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  • #31
    i hate having arguments with people like you who backtrack and change around their words and those of the other person. very annoying. did i ever say we dont need better relations with georgia? no. secondly, our relationship is good but has room for improvement. if you didnt know saakashvili and his wife just visited Armenia, and they are discussing lowering tariffs and shipping costs. As for European markets, id like to let you know that the EU is Armenia's biggest trade partner. Improving roads between us and georgia is not a neccesity, opening up the railroad in abkhazia and kars are priorities, that way shipping to the rest of Europe will be much cheaper than any way through the ports.
    Trade with the outside world is not all their is. If Artsakh is ever to be considered a part of Armenia by the international community we need to show our commitment to its development and to its integration into Armenia.
    Again noone said friendly relations with georgia is not a priority what I did say was that building more roads to georgia was not as important as improving Artsakhs road systems and integrating it into Armenia.
    There was no ancient grudges mentioned here, I myself have a few georgian friends. But we Armenians and georgians overall are not the best of friends. Even today most Armenians have disdain for georgians but it is nowhere near the anti-Armenian hysteria that has been in georgia for the past 15 years.


    • #32
      In this discussion I have to agree with "Tigran," that is, if anyone cares to know what my opinion is.

      Gay Rocky???
      Մեր ժողովուրդն արանց հայրենասիրութեան այն է, ինչ որ մի մարմին' առանց հոգու:


      Please visit me at my Heralding the Rise of Russia blog:


      • #33
        Originally posted by Armenian
        In this discussion I have to agree with "Tigran," that is, if anyone cares to know what my opinion is.

        Gay Rocky???
        Tigran is pretty smart for a 17 year old... don't you think!


        • #34
          xxxx the georgians, they are "Christian" replicas of azeris...

          Hayq, there are others means of liberating Batum and Trabzon


          • #35
            Originally posted by CatWoman
            Tigran is pretty smart for a 17 year old... don't you think!
            Thank you m'am!


            • #36
              Originally posted by TigranJamharian
              Thank you m'am!

              Bravo deghass...atchab khelatzi dera me tchi dessa. Tanti Catwoman ouragh e. Himma, inch goozes el lal erp vor medznass?


              • #37
                Originally posted by Tigranes
                xxxx the georgians, they are "Christian" replicas of azeris...

                Hayq, there are others means of liberating Batum and Trabzon
                You dont have to love the Georgians. With a strong economy and a strong military, Armenia can be the dominant of the three states. Furthermore, Armenians practically controlled Tblisi.

                Arstakh was a big mistake to begin with. Now that is is under Armenian hands, what are we going to do? NO ONE LIVES THERE!

                Armenia is empty, nothing more than old people and women. We need to stop all money going to Artsakh, more money needs to be brought into Armenia so Armenians can stay (and even return) to Armenia. Arstakh is not going to provide anything but food, and the agriculture department is being a d*ck and shipping off all the foods to other countries instead of leaving it in the country for the people to eat.

                Armenia has a nucelear power plan in a seismic area that EXPORTS electricity at a much lower price to TURKEY and GEORGIA rather than to Armenians. Yes, that is some kind of genius idea we Armenians have. we need to get away from the Russians, in my opinion. There is nothing we can gain economically, they own most of our business' and they provide foreign consumers cheaper products than to the local armenians.

                BUSINESS IN ARMENIA IS A FAILURE! All the wealthy people that need to pay taxes, dont! That is the problem. We have a 14 percent growth in the GDP but absolutely NO DIFFERNCE in living standards. WHY? Because they pocket all the money. That is why you need to stop sendign money to these bull sh*t telethons and start investing in the country yourself. Kirk is smart, he does it himself rather than giving that filth the money.

                In conclusion, phuck the telethon and phuck the Armenian Government. I am hoping soo much that a new Europeann leader can emerge! I am tired of being a Russian puppet, better off being a European puppet.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Hayq

                  BUSINESS IN ARMENIA IS A FAILURE! All the wealthy people that need to pay taxes, dont! That is the problem. We have a 14 percent growth in the GDP but absolutely NO DIFFERNCE in living standards. WHY? Because they pocket all the money. That is why you need to stop sendign money to these bull sh*t telethons and start investing in the country yourself. Kirk is smart, he does it himself rather than giving that filth the money.
                  I agree.Aremanias current economic path is dead. In one hand,There is a near complete dependance on external gifts(telethons hahaha) and loans with a little progress toward self sufficiency . Business investment is ridiculous and the reason is business is hamped by corruption and inconsistently applied laws and regulations.
                  And the other hand, complete dependance from Russia,if not Russia then Europ.Our status quo is Puppet.
                  I'm a monstrous mass of vile, foul & corrupted matter.


                  • #39
                    when your populations is 3 million and you are the size of maryland there is not many more options that puppet. And as of now there is no way we can abandon russia, russia is our insurance against turkish invasion and our support for a possible future war with azerbaijan.
                    its really funny how ungrateful you people are and call the Armenians who dedicate their time, effort and money to betterment of Armenia filth, while you dont do shyt but sit at home typing idealogical, unrealistic bullshyt.

