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Ceremonies of the Gods

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  • Ceremonies of the Gods

    The Armenian Consecration unto Ar

    Please let it be noted that this Ar Ceremony is only one of many and several secret ceremonies exist which exist now in a Temple which cannot reached geographically. In this manner, those who are advanced enough can reach this Temple and follow through with the Initiations that are necessary for the highest Adepts of this particular system.

    (Face East, with sword and shield on Altar. A red robe of scarlet silk should be worn with an embroidered emblem of the Sun in the center of the breast.)

    Praise be Ar, the mighty and terrible who dwelleth in the Mansions of Light, ever majestic and clothed with Sun-Fire.

    Behold, I am Thy son Tork Angegh in His secret Name who Sits majestic upon thy Throne.

    My wife is Nar who poureth forth the waters of Her skylight to consecrate the stranger who cometh forth as a Messenger of the Gods.

    Hear me, and make all spirits obedient unto me for I cometh forth as a member of the company of the Gods whose dwelling place is the House of Ber.

    Thee, thee I invoke O Ar who rideth upon the beast lion of royalty to manifest upon the earth who shall judge and prepare to be judged.

    I invoke Thee, I am thy priest and son. Let my soul blaze forth like a living Sun of spiritual fire that I may transform this Light into the magick that shall heal or destroy, as I will.

    I invoke Thee, Ar, the mighty and majestic. I am the Sun Lord of the Priests of Armenia who goeth forth with courage as my armour and success as my proof.

    Thee, thee I invoke the God who has seen favour in my Family. You have enlightened us with quick and steadfast will.

    Hail to Ar, the all powerful who is strong and good. Protect my Family from harm from the heathen and give me power to goeth forth with the Sword of Vengeance.

    Hail to Ar, you have given Thy secret number and the number of my Priestess. I invoke Thee Ar, you have shown me the face of my ancestors and have given wisdom to stamp down the wretched and the weak.

    Hail to Thee Ar, I knoweth the Name of Thy Twin and I knoweth Thy secret Name, therefore come forth and awaken within me as a blazing Sun that I may raise the sword of my breeding and consecrate the Seal that nameth the force of my Nation.

    (Here the King consecrates the Shield, and raises sword. The Priest-King is now the God speaking.)

    Behold, I am He who cometh forth from the core of the Sun to do battle with the dark ones who have kissed the feet of Sin.

    Behold, I am He who comet forth from the Sun-Fire of creations ravishing the world with lashes of my war scream.

    I am He who hath thrust forth my spear into the bowels of the (here name your enemies), accursed be there creeds. Hear me, I push them and confuse them with my blinding light.

    I have come forth to blind the enemy with my Light and to create a Fortress that shall shine upon my Sacred House. Therefore I am the Twin God of Light whose beareth the flaming sword and the Shield that cannot be pierced.

    Behold, the Light is within Me. I go forth upon my course as a Flaming Star.

    (It is very important to note that when this invocation is done after the Banishing you should use a chosen License to Depart. Raise your arms in the Sign of Ar Triumphant and say these words, "Let the evil ones be cast away!!". Remember such a powerful invocation attracts lower forces who might spy on you or taunt you as ghosts so you send them away by willing them away. You close the morning Temple by saying "I am always Unto Thee" and twist the switches of your lamps leaving the Temple in darkness. For it is you who now carry the Light within.

  • #2
    Oath of Royalty from the House of Ber

    The Armenian Ritual Oath of Royalty

    Flow, flow enchantment of a force,
    sparkle shade of song.
    Let this magick takes its course,
    I'll grasp that sword that poets long,
    Open, open the magick door, the magick sword, hidden no more. through the door my hand doth search,
    O, I grasp that magick sword,
    from that altar made of birch,
    Now I cry the sacred word,
    (Thelema is vibrated here)
    I have brought back the sword of vacancy,
    so that men might yet be free.
    And fill that gap which pains them so,
    but first the power I invoke within,
    that my magick will surely grow,
    of the ancient sorcerers I am kin.
    To fill that gap within my soul,
    to undo the evil is my goal.

    And awaken magick on the earth,
    myself as magick child I give birth.
    I hold this sword with blackened tip,
    I hold it up with steadfast grip,
    I awaken its force to increase my power,
    let all weak fools beware and cower.
    for what I hold within my hand,
    shall be felt throughout the land,
    beware and tremble, I have arisen,
    I have awakened the power and escaped from the prison,

    flow, flow, flow, enchantment of a force,
    sparkle shade of song,
    for this sword I hold within my hand,
    makes me ruler of every land,
    I have returned the magick to my soul,
    let the world know my secret goal.
    for I have returned to the magick and all the power returns,
    Hear me, for within my soul the ancient power burns.
    the sword of King Abbas is mine at last,
    and the evil he doth bestow upon King Ber long past,
    Abbas took the sight of magick and royalty,
    King Ber's eyes burned, he could not see.
    and now the power returns within me.
    And now I raise the sword and bring the Kingdom back,
    and all the magick that life doth lack.
    yea, I invoke the force of royalty,
    like the volcano doth it arise within me,

    and now upon my sacred Throne and seat,
    I arise against the false elite.

    I take back the power a thousand fold,
    and take back my treasure of jewels and gold,

    and I swear this Oath to Gods and men,
    that my will forth shalt not bend.

    I invoke this force, I invoke this hour,
    let my soul awake with sacred power.


    • #3
      Nar Ceremony

      Armenian Invocation Unto Nar, Goddess of Wind, Water and Storm

      (Note that the Chant of Nar when done by a group of people sounds like rain constantly tapping against a door during the time of a windy storm. With a little bit of practice the chant achieves an incredible, chilling effect. All you do is chant Nar over and over again. Yet the best effect is when 7 or more worshipers participate. Eventually, young children can be placed for the Task of the chant as children have just that pitch which is perfect for the ceremonies.)

      I invoke Thee, Nar, Thou Goddess of the Wind and Storm who None sent forth to move creation to manifest the duality. Let Thy Water and Thy wind give our land wet soil so that our store of food will be abundant. Hear me, Nar.

      (The Chant of Nar, which is done for about 45 seconds before the next verse)

      I invoke Thee, Nar, I hear the winds of your Being search the countryside in search of hidden passions. We greet you. We know you. We love you, Nar, for you are primal movement that manifests the first creations, and Thy gift to the land is growth and air that is alive with your subtle lightnings, Blessed be the Wind and the Water and the Storm which is sacred to Thee, and Blessed be the miracle of new growths from Thy water. Blessed be to the rain which cleans the air and world. Hail to Nar, our Beloved Goddess.

      (The Chant of Nar)

      Thee, Thee, Thee I invoke O wondrous Goddess, and let me travel as you travel and feel what you feel and become blended with the passions of your wanderings. Let my spirit ride with the essence of your Divinity so that I may return to see the wonders that only are beheld by those who ride with your winds.

      (The Chant of Nar should start slow here and as the worshipers ascend into Her Being and ride with the Winds, the Chant goes a bit faster. This phase of the Chanting takes about two minutes and the worshipers return to there bodies ending the Chant slowly. This particular part of the ceremony takes a little more practice.)

      Oh Goddess Nar, you have taught us the way of Wind Travel. Blessed be to Thee. For though our spirits are within our frames, we have seen infinite movement manifested in nature's call for passion. Here Me, Nar, and let us Ride once again into the Winds beyond the earth into the infinite Stars that we might experience the waters of the universe.

      (The Chant begins once again. This phase of the formula of Nar takes nearly 4 minutes. It will last longer for advanced Worshipers but no more than eleven minutes will be necessary for lasting effects. You're not going to want to stay out longer than a few minutes the very first ceremony. Eventually, Wind Travel can be done at will, but herein are the secrets of the High Priestess and cannot be revealed publicly.)

      Oh my Goddess Nar, our spirits are free at last. Awaken within us, and hear Thy Priesthood, for you are Blessed in this Temple and our souls are emerged in your fresh streams cleansed of the disorder of soul. Hear us, your Priestess, O Blessed Nar.

      (The final Chant is done lasting about three minutes)


      • #4
        Proclamation of the High Priet of Dir (court room of the House of Ber)

        Armenian Temple proclamation from the High Priest of Dir in the Hidden Sanctuary of New Yrazamuim

        Hail unto Thee, Dir thou messenger of the Gods who cometh forth from the Veil of the hereafter with feet that have the wings of swift movement and whose voice echoes throughout the Aethyr.

        Hallow be the name of the Scribe God who cometh forth as the Judge of the upright and the averse.

        We call Thee, O Dir, with the Sacred Book that men may not behold with reason for we of your Priesthood know that cause and effect are beyond good and evil.

        Appear before us, your sacred scribes, and let the Scribe dispense with those who would profane or soil our Temple.

        Give us direction, O Dir. Direct us to that Holy Path where the writings that are sacred shall be preserved, and the Ceremonies that are hidden shall be hidden, and our sacred wisdom shall be appointed to the Neophyte with Tir's Wit and Astghik's love.

        Hear Thou me, it is done even in accordance with Thy Divine Will, O Scribe, that we shall preserve that which is sacred and we your Priesthood swear this mighty Oath, that those who the Priesthood judges shall be in accordance with Thy Sacred Inspirations.

        Therefore, come forth to your Priesthood and see us to be pure and good. Behold, we have frozen divine inspiration on the skin of deer and have made the feather of a swan the art piece of divine movement.

        Come forth, O Scribe, to inspire your Priesthood to Divine Judgment.

        (After the High Priest of Dir finishes the above, High Court in the Kingdom begins and those who are to be rewarded, executed, banished or given promotion are brought forth to be Judged.)


        • #5
          The Rejection of a Persian god by the House of Ber

          The Casting out of the Persian God Ormuzd from the Temples of Armenia

          Behold, the false fire of Zarathustra the heathen is put by the rain of Nar

          Hear Me, let not our Sanctuary be profaned by false scribes who have trespassed into our Holy Land.

          Behold, the false wisdom of the one God is a disruption of our path, and let the Scribe dispense Ormuzd back to the abomination of desolation of his desert land.

          Let the Priesthood beware of Ormuzd, who drinks wine alone, and does not know women.

          We cast the Persian Gods from our Path

          We cast out Ormuzd from our Temple

          We cast out Ormuzd from our Holy Land

          Behold, the skew wise teachings of Zarathustra are silenced by the Wisdom of Tir.

          We cast the Persian Gods from our Path

          We cast out Ormuzd from our Temples

          We cast out Ormuzd from our Holy Land

          Praise be Anahit, who shall give Our Temples a new birth, free from the false prophet Zarathustra, and the disruptions of the Persian God.

          Praise be to Ar, who shall heal us with His Divine Light from the soil of the profane.

          Praise be to Vanatur, who shall inspire us by the spoken word to move us forth to peace free from the confused multitudes.

          Praise be to Vahagan, who shall inspire us with the energy to do battle and the fire to arise.

          We cast the Persian Gods from our Path

          We cast out Ormuzd from our Temple

          We cast out Ormuzd from our Holy Land

          Now hear me, and drink of Our wisdom in secret, for we have freed ourselves from the soil of the heathen and have entered the Kingdom of the True Elite.

          Only those Gods are honored who cluster to exalt He who Sits upon the Throne of Sun, blessed be His Name radiant and with exalted splendors.

          Verily, place these written words in the Temple (word was not clear here) where it shall be safe from the sight of invading eyes.

          (We have been unable to find the correct word here, but I think it must of been something like a Temple "safe", which in someway was secured by nails or even a early form of a lock. I apologize that we cannot find an image of such a Temple safe, but careful research of old Armenia by honest researchers may come up with an answer to this missing word. Also, note that several lines of this announcement were worded from the translation in such a manner where poetic license and grammar made the sentence flow properly for the tongue it was brought. The secret of partaking of the essence is not included here and only a general outline of the magical formula is given privately to carefully selected people. Those who have a working knowledge of talismans for many years will be able to understand the implications of this formula. Improper expounding of this magical formula would be a waste of time and would be "casting pearls before pigs". Lets hope more in the hierarchy become worthy of such arcana as the Initiations continue. )


          • #6
            In honour to our beloved Goddess Vanatur!

            A Call to the Armenian Goddess, Vanatur.

            Hear Me, O my sacred stately Goddess whose communication is pure and honest, let me awaken to an understanding of civilized exchange.

            Let Thy presence be near, O Vanatur for the moment when strangers approach my courtyard, and send me a sign on how communication shall be invoked.

            Vanatur, Vanatur, Vanatur, show us the way of unity in the Priesthood of the Gods. Vanatur, Vanatur, Vanatur, show us which stranger shall be sprinkled by the consecrated waters. O Vanatur, let my words flow with grace, and my heart be worthy of the company of elite.

            Grace and Glory be to Vanatur, and inspire me to teach my children thy sacred equation, the chivalry of spirit in communication that conquers all, with the polite gesture. Hear me, Vanatur, lift up my soul to the pinnacles of civilization, and inspire me with the rapture of good will among the many.

            Protect me, O Vanatur from the sly lies of false friends, and the cowardice of the professional soldier who would dare not fight.

            Protect me, O my Goddess Vanatur from the breaker of pacts.

            Teach me, Teach me, O Vanatur to uplift my House with the spirit of valor and community of spirit in my court.

            Hear me, Vanatur, let me conquer the universe by the force of the polite word, and achieve order in my House.

            Blessed be the Holy Name of Vanatur, Queen of the alliance of spirit.


            • #7
              The calling of Vahagan, He who cometh forth from the Veil...

              The Calling of Vahagan, the Armenian God of metal & fire

              In the Name of the mighty and terrible one whose wife is Astghik, the Goddess of eternal love do I raise this sacred Hammer in homage to the sublime and powerful Gods who dwell in our sacred Mountain.

              Hear me, Vahagan, whose blood is of molten metal, whose eyes are glowing steel balls of pure wisdom, whose fingers are the steel that rip the flesh of the heathen, awaken and know the I have arrived in the city that is sacred to your Name, and here I shall build a House where your metal shall protect the Priesthood against the unworthy who would blaspheme the Name of your wife and play mockery upon Our Priesthood.

              Hear me, Vahagan and remember the war of King T'rdat who came with Roman Legions to do battle for your Temple.

              Hear me, Vahagan, and remember the war of King Ber with the heathen King Abbas.

              We shall never forsake nor convert from our Gods, Vahagan! Vahagan! Vahagan! Come forth and know the ages have not quit Thy worship. Vahagan! Vahagan! Vahagan! Vahagan!

              Behold, your incense is the smoke of the ancient Volcanoes of Armenia, Thy Priests are the blacksmiths of the world, and your Name is held sacred for the weapons that have been created to protect us against the heathen Caliph and the cult of the dead man who built weak thrones of wood that are broken by your Hammer of Steel.

              Awaken, and live within me, Vahagan whose Throne is of steel that cannot be destroyed and sits eternal in the secret place in the sacred Temple of our Holy Mountain. Blessed be Thy strength and wisdom.

              Let me invoke you, O Vahagan, and let my eyes be awakened to your strength and wisdom. Yea, I invoke Thee, O Vahagan that my blood shall be as yours, burning with the strength of Thy life force.

              Behold, this city has become sacred to your Name and its maidens who seeketh love marry the blacksmiths, and repeat on earth the Sacred Marriage which bringeth forth the conquering child of Ar.

              Behold, Vahagan, I wear the apron of Thy Priesthood and its Sigil manifests Thy force as protection against our enemies.

              I invoke, Vahagan, arise within Me and let my dwelling place be protected and sacred. I invoke Thee, Vahagan, awaken within me tbat I may be like you are, who guardeth the House of Ber from the soil of the profane eye.

              O, Vahagan, you are the Guardian of the Royal Houses of Armenia whose sword hath metal sacred to Thee, whose wine is of molten rock, whose incense is of the volcano, whose Shield is of the finest steel, and who raged through war so that our enemies are torn by the vengeance of our lust.

              O, Vahagan, you are the immortal warrior whose skin cannot be pierced, and whose body is the Guardian of my House.

              Behold, Vahagan, I live in this city where your incense was burnt strongly by the blacksmiths. Look with favor upon me, O Vahagan, for I live in a city that radiates your Holy Name.

              Behold, Vahagan, we are the family that does forsake you. Behold, Vahagan, we have manifested Ashtishat as a wreath of fresh flowers upon Thy altar.


              • #8
                Blessed be Our Goddess of Love!

                The Sacred Armenian Ritual of the Calling of Astghik, Goddess of love

                Hear the voice of your Priesthood, O Astghik, thou perfect and most Holy Goddess of the Temples of love.

                Awaken, for I have seen your fair features in the clouds above the great mountain

                Awaken, Astghik, my beloved Goddess for I have hear the whisper of your divine voice in the songs of our youth

                Awaken Astghik, I have heard your leaping laughter spring forth from the village girl who felt the thrust of her first love and felt the first embrace of man.

                Hear thou me, O Astghik. Thy presence was felt when the rose was given as a gift of love in the wooded secret place where lovers whisper joy.

                O my Goddess, Astghik, come forth to this Temple and give me the wisdom to know a life that is sweet with love.

                Come forth, O Astghik, my beloved Goddess, whose wisdom is like honey upon the sweet lips of a lustful maiden.

                Astghik, my Goddess, send me a lover that will be as a clean, cool bath on a hot summer night whose soul is on fire with the lust of life.

                Astghik, my Goddess, send me a lover for it is not the child of loneliness that bears the child of my call, but the passion of life.

                Hear thou me, O Astghik, thou Goddess of love whose beauty unspeakable hath radiated through the soul of womanhood, whose eyes sparkle with the wisdom of life, whose radiance is like curved Crystal fire on an evening summer hill awaken and know my will to exchange energy with a lover who will be strong and good as Thou art.

                Let my will be known, O Astghik, send me a lover that I may experience the smell and taste and touch of the joys of life.

                Hear me, O Astghik, send me a lover for I am a disciple of your secret Temple, awaiting the sacred kiss of your lips that I shall know the perfect love that is ever sought by the world.

                Hear the voice of your Priesthood, the ceremony of life is love under will and I go forth into the world to seek the rose, the kiss and the divine song.

                Blessings be to Astghik, O my beloved Goddess of love.


                • #9
                  The Temple where the children are born...

                  Preliminary Prayer to Anahit, Armenian Goddess of Birth

                  O my beloved Goddess, Anahit, bless our children as they enter this world, so they will be strong, healthy and good.

                  Hear us, Anahit, guide the pregnant woman of our village so that they do not suffer accident nor misfortune.

                  Anahit, O Anahit, it is a time of rejoicing for a child is to be born in this village and we call upon you protect us from evil. Anahit, we see you. Anahit we feel you. Anahit. Anahit. Anahit.

                  Hear me, my Protector and Divine Guide that this birth will be without accident. We are of the Priesthood that cares for children of the village. Blessed be to Thee, O Anahit.

                  Behold, my beloved Goddess Anahit. The four arch Priestesses of Vanatur stand guard that this Thy Temple shalt not be disturbed upon the birth of the child of the village.

                  Behold, the Priestesses of Vanatur have been given the weapons of Vahagan to stay wild beasts and heathen. Our children shall not be stolen nor sacrificed. For the Priestess of Vanatur is mighty in protection and vengeance.

                  Grace be unto Anahit, for the woman who sits upon this altar hath a child who shall be as Ar, strong and almighty, and his wit shall be as Tir, and the strength of his soul shall be as Vahagan and Astghik shall show this child the powers of love and he shall be like Vanatur, who conquered the universe by the force of the polite word.

                  We are the Priesthood of Anahit who uphold the safety of the birth of the child, and blessed be to Anahit, unto the ages.


                  • #10
                    The Official Ceremony of the House of Ber for Tir...

                    Armenian Ritual awakening of Tir, the God of Wisdom

                    Awaken, O Tir who dwelleth beyond the abyss of reason, whose God-Force is not questioned in the blasphemy of all gods of men.

                    Awaken, O Tir, thou God of Wisdom whose magick makes sweet words for the Kings.

                    Awaken, O Tir, thou Great One who giveth the world geometry and changeth the spoken word to numbers infinite.

                    Thee, Thee, Thee I invoke, Tir, whose wisdom is beyond understanding and poetry beyond reason.

                    O Great One, My God of Wisdom whose magical force dances like wild currents of fire through the consiousness of my inspiration.

                    Hear Thou me, O Tir. Inspire me to speak the wisdom of the company of the Gods. That You will awaken within me making my tongue dance with divine inspirations.

                    I invoke Thee, wisdom-crowned Tir that I may know the secret hidden mysteries of Thy creation, and erupt forth divine Holiness upon the papyrus of my choosing.

                    Blessing and Praise be to Thee, Tir. Give me Thy Wisdom so I may teach my children to be brave and good.

                    I invoke Thee, Tir, live within me that I may awaken divine inspirations with my will forth.

                    Thee, Thee, Thee I invoke Tir, I am Thy Priest(ess) who calls you forth within my being and awaken the wisdom of the ages.

                    (Here the God Tir, speaks as His force has accumulated sufficiently to awaken)

                    I am He, the star fire of aspiration assimilated into pure number. Paint my seal upon the numbers of the day and let not thy imagination rend the purity of My thought.

                    I am Tir, the energy called poetic inspiration whose life invisible hath brought forth a fresh communication from the blood stream of life.

                    Therefore I am the God of Wisdom, I am beyond reason for I am drunk upon the wine of the supernals.

                    Hear Thou Me, I give all one great gift that cannot be reached and two banquets that ever thou shall long for. The one gift is inspiration beyond the sane and the two banquets are the dissolution of duality into the constant hunger of the infinite.

                    Call Me, Tir, and let humanity not bathe in the stagnate pools of satisfaction but dive forth into the milky oceans of the abyss of stars that experience might be infinite and pleasure constant. Verily, this is my message to men that infinite number is infinite experience therefore multiply thyself into the ecstasy of the infinite.

                    (At this point in the Ritual there is a dramatic pause. Three knocks with the hilt of the blade are given and the God blends into the depths of the Priest or Priestesses being awaiting His instrument to go forth to explore the universe as Commanded by the God.)

