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Asala:demands To Stop "meaningless Negotiations With Enemy Of Centuries"

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Sardarapat
    I say forget about money reperations and land claim and concentrate on the reconition. If we ask for monetary reperations, then everyone will accuse us of making up the genocide claims or using it to get money. If we ask for land, then they'll say we're trying to steal land from Turkey. Let's be smarter than that. First of all, we don't need any land since we don't have the people to populate it and we can't kick those who have been living there out since it's not their fault. Secondly, let's concentrate on improving Armenia's economy so we don't need to look like we're beggars or thieves. If we don't ask for any land or money, then no one can say we're doing it for land or money. They can only say that we are doing it so that our dead can finally rest in peace and nothing more. People, don't you see that money and land demands are only hampering our efforts to get Turkey to reconize the genocide? Even though they were not the ones who did it, they will never recognize the genocide if they have to pay for someone elses crimes. It was the Ottoman Empire that committed the crime, but the Ottoman Empire no longer exists. There's simply no logic in holding a son or grandson responsible for his father's or grandfather's crimes and wanting compensation from him.

    Let's get Turkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide with no strings attached so we can move on and concentrate on the future of Armenia instead of living in the past.

    What good can recognition do without complete juustice ??

    Do you know that 8 or so Turkish governments in the period of 1919-1923 had "RECOGNIZED" the "hidious crimes of Young Turks" against the Armenians ?

    Do you know that "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk" himself had recognized those crimes against Armenians and Christians, and he even promised to compensate the victims when the time is right ?

    but afterwards, each and every Turkish government, until this day, had denied the Armenian Genocide ! How can you make sure, that if today's Turkish government recognize the Armenian Genocide, the next government won't deny it all over again ?? Just like what had happen earlier !!

    Is the Republic of Turkey responsible ?

    Present day Turkey shares responsiblity of the Armenian Genocide, on several levels, for example:

    1- The continous denial of the Crime of Genocide against the Armeinans; and as the International Genocide scholars define it to be the "Final Stage" of any Genocide ! And by that posing a continous threat to the Armenian very presence, even in RA.

    2- The billions of dollars worth confiscated Armenian properties; of which the Turkish state had benefited in building the republic.

    3- The continous distruction of the Armenian cultural and historical and physical presence of the indigenous Armenian population.

    Then you said something about "legal" civil court case to obtain the stolen/confiscated properties back !!
    Are you talking for real bro ? How do you expect Turkey to give you that kind of justice, when they still call you "Lair" and brazenly accuse your grandfathers of "treachery".
    And what about the Armenian orphans, who lost their families, their childhood, their identity and even their sanity ?? Don't you think that those people have Human rights ? For sure no amound of money can compesate their loss... but should that be a reason to let the criminal go free of charge !

    The Turkish recognition of the Armenian Genocide is a matter of time bro., Turkey will recognize the Armenian Genocide tomorrow if we give up our rights ... but can you be certain that they will not deny it the day after tomorrow ?? I doubt they won't !!

    You are dealing with a bunch of people, who have no hesitation in hiering people to rewrite the History that have been very well documented, and well known by all people in the world to get away from responsibilty ... making a $1 million dollar worth DVD ad. to spread their lies ... they are even liying to their own people ... how can you trust "once again" such people's "Good will" ??!!

    We don't need a stupid recognition on paper today, that they will deny torrow !! on the contrary, we should "Lower the Bar" and ask for land and reparation, the recognition will come along without doubt.

    The History of our Nation was written in that Land, and the Future of our Nation will be in that Land... We were unjustly driven out of our homeland, and the only justice that will correct that is by returning back to our homeland, that was the everlasting witness to our nation's violent diminish !

    We are not begging, we only want our rights !


    • #32
      Do you know that "Mustafa Kemal Ataturk" himself had recognized those crimes against Armenians and Christians, and he even promised to compensate the victims when the time is right ?
      Turkey attacked Armenia under Ataturks leadership....


      • #33

        "World War I ended the Ottoman Empire. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, a war hero, formed a Turkish republic in 1923. He ordered the release of all those held for war crimes. Armenians seeking vengeance later assassinated Talaat and Jemal who were living in exile in Europe.

        The peace treaty between Turkey and the victors of World War I called for the creation of an independent Armenian republic formed out of Turkish territory. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson pushed this idea and even asked Congress to authorize an American trusteeship to oversee the newborn nation, but this never happened. The short-lived Armenian Republic collapsed when Ataturk attacked it and confiscated "abandoned properties" that had been owned by the Armenians before the deportations."

        This is the "founding father" of modern-day turkey...


        • #34
          Originally posted by AzatHayrenik

          "World War I ended the Ottoman Empire. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, a war hero, formed a Turkish republic in 1923. He ordered the release of all those held for war crimes. Armenians seeking vengeance later assassinated Talaat and Jemal who were living in exile in Europe.

          The peace treaty between Turkey and the victors of World War I called for the creation of an independent Armenian republic formed out of Turkish territory. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson pushed this idea and even asked Congress to authorize an American trusteeship to oversee the newborn nation, but this never happened. The short-lived Armenian Republic collapsed when Ataturk attacked it and confiscated "abandoned properties" that had been owned by the Armenians before the deportations."
          This is the "founding father" of modern-day turkey...

          Thanks for sharing the article ....
          And I hope that "Sardarapat" might understand that Turkish recognition to the Genocide without full return of Armenian rights, is but an empty words on paper.... and they might switch back to denial the next day !!

          If Ataturk changed his stance, why wouldn't Erdogan !!

          P.S. Sardarabad was one of the amazing battles in which Armenians (during the time of the First Republic of Armenia) defeated the Turks and stopped their invasion to Armenian Lands


          • #35
            I want to correct this thread:Asala:demands To Stop "meaningless Negotiations With Enemy Of Centuries"
            It is said that Enemy of Centuries.It is wrong I think.It is now 91st year of the 1915 Armenian Genocide.How can Turks(or Ottomans)be ''Enemy of Centuries''???


            • #36
              I want to correct this thread:Asala:demands To Stop "meaningless Negotiations With Enemy Of Centuries"
              It is said that Enemy of Centuries.It is wrong I think.It is now 91st year of the 1915 Armenian Genocide.How can Turks(or Ottomans)be ''Enemy of Centuries''???
              The turks are our enemies since the day they put a foot on our lands...


              • #37
                Originally posted by AzatHayrenik
                The turks are our enemies since the day they put a foot on our lands...
                Are you joking?We all know that Armenians were called ''Millet-i Sadıka'' by Ottomans.Right?
                So An enemy could say his enemy ''Sadık''(loyal)???(I am waiting for your answer)


                • #38
                  Yes g@ garszem te ays "Սարդարապատ" ink@zink@ gochogh@ haye che, g@ desnek inchbes krer e anoun@?, yev desnenk yete bidi hasgna ays im kradzners


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Reincarnated Am
                    Yes g@ garszem te ays "Սարդարապատ" ink@zink@ gochogh@ haye che, g@ desnek inchbes krer e anoun@?, yev desnenk yete bidi hasgna ays im kradzners
                    Can you please translate in English?So we can understand it.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by RUDO
                      Are you joking?We all know that Armenians were called ''Millet-i Sadıka'' by Ottomans.Right?
                      So An enemy could say his enemy ''Sadık''(loyal)???(I am waiting for your answer)
                      So that's what they do to thier "Sadiks" then?
                      And what about "Gavour", do they call thier "Sadiks" that name too?
                      "Sadik" in Arabic means friend not "loyal", but maybe in Turkish they use it for "loyal"? have no idea?

