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how do you write the word "guest"...

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  • #41
    I still only see squares....


    • #42
      try this: right click on the screen, on nothing specific. when the menu comes up, go to "encoding" and then make sure "auto select" has a check next to it, then go see below and click on western european(iso), see if it works then, thats how mine are set up and it seems to be working so try it out.


      • #43
        Still boxes....damn those boxes!

        Akh Tigran, whatever shall I do??


        • #44
          Baron: go to View on your browser, then Character encoding > UTF-8 (or Unicode default). Are you using IE 6? If so, you should have no problems viewing these fonts. If not, then get yourself a new browser Mozilla works too. And/or install these fonts:

          Steve, pazhalsta:


          • #45
            Originally posted by TigranJamharian
            This is not unicode. These are the old fonts, and the ones you need to view pages like these:


            You can convert these fonts to unicode with that transliterator.

            Also, I think if you use Mozilla you'll be best off. Try

            The Character Encoding has practically all languages around the world, including Armenian ARMSCII, and unicode. No need to install anything anymore. Plus you can use it to type on the net.


            • #46
              Originally posted by nairi
              You can try using unicode fonts to type Armenian here. Like this:


              There's also this transliterator:

              Type your text in Latin, translit, copy and paste here.
              Bloody hell,it's not working in my computer,I want it badly.S.O.S

              Please dont call me Dikran, i hate that fu cking name, and i dont understand why every western Armenian feels the f ucking impulse to change my name, whether it was in Armenian school, where after i wrote down Tigran they would change it to Dikran on the roster or in normal conversation with people. wtf is up with that?

              Anunet inchpes e artasanvum,karevor che.Dranits voraket ev bovandakutyunet chi boxvum.Dikran te Tigran nuyn uglaviknes.
              I'm a monstrous mass of vile, foul & corrupted matter.


              • #47
                Originally posted by Baron Dants
                and the second one was widening the gap between Armenia and diaspora, as I said earlier in this thread. And it worked..
                It would be stupid to let something like that happen. I don't see a problem at all in simplifying our spelling. Let's face it, we don't speak Mashtotsian Armenian anymore (if we ever did!). Armenian spelling has gone through at least 2 major changes: Middle Armenian and Modern Armenian. All these people trying to hang on to a spelling system that is of little to no use for Modern Armenian are retarted to say the least. Let's move on with the times and spell according to the way we speak. I think Soviet Armenian did a good job in standardizing Eastern Armenian and simplifying the spelling. Armenian has never been easier to learn! And that's the way it should be. Why complicate things when they can be simplified?


                • #48
                  Originally posted by nairi
                  I think Soviet Armenian did a good job in standardizing Eastern Armenian and simplifying the spelling. Armenian has never been easier to learn!
                  It has also never been easier to kill... Just look around the streets of Yerevan, or read newspapers from Armenia. Words that could so easily be said in Armenian are replaced with Russian words with Armenian letters. The spelling used outside of Armenia(which has nothing to do with Mashotsian Armenian, by the way) is not complicated, just slightly different. As for its use to modern Armenian, it is actually tremendous. At an age where new words are popping up every day due to technologial advances, we can either make real Armenian words or use foreign words, which basically turns Armenian into a relic of the past.

                  And to conclude that people like me are "retarded to say the least" is um....very....un-retarded of you.


                  • #49
                    Hmm, I don't see what new vocabulary has to do with spelling...

                    It is retarded in the sense of old-fashioned. What's the use of spelling a word with a y when the y is either not even pronounced, or pronounced as a h, to give just one example? Reminds me of English: half the letters used in most words are completely useless. It's just this traditional thing that people want to hang on to, even though it's completely outdated, not to mention that it complicates things unnecessarily.

                    Plus, I was talking about Eastern Armenian. I follow East, because it's a lot more logical to the way I speak, and I don't see how this is creating a (political) gap between Easterners and Westerners. Western Armenian is taught to this day in Armenia. Nothing shows that Armenia is trying to eradicate that variety or degrade it. These are just myths made up by the diaspora who clearly either have their own agendas or have no idea what they're talking about. If it were true then school kids in Armenia wouldn't be reading Baronian and Varoujan in the original, or older Eastern writers like Tumanian and Isahakian.


                    • #50
                      I have a personal problem with all old-fashioned people trying to defend something that is long gone dead. Move on with the times, is my motto. It's like refusing to update this forum's software because you have become so attached to the old one. Fact is that the new software will probably not only function better, it will still give you the opportunity to do what you want to do: namely post messages here.

                      I don't care that we have two different spelling systems (although the Western one still hasn't been standardized: everyone is writing however they want; as opposed to the Eastern one that has been standardized - irregardless). I follow the Standard Eastern one because I have consciously chosen to do so. I grew up with both. The Standard Eastern one attracts me more because of the reason I gave. I'm a born and bred diasporan, albeit not a Western one.

                      My initial reply was to this:

                      and the second one was widening the gap between Armenia and diaspora, as I said earlier in this thread. And it worked..
                      Which I find a myth.

                      The reason those Armenians looked down on you was probably because you were singing stupid songs. Kudos to them!

