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What's the World-wide Armenian population?

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  • lampron
    Re: What's the World-wide Armenian population?

    Down the centuries many Armenians were forced to become Muslims through slavery, kidnapping, janissaries etc so their offspring became part of the Islamic or Turkish world.

    But there were probably many Armenians, perhaps entire villagers who gave up Christianity and became Muslims without going through this process

    400 years ago the Ottomans were unstoppable. They were fighting wars from Malta to the Arabian Sea and winning successive battles against European powers. An Armenian in the year 1600, tired of heavy taxes, discrimination and insecurity, might well have converted to Islam. The chances of an Armenian nation recovering its independence would have seen extremely remote, while the Ottomans were destined to be in control well into the distant future

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  • hrai
    Re: What's the World-wide Armenian population?

    Originally posted by DennisTheMen View Post
    I agree with you completely..

    though if we count the Kurds/xxxs/Assyrians/Iranians with adopted Armenian culture and sur-name we would be over 10 million... but if we count the true Armenians we would be 7-8M at most.
    what dark motive drives your need to count numbers???
    Considering some plan?

    Reading your posts here & there it looks like either : a) You're posting from a classroom as a group or b) you have a serious number of voices in your head.

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  • UrMistake
    Re: What's the World-wide Armenian population?

    Originally posted by Eddo211 View Post
    You have it backwards..........some of the most radical Ultra-Nationalist Turks run around with Armenian blood in their vanes while most Armenians are fairly close to their ancestors.

    It is you guys who got our mojo in you (by kidnapping babies, kids, and our women then raising them as Turks) and that is why you look more white. You are not white you jackass; you guys are an aberration of a freak show.
    Couldn't agree more 100% of my words....

    How much ignorance can we stand with this guy??

    Next step for him will be killing non white turks which is good in one way i guess
    Last edited by UrMistake; 09-10-2010, 01:17 PM.

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  • Eddo211
    Re: What's the World-wide Armenian population?

    Originally posted by DennisTheMen View Post
    Like I said, if we count the true Armenians who adopted Armenian culture through it's Identity we will be 7-8M world-wide...

    but there is many Gypsie/xxx/Kurd.Iranian/ looking people who claim to be Armenian culturally and identity wise... so we are in reality over 10M.
    You have it backwards..........some of the most radical Ultra-Nationalist Turks run around with Armenian blood in their vanes while most Armenians are fairly close to their ancestors.

    It is you guys who got our mojo in you (by kidnapping babies, kids, and our women then raising them as Turks) and that is why you look more white. You are not white you jackass; you guys are an aberration of a freak show.

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  • jgk3
    Re: What's the World-wide Armenian population?

    Originally posted by DennisTheMen View Post
    Like I said, if we count the true Armenians who adopted Armenian culture through it's Identity we will be 7-8M world-wide...

    but there is many Gypsie/xxx/Kurd.Iranian/ looking people who claim to be Armenian culturally and identity wise... so we are in reality over 10M.
    Again with the self-hate... How old are you anyways? You suspiciously remind me of some other similar members who've come here...

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  • DennisTheMen
    Re: What's the World-wide Armenian population?

    Like I said, if we count the true Armenians who adopted Armenian culture through it's Identity we will be 7-8M world-wide...

    but there is many Gypsie/xxx/Kurd.Iranian/ looking people who claim to be Armenian culturally and identity wise... so we are in reality over 10M.

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  • SevSpitak
    Re: What's the World-wide Armenian population?

    We must all remember: most of us are not emigrants. We are in the four corners of the world because we were forced to be. And our homeland is not in the situation to support such a population for now. He have host countries, which we owe a lot to. But we are refugees, generation after generation, always waiting to return to our homelands.

    I don't consider myself an American of Armenian descent. I consider myself an Armenian living in America temporarily (whether I will spend my life in America or not is irrelevant, to me, my bloodline will surely lead back to Armenia when the time is right).

    To me, this mentality alone will rebuild our nation to the way we all want it to be.

    To me, a true Diaspora Armenian is one who will make sure his/her offsprings speak, write, learn in Armenian, and knows whatever there is to be known about Armenia, and will do whatever s/he can for Armenia. An Armenian eating his mom's litsk and putting a flag of Armenia in the car is not being a true Armenian. Knowing this is my criteria to count Armenians worldwide, there is surely not more than 5-6 million Armenians. Of course, this is 100% guess/opinion.
    Last edited by SevSpitak; 09-10-2010, 02:00 AM.

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  • DennisTheMen
    Re: What's the World-wide Armenian population?

    I agree with you completely..

    though if we count the Kurds/xxxs/Assyrians/Iranians with adopted Armenian culture and sur-name we would be over 10 million... but if we count the true Armenians we would be 7-8M at most.

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  • SevSpitak
    Re: What's the World-wide Armenian population?

    Same applies to Armenians. Some Armenians have some asiatic features as well. We're all the same. Our only difference is the religion and language.

    We're all really part of the same nation. Anatolia. If there was a federation called Anatolia, with semi-independent republics of Armenia, Turkey, Greece, Lazistan, Pontus, Cyprus, Kurdistan, Assyria, all with our local linguistic and religious rights, working together, we would all probably be happy, unless, of course, the same fate as Yugoslavia would partition us. Most Turks are actually extremely nice people. Our enemies are the fascists and the corrupted leaders (and honestly, the fascists among us are also our own enemies). If it were that easy, I'm sure this "Anatolian Federation" would have been part of the super powers of today. Just a nice thought, no?

    On the subject of this thread:
    Armenians around the world? It's hard to tell. Western Armenians are marrying non-Armenians, thus, doing what Turkey hopes we do (Ճերմակ Ջարդ). I wouldn't count those as Armenians anymore, as the chances that they return to their origins are slim. Then there are those Armenians who went to Armenians schools, and have Armenian parents, but beyond saying "I'm of Armenian descent," they don't give a xxxx about their nation (even though they wouldn't put it this way, it's the truth). There's this trend (which I was stupidly part of for a little while until some sense was knocked into me) where Disapora Armenians look at their Armenian language/alphabet as a useless thing, some even hate it. I've asked some of my friends sometimes, "when was the last time you wrote in Armenian?" and they answer me "I don't even remember how to write my name in Armenian haha."

    What a shameful thing to say! Your great grandmother struggled to survive so you end up this way? What would your great grandmother think???

    I'd say Armenians who actually associate themselves as Armenians in a true way, and who try to stay connected to the community and Armenia, and who try to link themselves to Armenia, and who say "above all, I am Armenian, then I am American [or whatenot]," are probably not more than 5-6 million worldwide. A lot of them are a lost cause, and will without a doubt end up abandoning their past.

    Sooner or later, Western Armenians will assimilate and completely vanish. I bet by the time our generation is old, this will be the MAIN issue of Armenians worldwide, and the few of us who will still be aware of who we really are are going to fight it when it's already too late. Your kids are going to be tempted to marry foreigners, and their kids will MOST PROBABLY marry foreigners, UNLESS you make a good example on them. The time to fight it is now. Don't fight assimilation, and you'll be making anti-Armenian Turks very happy.

    The only way to solve this is for Armenia to invest and make a system where each and every single Armenia abroad, who goes to a Diaspora Armenian school, are automatically linked to Armenia (or something like Israel did to xxxs when it was founded, and still today). Something like an id card owned by all Armenians, linking everyone to a community (dunno, an idea I just threw on the fly). But as long as Armenia is blockaded, and must spend the large % of their money on this Karabakh/Turkish conflict, the chances of Armenia doing more than it is already is trying to is slim at best. The longer the Karabakh conflict lasts, the happier Turks are, because the more our hands are tied, and the more our people will stay away from our homeland, and the more our people will have chances of assimilating. and if this happens, Eastern Armenians will practically be left alone, and at the next major war, invaded, and the final chapter of Armenian history will begin (something we might not see, but will inevitably happen, unless armageddon happens before )

    It LITERALLY takes a SECOND national awakening (like in the 19th century) for all Armenians worldwide. Otherwise, the Diaspora will be a page in history, and we'll vanish like the polish Armenians.

    This is my opinion on the "Armenian" population worldwide.
    Last edited by SevSpitak; 09-10-2010, 01:43 AM.

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  • Joseph
    Re: What's the World-wide Armenian population?

    Originally posted by gegev View Post

    Some sites say there are 1.5M Turks/Tatars in Turkey. Out of 72M population 24M are Kurds 16M converted to Islam concealed Armenians and the rest - are half-breed Armenians, Greek, Assyrians, Persians etc. Does anyone know the exact statistics?
    Though what you wrote is exaggerated, it is true that "true Turks" in Turkey are few in number. There is a people called the Yuruks who are exclusively Turkish but that is really about it.

    Turks are a wide mix of Turkic (Uzbek, Turcoman, etc) with Slav, Georgian, Greek, Armenian, Persian, Arab, Kurdish, Assyrian, xxxish, and Levantine (Venetian). What has to be remembered is that when the Seljuks and later the Osmanlis arrived, the men came only. After they established themselves in the region, first as mercenaries, adopting Islam and later forming empires, they were able to integrate the local populations who were squabbling amongst themselves and often times at odds with the Byzantines. Whole villages, towns, even regions joined them either out of spite to the Byzantines or coercion. Later through the formation of the Janissary and Devshirme, the process would continue. Though no people are pure anything, it is plausible that most Turks do not have any Central Asian lineage whatsoever.

    You'll have a hard time telling an Armenian or Turk from each other though often you can notice some Turks having more asiatic features.

    When the Seljuks arrived, they came came in hordes on horseback and were solely male. They worked as mercenaries before forming their own short-lived

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