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Are Armenians becoming too WASP-y?

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  • #11
    Originally posted by patlajan
    He's been hanging out with his clients too much.
    For sure. He said he hired one of his clients, this minor charged with first degree murder with special circumstances (death penalty or life). He got the kid community service instead and then gave him a job.


    • #12
      those are all sliperly slope arguments, obviously.

      i would guess that this man who said that is actually talking about how armenians and all the other people GT mentioned have changed their view points because of their newly formed economic levels. now that most armenians are not poor and they are not treated in a bad way, you know in american there is no chance of genocide against armenians (only), they choose to be on the side of the people who fit their idea of economics, RICH people.

      I would say that intermarriage obviously has nothing to do with it, to answer gohar, and that traditional armenian conservative views, or for that matter traditional conservative views, have NOTHING to do with the current american republican party. i say american because there are lots of republican parties all over the world, for example in England, they have more opposing views with republicans then democrats.

      the republican party has masked itself with "conservative views" while what they do and how they behave in general is not conservative at all, it is radical and extreme.

      Armenians and other ethnic groups in this country, if were questioned, issue by issue, would agree more with democratic behaviour then any other. #1 thing to remember is that democrats are not liberal. they are right of liberal and left of republican. its quite the cosy position to be in, however the leaders of this party are pitiful, i am so glad the lead stepped down, maybe they can get some change in this party, maybe they can get some balls, and act like a real party.

      Armenian young people may actually joint the republican party for other reasons, like being labeled as a rich or wealthy person, rather then the actual issues that the current republican party stands for. I have a friend who owns his own business and i asked him what he is registered as and he said Republican, and so i told him are you making millions? are you in the oil businessness? are you in the defense businessness? and he said no to all of them, but then said i got a tax cut because i make more then 200k a year, and so i asked him, did money make him forget his values? and he kind of said yes.

      and i also agree with anony about the jews, thats why christian beliefs are hardly related to the republican party. If we were to really bring in Jesus into the argument, the republican party may need to answer some extremely difficult questions.


      • #13
        i dont know if Armenians are becoming more "waspy" but i frankly dont give a dump whether they are or not as long as they put Armenian interests in the forefront and keep their culture and language and pass these down to their children.


        • #14
          but if they are becoming more "waspy" then they will not put armenian interests in the forefront.

          armenian interests have always leaned toward human rights issues and fair treatment, but the wasp does not see it this way... the republican party as we know it today, is committing a masscre against the iraqis, they eve put armenians on the list of terrorists nations, until we lobbied that out, and they have favored turkey over armenia, even though turkey has the worst human rights record.

          so wasp or traditional armenian views are totally different.


          • #15
            Do you really think that the Democrats really give a shyt more about the Armenians than the Republicans do? cmon please, its all politics and it is rare to find a politician today who actually has beliefs and wont sacrifice them for what is more popular in their contingency.
            The only way you can say that Armenian interests have always leaned toward human rights and fair treatment is by using the Genocide recognition as an example. And dont think that just because John Kerry was pledging to recognize the Genocide the Democratic party is for it more than the Republicans. May i remind you that in 2000 Al Gore didnt even say he would recognize the Genocide while this idiot Bush did.
            As for Armenia being on that list i dont know what the hell was up with that, i cant say it was simply an error because errors that big just dont happen but there wasnt much lobbying behind taking it out, people just said wtf is this are you nuts and they were like oh yeah sorry we f ucked up and took it off in like a week.
            As for favoring turkey over Armenia, youve got to realize that right now turkey has a lot more to offer to the US then Armenia does and that the US isnt going to be a charity organization but it is just like any other nation and looks out for its own interests. And whoever is in government will favor turkey more. For now at least.

            And may i please remind you that WASPs dont like genocidal muslims any more than we do. Its all politics, their views arent different at all they just do what is good for them as would anyone else, dont expect them to put the interests of 600,000 Armenians above those of the 288 million people in the US.


            • #16
              I don't like WASPy Armenians.


              • #17
                i didnt say that democrats care more, i said that the republicans are not conservative, and they certainly dont care about armenians now.

                i dont think kerry was going to recognize the genocide even if he promised it, i dont care about that, i dont want the US to recognize it, TURKEY is the country that must recognize it, i dont blame the US or any other country, i blame turkey and they are the ones that must recognize it.
                we were on the terrorist list it was an action alert, i did the webfax thing for it. and what do you think the ANCA is? A LOBBYING GROUP

                i think the democrats are a bunch of pussies, those shyt heads are weak, if they want to survive, they have to get to work, not let some fanatic religious radicals (the current republicans) take control of everything.


                • #18
                  I honestly I don't find as many "waspy" armenians as I find thuggish Armenians.
                  "All I know is I'm not a Marxist." -Karl Marx

