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Armenia, my heart...

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  • Armenia, my heart...

    hello there hyejinx... i am new...

    umm, i joined this forum because of what i just read about you... you decided to take an Armenian class... that is so awesome... and you said you wanna go to Armenian next summer... LET ME tell you Armenia IS beautiful... you will fall in love with every little detail... the mountains, the trees the ground, the streets, the stores, the LIFE, and when you go to SEVAN our only and precious body of water, you will fall in love AGAIN... i was born there, my family came here to the US in 1990, right before we had tanks in the streets and the riots and all that crazy stuff... i am 23 and i had not been back since then...

    so in June, just a couple of months ago, i went there for 3 weeks... hyejinx jan, you will love it so much you will spend so much money going there every year... i know i am going there next summer, and the summer after that and i wish every summer... i get teary eyed when i think about this, but this trip was the most symbolic trip i have ever taken... the best time i have ever had, and the best thousand (+) bucks i have EVER spent...

    #1. as soon as you touch down on Armenia, you will get teary eyed...

    then... the experiences: Armenian soil makes you more conicous and aware of everything... Armenian water makes you have the JIGYAR that we say... you dont have it until you drink that water, i still have the taste in my mouth... it is so pure... armenian people are crazy but you will love them... especially after an awesome evening of partying, you take the transport home with 10 people cramed into one van made for 5 (they are called Marshukas, they are like the vans/suvs here, but less taken care of)... you will think back and realize that life is better when you have Armenia, even if its that small...

    there is a song stuck in my head right now that goes something like this "Yerevani gishernerum, siro apsen e glorvum... " you'll know what i mean when you go there... you will look up at the sky and see the moon really close, and the stars really close, and think wow we are really high in elevation and we are not freezing... lol but that moon will stay in your memory... it is so lovely... its like you wanna take the person you love there and sit there in the park and ask them to marry you right there under that most romantic moon...

    and armenia is safe... you can walk in the street and people will not bother you... after all they all think like YOU!...

    then you will visit the genocide memorial and the long walk there will make you wonder is it worth it... on my GOD it is worth it... i cried... it was the most beautiful and sad place on EARTH... from there you can look to YEREVAN, the apartment buildings, the streets its the most incredible view...

    if you wish, then you may want to go the Edjmiadzin ( dont know how to spell this), and when you stand there in front of the church, you can look down and up and remember that THIS was built in 300 AD... WOW!
    email me and i will email you a picture i took of ARARAT standing on a street... it is beautiful...

    you will have so much fun... and when you leave, and come back here, you will not need your cell phone as much as you used... the people complaining will seem so silly, and you will look in your parents eyes, and wonder how did they ever live without or with these incredible feelings...

    we are armenian, its the oldest people of this world, no matter what anyone else argues, knowing our khasyat (habits) how else can we do sacrifices and live in the 21st century drive bmws and go to the best vacations, restaurants, run modern businesses ALL at the same time... if the world ends, there will only be armenians left...

    thanks for your time and have a safe trip...


  • #2
    That was a nice post, thanks nunechka.


    • #3
      Wow... very inspiration. And yes, I have a feeling I will cry... with joy as well as sorrow when I see Ararat and know I cannot walk up to it.
      "All I know is I'm not a Marxist." -Karl Marx


      • #4
        Originally posted by nunechka
        hello there hyejinx... i am new...

        umm, i joined this forum because of what i just read about you... you decided to take an Armenian class... that is so awesome... and you said you wanna go to Armenian next summer... LET ME tell you Armenia IS beautiful... you will fall in love with every little detail... the mountains, the trees the ground, the streets, the stores, the LIFE, and when you go to SEVAN our only and precious body of water, you will fall in love AGAIN... i was born there, my family came here to the US in 1990, right before we had tanks in the streets and the riots and all that crazy stuff... i am 23 and i had not been back since then...

        so in June, just a couple of months ago, i went there for 3 weeks... hyejinx jan, you will love it so much you will spend so much money going there every year... i know i am going there next summer, and the summer after that and i wish every summer... i get teary eyed when i think about this, but this trip was the most symbolic trip i have ever taken... the best time i have ever had, and the best thousand (+) bucks i have EVER spent...

        #1. as soon as you touch down on Armenia, you will get teary eyed...

        then... the experiences: Armenian soil makes you more conicous and aware of everything... Armenian water makes you have the JIGYAR that we say... you dont have it until you drink that water, i still have the taste in my mouth... it is so pure... armenian people are crazy but you will love them... especially after an awesome evening of partying, you take the transport home with 10 people cramed into one van made for 5 (they are called Marshukas, they are like the vans/suvs here, but less taken care of)... you will think back and realize that life is better when you have Armenia, even if its that small...

        there is a song stuck in my head right now that goes something like this "Yerevani gishernerum, siro apsen e glorvum... " you'll know what i mean when you go there... you will look up at the sky and see the moon really close, and the stars really close, and think wow we are really high in elevation and we are not freezing... lol but that moon will stay in your memory... it is so lovely... its like you wanna take the person you love there and sit there in the park and ask them to marry you right there under that most romantic moon...

        and armenia is safe... you can walk in the street and people will not bother you... after all they all think like YOU!...

        then you will visit the genocide memorial and the long walk there will make you wonder is it worth it... on my GOD it is worth it... i cried... it was the most beautiful and sad place on EARTH... from there you can look to YEREVAN, the apartment buildings, the streets its the most incredible view...

        if you wish, then you may want to go the Edjmiadzin ( dont know how to spell this), and when you stand there in front of the church, you can look down and up and remember that THIS was built in 300 AD... WOW!
        email me and i will email you a picture i took of ARARAT standing on a street... it is beautiful...

        you will have so much fun... and when you leave, and come back here, you will not need your cell phone as much as you used... the people complaining will seem so silly, and you will look in your parents eyes, and wonder how did they ever live without or with these incredible feelings...

        we are armenian, its the oldest people of this world, no matter what anyone else argues, knowing our khasyat (habits) how else can we do sacrifices and live in the 21st century drive bmws and go to the best vacations, restaurants, run modern businesses ALL at the same time... if the world ends, there will only be armenians left...

        thanks for your time and have a safe trip...

        *sniff sniff* guys, is it ok if i get a little emotional here? Nice post nunechka.. nice
        How do you hurt a masochist?
        -By leaving him alone.Forever.


        • #5
          Originally posted by gevo
          *sniff sniff* guys, is it ok if i get a little emotional here? Nice post nunechka.. nice
          of course its ok...

          the only things worth your tears are your family, and Armenia... i try not to think about it too much because i get teary eyed and emotional too...

          also the song that was stuck in my head actually said "Yerevani gishernerum, siro apsen e glorvum, yes im karotn em kortsrel Yerevani gishernerum" and of course it has the most wonderful melody behind it...

          someone said that armenian is difficult... let me tell you something English is difficult... in armenian you can say "yes kez sirum em" or you can say "yes sirum em kez" or "sirum em yes kez, or "sirum em kez yes"

          how simple can that statement become in a language? you can't say i you love, or love you i or love i you... but in ARMENIAN you can...

          Armenian is the most flexible language, i speek spanish, and english, i am learning french (beautiful), and will learn german and none of these languages are flexible... je'taim is i love you in french, and thats all folks... not taim je or anything else...

          the letters in armenian may have sounds that are 2 3 or 4 letters long to prounce them, but that doesnt make it difficult? its our alphabet that is "fancy" our language is practical, thorough, and the most complete... in other langauges there are similar words but in Armenian there is a word for everything... all in all, i think its easy as long as you can connect it with your best known language, which you can because armenian is so flexible that in directly translatable...

          thanks for you time...


          • #6
            I agree with the boys. Very thoughtful post Nune. :-)
            Right now I'm really hoping things go well so that I'll be able to go to Armenia next summer.
            I see...


            • #7
              and armenia is safe... you can walk in the street and people will not bother you... after all they all think like YOU!...

              this is not a garantee. there are all kinds of people in armenia just as their is anywhere else in the world. And with the poverty level so high, unfortuiantly it seem to drive people there to do the most crazy stuff.Like trying to follow tourists around, or robbing you because youre a tourist, trying to get a green-card etc. not very uncommon. I am in no way trying to scare you, we all know our homeland...but we hide these stuff, we have to talk about it so that it wont increase. its at terrible sitaution, with the poverty all around in the former-soviet countries.


              • #8
                hi tres bien...

                i think you are right about the poverty level, and the fact that people may take your money, but that happens here too... but in armenia if you look like you are from there, you will not be bothered at all, ever, in any way...

                as soon as they find out that you are from another country, they will sell you something for a higher price... or ask for money... but i guess it was safe for me, beacuse i look like i am armenian, i speak armenian, and i naturally acted like them as well... if you can survive in glendale and burbank and LA, NY or any other metropolitan city, you can survive in Armenia without a problem...

                like i said, Armenian people are crazy... all sorts of things happened to me in armenia this past june, but the overwhelming GOOD things that happened to me more then SURPASSED the bad ones...

                you can walk in the streets in armenia and you can feel safe as long as you dont take out $20, $50 and $100 dollar bills and flash them around to people, but if you do decide to do so, then i would suggest security personnel to assist you... but my question would then be, why dont you do the same thing right here in LA? see if anything different happens... take out money and flash it around... see if some maniac maybe even armenian doesnt kick you and as you fall ont he ground take your money...

                the difference in armenia is this: you can see yourself in the eyes of those people; they think similar to you, its uncanny... i am not sure how anyone else feels but sometimes here in the U.S. i feel like people smile at me and you know what, i dont care for that... i just want to go to work, or buy something or walk down the street... i am not in the mood to say "HELLO!" to complete strangers and that is the amazing thing about Armenia, no one is going to give you a fake hello... a fake smile... Armenians are very carrying and warm people, but they are not going to say hello to complete strangers... if you say hello to someone, they look at you funny... and i felt comfortable there... because i felt that no one was FAKE...

                poverty... yes i know... maybe if turkey and azerbejan lift their blockades ARMENIA would FLOWER...

                the fact is this... Armenia is in the best interest of every european country, and even the US... it is the only country that has moderate business people wanting nothing more then to work and live NORMAL, no fundamentalist regimes or weapons of mass anything, there is hardly a military... The US gives subsidiaries to companies that go to Turkey and open factories to work there... if the US gave that same subsidiary for work in Armenia, we all know that Armenia would flower...

                HOWEVER its not in the best interest of these countries to have an Armenia that is powerful... because 1) if we have financial power we will want our land back and we will get it... this will make the US look like an idiot beacuse they have supported the worst human rights country for a long time and now they have to KISS our asses... 2) Armenians are all leaders, how can this empire survive? it cant it must SIT on top of other countries to survive... like my uncle would want his own country and so will yours... and so would my grandma, WE ARE A CULTURE OF "OWNERS"...

                i got off on a tangent, sorry everyone...

                the poverty in all the former soviet countries... Armenia is a difference case beacuse of the diaspora... we send so much money to our country that even with the HOLE that is in our government the streets are being built all with ARMENIAN LABOR, the factories, and i saw a jacket at MAYCS that said it was made in ARMENIA! can you believe that? i was so happy... anywho people like Krikorian for example, he has sent so much money to Armenia... and each individual person who is here who have family there, they send money to them... and then there is the the government aid fom the US & Europe, and i know that this also has a hole/leak when it reaches Armenia... i know that 50% of the money is lost... but when you go there Tres Bien, you will see that the other 50% is being used...

                armenians are the most hard working people... they will work until they die... and you know that... they will open up businesses, work and make money... we jsut need time to mend our wounds... we havnt been a country of independence since the medievl times... and even then the persians were there...

                so jsut wait and see... with the blockades, the fact that we dont have open water access, and the corrupt government we are and will do better then other former soviet union countries...

                just go there... i know you will see my point...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nunechka
                  hi tres bien...

                  i think you are right about the poverty level, and the fact that people may take your money, but that happens here too... but in armenia if you look like you are from there, you will not be bothered at all, ever, in any way...

                  as soon as they find out that you are from another country, they will sell you something for a higher price... or ask for money... but i guess it was safe for me, beacuse i look like i am armenian, i speak armenian, and i naturally acted like them as well... if you can survive in glendale and burbank and LA, NY or any other metropolitan city, you can survive in Armenia without a problem...

                  like i said, Armenian people are crazy... all sorts of things happened to me in armenia this past june, but the overwhelming GOOD things that happened to me more then SURPASSED the bad ones...

                  you can walk in the streets in armenia and you can feel safe as long as you dont take out $20, $50 and $100 dollar bills and flash them around to people, but if you do decide to do so, then i would suggest security personnel to assist you... but my question would then be, why dont you do the same thing right here in LA? see if anything different happens... take out money and flash it around... see if some maniac maybe even armenian doesnt kick you and as you fall ont he ground take your money...

                  the difference in armenia is this: you can see yourself in the eyes of those people; they think similar to you, its uncanny... i am not sure how anyone else feels but sometimes here in the U.S. i feel like people smile at me and you know what, i dont care for that... i just want to go to work, or buy something or walk down the street... i am not in the mood to say "HELLO!" to complete strangers and that is the amazing thing about Armenia, no one is going to give you a fake hello... a fake smile... Armenians are very carrying and warm people, but they are not going to say hello to complete strangers... if you say hello to someone, they look at you funny... and i felt comfortable there... because i felt that no one was FAKE...

                  poverty... yes i know... maybe if turkey and azerbejan lift their blockades ARMENIA would FLOWER...

                  the fact is this... Armenia is in the best interest of every european country, and even the US... it is the only country that has moderate business people wanting nothing more then to work and live NORMAL, no fundamentalist regimes or weapons of mass anything, there is hardly a military... The US gives subsidiaries to companies that go to Turkey and open factories to work there... if the US gave that same subsidiary for work in Armenia, we all know that Armenia would flower...

                  HOWEVER its not in the best interest of these countries to have an Armenia that is powerful... because 1) if we have financial power we will want our land back and we will get it... this will make the US look like an idiot beacuse they have supported the worst human rights country for a long time and now they have to KISS our asses... 2) Armenians are all leaders, how can this empire survive? it cant it must SIT on top of other countries to survive... like my uncle would want his own country and so will yours... and so would my grandma, WE ARE A CULTURE OF "OWNERS"...

                  i got off on a tangent, sorry everyone...

                  the poverty in all the former soviet countries... Armenia is a difference case beacuse of the diaspora... we send so much money to our country that even with the HOLE that is in our government the streets are being built all with ARMENIAN LABOR, the factories, and i saw a jacket at MAYCS that said it was made in ARMENIA! can you believe that? i was so happy... anywho people like Krikorian for example, he has sent so much money to Armenia... and each individual person who is here who have family there, they send money to them... and then there is the the government aid fom the US & Europe, and i know that this also has a hole/leak when it reaches Armenia... i know that 50% of the money is lost... but when you go there Tres Bien, you will see that the other 50% is being used...

                  armenians are the most hard working people... they will work until they die... and you know that... they will open up businesses, work and make money... we jsut need time to mend our wounds... we havnt been a country of independence since the medievl times... and even then the persians were there...

                  so jsut wait and see... with the blockades, the fact that we dont have open water access, and the corrupt government we are and will do better then other former soviet union countries...

                  just go there... i know you will see my point...
                  I totally agree with you. I know EXACTLY what you mean. I went to Armenia this summer and honestly....didn't want to come back.

                  Hama hele bernees mechna.


                  • #10
                    geniune thank you for your comment... i'm glad that you liked it too...

