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how do you write the word "guest"...

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  • #31
    Originally posted by HyeJinx1984
    Wait, wait, wait, wait.... how'd you do that? Unicode fonts? I'm a complete moron when it comes to stuff like this so go step by step...
    I did it... it works... for example; you want to translate the word "guest"... tipe h y u r ... than click "Convert" (it automaticly converts to Armneian), then click "Copy", and than come to this forum and click "Past" ... and that's it... Wow, it really works


    • #32
      That could be used as a very good tool to teach kids the alphabet. i have an "Armenian keyboard" installed on my computer. basically you open the program and whatever you type is typed in Armenian. It shows you where each letter is and you can put it so that it is close to pronounciation with the english letter it is on or in the order of the alphabet. I will try to find the link.


      • #33
        HyeJinx, I'm not sure what computer you're using, but if you're using something like Windows XP, it should be there somewhere. If it's too much trouble, just use that transliterator link I gave. It converts Latin automatically into unicode Armenian, or Russian if you want. The alphabet system is very easy to learn. Just press ognutyun and it'll give you a guide.

        Unicode is just a type of new font that you can post with in any alphabet and everyone who has a compatible computer can read it. If you're able to read my post, then you should also be able to post in unicode and everyone here who has unicode (generally automatic on their browser) can read it too. Great invention, huh?

        Anushik: you're welcome I had posted that link here before, but people must've overlooked it


        • #34
          Շատ ուրակհ եմ .

          So how do I get the "kh" letter in that converter?
          Achkerov kute.


          • #35
            Originally posted by spiral
            I don’t see how one is right and one is wrong.

            However, I would have to say that I like the “stalinian” way much better.
            I guess it comes down to which you’ve learned better, and are more comfortable with.

            And if Stalin could come ‘fix’ English grammar, and make it so that gh would not be read “h” sometimes, and “f” at other times, I’m sure it would contribute in a positive manner rather than a negative manner.

            Language is constantly evolving, growing, changing… Example: gh is written in the word ‘right’ because English originated from some Germanic tribes, the names of which I do not remember…Angles, and some other… I had heard a man speak ‘Enlgisc’ and he pronounced “right” ri-g-e-h-t the g pronounced with the actual g sound. So as the language evolved, the gh was not pronounced, but we kept the letters in the spelling.

            So if the g, nor the h are actually pronounced anymore, would it be wrong not to write it in anymore?

            English is one of the richest languages, because just like America is the “melting pot”, as is the English language; which has one of the richest vocabulary, since we use words, and meanings from other languages. No other language has so many synonyms to words, as does English. And most of the synonyms have roots from other languages. We’re open to the change, and the open-ness contributes greatly to the language.

            Take a look at The Canterbury Tales, compare ‘Chaucerian English’, to the 'Modern English'.

            You cannot say that one is better, or more correct than the other.

            Back to my point. Who says change isn’t good?

            Simply because changes were made does not mean it is not as good. On the contrary usually when things are revised, they are done to make whatever it is, better in some way.

            Also Baron, what do you mean by Eastern spelling being flawed, and Western pronunciation being flawed?

            If Western Armenian spelling is the “unflawed” version, then this means that the pronunciation reflects off the spelling. So if you spell Tigran, Dikran, naturally you will pronounce it Dikran. My point; How can the spelling be ‘correct’, yet the pronunciation not?
            Language will obviously evolve, there is no doubt about that. Just compare texts from Mashdots's era to texts now. However, it tends to evolve on its own with the evolution of the people that speak it. In the case of Armenian, the spelling changes were forced upon over a single night, and it has done more damage than good both for pan-armenian issues, and also for the sake of the language. Since the words changed their spelling, finding their root becomes more difficult, and this makes it more difficult to create new Armenian words. So instead of evolving, the language actually reaches a stalemate. It's normal that you find it better, because as you said, you have grown up using it. From a linguistic point of view however, the changes can't be considered positive. Anyways, the causes for "revision" was not improvement, rather a poltiical goal. As for english, I will not comment because I do not think that it is one of the richest languages in the world. A language that is unable to express certain thoughts is not a rich one, in my humble opinion.

            As for the the western Armenian pronounciation, it refers to letters which are not spelled different in Eastern Armenian. We actually both write Tigran (Dikran) the same way. Yet Western Armenians have lost the pronounciation of certain consonants.


            • #36
              Do you know where I can get the Armenian unicode fonts, Nairi. I used to have a set installed on my PC. But lost them a while ago when I reinstalled windows. Originally, they were on Microsoft's website but they are not there any more.
              Plenipotentiary meow!


              • #37
                Originally posted by Baron Dants
                Language will obviously evolve, there is no doubt about that. Just compare texts from Mashdots's era to texts now. However, it tends to evolve on its own with the evolution of the people that speak it. In the case of Armenian, the spelling changes were forced upon over a single night, and it has done more damage than good both for pan-armenian issues, and also for the sake of the language. Since the words changed their spelling, finding their root becomes more difficult, and this makes it more difficult to create new Armenian words. So instead of evolving, the language actually reaches a stalemate. It's normal that you find it better, because as you said, you have grown up using it. From a linguistic point of view however, the changes can't be considered positive. Anyways, the causes for "revision" was not improvement, rather a poltiical goal.
                So what were the political goals? (I’m not criticizing, just curious. I’m not up to date-at all, with Armenian History.

                As for English, I will not comment because I do not think that it is one of the richest languages in the world. A language that is unable to express certain thoughts is not a rich one, in my humble opinion.
                What thoughts is it not able to express? The problem you may be having is expressing Armenian thoughts through English, and likewise it is sometimes hard to express English thoughts through Armenian. It has a bit to do with cultural manipulation of expression. It’s more so because of the differences between the cultures rather than the language, that you are not able to express certain thoughts.

                As for the western Armenian pronounciation, it refers to letters which are not spelled different in Eastern Armenian. We actually both write Tigran (Dikran) the same way. Yet Western Armenians have lost the pronounciation of certain consonants.
                We spell Tigran, Տիգրան,. So you guys spell it the same way, yet pronounce տ-D, and գ-k ?

                So what is the difference between loss of pronounciation of certain consonants, and having an accent?


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Anonymouse
                  Շատ ուրակհ եմ .

                  So how do I get the "kh" letter in that converter?

                  Click on 0գնութիուն theres a table. You need to type an x.


                  • #39
                    What are these Armenian fonts that everyone's typing? I just see black bars..

                    As for the political motives: first one was taking the first step towards the creation of a pan-soviet language, and the second one was widening the gap between Armenia and diaspora, as I said earlier in this thread. And it worked..


                    • #40

