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ShanTV increases singer production assembly line efficiency.

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  • #11
    Re: ShanTV increases singer production assembly line efficiency.

    Originally posted by jgk3 View Post
    gegev can you explain to me how TV has influenced the learning pattern of students?
    It mainly influences the children’s choice, what they chose to learn, you know.

    If TV makes children interested/eager to learn criminal style of life to become “Criminal King” you can’t enforce them learning the subjects they take at school.

    Because he/she wants learning the other “subjects” (violence, killing, stealing techniques) that will allow him/her realize in life the dream chosen. Although it teaches the criminal know-how too, but it is smaller harm that the ShanTV and alike, generate.
    Last edited by gegev; 12-25-2010, 10:47 PM.


    • #12
      Re: ShanTV increases singer production assembly line efficiency.

      Originally posted by gegev View Post
      It mainly influences the children’s choice, what they chose to learn, you know.
      where do you get this from? Where is the date to support this idea? Because children in the west grew up watching pokemon other Japanese cartoons like that, so according to you all of them should love biology and other subjects like that,

      If TV makes children interested/eager to learn criminal style of life to become “Criminal King” you can’t enforce them learning the subjects they take at school.
      You give way too much credibility to the tv, it's more the culture around them that is nurnishing them to become like that than the tv ever will do. And this seems such an easy excuse for teacher the child doesn't want to study so it's tv's fault.

      Because he/she wants learning the other “subjects” (violence, killing, stealing techniques) that will allow him/her realize in life the dream chosen. Although it teaches the criminal know-how too, but it is smaller harm that the ShanTV and alike, generate.
      Where do you get this idea from? There was one show with mafia boss in it that was the good guy (vorogayt) and every problem in Armenia with the youth it's now their fault?
      It wasn't like that the children see the mafia bosses on the street and the respect that they get and that they want to be like that? Or that they see older guys acting in a certain way and they act like that? No it's tv that is doing everything.

      Originally posted by gegev View Post
      Karo The Great:

      As a former teacher I insist that TV influence matters much in children education.
      when they are below 10 after that a child should realise what is reality and what is fiction, if he can not do that it's the fault of the people who raised him not that of the tv. And it is not the job of the tv to raise your children. They shouldn't stop making violent shows because there was a possibility that children could watch it, it's your job as a parent to stop your child from watching. The tv companies should not worry about those things and they should concentrate on making qualitative shows. I would love seeing an other show about the Armenian underworld.

      Although the parents, as you stress, are crucial players in that; they can’t successfully confront the other adverse components of the multifaceted education process, if they are doing it lonely. In effective education it is important that all the major component gradients are working towards the same goal/direction.
      I am sorry but ti's not the job of the tv to raise your child. ShantTV should not stop making mob series because parents don't like it, i love them and I don't want to suffer because other people can not raise their brats. It's easy do not allow your child to watch like I've said it, teach your child what is right and what is wrong. Teach them that the tv is fiction and that real live is very different. And teach your child to get the right type of friends, because friends are a bigger source of influence than tv ever will be and that is the problem in Armenia, some retards with rich daddies ruining the rest.


      • #13
        Re: ShanTV increases singer production assembly line efficiency.

        Originally posted by KarotheGreat View Post
        where do you get this from? Where is the date to support this idea? Because children in the west grew up watching pokemon other Japanese cartoons like that, so according to you all of them should love biology and other subjects like that,
        You give way too much credibility to the tv, it's more the culture around them that is nurnishing them to become like that than the tv ever will do. And this seems such an easy excuse for teacher the child doesn't want to study so it's tv's fault.
        Where do you get this idea from? There was one show with mafia boss in it that was the good guy (vorogayt) and every problem in Armenia with the youth it's now their fault?
        It wasn't like that the children see the mafia bosses on the street and the respect that they get and that they want to be like that? Or that they see older guys acting in a certain way and they act like that? No it's tv that is doing everything.
        when they are below 10 after that a child should realise what is reality and what is fiction, if he can not do that it's the fault of the people who raised him not that of the tv. And it is not the job of the tv to raise your children. They shouldn't stop making violent shows because there was a possibility that children could watch it, it's your job as a parent to stop your child from watching. The tv companies should not worry about those things and they should concentrate on making qualitative shows. I would love seeing an other show about the Armenian underworld.
        I am sorry but ti's not the job of the tv to raise your child. ShantTV should not stop making mob series because parents don't like it, i love them and I don't want to suffer because other people can not raise their brats. It's easy do not allow your child to watch like I've said it, teach your child what is right and what is wrong. Teach them that the tv is fiction and that real live is very different. And teach your child to get the right type of friends, because friends are a bigger source of influence than tv ever will be and that is the problem in Armenia, some retards with rich daddies ruining the rest.
        I see you have an expert opinion on every subject. Are you somehow related to teaching/educating profession?
        Last edited by gegev; 12-26-2010, 09:15 PM.


        • #14
          Re: ShanTV increases singer production assembly line efficiency.

          Originally posted by gegev View Post
          It mainly influences the children’s choice, what they chose to learn, you know.

          If TV makes children interested/eager to learn criminal style of life to become “Criminal King” you can’t enforce them learning the subjects they take at school.

          Because he/she wants learning the other “subjects” (violence, killing, stealing techniques) that will allow him/her realize in life the dream chosen. Although it teaches the criminal know-how too, but it is smaller harm that the ShanTV and alike, generate.
          Well, what would make a child want to learn those things more just because it's on tv? The weather channel has always been on tv, and you don't see all the kids becoming meteorologists just because it's very actively broadcast, and I would doubt that it has much of an effect on their grades. If this kind of programming appeared elsewhere in the world, be it North America, Europe, South Asia, etc... do you think it would have a universal effect on children growing up?


          • #15
            Re: ShanTV increases singer production assembly line efficiency.

            Originally posted by jgk3 View Post
            Well, what would make a child want to learn those things more just because it's on tv? The weather channel has always been on tv, and you don't see all the kids becoming meteorologists just because it's very actively broadcast, and I would doubt that it has much of an effect on their grades. If this kind of programming appeared elsewhere in the world, be it North America, Europe, South Asia, etc... do you think it would have a universal effect on children growing up?
            I can add to your “whether channel” argument the following TV programs:

            doll making know-how,
            chess teaching,
            language ones,
            Total: >1000

            to prove the huge “need” for criminal life style teaching programs.

            I guess excluding criminal life style teaching courses from High School curriculum may be qualified by criminals as a violent antidemocratic movement against them.

            Do we need to establish that kind of democracy in our society?
            Last edited by gegev; 12-28-2010, 01:37 AM.


            • #16
              Re: ShanTV increases singer production assembly line efficiency.

              Some good news:

              40 Armenian PVO/NGO-es and number of distinguished intelligencia representatives applied to the President to ban/decrease/regulate massive antisocial/criminal/prostitute life style propaganda through TV channels.
              They presented scientific research which supports their immense concern that the TV programs have bad/antisocial/debilitating impact on our new generation.

              What I'm afraid most of all nowadays?

              Children that are watching contemporary Armenian TV serials and "learning" know how of becoming criminal/prostitute that are pictured there as the ultimate desirable goal for everyone to reach.
              Last edited by gegev; 06-23-2012, 06:49 PM.


              • #17
                Re: ShanTV increases singer production assembly line efficiency.

                Originally posted by gegev View Post
                Some good news:

                40 Armenian PVO/NGO-es and number of extinguished intelligencia representatives applied to the President to ban/decrease massive antisocial/criminal/prostitute life style propaganda through TV channels.

                What I'm afraid most of all nowadays?

                Children that are watching contemporary Armenian TV serials and "learning" know how of becoming criminal/prostitute that are pictured there as the ultimate desirable goal for everyone to reach.
                aper, I fully agree. Armenia is going in wrong direction socially. To much moral corruption in our country, in the youth and women. Women especially are vulnerable to being corrupted and corrupted women easily leads to downfall of the nation. We need to clean ourselves up. and soon!
                Մեկ Ազգ, Մեկ Մշակույթ
                "Western Assimilation is the greatest threat to the Armenian nation since the Armenian Genocide."


                • #18
                  Re: ShanTV increases singer production assembly line efficiency.

                  Originally posted by Mos View Post
                  aper, I fully agree. Armenia is going in wrong direction socially. To much moral corruption in our country, in the youth and women. Women especially are vulnerable to being corrupted and corrupted women easily leads to downfall of the nation. We need to clean ourselves up. and soon!
                  These are typical results of capitalism. Nothing new or surprising there. This is one of the reasons i am against the capitalist system. Sure people don't need capitalism to be materialistic or self involved but this system produces it on a massive scale making it seem like the normal people are the unnormal ones.
                  Hayastan or Bust.


                  • #19
                    Re: ShanTV increases singer production assembly line efficiency.

                    Yes, let's give government the power to decide what we can watch or can't watch! I don't see any way this can go wrong!
                    It seems to me that some Armenians willingly give away their freedoms and right of choice. What is Armenia turning into if government starts deciding what we can watch or cannot watch! It is not TV's job to raise your damned kids! If you allow your kid to watch shows that are not for kids than it is your own fault not TV's! People need to take responsibility for their actions

                    Originally posted by Haykakan View Post
                    These are typical results of capitalism. Nothing new or surprising there. This is one of the reasons i am against the capitalist system. Sure people don't need capitalism to be materialistic or self involved but this system produces it on a massive scale making it seem like the normal people are the unnormal ones.
                    [sarcasm]Because socialism was so much better. [/sarcasm]


                    • #20
                      Re: ShanTV increases singer production assembly line efficiency.

                      Well we had communism in the soviet days and yeh it produced far better people because education was available to more people and for many other reasons. You can see the difference easily between two different government types if you go from one country to another. A good example is going from the USA which is not entirely capitalistic but more so then other countries- to a country like Canada which is a bit more socialist then the USA. You can easily observe that the Canadians are considerably more relaxed and overall happier and healthier then the people in the USA. If you look at the facts there is really no rooom nor need for sarcasm.
                      Hayastan or Bust.

