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  • #91
    They're Fuct!

    Originally posted by Hovik
    Yeah actually I was waiting to see what they responded. Interesting they can't find a map with the filth printed on it that they claim...I guess it's a case of foot in mouth...

    They might come back with a rendition in crayon from their own personal collection - but expecting something credible is out of the question I am sure.
    They won't come back with anything. They cannot enforce fabricated history. All the crap about "Eastern Anatolia" or "Azeris" and the tall tale of their existence since 9000000000000000000000000000000000 eons BBB* is for interior consumption only. No one will buy their version of Ataturk history.

    *BBB = Before the Big Bang (since Turks despise everything Christian and they are easily offended and keep on whining, in order not to offend them I use the Turkish unit of epoch measurement and not A.D. or B.C.)
    Four things denialist Turks do when they are confronted with facts:

    I. They change the subject [SIZE="1"](e.g. they copy/paste tons of garbage to divert attention).[/SIZE]
    II. They project [SIZE="1"](e.g. they replace "Turk" with "Armenian" and vice versa and they regurgitate Armenian history).[/SIZE]
    III. They offend [SIZE="1"](e.g. they cuss, threaten and/or mock).[/SIZE]
    IV. They shut up and say nothing.

    [URL=""][COLOR="Red"]A country named Azerbaijan north of the Arax River [B]NEVER[/B] existed before 1918[/COLOR][/URL]


    • #92
      Format your GD posts

      Originally posted by Kemalist
      Selfrighteousmeaninglessbrazenfacedturkishgarbagea ssumingthatturksarethemastersoftheuniverseselfrigh teousmeaninglessbrazenfacedturkishgarbageassumingt hatturksarethemastersoftheuniverseselfrighteousmea ninglessbrazenfacedturkishgarbageassumingthatturks arethemastersoftheuniverseselfrighteousmeaningless brazenfacedturkishgarbageassumingthatturksarethema stersoftheuniverseselfrighteousmeaninglessbrazenfa cedturkishgarbageassumingthatturksarethemastersoft heuniverseselfrighteousmeaninglessbrazenfacedturki shgarbageassumingthatturksarethemastersoftheuniver seselfrighteousmeaninglessbrazenfacedturkishgarbag eassumingthatturksarethemastersoftheuniverseselfri ghteousmeaninglessbrazenfacedturkishgarbageassumin gthatturksarethemastersoftheuniverseselfrighteousm eaninglessbrazenfacedturkishgarbageassumingthattur ksarethemastersoftheuniverse

      For Ataturk's sake divide your goddamn paragraphs so that masochists like myself are able to read your garbage with less waste of time!
      Four things denialist Turks do when they are confronted with facts:

      I. They change the subject [SIZE="1"](e.g. they copy/paste tons of garbage to divert attention).[/SIZE]
      II. They project [SIZE="1"](e.g. they replace "Turk" with "Armenian" and vice versa and they regurgitate Armenian history).[/SIZE]
      III. They offend [SIZE="1"](e.g. they cuss, threaten and/or mock).[/SIZE]
      IV. They shut up and say nothing.

      [URL=""][COLOR="Red"]A country named Azerbaijan north of the Arax River [B]NEVER[/B] existed before 1918[/COLOR][/URL]


      • #93
        Wow, man, this thread is bangin'


        • #94
          You Are Not Our Nation

          You are one hateful, filthy, shameless, fascist pan-turkist that exists on this planet.
          Originally posted by The Kemalist
          Kemalism does not involve racism and if you even try to prove the opposite idea, you won't have any good results because a nation with a population of 70.000.000will be opposing you so think before you threaten Kemalism.
          Threaten kemalism? Kemal was a disgusting, cunning, genocidal bandit:

          Below I paste a chronology of events that took place in the years
          1920 to 1923. I have highlighted the attributes of Kemal, so you can recognize them easily.

          1/21/1920 Turkish Nationalist forces affiliated with Mustafa Kemal attack Marash.

          2/5/1920 10,000 Armenians are massacred in Marash.
          Genocidal Maniac

          8/15/1920 The Turkish Nationalist and Bolshevik forces form an alliance (where’s your gratitude? H.)
          Treacherous, Sly and Cunning

          11/22/1920 President Woodrow Wilson presents his delineation of the borders of Armenia. A week later Armenia is partitioned by Turkish Nationalist forces and Sovietized by Russian Bolsheviks.
          Self-Righteous, Self-satisfied, Priggish Pig

          11/25/1920 Of 10,000 Armenians living in Hadjin (Hajen), only 480 survive a massacre by Turkish Nationalist forces.
          Fascist, Genocidal Maniac

          1/20/1921 The Turkish Nationalist Pact demands the inclusion of Armenia, Smyrna, and Thrace in Turkish territory.
          Self-Righteous, Arrogant

          2/11/1921 After a ten-months siege, Aintab capitulates to Turkish Nationalist forces.
          Invader, Torturer, Having No Consideration for Human Suffering and Freedom of the Indigenous People

          9/9/1922 The advance guard of the Turkish Army enters Smyrna and pillages Armenian and Greek homes and stores. Armenians and Greeks are killed in the thousands. Religious institutions, including the Armenian Prelacy in Smyrna, are ransacked.
          Blood Thirsty, Plundering, Homes, Churches and Shops Torching, Violent, Intolerant, Barbaric Two Legged Beast

          9/13/1922 The burning of Smyrna by the Turks. Within 24 hours, 50,000 houses, 24 churches, 28 schools, 5 consulates, 7 clubs, 5 banks, and an unknown number of stores and warehouses are destroyed.
          Cities to Cinders Razing, Homes, Churches, Schools and Everything Else to Rubble Reducing Bandit

          7/24/1923 Treaty of Lausanne signed by Turkey and the Allies excludes all mention of Armenia or the Armenians.
          Self-Satisfied, Arrogant, Cunning Bastard

          Originally posted by The Kemalist
          As for the Jews, they are the source of our trouble. Before Israel was established, Turkey was their only "Israel"; therefore, they were loyal to Mustafa Kemal and his successors but after Israel was established and sided with the Imperialists, they began to build propoganda centres against our republic and betrayed us in every chance they got (if a Jew does not think or believe likewise and can prove that he's a loyal citizen, he'll earn my deepest respect).
          What's this with you savage invaders who think you are the masters of the universe?
          What the hell are you so goddamn self-righteous for?
          Your contribution to human civilization would be zilch if we deducted death, destruction, rape, pillage, plunder, subjugation, torture, slavery and genocide from it.
          BTW, I'd only like an Israeli to see this to know who they are arming.

          Originally posted by The Kemalist
          If you want me to describe why I hate them so much, then describe why you hate Turks so much and then and only then you'll have a right to speak...
          No comment!

          Originally posted by The Kemalist
          It's probably because we slaughtered your acestors, eh? How can a fate brother stab his on the back?
          This is what infuriates me the most.
          This is worse than a million F. words directed at me.
          Put this in your crap for brains:

          You are not our "fate brothers", neither are you our masters nor our nation.
          You are savage, barbaric, nomadic, rape crazy, cities to cinders razing, buildings to rubble reducing, babies against rocks hurling, churches and houses torching, blood-thirsty, tent-dwelling, cattle-herder, Ural-Altaic, Mongolo-Tatar, Oghuz-Turkmen, two-legged Human Civilization-deficiency Viruses.

          We did not build a four thousand year civilization for you to come and destroy it.

          We did not invite you to rape and ravage our beautiful country.

          How can you not understand that people under occupation, especially when they are culturally infinitely superior to your primitive, 11000 years behind civilization grandpaws loathed, despised, hated and cursed and damned you for centuries of genocide.

          As far as this betrayal bullxxxx is concerned, I direct you to this post where I show you with PROOF that the ottoman Armenians DID NOT side with the Russians and UNFORTUNATELY they remained loyal and were annihilated.

          At their 8th General Assembly, Dashnaktsoutioun ordered its bodies to collaborate with the Turkish government and be with them even in the event of war. As a mature political organization, sensing the dire situation of the state, helped it, issuing orders to the provinces inviting the people to be loyal to Turkey.

          Read it and stop your state injected excrement you can't get enough of spewing at us.

          Originally posted by The Kemalist
          Have you heard of the Battle of Sarikamis? 30.000 Turkish soldiers died because of the low temperature (I'm talking about -20 C) or pneumonia. The worst part is, they were defeted without causing any depletions in enemy supply depots.
          You want us to mourn the shameful defeat of our blood-thirsty enemies?
          The fascist Enver, one of the masterminds of the Armenian Genocide was so self-righteous that he thought he could defeat the Russians. But just like his student Adolf Hitler, his muzzle was thrust in frozen xxxx.

          Originally posted by The Kemalist
          How can that army massacre 1.5 million people without a reason?
          So you admit that they did massacre, but had a reason...
          How many million times do I have to paste this link and hear the same rubbish?
          Don't you ever check it?

          This is a bibliography of almost a thousand studies that deal only with the genocide of 1894 - 1897 by Abdulhamid. Have you read a single one of these documents?

          It was not war, but people died. What reason did you have back then, other than pan-turkist delirium?
          Why do you always shut the hell up and have nothing to say when you are confronted with FACTS?

          Originally posted by The Kemalist
          Our objective must be the same: Get the Imperialists out of Middle East.
          Our objective is to get rid of you. To kick your hairless Mongol asses back to the steppes of Mongolia, the hell you come from and the hell you pfukking belong.

          Originally posted by The Kemalist
          By the way, the first picture Hellektor used is from Turkish Files and is about the slaughtered TURKS in Igdir. Stop using fake pictures and cease these mindless discussions. We have to foil Imperialism... Let's unite!
          You brain-dead amoeba!
          The picture is from "Fire and Sword in the Caucasus" by Luigi Villari.
          This is a documented FACT unlike your garbage without mentioning a source.

          Originally posted by The Kemalist
          "The happy one is the one who says 'I am a Turk' "
          Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
          Wallow in your pan-turkist filth, like swine in their dung.
          Four things denialist Turks do when they are confronted with facts:

          I. They change the subject [SIZE="1"](e.g. they copy/paste tons of garbage to divert attention).[/SIZE]
          II. They project [SIZE="1"](e.g. they replace "Turk" with "Armenian" and vice versa and they regurgitate Armenian history).[/SIZE]
          III. They offend [SIZE="1"](e.g. they cuss, threaten and/or mock).[/SIZE]
          IV. They shut up and say nothing.

          [URL=""][COLOR="Red"]A country named Azerbaijan north of the Arax River [B]NEVER[/B] existed before 1918[/COLOR][/URL]


          • #95
            you are posting that Turks burned Izmir but this is not accurate. the facts are not established or recognised by anyone. also it is important for you to realise that the Greeks had a scorched earth policy. WHY WOULD TURKS BURN A CITY WHERE LOTS OF TURKS LIVED AND A CITY THAT WAS CAPTURED BY THEM? A CITY THAT THEY KNEW THE GREEKS WOULD NEVER GET BACK? the Greeks lost that city so it make more sense for them to do it. its the more plausible theory.

            Arabic is a Language, Persian is a sweetmeat, Turkish is an Art. (Old Persian proverb)



            • #96
              Mustafa Kemal Ataturk: the Greatest hero of the 20th century

              You goddamn son of a xxxxx, you dare call Mustafa Kemal a racist? As you said before you are you are a masochist psycho, more than that an honorless bastard! Your xxxxin' thread is of no worth and most of all, it is simply outrageous. You implied that I admitted the genocide? Well, if you think like that then you have learnin' disability or somethin'. Find a place where I said I admit that there was a genocide and I'll crown you. It's a mistake even writing to you, you racist bastard!!! I don't want you to mourn Enver, I want you to know the truth!!! How the hell do you come up with this crap you scoundrel? You are nothing but a bloothirsty fascist, admit that you xxxxer!!! For your information, I am a nationalist and I am not a least bit ashamed of it. I do not even think of you as an Armenian; if you were of another nation, you would still be a person who came out of a prostitute's vajina you son of a xxxxx!!! If you want to hear the worst? There are Armenian Kemalists in Turkey who would defend this nation at all costs. You are nothing but a brainwashed vermin who tries to make people imply the exact opposite stuff they talk about! I never said that there was a genocide and if there was, it was commited by your bloothirsty ancestors who thought exactly like you thought. Would you like to see the Shia graveyards in Nahcivan, you bastard? You probably do not because you do not wanna here the truth do you, you narrow-minded disgrace of the Armenian race! I AM A KEMALIST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And if you have a problem with it, take it with TURKEY, but you will probably cower and pee in your panties while you're at it my Armenian friend!!!

              You said that MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATURK was a racist, huh? You accursed pimp! "Peace at home, peace in the world" are his words my friend, not your terrorist ancestors'! Besides, if he were a racist, he would have killed all the peoples of other cultures in Turkey. Yet, there are 700.000 Armenians, 50.000Greeks and 450.000 living in our nation. You have invaded the Azerbaijani lands and at the moment there are no Azerbaijani left in Erivan, gee, how did that happen?.. Oh, they probably mutated into ants because they weren't able to look at "proud" Armenians right?.. Everybody falls for it my friend, you keep lying.

              By the way, the mosques in IZMIR were burned by the barbaric Greeks and all of the Turkish homes were destroyed. Some Turkish women burned their own homes to get rid of the barbaric Greeks who were forcing them to have sex with them. As for your mom, she just sold herself. With all that implies...
              ARMENIA WAS AN INVADER IN KARS AND ERZURUM AND IS NOW INVADING NAHCIVAN. YOUR GODDAMN PRESIDENT, KOCHARIAN IS THE REAL INVADER. HE IS NOTHING BUT A xxxxIN' TERRORIST WHO DOESN'T KNOW WHO HE IS MESSING WITH. WE ARE THE SONS OF MUSTAFA KEMAL ATATURK AND WE ARE THE LOVERS OF PEACE BUT IF ANYONE TRESPASSES OUR LANDS HE WILL END UP DIGGING HIS OWN GRAVE. WE ARE TURKS AND WE WON'T LEAVE THESE LANDS UNTIL YOU KILL EVERY SINGLE ONE OF US!!!!! (you won't be able to... we are permanent and not willing to leave these lands... besides, some of you have already fled to the USA and France... one day, you'll all flee you cowards... the Armenians in Anatolia will stay and be the poor one for the last time and then side with the winners, US TURKS)

              As for Kharpert's question: "Armenia" was in the middle of Britain's colonies and wanted a non-Turkish nation there to secure its routes. Russia wanted a non-Turkish nation to threaten Britain's colonies. They both had opposite gains but their goal was the same: get rid of the Shia and Alevi Turks in the East. They armed you to threaten the Turks and force them to bow to Sévres. Yet, the Turks were the decendents of a warrior-race so their plan foiled. If your friend Tongue wants to talk about heroes, here they are...

              Kharpert, you said that you never implied that you hated Turks... You may not hate Turks but threaten its existance like your friend Hellektor, who admitted that he hated Turks. He also hates me because I AM A TURK, which makes him a racist. Ataturk wasn't a racist and he never invaded anywhere because the population in the lands he regained was Turkish. I am not saying that there weren't any Armenians in Maras but the population was mostly Turkish. Do not even quote what I say before you seek for the racists within you (ur friend Hellektor, for example). If you TRULY don't find any, criticise me afterwards. I am open to criticism and it's up to me to think whether it's true or not. I am a Kemalist and believe that Kemalism is the ideology that will lead Turkey to 100% independence.

              The stuff I was talking about in my previous reply were about the stuff that your comrade Hellektor believes that happened in the 1920s (the "massacres" in Adana, Maras) which are not correct. Don't get me wrong, I do not think that the genocide in 1915 didn't happen. If you truly do not hate my fair people enter and see the Turkish point of view. I have read about yours by entering this forum. It also has an English forum part which will allow you to discuss your thoughts. If you don't want to unite, that's your choice. USA is an invader in Iraq and God won't let those barbaric marines torture them (Katrina is not a coincidence (an example of my thoughts, try to listen before you bark)). If you have the guts, prove it by allowing yourself to listen to Turks, not treat them like dogs. If you do, they'll make you become one.

              Mustafa Kemal Ataturk
              Attached Files
              [COLOR="Navy"][FONT="Times New Roman"][SIZE="4"]The Young Kemalist[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]


              • #97
                Originally posted by Hellektor
                You are savage, barbaric, nomadic, rape crazy, cities to cinders razing, buildings to rubble reducing, babies against rocks hurling, churches and houses torching, blood-thirsty, tent-dwelling, cattle-herder, Ural-Altaic, Mongolo-Tatar, Oghuz-Turkmen, two-legged Human Civilization-deficiency Viruses.
                Originally posted by The Kemalist
                You goddamn son of a are a masochist psycho, more than that an honorless bastard! Your xxxxin' thread is of no worth and most of all, it is simply outrageous. have learnin' disability or somethin'. racist bastard!!! I don't want you to mourn Enver, I want you to know the truth!!! How the hell do you come up with this crap you scoundrel? You are nothing but a bloothirsty fascist, admit that you xxxxer!!!


                • #98
                  Mustafa "Snaketurk" Kemal

                  Of course the Kemal-worshipping Turk can't believe his "esteemed highness" could have done anything wrong. What a gumbrain!


                  • #99

                    Originally posted by Serdar
                    Mustafa "Snaketurk" Kemal
                    How about Mustafa Cacaturk Hammmal
                    Four things denialist Turks do when they are confronted with facts:

                    I. They change the subject [SIZE="1"](e.g. they copy/paste tons of garbage to divert attention).[/SIZE]
                    II. They project [SIZE="1"](e.g. they replace "Turk" with "Armenian" and vice versa and they regurgitate Armenian history).[/SIZE]
                    III. They offend [SIZE="1"](e.g. they cuss, threaten and/or mock).[/SIZE]
                    IV. They shut up and say nothing.

                    [URL=""][COLOR="Red"]A country named Azerbaijan north of the Arax River [B]NEVER[/B] existed before 1918[/COLOR][/URL]


                    • How about doing a favor visiting a mental institution, getting some medical assistance and get back to normal ?
                      I think you badly need it

                      Originally posted by Hellektor
                      How about Mustafa Cacaturk Hammmal

