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arm. language
It's true, we shouldn't be competing with each other. It doesn't help us one bit. Sometimes we forget... We should support each other. Armenians who speak Armenian often look down upon the rest of us, but why?? Do they see it as a choice we have made? Do they feel we reject being Armenian by not speaking the language? That doesnt have to apply to every case.
I wish more Armophonic Armenians would support us and encourage us to learn in a good way, not criticize. Many of us are learning on our own, THAT is the choice we have made ourselves, not what language our families spoke to us throughout childhood.
Once I learn Armenian, I will be helpful and supportive to anyone I meet who is learning. Only when a person actually shows or says that they dont care about their heritage will I begin to look down upon them.
Originally posted by Red BrigadeI didnt want to hurt your pro Russian feelings created during the Soviet era, but Armenians are not slavs neither the Armenian language has nothing to do with anything slavic.not any special love of Russian. Of course we aren't Slavs, and Armenian is not a Slavic language. I am only for more independence and recognition for our nation. I hate to be called Russian. I always specify that I am Armenian, and tell people as much as they will understand about it. I did not mean to sound harsh either.
Originally posted by karoaperOriginally posted by Red BrigadeI think we should stop this ''we am more Armenians than you'' thing.It is serving the interests of our enemies and it just makes the drift between our people bigger.
Love you man
P.S. I'm still learning to be a better Armenian, btw
Originally posted by karoaperAs far as I'm concerned though, I would much rather prefer speaking Russo-Armenian, than the Armenian that contains many turkish words: shalvar, sapon, zibil, zeitun, etc... On the side note, Armenians in diaspora speak better Armenian than the Haiastancis (IMO).I seriously doubt!
Originally posted by karoaperThe only people I ever remember not knowing Armenian or having a poor Armenian were Armenians who had a Russian parent or were brought up outside Armenia.
Originally posted by karoaperThe rest of us all spoke it fluently (so the above bit is somewhat exaggerated). Us Haiastancis only had problem with vocabulary, not knowing the true Armenian words and instead opting for the foreign ones.Isn't your statement contradictory?
So you spoke fluently the Armenian language using non-Armenian vocabulary.
Note: I have chosen to auto censor the words "*urk" or "*urkish" because it is commonly perceived as unpleasant and offending, evokes unpleasant emotions and imagery and is pregnant with immoral and evil connotations!Last edited by Siamanto; 06-04-2005, 12:50 PM.What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.
Originally posted by ArmoBarbiOnce I learn Armenian, I will be helpful and supportive to anyone I meet who is learning. Only when a person actually shows or says that they dont care about their heritage will I begin to look down upon them.
Originally posted by ArmoBarbiOnce I learn Armenian, I will be helpful and supportive to anyone I meet who is learning. Only when a person actually shows or says that they dont care about their heritage will I begin to look down upon them.What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.
Siamanto (nice name btw),
I do not and never have felt better or superior to any other Armenians, except for the Armenian prostitutes in turkey (I know I sounded harsh in that post, but anger is a powerful emotion) and few others of similar sort. My posts clearly specify that people in Armenia - a group I belong to - in fact had problems with speaking "pure" Armenian. We did speak fluent Armenian that was sprinkled with foreign or foreign derived vocabulary. So in fact you could say I was descriminating against myself. I also said that I found that people in Diaspora speak better Armenian. Also, by saying which were the families that didn't speak fluent Armenian I was merely stating a fact. I myself went to a school in Armenia, which had a Russian emphasis (there were 2 types of schools: with Armenian emphasis and Russian emphasis). We couldn't speak Armenian on the premises. Because of this I didn't speak as fluently as others whose families spoke only Armenian at home. I need to clarify that there are many levels of fluency. As far as the words I mentioned, they are in fact turkish. Of course that only means they are derived from other languages originally (it's prob what you ment).Last edited by karoaper; 06-04-2005, 03:24 PM.
Originally posted by karoaperSiamanto (nice name btw),
I do not and never have felt better or superior to any other Armenians, except for the Armenian prostitutes in turkey (I know I sounded harsh in that post, but anger is a powerful emotion) and few others of similar sort. My posts clearly specify that people in Armenia - a group I belong to - in fact had problems with speaking "pure" Armenian. We did speak fluent Armenian that was sprinkled with foreign or foreign derived vocabulary. So in fact you could say I was descriminating against myself. I also said that I found that people in Diaspora speak better Armenian. Also, by saying which were the families that didn't speak fluent Armenian I was merely stating a fact. I myself went to a school in Armenia, which had a Russian emphasis (there were 2 types of schools: with Armenian emphasis and Russian emphasis). We couldn't speak Armenian on the premises. Because of this I didn't speak as fluently as others whose families spoke only Armenian at home. .
We're cool!
Yes, I am the spirit of an unborn descendant of Siamanto!
I just think that you were a little unfair towards those who did not have the opportunity to learn Armenian and who usually make a bigger effort than those who are fortunate enough to live in communities where Armenian is spoken.
I see what you mean about Armenians speaking *urkish; it annoys me too, but I know very "hayaser" Armenians from TEMPORARILY SO CALLED Turkey. I agree that they should not speak *urkish and it may upset me, but I would not reject them because of that.
Originally posted by karoaperI need to clarify that there are many levels of fluency. As far as the words I mentioned, they are in fact turkish. Of course that only means they are derived from other languages originally (it's prob what you ment).
They may be used in *urkish, but they don't sound *urkish; they are probably loaned words to Persian, Arabic or...
For instance "zeitun" is also used in Spanish i.e. "aceituna." "Shalvar" sounds Persian, not *urkish. "Sapon" is the French "savon" or the Spanish "jabón." etc. etc.
Are we betting?Last edited by Siamanto; 06-04-2005, 10:17 PM.What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.
Originally posted by Siamantokaroaper,
Are you sure enough to bet on it?
They may be used in *urkish, but they don't sound *urkish; they are probably loaned words to Persian, Arabic or...
For instance "zeitun" is also used in Spanish i.e. "aceituna." "Shalvar" sounds Persian, not *urkish. "Sapon" is the French "savon" or the Spanish "jabón." etc. etc.
Are we betting?
By the way, these are the words in Armenian for said items (soap - otcharr, pants - vartik, olive - dzetaptugh, garbage - akhp).
Originally posted by karoaperOk, let's bet say 30 dram. Comon that's a lot of money. You're right in fact that the words are all foreign and non-turkish (shield your eyes) derived. In fact sapon is directly taken from italian sapone. My point was that we prob took these words from turks.
By the way, these are the words in Armenian for said items (soap - otcharr, pants - vartik, olive - dzetaptugh, garbage - akhp).Great, now I can afford to buy...*thinks hard*
Thanks for the translation. I already knew the words. By the way, "tsitab@dough" and "aceituna/zeitun" have the same root! Also, in Western Armenian "vardig" means underpants and is rather used by kids!"Dapad" is pants!
What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.
Originally posted by ArmoBarbiIt's true, we shouldn't be competing with each other. It doesn't help us one bit. Sometimes we forget... We should support each other. Armenians who speak Armenian often look down upon the rest of us, but why?? Do they see it as a choice we have made? Do they feel we reject being Armenian by not speaking the language? That doesnt have to apply to every case.
I wish more Armophonic Armenians would support us and encourage us to learn in a good way, not criticize. Many of us are learning on our own, THAT is the choice we have made ourselves, not what language our families spoke to us throughout childhood.
Once I learn Armenian, I will be helpful and supportive to anyone I meet who is learning. Only when a person actually shows or says that they dont care about their heritage will I begin to look down upon them.