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Dual Citizenship - Now A Reality

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  • #31
    Re: Dual Citizenship - Now A Reality

    shat baner ka vor ches karogh DRAmov arnes.1.khoske vor mekin asoomes ches karogh het arnes.2.mee vat $$ mekin anes noren dramov ches karogh het vejares.soooooooo ???hyastantseeket sirOumek amen inche dramov arnek .Martkants Pativ nel tanek heto asek verjatsav.shat hangist che?minchev dzer gelkhin nooyne chepatahee chek en berni.dook oorishnerin inch koozek hashvek vochnchasnek.heto dzedz koozek amenke dzez goven hargen ,patven.zarmanalee a iskapes .oorishneri RIGHT e poghov votnahares.arjekits ketses .bits koozek amenke dzez pativ tan.hargen.arjek tan.mart ZARMANOOMA.vor der lezooneret chek khekhtoom.der avel yerkarooma ,Roberte oom shoone elni????????????? ov oorishin tsazer hamari iran tangatsni yes votit tak kanem.oozooma tagavor elni kam el vor yerkri shoone,tarberootyoon chooni.ov ira chape chepahi koozi mez te pokr kam jahel te parav ,aghchik te tegha ,motik te heroo .nooynna im hantep .lavin lav vatin amena vat e tsootst ketam.arajmes es kane.


    • #32
      Re: Dual Citizenship - Now A Reality

      Would like a quick short answer if anyone has one... I was born in Armenia, but am a citizen of the US. I never served for the Armenian army (came to the US at a young age). Is a dual citizenship possible for me? If so, will I have to serve for the army?


      • #33
        Re: Dual Citizenship - Now A Reality

        Military service is not compulsory. You may serve voluntarily though under certain circumstances.

        The latter questions rests on several variables though. One of them appears to be how much money are you willing to pay as tribute.

        But, as you may be considered a former citizen of the RA, you may be able to apply for simple re-instatement of your citizenship.

        When did you come to the U.S.?
        Are you over the age of 18?
        Were you a permanent resident of RA pending submission of your application? (this does not appear to be required if you can cough up dram as a tribute)
        Do you speak Armenian?

        Advice is as good as what you pay for it. Thus, free advice is often worthless.
        Between childhood, boyhood,
        & manhood (maturity) there
        should be sharp lines drawn w/
        Tests, deaths, feats, rites
        stories, songs & judgements

        - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


        • #34
          Re: Dual Citizenship - Now A Reality

          Originally posted by ddd View Post
          Would like a quick short answer if anyone has one... I was born in Armenia, but am a citizen of the US. I never served for the Armenian army (came to the US at a young age). Is a dual citizenship possible for me? If so, will I have to serve for the army?

          Unless you are over the age of 27 or have served 2 years in the armed forces of the u.s. then you will have to serve in the Armenian army. Check out the Foreign Ministry of Armenia's website for more info.
          For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
          to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


          • #35
            Re: Dual Citizenship - Now A Reality

            Originally posted by Armanen View Post
            Unless you are over the age of 27 or have served 2 years in the armed forces of the u.s. then you will have to serve in the Armenian army. Check out the Foreign Ministry of Armenia's website for more info.
            Perfect, thank you very much.


            • #36
              Re: Dual Citizenship - Now A Reality

              Originally posted by freakyfreaky View Post
              Military service is not compulsory. You may serve voluntarily though under certain circumstances.
              Esh, where do you get your information from? Do you just make this stuff up as you go along?

              Military service is compulsory. Read Armanen's post for the details.


              • #37
                Re: Dual Citizenship - Now A Reality

                Originally posted by ddd View Post
                Perfect, thank you very much.
                If you become a citizen and join the Armenia's Army, good luck to you! I actually envy you.


                • #38
                  Re: Dual Citizenship - Now A Reality

                  Armanen's info is not accurate.

                  It is the difference between may, can and must. But, you would not understand such intricacies.

                  The statute on this issue differs in language depending on which branch of the government has cared to publish it. And, any English copy is suspect re: spelling, grammar, etc.

                  Obviously, military service is not compulsory if there are 'exceptions' to service. Plenty of them to be exact. And, you can pay your way out of non-compliance. Puhleeze. Its not like woman are required to serve in the Armed Forces. You know carry a gun like a female conscript in the Israeli Armed Forces.

                  Compulsory. Pffffffffflllllllllllllllstttttttttt!!!
                  Between childhood, boyhood,
                  & manhood (maturity) there
                  should be sharp lines drawn w/
                  Tests, deaths, feats, rites
                  stories, songs & judgements

                  - Morrison, Jim. Wilderness, vol. 1, p. 22


                  • #39
                    Re: Dual Citizenship - Now A Reality

                    Originally posted by crusader1492 View Post
                    If you become a citizen and join the Armenia's Army, good luck to you! I actually envy you.
                    Save the envy, as it will most likely not happen (the joining the army part, not the becoming a citizen part). Although I am going to offer health related services (dental) free of charge several weeks to a month out of the year, if not more, starting next year.


                    • #40
                      Re: Dual Citizenship - Now A Reality

                      Originally posted by ddd View Post
                      Save the envy, as it will most likely not happen (the joining the army part, not the becoming a citizen part). Although I am going to offer health related services (dental) free of charge several weeks to a month out of the year, if not more, starting next year.

                      You will be offering this to random people that come in? And will you be in Yerevan or another city?
                      For the first time in more than 600 years, Armenia is free and independent, and we are therefore obligated
                      to place our national interests ahead of our personal gains or aspirations.


