there was no mention of the opening of the Armenian-Turkish border. The Armenian, North-Atlantic and Turkish delegations didn't even make a proposal," Deputy Director of Armenia's Rescue Service of the RA Ministry of Emergency Situations Sergey Azaryan told "A1+".

                    And soon after, Turkish foreign minister Ahmet Davutoglu said there would be no border opening, and suggested that not just Armenia was unhappy about the idea, but Azerbaijan, too:

                    “There is no such thing as the opening of the border. It is not on the government’s agenda and reports to that effect are wrong,” Davutoğlu told reporters on the sidelines of an Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) meeting....

                    Davutoğlu had talks with his Azerbaijani counterpart, Elmar Mammadyarov, while in Almaty, during which the border issue came up. “I have told Elmar as well that there is no such thing as a border opening pending. No one should have any such expectations,” he said.

                    So, as seems often is the case with Turkey-Armenia reconciliation, it's two steps forward, one step back. But it appears that Turkish troops will still participate in Armenia (traveling through Georgia, presumably), which is still something...


                    • Re: Armenian-Turkish Relations

                      Here is a pick of the meeting between Elmar and Davutoglu
                      Hayastan or Bust.

