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Ceremonies of the Gods

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  • #11
    In Praise to the House of T'rdat

    (The philosophy and writings of polytheistic Armenians has
    been mainly "sub rosa" up to now. You must understand that King Jack of the House of Ber of the Kingdom of Armenia was too close to friendships with the Russian Royal Family, and escaped to a foreign land in 1918. He died in the Bronx, not sure whether his sons and grandsons would remain loyal to the culture and religion of Armenia. It is doubful whether we'll be ever able to come out in the open completely, at least in this century. The modern Armenian now considers Christianity to be the "culture" of Armenia, a concept so repulsive to those who still worship Our Beloved Gods that we rarely find ourselves coming out in the open.
    We do realize that we are not accepted anymore by the multitudes, and only wish to live in peace to worship our Gods, awaiting that time when Armenians come to seek our Temples once again. Therefore, I will give only one of our articles for now, and respectfully thank those who have not given us hosilities for our sacred beliefs. Here it is...)

    In Praise to the House of T'rdat

    I will now write of a great hero that modern historian have chosen to neglect or delete from the records. Remember, that many historians writing of King T'rdat the Great, were Christian and did not understand how he could of been so angry against the invading creeds of the Zoroastrians and the Christians.

    So it came to pass, that his anger and vengeance was sufficient to go to Rome to gather legions against the heathen creeds that were destroying and blaspheming the true culture. I honor the name of King T'drat for his attempt to restore the culture of Armenia in 288 A.D. for he was one of the last Kings, besides King Ber, to arise against the heathen occupations.

    No doubt, with the Zoroastrians he succeeded completely, but the savage and evil cult of the dead man, now called Christianity continued to soil the souls of Armenians. The Pagan Wars lasted about 300 years before the majority of the Armenian Kings and people sold out to the Christian heathen. Imagine the surprise and anger he must of felt when Grigor refused to place the wreath of flowers in Anahit's name revealing he had secretly converted to Christianity. His most loyal servant betrayed him after he had regained occupation of his Kingdom. Realize that if Grigor had not betrayed his loyal King the situation might of turned to King T'drat's favor, but betrayal and sell outs to the cult of the dead man were occurring all over Armenia as the demonic chains of Christianity were locked upon the naive and innocent multitudes. What a horror it must of been for King T'drat to see his Kingdom and culture be destroyed by something so savage and evil as Christianity, who would be sheep rather than great lions, proud, strong and upright. It is long overdue to honor our ancient Kings who represent the true culture and strength of Armenia.

    Yes, I honor King T'drat for at least slowing down the growth of the demonic creed of the dead man, and stopping completely the eventual take over by the Persian Empire. If it wasn't for King T'drat, Armenia would not exist and it would of been of part of modern Iran. As for the betrayal of Grigor, he completely brings shame and disappointment upon all polytheists in existence. He goes down in our history as a traitor and a fool.

    It is said that eventually King T'drat converted to Christianity. It is a direct and stupid contradiction of history that King T'rdat converted to Christianity in 301 A.D.. Also, legend has it that he went "insane" just before this!!! In this case, I could see some truth here since anyone would have to be insane to convert to something as revolting as Christianity. My opinion, however, stands that the Church created the story to pay King T'drat back for his war against the occupying heathen. This was a fish tale and propaganda from the Church itself, and no intelligent scholar is fooled by the Church's twisting of history. Observe and question how an Armenian king under the protection of Rome would convert at the height of Roman persecutions against Christians, with the most virulent persecutor, Galerius, in their own neighborhood.

    Verily, I honor King T'drat for his brave attempt to bring the Gods back to Armenia. He is an excellent example of a King who truly cared for the culture of his people and ancestors. Let him not rest in peace but the spirit of his vengeance arise in all Armenians as the true valour and pride that all Armenians once knew before the treacherous invasions of the evil cults that threatened our way of life. On the contrary, his spirit shall arise once again in the souls of Armenians, who see that he is a King to be honored for his role in our continued understanding of the true history of Armenia.

    Praise be the House of T'drat and his sincere and loyal efforts for the Kingdom of Armenia.

    (I would like to thank all those kind Armenians who have written me and expressed an interest in the above article. Apparently, my point was taken very well and I have succeeded in stimulated interest in the 300 years of Pagan Wars so sadly neglected by historians. I'm still waiting for a historian to come along and write an essay or article called "The 300 Years of Pagan War" that gives us greater details of this grave struggle. It seems to me that such an important period of history should be studied by Armenian scholars and elaborated on much more concisely. Since writing the above I am convinced that King T'rdat mysterious conversion to Christianity had to be part of the nervous breakdown and insanity that occurred from 13 years of betrayals and sell outs from the Christian Church. In this case, his House should be still honored in spite of his conversion since it was a consequence of real psychiatric problems that occurred from constant betrayals, and had his Royal House been supported by his Court, rather than betrayed his insanity would of never occurred. There is little doubt, therefore, that King T'rdat would never converted from his beloved Gods in his right mind. Clearly, this observation of history is an insight not in the favor of the Church, who have tried to make him a hero as the first Christian King of Armenia. This shows , rather, that the first Christian King was clearly insane when he converted from the Gods, and therefore more a puppet conveniently placed for the use of propaganda of the Church's sick growth. As for Grigor, all evidence indicates he was a spy for the Church whose main mission was to convert, observe and report on the progress of the conversion of the House of T'drat. Grigor had already secretly murdered King T'drat's father, more than likely as an act of sabotage under the orders of the Church fathers, and had his eye on King T'drat. The Church fathers had to have promised him an important position in the Hierarchy of the Church if he were to somehow convert King T'drat and his royal family. When King T'drat found out he would not pay homage to the Goddess Anahit, Grigor was put in a prison pit for 13 years. Now, I think that King T'drat was too compassionate to Grigor. Grigor was a Church spy and had converted to Christianity, cleverly placing himself into a friendly position in the Court. Clearly, Grigor was a dangerous spy that should of been executed as an example of all traitors. His attempt to place himself in a friendly position in King T'drat's Royal Court must of attracted the attention of King T'drat's sister who eventually convinced T'drat to release him. Releasing this dangerous spy was the worst decision possible, for he had been in prison for 13 years, and in his hatred and revenge for King T'drat he was to reconnect himself with his Church fathers and complete his mission to destroy or convert the House of T'drat. Now Grigor was in an excellent position to put his Church masters into power, for King T'drat's mental state was disturbed enough to go along with any plans that evil Grigor would conceive.

    In Praise to the House of T'rdat

    Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law

    I will now write of a great hero that modern historian have chosen to neglect or delete from the records. Remember, that many historians writing of King T'rdat the Great, were Christian and did not understand how he could of been so angry against the invading creeds of the Zoroastrians and the Christians.

    So it came to pass, that his anger and vengeance was sufficient to go to Rome to gather legions against the heathen creeds that were destroying and blaspheming the true culture. I honor the name of King T'drat for his attempt to restore the culture of Armenia in 288 A.D. for he was one of the last Kings, besides King Ber, to arise against the heathen occupations.

    No doubt, with the Zoroastrians he succeeded completely, but the savage and evil cult of the dead man, now called Christianity continued to soil the souls of Armenians. The Pagan Wars lasted about 300 years before the majority of the Armenian Kings and people sold out to the Christian heathen. Imagine the surprise and anger he must of felt when Grigor refused to place the wreath of flowers in Anahit's name revealing he had secretly converted to Christianity. His most loyal servant betrayed him after he had regained occupation of his Kingdom. Realize that if Grigor had not betrayed his loyal King the situation might of turned to King T'drat's favor, but betrayal and sell outs to the cult of the dead man were occurring all over Armenia as the demonic chains of Christianity were locked upon the naive and innocent multitudes. What a horror it must of been for King T'drat to see his Kingdom and culture be destroyed by something so savage and evil as Christianity, who would be sheep rather than great lions, proud, strong and upright. It is long overdue to honor our ancient Kings who represent the true culture and strength of Armenia.

    Yes, I honor King T'drat for at least slowing down the growth of the demonic creed of the dead man, and stopping completely the eventual take over by the Persian Empire. If it wasn't for King T'drat, Armenia would not exist and it would of been of part of modern Iran. As for the betrayal of Grigor, he completely brings shame and disappointment upon all polytheists in existence. He goes down in our history as a traitor and a fool.

    It is said that eventually King T'drat converted to Christianity. It is a direct and stupid contradiction of history that King T'rdat converted to Christianity in 301 A.D.. Also, legend has it that he went "insane" just before this!!! In this case, I could see some truth here since anyone would have to be insane to convert to something as revolting as Christianity. My opinion, however, stands that the Church created the story to pay King T'drat back for his war against the occupying heathen. This was a fish tale and propaganda from the Church itself, and no intelligent scholar is fooled by the Church's twisting of history. Observe and question how an Armenian king under the protection of Rome would convert at the height of Roman persecutions against Christians, with the most virulent persecutor, Galerius, in their own neighborhood.

    Verily, I honor King T'drat for his brave attempt to bring the Gods back to Armenia. He is an excellent example of a King who truly cared for the culture of his people and ancestors. Let him not rest in peace but the spirit of his vengeance arise in all Armenians as the true valour and pride that all Armenians once knew before the treacherous invasions of the evil cults that threatened our way of life. On the contrary, his spirit shall arise once again in the souls of Armenians, who see that he is a King to be honored for his role in our continued understanding of the true history of Armenia.

    Praise be the House of T'drat and his sincere and loyal efforts for the Kingdom of Armenia.


    • #12
      This is............. interesting.
      "All I know is I'm not a Marxist." -Karl Marx


      • #13
        Respectful Greetings to HyeJinx1984

        Greetings HyeJinx1984

        Some type of reply came as quite a surprise to me. As a
        Californian Armenian I've sure you're very open minded and
        highly educated. California is a paradise of freethinkers and
        even has a mystical following of a varient of paths, none the least from the Western Esoteric System so grossly ignored in places like India and China. Several times I've opened the discussion with Californians about the Armenian Gods, and they always offer a stimulating and thought provoking conversation.

        Thank you for your kind consideration and your interest.
        Your reply came a pleasant surprise...


        • #14
          "All I know is I'm not a Marxist." -Karl Marx


          • #15
            I have a question. I didnt read all of your post, but what I did read I found interesting enough to write something about it in my religious studies paper. I just want to know where I can find books or actual sources. Just, so I can read more on this, to see if I should use it in my paper or not.
            You can't hold a man down without staying down with him.


            • #16
              I do find it odd that you did not include the story of the angel Alisiyael decending upon the Hayasa tribe and giving them the mandate for the creation of the Order of Light. That's my favorite ancient Armenian story...
              "All I know is I'm not a Marxist." -Karl Marx


              • #17
                The Elixer of Spirit, the ultimate divine juice...

                (Since you have responded so cordially, I give you and all
                Armenians still another article by a polytheistic Armenian.
                Remember that all these ceremonies and articles are free for anyone to copy and paste, or translate or openly print elsewhere. They represent Armenia in a sense where the
                essential glory of its culture is emphasized in a most poetic
                and glamorous manner, like the Elixer of Spirit, the ultimate divine juice. Certainly, a stark reminder of the sublime wisdom and strenght of our ancestors in Armenia. May the Spirit of ancient awaken within us all, that our pride and glory of spirit be relived.)

                The Spirit of Ancient Armenia

                How many still remember the battle of King Haik when he aimed his mighty bow and it whistled forth into Bal. Ah, drink the spirit of that glorious event. Did not our mighty warriors chant Haik in joy at the slaying of this enemy. Did not the enemy cry in dismay, ?the Armenians have won, they have slain our King?. Oh the joy of that vengeful arrow as it pieced the heathen skin of Bal. What joy and feasting honored that day, where our King gave a perfect example of what it like to be a race of conquerers emerging victorious against our clumsy enemy.

                Or how many still relish the times when the Goddess Astghik manifested her lust into the body of the Priestess and the woman screamed with penetrating, carefree delights at the orgy and the wine? Verily, before the times of the dead man's restriction upon the multitudes upon Her worship, the freedom of the embrace was considered holy and sacred, free from shame and guilt. Does it all come back to you now? Let us awaken to the spirit of our ancestors before the shackles of shame were wrapped upon the people of the village. Would thou be like the Muslim would would wrap there females in 400 yards of garment veiling there vices in virtuous words? Let us dance naked before the statue of Astghik and drink the wine of lust, forever freeing ourselves from such restrictions. Let the sex orgies return and let us learn self-discipline in the face of that ancient demon called jealousy.

                Let us also remember the awakening of Ar in our Temples who awakened the light of his immortality in our souls, and inspired us to the greater spirit passions of introspection. Let us return to His worship and once again bring the light of the Sun into our souls so that we go forth to war and common deed with clarity and clean spirit. Return to the Temple of Ar and light His four torches in the four quarters, for He awaits His people to enlighten them with the flame of his primal fire.

                Nor can we forget Tir, our beloved God of Wisdom who will teach us to turn the energy of spiritual aspiration into the complex inspiration of insight. Tir awaits you, as well to place flowers of perfection on His altar for inspiration is infinite and He shall inspire with a new life and a new wisdom.

                How many still escort the pregnant female of our villages to the Temple of Anahit and give her to the Priestesses within to consecrate the new child as a new child of the Gods? Place, I say, the wreath of flowers on the doorway of the Temple of Anahit and bless the child in Her name. Let us return to our beloved Anahit whose joy at the birth of our children creates wonder and miracle in the village.

                Oh, our wondrous God, Vahagan, who strengthens our soul at every manifestation cannot be neglected. He, our God of metal and fire, is the pepper spice upon the roasted rabbit meat that gives us that edge in times of stress and ordeal. Invoke Him when the soul is weary and depressed. and His ancient force makes us resist the most terrifying of times. Hail be to Vahagan who gives us a soul that cannot be penetrated by the demon owls of the night.

                Let us not the forget the Goddess Vanatur, who conquered the universe by the force of the polite word, and teach our children Her wisdom by giving them the equation of good manners, so that they grow to adulthood pure in their exchange with others and every ready to solve the problems of life by diplomacy and intelligent understanding of all who surround them in life. Verily, invoke Vanatur who will teach the purity of civilized exchange and self-control.

                Remember, my servants, that every of our Gods represents a school of thought that is completely pragmatic for use in daily life. Let these forces flow through your being as you recite their ceremony, so that you will be uplifted in the strength of their glory.

                Let no heathen fool tell you that our Gods are devils. They are the very forces of nature that you have brought forth into your being. Be like our Gods, and awaken them, for they are strong and good.

                Then you shall be as your ancestors were, almighty and upright, glorious and joyful, alive and vigorous, blessed be the Name of Our Gods throughout the ages.


                • #18
                  Greetings to XxgoeyxX

                  Dear XxgoeyxX

                  You state you are looking for books and sources for polytheistic writers of ancient Armenia, or is your question
                  information about our ancient Gods?

                  I'm sure you'll find something by using

                  Your article sounds very interesting. May I respectfully request that it be placed on this very forum for everyone's

                  Quite a few manuscripts and documents exist with an organization called OGT which is centered in Berlin, but
                  finding an address or an e-mail to inquire of them is quite another manner.

                  Please let me thank you for your reply. I wish you well with your school paper, and I hope to read it. Your research sounds absolutely wonderful.

                  It is not written among Us that mystery is the enemy of truth? Verily, go forth my scholar friend..

                  I extend to you friendship in accordance with the Supreme Formula of Vanatur...

                  (my name is written here in invisible ink.)


                  • #19
                    My question is about both polytheistic writers of ancient Armenia and information about our ancient Gods. Yes I can reaserch and find such things. It is just that you have more knowledge about this subject then I do, so it would harder to find the correct sources, I think. But I will look for it. It wont hurt.

                    I am taking a Religion&Art class. We are studying artworks used as religious text. I thought this would be great. Even if there isnt artwork with these gods and/or beliefs the text is even more valuable. Now that I found another idea I can hopefully use it in the paper.

                    But Thank you!
                    You can't hold a man down without staying down with him.


                    • #20

                      I am happy to hear about this class you're taking at the
                      university. Such a research might be extremely vital for
                      those who are interested in our Gods.

                      Please let me respectfully note for you, that in the
                      second paragraph of your reply you did not put Gods in
                      upper case. (you wrote "gods" instead of "Gods" as is proper for Divinity). My point is, if you write OGT to inquire about
                      the manuscripts, they will not answer you if you do not write Gods in upper case. Please understand that this organization does not like news reporters and people who
                      do not already have set up a Temple of the Gods.
                      So if you write them to inquire of the Gods you must be
                      careful you do not arouse them in a manner that awakens
                      rejection on your part.

                      As for my knowledge of the Gods, I could very well be
                      of assistance to you, but you might be better off going to
                      OGT which is the actual Priesthood and part of the Royal Court of the House of Ber.

                      OGT, by the way stands for "Order of the Golden Twilight".
                      It's origin, as it was expounded to Me, comes from Hourig Ber who plotted with the pagan wends centuries ago to create a new Kingdom free from the oppression from the inquisition. They called this new city Ber-lin, now a city in Germany. Apparently, the Prussian King at that time got wind of there plan and sent soldiers who murdered all the pagan wends. Nevertheless, Prince Hourig survived by hiding in the Temple in the center of Ber-lin, and his grandson Lo Ber created OGT. If you write them and they decide to write back, you could have the research of a lifetime.

                      I wish you good will. I'm sure your school paper will be very interesting...

