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Cultural Horizons of Armenians

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  • Cultural Horizons of Armenians


    14 July 07

    The fourth international film festival `Golden Apricot' prompts us
    about the futility of the existence.
    Had a similar event taken place in our reality around 20 years back
    it would have definitely been a real event in our social life, while
    nowadays it is an imperceptible and unremarkable event.
    Those who are ex-officio obliged to fulfill their duties they did
    so, the other part of the society is quite indifferent towards it.
    Of course it has an external reason as well.
    During the Soviet times festival movies were windows towards the
    great and prohibited world. People used to attack the movie halls to
    watch these movies with half an eye. Whilst the demand of the
    prohibited fruit was manifested not only in cinematography but also in
    the markets where the cost of one pair of jeans was equal to one-month
    By the way the admiration that prevailed not only in the cultural
    but also political life was also conditioned by the before mentioned
    phenomenon. Foreign press was considered to be the highest instance
    truth and the wise and just political structure of the countries on the
    other side of the iron curtain.
    In the everyday mythology of that period it was considered a
    `different kingdom' an island of dreams where golden pears grew on
    poplars. Today nothing is left from the pure and bright conviction.
    Not because our reality seems perfect, but because people understand
    that anything can happen in the `island of the dreams'. Sometimes
    astonishing justice triumphs, sometimes a gentleman talks to a
    gentleman about something and reaches an agreement.
    Thus we can't say that we are horned devils and they are angels with
    wings. You can't say that life is bad in the West and you can't also
    say that it is worthy of admiration.
    This is the external reason of the indifference towards `Golden
    Apricot', but there is a very important internal reason as well.
    The festival proved - better overlooked then discredited. The latter
    usually lies in ambush, when you don't manage to bring your desires in
    conformity with your abilities, but you want pretend that things should
    be like that. The international jury, formed in a hurried manner
    introduced names quite unheard of. Probably these people where also
    surprised to receive invitations.
    During the days of the festival there was a feeling of shame for the
    extremely weak and bad competition. With the persistency typical of the
    fox that complains about the quality of the fruit when it fails to
    reach for it, they were trying to clarify the principle of the festival
    saying that they put emphasis on the young film-producers and films
    produced by the authors. Probably world-famous masters who also
    expressed desire to participate in the `Golden Apricot' were given the
    same explanation.
    The organization failings, old-fashioned techniques, the jury, the
    empty halls, the self-admiration and pathos of the organizers, the
    complaints about lack of money, all this was very shameful. By the way
    most of this money belongs to us ` taxpayers. What do they spend it on?
    And who benefits from the classical question of law. Most probably they
    want to mislead the authorities regarding the place of the `Golden
    Apricot' on the world film-map. And this place is usually characterized
    by a word that is not proper to be published in the newspaper.
    We don't appeal to radical measures ` such as `Do Away with Golden
    Apricot'. But lets think about protecting the festival from shame. They
    simply don't want to bring proper movies and provide a proper level,
    even in case their financial means provide this opportunity. So why do
    we need to hold festivals every year, in case when neither films nor
    stars want to visit us. Let's find other ways.
    Of course it is a pleasant and helpful job to be among the
    organizers of International Film Festival. It brings money, foreign
    tours, respect and good contacts. Should they conduct it by their own
    financial means `Golden Apricot' would have been a real treasure.

    What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.

  • #2
    Re: Cultural Horizons of Armenians

    Life as a series of bizarre theatrical sets
    ByJackie Wullschlager

    July 13 2007 18:47

    Every clown wants to play Hamlet; only rarely does Hamlet act the
    clown. But in `Two Feet in One Shoe', his installation of furiously
    gestural, slithery, smeared, chaotic canvases in dark or garish
    colours, Armen Eloyan is such an actor-painter. Depicting life as a
    series of bizarre theatrical sets, fantasy characters, masked players,
    he creates a tragicomic universe where the performance of painting is
    the most absurdist drama of all.

    A figure is trapped in a giant book; another stands on top of a closed
    volume, refusing access to knowledge. A skeletal creature in
    18th-century dress stalks a night-time park, the sky scrawled with the
    words `Hold My Bones Together'. Chained decapitated geese drip crimson
    beaks; anthropomorphic sausages warily eye a kitchen knife; a landscape
    of purple pineapples is hatched with prison bars.

    Menace and beauty, despair and vitality: Eloyan was born in Armenia in
    1966 and the traditions he is parodying are east European
    expressionism, folklore, Kafkaesque narrative, all crossed with a
    post-Disney cartoon vocabulary, the splashy pessimism of Los Angeles
    artists such as Paul McCarthy, and, mostly, memories of Soviet
    oppression and mental constraint. Spanker and victim in `Bend Over';
    the puffed-up, uniformed fantasist in `Wishes and Wishes (Rex)'; the
    `Nightsmoker' rigged in wig and salmon pink ruff; a solitary top-hatted
    clown in a cavernous landscape in `The Man Who Tells Fairy Tales': what
    makes Eloyan a significant talent is that his imaginary world is
    brought into existence before our eyes through the exaggerations and
    artifice of paint. The farcical costumes and masks of his prison guards
    and dreamers are so thickly sculpted as to render them ridiculous, yet
    the lack of definition makes them threatening, the harsh white light
    interrogates and strips bare. It is a dashing spectacle with a strong
    moral undercurrent: `The play's the thing/Wherein I'll catch the
    conscience of the king.'

    `Two Feet in One Shoe: Armen Eloyan' is at Parasol Unit, London N1, to
    July 20. Tel: +44 (0)20-7490 7373

    What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


    • #3
      Re: Cultural Horizons of Armenians

      [The following is an automatic translation using Systransoft of a review published in "Le Monde." Siamanto.]

      Artavazd Pelechian, The Armenian poet filmmaker" : Pelechian, an exceptional filmmaker

      The release of three films of Artavazd Pelechian has - this in only one Parisian room in full summer was [i.e. a slow season. Siamanto] - constitutes a considerable event. That for two reasons: its work makes figure of dazzling comet in the history of the cinema, and the man, of which the appearances are done increasingly rare, is nimbé of mystery. Born in 1938 in Leninakan, in Soviet Arménie, Pelechian was formed with the beginning of the year 1960 with the VGIK, school of Soviet cinema celebrates it, and is the author of thirteen films, since its film of studies entitled the Patrol of mountain (1964) until Vie (1993).

      This work, which remains largely ignored general public, can actually be regarded as documentary, but made imploser, by its poetic lyricism, the usually allowed framework of the kind. It is a cinema without actors, neither dialogues nor stories, which takes with arm-the-body the filmed matter, introduces it and the régurgite into a succession of salvos vibratile, sometimes suaves, sometimes explosives, but always impregnated of the sharpest sensitivity, more insane inspiration. In truth, it would be righter to indicate Pelechian, after David W. Griffith, Serguei Eisenstein and Dziga Vertov, like one of the largest assemblers of the history of the cinema, and undoubtedly more hallucinated of all. If it were necessary to call upon the locatable image of a similar artistic insanity, that of Antonin Artaud would make the deal. The three samples which this programming invites us to discover in constitute very good examples.

      We (1969) mingles thus with the catches of sights turned by the scenario writer with images of files to manufacture a subjective reality which condenses and incarnates in the manner the most expressive history of the Armenian people. The Seasons (1972) this project continues, by focusing the point of view on the seasonal life of the Armenian shepherds, on the sensual report/ratio of the men to the ground and the animal: the images of this film are made up so that they are registered in an inalterable way in the significant conscience of the spectator. Our century (1982) is finally a quasi surrealist evocation, starting from images of files as well American as Soviet, of the space conquest by the man. Countdowns with repetition in recurring explosions of fuselages, body in weightlessness in approximate landings, this film combines a reflexion distressing on technological disproportion and a glance frankly cocasse on the incommensurable vanity of the man.


      The science of the rate/rhythm, the reinvented interlacing of the band and the picture strip, the art of the remote assembly, which separates more than it does not connect, evoke the ambition of this scenario writer except standards to propose, as while setting out again of zero halfway of the dumb man and of sound, a vision of the cinema such as it could have existed.

      This ambition prométhéenne, the Pelechian man shows some as it is appropriate utopian dimension. Recluse some share in the East, not having carried out anything since 1993 more, opposing a certain force of resistance to the exploitation of his existing films, the scenario writer became of sound living a cinephilic kind of myth. Some fulgurating exits point out it, more and more seldom, with the good memory of the most attentive spectators, who discovered it in Occident only in the years 1980. The first, and one of the very rare retrospectives of its work in France, took place in 1992 thus, with the national Gallery of the Play of palm. A memorable dialogue between Artavazd Pelechian and Jean-Luc Godard followed in the columns of this newspaper (Le Monde of April 2, 1992). In spite of specific initiatives since then, silence ended up covering this remarkable work. These three small stones allow today those which wish it to go up the Pelechian track.

      Jacques Mandelbaum

      International, Economie, Environnement … La référence, partout, tout le temps.

      [The following is the original French text. Siamanto]

      "Artavazd Pelechian, le poète cinéaste arménien" : Pelechian, un cinéaste hors normes
      LE MONDE | 24.07.07 | 16h16 • Mis à jour le 24.07.07 | 16h16

      La sortie en salles de trois films d'Artavazd Pelechian - fût-ce dans une seule salle parisienne en plein été - constitue un événement non négligeable. Cela pour deux raisons : son oeuvre fait figure d'éblouissante comète dans l'histoire du cinéma, et l'homme, dont les apparitions se font de plus en plus rares, est nimbé de mystère. Né en 1938 à Leninakan, en Arménie soviétique, Pelechian s'est formé au début des années 1960 au VGIK, la célèbre école de cinéma soviétique, et est l'auteur de treize films, depuis son film d'études intitulé La Patrouille de montagne (1964) jusqu'à Vie (1993).

      Cette oeuvre, qui demeure largement méconnue du grand public, peut être considérée comme documentaire, mais fait imploser en réalité, par son lyrisme poétique, le cadre couramment admis du genre. C'est un cinéma sans acteurs, ni dialogues ni histoires, qui prend à bras-le-corps la matière filmée, l'ingère et la régurgite dans une succession de salves vibratiles, tantôt suaves, tantôt explosives, mais toujours imprégnées de la plus vive sensibilité, de la plus folle inspiration. En vérité, il serait plus juste de désigner Pelechian, après David W. Griffith, Serguei Eisenstein et Dziga Vertov, comme l'un des plus grands monteurs de l'histoire du cinéma, et assurément le plus halluciné de tous. S'il fallait faire appel à l'image repérable d'une semblable déraison artistique, celle d'Antonin Artaud ferait l'affaire. Les trois échantillons que cette programmation nous invite à découvrir en constituent de très bons exemples.

      Nous (1969) mêle ainsi des prises de vues tournées par le cinéaste à des images d'archives pour fabriquer une réalité subjective qui condense et incarne de la manière la plus expressive l'histoire du peuple arménien. Les Saisons (1972) poursuit ce projet, en focalisant le point de vue sur la vie saisonnière des bergers arméniens, sur le rapport sensuel des hommes à la terre et à l'animal : les images de ce film sont composées de telle sorte qu'elles s'inscrivent de manière inaltérable dans la conscience sensible du spectateur. Notre siècle (1982) est enfin une évocation quasi surréaliste, à partir d'images d'archives tant américaines que soviétiques, de la conquête de l'espace par l'homme. De comptes à rebours à répétition en explosions récurrentes de carlingues, de corps en apesanteur en atterrissages approximatifs, ce film allie une réflexion angoissante sur la démesure technologique et un regard franchement cocasse sur l'incommensurable vanité de l'homme.


      La science du rythme, l'entrelacs réinventé de la bande-son et de la bande-image, l'art du montage à distance, qui sépare plus qu'il ne relie, évoquent l'ambition de ce cinéaste hors normes de proposer, comme en repartant de zéro à mi-chemin du muet et du sonore, une vision du cinéma tel qu'il aurait pu exister.

      Cette ambition prométhéenne, l'homme Pelechian en accuse comme il convient la dimension utopique. Reclus quelque part à l'Est, n'ayant plus rien réalisé depuis 1993, opposant une certaine force de résistance à l'exploitation de ses films existants, le cinéaste est devenu de son vivant une sorte de mythe cinéphilique. Quelques sorties fulgurantes le rappellent, de plus en plus rarement, au bon souvenir des spectateurs les plus attentifs, qui ne l'ont découvert en Occident que dans les années 1980. La première, et l'une des très rares rétrospectives de son oeuvre en France, eut lieu ainsi en 1992, à la Galerie nationale du Jeu de paume. Un mémorable dialogue entre Artavazd Pelechian et Jean-Luc Godard s'ensuivit dans les colonnes de ce journal (Le Monde du 2 avril 1992). En dépit d'initiatives ponctuelles depuis lors, le silence a fini par recouvrir cette oeuvre remarquable. Ces trois petits cailloux permettent aujourd'hui à ceux qui le souhaitent de remonter la piste Pelechian.
      Last edited by Siamanto; 07-28-2007, 10:23 AM.
      What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


      • #4
        Re: Cultural Horizons of Armenians

        [Another review published in "l’Humanité." Siamanto.]

        Do you know Artavazd Péléchian?

        Cinema. The exhumation of the work of the large Armenian poet of reality is the single event of exception of this estival week.

        Us, Seasons, Our century, of Artavazd Péléchian.

        Arménie. 1:44.

        There were Vertov, Dovjenko, Poudovkine, of the time of the large Soviet cinema, which, each one with their manner, worked lyricism. And also later Tarkovski and Paradjanov, which added to the precedents their amount of mysticism. Put all in the shaker, agitate well, leaves Péléchian, born there in 1938 and author of a dozen films, made between 1964 and 1993, one duration from seven to fifty minutes. Unknown, Péléchian? Not completely. Its films were seen and, of the national gallery of the Play of palm in Paris with the conference of Toulouse where it was present, while passing by the meetings of Gindou, the homages were not lacking to him. However, it is always a shock to find its work as that will be one to discover it. For this documentarist, which would be at very different an end, is for him only one starting material, the words of a lexicon whose purpose is of order poetic. The images, of files or rounds by him, are in black and white with the old format, dumb women, the music holding place of binder.

        Rich composition moreover, which can draw from the traditional one, as in the folklore or the rock'n'roll, giving to film its tone, which goes from pastoral to the épique one. Thus of those included in this program entitled “Artavazd Péléchian, scenario writer and poet of reality”. We (1969, 25 min) could be the allegro of a concerto grosso practitioner the assembly of attractions, with the direction where heard Eisenstein. The face of a child, landscapes, working bloated faces, funeral and explosions compose a unit on the topic of the Armenian people.

        The Seasons (1972, 29 min) is the rural variation in seizing images, energy of the descent of the haymaking so that the animals have to eat the winter until the help of sheep lost in water in fury. Our century (1982, 50 min) sticks to Youri Gagarine and the space conquest, not omitting neither the pioneers of aviation at the beginning of all, nor the fact that what is called progress also equipped the man of tools whom can be put at the service of death. It is necessary to attend Artavazd Péléchian.

        Jean Roy

        [The original French text. Siamanto.]

        Connaissez-vous Artavazd Péléchian ?
        Cinéma . L’exhumation de l’oeuvre du grand poète arménien du réel est l’unique sortie d’exception de cette semaine estivale.

        Nous, les Saisons,

        Notre siècle,

        d’Artavazd Péléchian.

        Arménie. 1 h 44.

        Il y eut Vertov, Dovjenko, Poudovkine, du temps du grand cinéma soviétique, qui, chacun à leur manière, travaillèrent le lyrisme. Et aussi plus tard Tarkovski et Paradjanov, qui ajoutèrent aux précédents leur dose de mysticisme. Mettez tout dans le shaker, agitez bien, en sort un Péléchian, né en 1938 et auteur d’une douzaine de films, tournés entre 1964 et 1993, d’une durée de sept à cinquante minutes. Inconnu, Péléchian ? Pas tout à fait. Ses films ont été vus et, de la galerie nationale du Jeu de paume à Paris au colloque de Toulouse où il était présent, en passant par les rencontres de Gindou, les hommages ne lui ont pas fait défaut. Pourtant, c’est toujours un choc de retrouver son oeuvre comme cela en sera un de la découvrir. Pour ce documentariste, ce qui serait chez tout autre une fin, n’est pour lui qu’un matériau de départ, les mots d’un lexique dont la finalité est d’ordre poétique. Les images, d’archives ou tournées par lui, sont en noir et blanc au format ancien, muettes, la musique tenant lieu de liant. Composition riche au demeurant, qui peut puiser dans le classique, comme dans le folklore ou le rock, donnant au film son ton, qui va de la pastorale à l’épique. Ainsi de ceux repris dans ce programme intitulé « Artavazd Péléchian, cinéaste et poète du réel ». Nous (1969, 25 min) pourrait être l’allegro d’un concerto grosso pratiquant le montage des attractions, au sens où l’entendait Eisenstein. Le visage d’un enfant, des paysages, des trognes ouvrières, des funérailles et des explosions composent un ensemble sur le thème du peuple arménien. Les Saisons (1972, 29 min) en est la déclinaison rurale en images saisissantes, allant de la descente de la fenaison afin que les bêtes aient à manger l’hiver jusqu’au secours de moutons perdus dans des eaux en furie. Notre siècle (1982, 50 min) s’attache à Youri Gagarine et à la conquête spatiale, n’omettant ni les pionniers de l’aviation au départ de tout, ni le fait que ce qu’on appelle le progrès a aussi doté l’homme d’outils pouvant être mis au service de la mort. Il faut fréquenter Artavazd Péléchian.

        Jean Roy
        Last edited by Siamanto; 07-28-2007, 10:25 AM.
        What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


        • #6
          Re: Cultural Horizons of Armenians


          ARKA News Agency, Armenia
          July 20 2007

          YEREVAN, July 20. /ARKA/. The international scientific conference
          dedicated to the life and doctrine of great philosopher Georgi
          Gyurjiev will be held in Yerevan on July 21-22, the organizing
          committee reported.

          Within the conference the concept of education as well as the
          philosopher's views on art will be presented. During the conference
          special concert on the works of Gyurjiev and Komitas will take place.

          Georgi Gyurjiev (1866-1949) is one of the brightest representatives
          of philosophic and religious ideas of the 20th century, who still
          remains to be rather influential. He was born in the Armenian city
          of Gyumri where he lived with short intervals up to 1920.

          His doctrine touches upon the most important issues of objective
          reality and realization of human's place in this process.

          What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


          • #7
            Re: Cultural Horizons of Armenians


  , NY
            July 20 2007

            Serj Tankian, the visionary frontman for multi-platinum rock band
            SYSTEM OF A DOWN, will release his debut solo album, entitled "Elect
            the Dead", on October 23 via Serjical Strike/Reprise Records this
            fall. The track listing for the effort is as follows:

            01. Empty Walls
            02. The Unthinking Majority
            03. Money
            04. Feed Us
            05. Saving Us
            06. Sky Is Over
            07. Baby
            08. Honking Antelope
            09. Lie Lie Lie
            10. Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammunition
            11. Beethoven's C*nt
            12. Elect the Dead

            Known for his work with hard-rock agitators SOAD, Tankian says he
            had no clue he was about to make a rock record when he began to
            record at his home studio in Los Angeles last summer. "I was writing
            more traditional type songs on my piano and acoustic guitar, with a
            classical, almost operatic flavor; and lo and behold, it ended up being
            a rock record. Funny what happens when you add distorted guitars and
            drums," he says. "There are political songs, funny songs, love songs,
            songs about painful experiences, vanity, and the environment. It has
            a deep melancholy that runs from the personal to the global, with a
            glimmer of hope in the solidarity of spirit."

            Tankian produced "Elect the Dead" himself and played most of the
            instruments, though the album does feature guest drummers John Dolmayan
            (SOAD) and Brian "Brain" Mantia (GUNS N' ROSES, PRIMUS).

            "The singularity of vision is strong when you work alone," he says.

            "I was a bit skeptical about producing it myself, but I knew how I
            wanted it to sound. And as I kept going, I realized it was coming
            together really well so I just finished it on my own. But I had to be
            careful to push myself like an outside producer would until it was
            great. I had the same energy and enthusiasm making this album as I
            did making the first SYSTEM record."

            Born in Beirut, Lebanon, to Armenian parents, Tankian is known as an
            outspoken political activist who puts his money where his mouth is.

            In 2006, he and Dolmayan met with members of Congress in Washington,
            D.C., to campaign for support for the Armenian Genocide Recognition
            Bill. Tankian is also the co-founder, along with RAGE AGAINST THE
            MACHINE guitarist Tom Morello, of Axis Of Justice, a non-profit
            dedicated to uniting musicians, music fans, and grassroots political
            organizations to fight for social justice.

            With SYSTEM OF A DOWN, which has released five best-selling
            albums, including two Number Ones in 2005 - the critically acclaimed
            "Mezmerize" and "Hypnotize" - Tankian helped the band earn a reputation
            for musically innovative, politically uncompromising rock.

            Through it all, Tankian, who has also published a collection of his
            poetry, has written his own songs, amassing an archive of material
            from many different genres. "I write all the time for no reason but to
            write," he says. "I'm just doing what I'm told to do by my heart and
            nothing more. I just follow my vision and end up where it takes me."

            What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


            • #8
              Re: Cultural Horizons of Armenians


              Market Wire Incorporated
              Published: Aug 27, 2007

              Serj Tankian -- the visionary frontman for multi-platinum rock band
              System Of A Down -- has asked a collection of video and film directors,
              painters, and digital artists to each create a video for one of the
              12 tracks on his forthcoming solo debut album, "Elect the Dead,"
              which will be released on Serjical Strike/Reprise Records on October
              23rd, 2007.

              Videos will be posted periodically over the next few months on
              Tankian's website and other outlets to be
              determined. The first video, an animated clip for the song "The
              Unthinking Majority" directed by filmmaker/video director Tawd
              Dorenfeld, is currently available.

              "For me, the great pleasure of 'Elect the Dead' has been not only
              to make the record with the pure vision of what I feel artistically
              through my music and poetry, but also to multiply the art factor by
              bringing in other great artists, in this case directors, and putting
              forth their interpretations of my music and words. This serves two
              functions: to create more art from the original source, the album,
              and to offer more than just a CD to people interacting with the music,
              thus giving us more points of connection with each other."

              The directors involved in the project include a prestigious array
              of artists whom Tankian has befriended over the last decade. They
              include music video director Tony Petrossian (Taking Back Sunday,
              Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold), who shot the video for "Empty Walls,"
              the first single from "Elect The Dead," photographer/video director
              Greg Watermann (Mudvayne, Lamb of God, Howie Day), Oscar-nominated
              Puerto Rican playwright and screenwriter Jose Rivera ("The Motorcycle
              Diaries"), French film director Diran Noubar ("Armenia: A Country Under
              Blockade"), digital artist Roger Kupelian ("The Lord of the Rings";
              "Flags of Our Fathers"), documentary director Sevag Vrej (System Of
              A Down, Fair To Midland), and Beirut-born filmmaker Garin' Torossian
              (Sparklehorse), among others.

              "I asked each of the directors for their visual interpretation of
              my work," Tankian explains. "They were asked not to write treatments
              and that they could make whatever they liked. The results have been
              overwhelmingly amazing!"

              For news and updates on video debuts, please visit
              . A complete list of videos and directors is below:

              1. "Empty Walls" - Director: Tony Petrossian

              2. "The Unthinking Majority" - Director: Tawd Dorrnfeld

              3. "Money" - Director: Ara Soudjian

              4. "Feed Us" - Director: Sevag Verj

              5. "Saving Us" - Director: Kevin Estrada

              6. "Sky is Over" - Director: Jos' Rivera

              7. "Baby" - Director: Diran Noubar

              8. "Honking Antelope" - Director: Roger Kupelian

              9. "Lie, Lie, Lie" - Director: Martha Colburn

              10. "Praise The Lord and Pass The Ammo" - Director: Greg Watermann

              11. "Beethoven's C***" - Director: Adam Egypt Mortimer

              12. "Elect The Dead" - Director: Garin' Torossian

              For further information, please contact Warner Bros. Records Publicity:
              Brian Bumbery [email protected] 818-953-3203 Renee Harrison
              [email protected] 818-953-3311

              What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


              • #9
                Re: Cultural Horizons of Armenians

                MARCO GRIGORIAN
                By Shahen Khachatrian

                AZG Armenian Daily #158


                Marco Grigorian was already a famous artist. He was born in Kropotkin,
                Russia and in 1930 moved to Tehran with his family. In 1950 he enrolled
                at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and worked there for about ten
                years. The artist had held exhibitions in Rome, Paris and London. The
                first Italian period of his creative life included realistic pieces,
                while later, the artist began working in the genre of expressionism.

                This shift to expressionism was quite natural in the post-war Europe
                among the artists who were mainly depicting the human tragedy,
                depression and torture.

                Grigorian made monumental canvases dwelling on the victims of
                the Armenian Genocide and the immigrants from Van, the town of his
                ancestors. The used such means of expression as deformation, mixture
                of colors and ashes, which greatly emphasized the tragic content of
                the canvases.

                After achieving certain success in Italy, the artist returned to
                Iran. Here he founded "Esthetic" gallery-studio, uniting young artists
                under his roof, namely E. Ayvazian, R. Voskanian, S. Mekonian, as
                well as Iranian painters. This group of artists was mainly working
                in free and independent style.

                In 1962 M. Grigorian settled down in New York city, where he
                established the Archil Gorky Gallery that still functions. The gallery
                becomes a unique art center. In the last period of his creative life,
                Girgorian was working in the theme of the earth, which he considered
                to be a sphere, basis and concept for higher human activities.

                In early 1990ies when Armenia was proclaimed an independent state,
                Grigorian brought a rich collection of unique artifacts to Yerevan and
                opened "Middle East" exposition at the Charents Museum in Yerevan. A
                bit later, In Garni, the artist established his second gallery-studio,
                aiming to present the unknown and unique color plate of the Armenian
                nature to the various artists of the world.

                What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.


                • #10
                  Re: Cultural Horizons of Armenians


                  Noyan Tapan
                  Sep 6, 2007

                  YEREVAN, SEPTEMBER 6, NOYAN TAPAN. International Puppet Festival under
                  the title Tale Day will be held on September 6-10 in the village
                  of Dsegh, Lori region, on the initiative of the Armenian Center of
                  the Union Internationale de la Marionette (UNIMA). Armen Safarian,
                  the Chairman of the Center, said this in his interview to Noyan
                  Tapan correspondent.

                  According to him, this year puppet theaters' creative groups from
                  Armenia, Javakhk, the Ukraine, Lithuania, and Russia will take part in
                  the festival being held for already the second year. 18 performances
                  created on the basis of tales created by various peoples will be shown
                  in the native village of great Armenian poet Hovhannes Tumanian within
                  the framework of the festival.

                  A. Safarian said that the festival also gives newly created puppet
                  theaters the possibility to take part in it and to present their
                  performances. "One of festival's goals is to help newly created and
                  young puppet theaters' creative groups to get acquainted with the
                  rich experience of professional theaters and to establish immediate
                  contacts with them," he said.

                  Among Armenian regions, theater groups of Ijevan, Metsamor, Gyumri,
                  and Charentsavan, as well as the theater group of Khnko Aper National
                  Children's Library will take part in the festival.

                  As the Chairman of the UNIMA Armenian Center said, the Armenian
                  delegation represented by the UNIMA Armenian Center's Karapet puppet
                  theater will also take part in the Puppet Theaters' International
                  Congress to be held next year in Australia.

                  What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.

