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The genocide of france

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  • #11
    Re: The genocide of france

    The genocide of France or America is not a myth. I am the grandchild of survivors of that slaughter, I have heard about it all my life. I do not blame you or any modern Turkish people, remember, this happened 90 years ago. Turkish Armenians do not dwell on this, why should they. What we have issues about is the government of Turkey denying that these events took place, especially after so much time has past. It is good to hear that Armenians and Turkish people are living together in peace, thank you for saying so. Peace, Brer Rabbit


    • #12
      Re: The genocide of france

      Originally posted by soldieroftur
      first of all , everybody must know this , we love armenian people too much , I develop with armenian in turkey and they are very happy , they are like turk , everybody very happy .. in the pass we don't belive the genocide , we only believe the genocide of france .. This is a the genocide . you must read and learn , no need problem with armenian people , this is big game , don't play . who can win to turk people in this game , is this possible .Dear armenian people ,, this is france and american game , don't play with them , ask armenian in turkey how they are happy , and they don't believe The genocide in the pass ...everybody must be clever ,,,

      soldierofturk read genocide of france
      way zavalli way zavalli

      van, kars, erzurum, erzincan, trabzon, ardahan, mus, bitlis ve artvin terketmek

      Sonra wallah cok cok cok memnoun........yoksa ermeni intikam gelmek.......


      • #13
        Re: The genocide of france

        Originally posted by soldieroftur
        garip fikirler............cok garip fikirler


        • #14
          Re: The genocide of france

          Originally posted by rosehip_38
          Hello all, from turkey, from a Turk…

          I suppose It is a real shame that the Diaspora is now claiming there was a genocide in 1915 by Turks...

          It was inside the WW1 and Ottoman Empire was fighting in Canakkale Galipolu versus British, Australian and New Zealand army in west... Fighting with Russians Kars, Sarikamis in east. (Also in only one night, 90.000 Turkish soldiers died cause of freezing in Allahuekber mountains)
          Kurdish and Armenian rebellions also were killing the Turks in southeast. Unfortunately, there was uncable rulers ruling Ottomans, Enver, Cemal and Talat pashas...
          They ordered the migration of Armenians who rebelled against Ottoman Empire and arrested the leaders of rebellion in Istanbul. During the migration, so many Turkish, Kurdish and Armenian people died and killed each other. It was definitely NOT a genocide...

          On the other hand, the term “Genocide” is accepted by United Nations after the Holocaust of xxxish people by Nazi’s, during WW2. The term particularly signs the xxxs in WW2… See this link:

          There was a tragedy in 1915 but it was not genocide. Actually, the Diaspora is very efficient to distort the truths in these days. But I think Diaspora is shooting on it’s own leg in France… If the draft is accepted on Thursday in France Parliament, this would be a dramatic opposition for the rules of French revolution, which are Freedom, Fraternity and Indepence… To think and reveal that “There was not a genocide occurred in 1915 against Armenians” would be a crime and will be punished. Bullxxxx…

          France and Diaspora will be disgraced together and rest of the world will laugh them. I do not say this. This is the expression of a famous Armenian intellectual and columnist and the editor of daily Argos newspaper, called Hrant Dink in Turkey. You can ask kim. Or ask the same question to the other well-known columnist called Etyen Mahcupyan, who is writing in daily and very popular leftist newspaper, Radikal… See

          Good day and make sense, do not be fanatic. Because here in turkey, we are mostly reasonable.

          hrant dink is =========== hain ....he should be burned if that is his sincere thoughts......and o did you know that according to the turkish state the number of turks rised during the days of the genocide/Ferman wile the christian population decreased with 95% isn't that strange even though (as you claim) so many turks died??????????


          • #15
            Re: The genocide of france

            Originally posted by dani87
            hrant dink is =========== hain ....he should be burned if that is his sincere thoughts......and o did you know that according to the turkish state the number of turks rised during the days of the genocide/Ferman wile the christian population decreased with 95% isn't that strange even though (as you claim) so many turks died??????????
            First; "Hrant dink should be burned"... Where are we? In the age of inqusition? Who are you burning?

            Second... You are lying. This only happened in ages and ages, after Turks had been in Anatolia in the year of 1071... Naturally, by the mixing the races, most of the Anatolia become Turk and Muslim in the centuries... And do not forget this; in the years of Ottoman Empire is falling down, the minimal effect on this was "Turkish nationalism." Croatian, Albanian, Serbian, Kurdish and Armenian rebellions speed up the collapsing process of Ottoman and the Turkish nationalism wasn't develop yet enough. Enver, Cemal and Talat pashas were dreaming only the "Panislamism", which was spread out the Islam to the Middle and far east. It was ridiculuos of course. Turkish nationalism grew up after Turkish Repuclic held in 1923 by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

            You should now that, thousands of Turkish people killed bye Kurdish and Armenians in 1915. I never deny the Armenians killed. But it was NOT a genocide. Because genocide is another fact and has very very special circumstances, such as Nazi's done...

            First; read and know the history well. Second; make sense... Third: You can not burn anybody in this age. In Turkey, Hrant Dink freely explain his thesis and defends them. He is against the official history of 1915. But nobody thinks to make bad things to him. But in Diaspora, you blame him as "hain", which means traitorous. You want him to support all your rubbish thesis, don't you?...

            Wait until the fishes make nests on trees...

            Good night



            • #16
              Re: The genocide of france

              From the responses to the Turkish soldier's post I am reminded of the slander the French have had in the U.S. since Bush made it a matter of policy to disdain the French because they would not agree to go to war in Iraq. It is irrational and has no place in intelligent discourse. To Rosehip I would ask, when is a genocide a genocide? If we go by body count the killing of Armenian, Greek, and other ethnic minorities in Turkey from 1915 on till the beginning of the modern Turkish state far exceeds the killing in Darfur, which is already being called a Genocide and it is not over. To those of you who seem to hate everything Turkish I would remind you that nearly all of those killed were Turkish! They lived in Turkey and died at the hands of extrememist, Turkish people are no worse than Americans, French, or Armenians. Hatred only begets hatred. As my namesake , Brer Rabbit, would say '' Dey ain't no tellin' ''


              • #17
                Re: The genocide of france

                Kind of funny and sad that a Turk wants to divert attention from the Armenian genocide by bringing up some other "genocide". WTF?
                this post = teh win.


                • #18
                  Re: The genocide of france

                  1. Genocide isn't decided by amount of people killed but by method of execution.

                  2. Again, I feel the need to bring up Raphael Lemkin basing the term "Genocide" on what happened in Armenia AND later Germany. Whenever one see's Lemkin's name, one always sees it in association with Armenia.


                  • #19
                    Re: The genocide of france

                    enver, cemal and talaat pasha was dreaming of panturkism not panislamism...though they surely prefered muslims over christians....ok your good friend hrant dink maybe shouldn't be burned but he is a very lost human just like you.....


                    • #20
                      Re: The genocide of france

                      I know that the entire debate is meaningless and at best childish i.e. Jurkish; however, many reacted and I thought that the following may be of interest.

                      (In any case, it would nice to see them ridicule themselves, as they usually do. It may also give us the opportunity to remind them that while the French left Algeria, *urks are still occupying and infesting our ancestral lands.)

                      Originally posted by TomServo
                      I think if an Algerian wanted to tell us about what the French did to them during colonial rule then they would come and tell us themselves. None of them have done so. It's only been Turks so far.
                      Apparently, Algerians do not care to see TEMPORARILY SO CALLED Turkey "worry" about their sufferings in the past. They seem to feel that their sufferings are being exploited by the *urks who have colonized and looted their country before the French arrived.

                      « Il y aurait matière à reconnaissance au gouvernement turc si cette compassion post-coloniale procédait du simple bon sentiment. Mais l’épreuve du peuple algérien est convoquée comme instrument de pression diplomatique », écrit le quotidien Liberté.

                      « Tout se passe comme si la souffance des Algériens, au lieu de mériter une considération de principe, se voit engagée dans un affrontement par ricochet », ajoute le quotidien.

                      « C’est pour le moins déplacé que la Turquie interpelle la France sur son passé algérien (traitant ainsi) en mineur un peuple qu’elle a déjà soumis par la force », ajoute Liberté.

                      Le quotidien algérien rappelle à ce sujet que « l’Empire ottoman fut le colon (de l’Algérie) avant la France » et que « la colonisation ottomane s’est caractérisée par un pillage en règle du pays ».

                      Pour un autre quotidien, La Tribune, la menace turque représente « la réponse du berger à la bergère » et est « un peu intéressée ».
                      « S’agissant du génocide algérien, dont la négation doit être effectivement pénalisée, ce devrait être d’abord et surtout l’affaire du peuple algérien et de ses élus », ajoute le quotidien.

                      Originally posted by soldieroftur
                      one day algerian people will ask this question , genocide of france '' why did you killed 7 million algerian ? ,,
                      and I AM ASKİNG ..... WHY DİD YOU KİLLED 7 MİLLİON PEOPLE , WHY ?
                      It's very unlikely that Algerians will ever become Jurkish i.e. dumb enough to distort realities to such a degree, only Jurks are capable of such idiocies.
                      The number of Algerians killed is estimated to 150K-300K, including all the Harkis - Algerian soldiers of the French Army - and their family killed by the FLN - Algerians fighting for liberation.
                      Just curious, is 7 million is the number of victims in Euro converted to *urkish Lira?

                      Originally posted by rosehip_38
                      First; "Hrant dink should be burned"... Where are we? In the age of inqusition? Who are you burning?
                      No, not yet. Mentally and intellectually, *urks are still where most of the world was several centuries before the Inquisition. You're more or less where your Taliban cousins are.

                      Note: I have chosen to auto censor the words "*urk," "*urkish" or *urkic" because it is commonly perceived as unpleasant and offending, evokes unpleasant emotions and imagery and is pregnant with immoral and evil connotations!
                      What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.

