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  • #11


    There was NEVER greater danger for European and American population from attacks of Islam fundamentalist SUICIDE BOMBERS. This is a direct result of the West taking sides in the civil wars of ex-Yugoslavia.

    Here is what Mr. Bodansky, world renowned expert on terrorism and Director of Research of the International Strategic Studies Association and also Director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare of the US House of Representatives, has to say in his recently published book:


    Excerpts from pages 71 through 78 (Chapter #8 from the book is entitled: THE BOSNIAN JIHAD):


    ...The build-up of new Islamist units was completed in Bosnia- Herzegovina in the Spring of 1995. These forces are closely associated with the Armed Islamist Movement (AIM) and Islamist international terrorism, and include the first organized deployment of MARTYRDOM FORCES (THAT IS, SUICIDE TERRORISTS), both veteran Arabs and newly trained Bosnians.

    These new activities were conducted under the guidance of the new Islamist headquarters in Teheran and Karachi, decided upon during the Popular Arab Islamic Conference (PAIC) convened in Khartoum in the first days of April 1995. The Conference decided to establish "new Islamist representative offices" for the international Islamist movement. The new regional center in Tehran will be responsible for Islamist activities (training, equipping, operational support, etc.) in Bosnia-Herzegovina (as well as other politically-sensitive hot spots), while the comparably new center in Karachi would be responsible for Islamist activities in Albania (and Kosovo). Furthermore, this overall Islamist effort and build-up is not just to cope with the situation in the Balkans, but also to be used as A SOUND BASE FOR THE ISLAMISTS' ABILITY TO EXPAND OPERATIONS INTO WESTERN EUROPE - mainly France, the UK and Germany...

    Meanwhile, the leadership of the Armed Islamic Movement (AIM) was formally notified in mid-May 1995 that the "Mujahedin Battalion is an officially-recognized army battalion of the Bosnian army. It is comprised of non-Bosnian volunteers, called ANSAR, along with Bosnian Mujahedin. The formal name of the unit is "Armija Republike BiH, 3 Korpus, Odred el-Mujahedin". The commander, an Egyptian "Afghan", was identified as "Ameer Kateebat al-Mujahedin Abu al-Ma'ali" - a religious-military title and a nom the guerre. The Islamist force is based in Travnik and Zenica areas in central Bosnia...

    ...The Khartoum, Sudan-based National Islamic Front (NIF) - the political umbrella organization to which AIM answers - did not take long to look for the appropriate solutions for the challenges in Bosnia- Herzegovina...

    ...Being a theologically driven movement, the NIF supreme leadership sought legal precedents to serve as a guideline for the nature of jihad which they believe should be waged in Bosnia, Palestine, and Kashmir. In mid-August 1995, Khartoum informed the AIM senior officials in the front line - in such places as Sarajevo, Muzzaffarabad (Pakistan), and Damascus - of the precedent found.

    The NIF leadership pointed to the text of "fatwa" originally issued by the Islamic Religious Conference held in El-Obaeid, State of Kordofan (Sudan), on April 27, 1993. It is presently used in Khartoum, at the highest levels of NIF, as the precedent-setting text for legislating relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in areas where the infadels are not willing to be simply subdued by the Muslim forces. The following places - Palestine, Bosnia, and Kashmir - are stated explicitly as areas to where the principles outlined by this fatwa are most applicable.

    ..."Therefore, the rebels who are Muslims and are fighting against the ÕMuslimå state are hereby declared kaffirs Õinfadelså who are standing up against the efforts of preaching, proselytization, and spreading Islam into Africa. However, Islam has justified the fighting and killing of both categories without any hesitation whatsoever..." states the fatwa...

    ...Meanwhile, Sarajevo's apocalyptic view of the future fits closely with the Islamists' growing anticipation of "gloom and doom" in their relations with the West...

    ...The AIM senior officials in Sarajevo reported in mid-May 1995 the completion of "a new camp called Martyrs' Detachment", in order to absorb many newly-arriving Mujahedin. These SUICIDE TERRORISTS, including at least a dozen Bosnian Muslims, graduated from an intensive course in training camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan in the early Spring of 1995. These Bosnians along with Arab "Afghans" deployed to Bosnia-Herzegovina for both operations in the Balkans as well as, should the need arise, operations in Western Europe (specially France, the UK, Italy, and Belgium). ("Afghan" is the term used to describe those fighters trained and tested in the Afghanistan civil war. Most are of Arab, North African or Pakistani origin).

    High-level Arab sources in the Middle East stressed that these Bosnia-based Mujahedin, especially the suicide terrorists, are being organized as a new force, forming a center for operations throughout Europe. Moreover, by the Summer of 1995, the Islamist infrastructure in Bosnia-Herzegovina had already constituted the core of a new training center for European Muslims.

    The alarming terrorist build-up was not lost on the European security forces. However, hampered by constraints because of political sensitivities, efforts by West European security services proved too little, too late. In early June 1995, Italian authorities arrested a dozen Algerian Islamists, some of them "Afghans", who were running a country-wide terrorism support network. This network was living of a sound base in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The exposure of this Algerian Islamist network was a major program which took a year to complete. In late June, the French security authorities arrested more than 140 Islamist terrorists, mostly Algerian and Tunisian. This network was planning to unleash a wave of terrorism sponsored and controlled by Iranian intelligence that was to be presented as Algerian-motivated. Paris hoped that a wave of Islamist terrorism was prevented at the last minute because of these arrests.

    But this was not to be. The new cells of Bosnia-based Islamist terrorists deployed since the Spring of 1995 have kept away from the veteran European networks and were thus not affected by the arrests. Instead, these terrorists operate in smaller networks run by the Iranian service, VEVAK, which relies on combat-hardened and thoroughly vetted Afghanistan and Bosnia veterans. The operatives themselves, mostly European Muslims, deploy from Bosnia-Herzegovina at the last minute...

    ...Sarajevo is far from being an unwilling party or even a passive player in this Islamist terrorist offensive. Back in 1992, when the initial build-up of Islamist terrorist infrastructure was completed in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Sarajevo was already clarified its role in the endeavor. Sarajevo is convinced that the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina is the primary catalyst of the Islamist JIHAD in and against Western Europe...

    [SIZE="3"]First Rule of Battle: [COLOR="Red"] KNOW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]YOUR[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]ENEMY[/COLOR][/SIZE]


    • #12

      Book title: "Offensive in the Balkans"
      Author: Yossef Bodansky, Director of the Republican TASK FORCE ON
      Published for: The International Strategic Studies Association Books
      A non-profit, tax-exempt educational foundation (USA)
      ISBN: 0-9520070-4-5 Price: $15.95
      (A paperback book, 115 pages.)

      How to order: In the U.S.: call (202) 293-2685 or send a check to
      Sidney Kramar Books Inc.
      1825 "I" Street NW
      Washington,DC 20006
      (add $3 per book for the shipment)

      Great Britain: call 44-171-491-2044
      (International Media Corp.)
      fax: 44-171-409-1923


      Back cover of the book:


      - Yossef Bodansky's detailed and independent research reveals new facts which should significantly affect the way external policy is made toward the former Yugoslavia, and the Bosnia-Herzegovina crisis in particular

      - The Clinton Administration has already made the US an active participant in the wars in the former Yugoslavia, unilaterally and secretly escalating direct US military involvement, while claiming to be an impartial peacemaker...

      - It is IMPOSSIBLE to have an informed opinion about the Balkan crisis, and its potential for a wider, perhaps global war without reading this unique book.


      THE ANALYSIS: There is no more compelling evidence against sending American troops to Bosnia than this book. And there is hardly more informed view than Mr. Bodansky's.

      Not known to the general public, the U.S. government anti-terrorist task force, whose director is Mr. Bodansky, issued a few shocking reports of just what role Islam fundamentalism plays in today's Bosnia.

      Fourteen pages long report entitled "Iran's European Springboard?" issued on September 1, 1992, signed by Mr. Bodansky and Mr. Vaughn S. Forrest, reveals only the tip of the iceberg. It talks about the fact that Bosnia's President Alija Izetbegovic is a fundamentalist Muslim and a member of Fida'iyan Islam organization. It talks about deep roots of Islam fundamentalism in Bosnia, its connection to Iran. It reveals the facts about staged atrocities intent at sucking the West into the Bosnian war - to fight for the Muslim (Islam fundamentalist) cause.

      The events were staged by a special group of Bosnian Muslim forces. They slaughtered Muslim civilians for sensation thirsty Western cameras. The events mentioned in the report include the infamous bombing of the bread queue and shooting in the cemetery. Many more similar, staged events happened since the report, and, as we see, Muslim government of Bosnia was able to convert NATO into Muslim air force, Western press into Muslim propaganda, and soon - American troops into Muslim combat troops.

      The question remains: Why should young American lives be wasted for the cause of Islam Fundamentalism? Is cheaper oil at gas pumps really worth it?

      There is no doubt that in reading this book you will find an impartial view (Mr. Bodansky does not have any affiliation with former Yugoslavia). It is a view of a cool headed professional for whom terrorist is a terrorist. For whom there is no room for "good" and "bad" terrorists. And there is no room for double standard.

      One can only admire courage and integrity of Mr. Bodansky. Unlike people from American media, unlike many American Congressmen and Senators, Mr. Bodansky refused to prostitute his profession of an unbiased researcher.

      The truth is the only way out of the Balkan quagmire. The truth is the only shield that may save American lives. This is your (rare) chance to get to know it.
      [SIZE="3"]First Rule of Battle: [COLOR="Red"] KNOW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]YOUR[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]ENEMY[/COLOR][/SIZE]


      • #13
        Found in Translation


        Found in Translation

        By Julia Gorin
        Published 2/3/2005 12:04:47 AM

        While President Bush deposes despots and spreads democracy in the Middle
        East, this week in the Wall Street Journal Wesley Clark reminds us how Bill
        Clinton dismantled a democracy and helped create yet another mono-ethnic
        (Islamic) state in Europe's underbelly -- Kosovo. Not in so many words, of
        course -- Clark merely meant to endorse and outline independence for the
        former Yugoslavian province. That's why, for those who have not been
        following recent developments in the region, I offer a translation of
        Clark's assessment.

        Clark writes, "With each passing day, tensions in Kosovo grow." Translation:
        With each passing day, Muslim Albanians grow angrier that there are still
        some Christian Serbs living in Kosovo.

        "Nearly six years on, Serbs and Albanians still cannot live together."
        Translation: It is rather difficult to live with Albanians when they keep
        trying to kill you.

        "Serbia's avowed aim is to prevent Kosovo from becoming independent."
        Translation: In furtherance of the 1999 U.N.-NATO position that Kosovo would
        be granted autonomy but never independence, Serbia's avowed aim is to
        prevent Kosovo from becoming an independent Islamic terrorist doorway into
        the rest of Europe, which it already is anyway.

        "Neither side is ready for bridge-building." Translation: Albanians are
        still burning down bridges, homes, and churches.

        "Further clashes.could result in an emergency partition of Kosovo's
        territory, creating a precedent threatening to unravel U.S. and EU
        investments in stabilizing multi-ethnic states throughout the Balkans."
        Translation: Further clashes could result in partitioning Kosovo and
        threatening to unravel Clinton's, Albright's, Holbrooke's, Berger's and my
        investments of taxpayer money in destabilizing the multi-ethnic state of
        Yugoslavia and creating mono-ethnic ones throughout the Balkans.

        "After the rioting of last March, some have questioned whether this fragile,
        volatile and underdeveloped society either deserves or can sustain its own
        state." Translation: Ethnic cleansing and genocide of the Serbian population
        of Kosovo constitutes "rioting."

        "While these concerns are valid, it is important to remember that Kosovo has
        already.developed the foundations of a modern, functioning economy."
        Translation: There is a thriving sex-slave trade, plus there's the drug
        trafficking whose profits go to further the aims of al Qaeda et al.

        "The pace at which Kosovo is allowed to progress toward full independence
        should be made contingent on its treatment of minorities." Translation:
        Okay, so Albanians have killed a lot of Serbs. As my old boss would say,
        "Let's move on." If they don't kill any more, then they can have their
        state. Well, maybe one or two dead Serbs is okay. Or I guess a few dozen is
        bearable. Okay, but no more than a few hundred dead Serbs. Okay, a few
        thousand, but that's my final offer.

        "Unlike the case of Iraq, there is today no active conflict in Kosovo."
        Translation: Since a conflict involves at least two parties killing each
        other, if only Albanians are killing Serbs, then there's no conflict.

        Kosovo was a success after all.

        Julia Gorin is a contributing editor for, as well as a
        comedian touring with Right Stuff Comedy.
        [SIZE="3"]First Rule of Battle: [COLOR="Red"] KNOW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]YOUR[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]ENEMY[/COLOR][/SIZE]


        • #14
          I am not bearing false witness, thanks for the Islamophobia though, I really was worrying that people left mindless religious bigotry in the Middle Ages, thanks for assuring me that that is not the case Sensei.

          Just because the Bosnians and Albanians are mostly Muslims does not mean that they are terrorists, or that they support terrorists.

          When the Serbs started mass murdering non Serbs, the non serbs were in no position to turn away any help.

          As I said before, I do not care who the Bosnian Victims of the Genocide were, it does not justify genocide.

          I do not believe anybody else cares about what type of antagonization the Bosnians did to the Serbs, the reason is because it does not justify Genocide against them, infact nothing does, so you are just wasting time trying to justify mass murdering them.

          Not that it matters since anyone familiar with the history of the Balkans would know that both the Bosnians and Albanians are as Secular as they come.

          On the other hand Bosnian Genocide Denial, from a Holocaust Denier only affirms the genocide took place.


          • #15

            Seeing the success of Croatian Nazis in turning the clock back to 1941, Islam fundamentalist Muslims of Bosnia are trying to turn the clock even further back into the Balkan past. They are trying to turn the clock more than 100 years back. Back to the time when Bosnia was part of Turkish Empire.... And non-Muslims were only second class citizens. In doing that they have full support from the "democratic West".

            Your "innocent" Bosnian muslim victims.

            Alija Izetbegovic's book "The Islamic Declaration"

            "There can be no peace or coexistence between Islamic and non-Islamic institutions... The Islamic movement must and can take place as soon as it is... numerically strong enough, not only to destroy the non-Islamic one, but to build up a new Islamic one."




            Western media presents him as a 'secular' President, but... It is not without reason that Mr. Izetbegovic got the highest praise from Islam Fundamentalist leaders of the world for SPREAD OF ISLAM.


            It is up to you to find eventual differences between Mr Izetbegovic's capital work and Ayatollah Khomeyni's speeches. I do not see any...

            The following are excerpts from the book "The Islamic Declaration" ("Islamska deklaracija"), written by Mr. Alija Izetbegovic, current President of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The book was reprinted by "BOSNA", Sarajevo, 1990, 127 pages.



            "... A nation, and an individual, who has accepted Islam is incapable of living and dying for another ideal after that fact. It is unthinkable for a Muslim to sacrifice himself for any tzar or ruler, no matter what his name may be, or for the glory of any nation, party or some such, because acting on the strongest Muslim instinct he recognizes in this a certain type of godlessness and idolatry. A Muslim can die only with the name of Allah on his lips and for the glory of Islam, or he may run away from the battlefield. ..."

            page 4


            "... Muslim nations will never accept anything that is explicitly against Islam, because Islam here is not merely a faith and the law, Islam has become love and compassion. He who rises against Islam will reap nothing but hate and resistance. ..."

            page 17


            "... In perspective, there is but one way out in sight: creation and gathering of a new intelligence which thinks and feels along Islamic lines. This intelligence would then raise the flag of the Islamic order and together with the Muslim masses embark into action to implement this order. ..."

            page 18


            "... The shortest definition of the Islamic order defines it as a unity of faith and law, upbringing and force, ideals and interests, spiritual community and state, free will and force. As a synthesis of these components, the Islamic order has two fundamental premises: an Islamic society and Islamic authority. The former is the essence, and the latter the form of an Islamic order. An Islamic society without Islamic power is incomplete and weak; Islamic power without an Islamic society is either a utopia or violence.

            A Muslim generally does not exist as an individual. If he wishes to live and survive as a Muslim, he must create an environment, a community, an order. He must change the world or be changed himself. History knows of no true Islamic movement which was not at the same time a political movement as well. This is because Islam is a faith, but also a philosophy, a set of moral codes, an order of things, a style, an atmosphere - in a nutshell, an integral way of life. ..."

            page 19


            "... The first and foremost of such conclusions is surely the one on the incompatibility of Islam and non-Islamic systems. There can be no peace or coexistence between the "Islamic faith" and non- Islamic societies and political institutions. ... Islam clearly excludes the right and possibility of activity of any strange ideology on its own turf. Therefore, there is no question of any laicistic principles, and the state should be an expression and should support the moral concepts of the religion. ..."

            page 22


            " Islam contains the principle of ummet, i.e. the tendency towards unification of all Muslims into a single community - a spiritual, cultural and political community. Islam is not a nationality, it is above nationalities. ..."

            page 27


            "... The upbringing of the nation, and especially the mass media - the press, TV and film - should be in the hands of people whose Islamic moral and intellectual authority is undisputed. ...

            ... Islamic renewal cannot be initiated without a religious, and cannot be successfully continued and concluded without a political revolution."

            page 32


            "... Establishing of an Islamic order is thus shown as the ultimate act of democracy, because it means the implementation of the deepest desires of the Muslim nations and common man. One thing is certain: no matter what a part of the rich and the intelligence wants, the common man wants Islam and living in his Islamic community. ..."

            page 33


            "... Islamic order may be implemented only in countries where Muslims represent the majority of the population. Without this majority, the Islamic order is reduced to authority only (because the other element is lacking - the Islamic society), and may turn into violence. ..."

            page 37


            "... the Islamic movement should and must start taking over the power as soon as it is morally and numerically strong enough to not only overthrow the existing non-Islamic, but also to build up a new Islamic authority. ..."

            page 43


            "... In one of the thesis for an Islamic order today we have stated that it is a natural function of the Islamic order to gather all Muslims and Muslim communities throughout the world into one. Under present conditions, this desire means a struggle for creating a great Islamic federation from Morocco to Indonesia, from the tropical Africa to the Central Asia. ..."

            page 46


            "... Panislamism always came from the very heart of the Muslim peoples, nationalism was always imported stuff. ..."

            page 49


            * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
            * The text below was published in October 1991 in the Bosnian *
            * magazine Vox. With permission from the book "The Eradication of *
            * of Serbs" that provided evidence that led to indictments at The *
            * Hague. Authenticity can be confirmed by writing to P.O. Box 163, *
            * CDN, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3S 2S5. *
            * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


            The day is nearing when the announced Islamic Republic of
            Bosnia-Herzegovina will be proclaimed. The date which every
            Moslem in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Sandzak is ardently waiting
            for has been known for a long time to be the 31st December.
            There are some indications that Serbs in Bosnia-Herzegovina
            might oppose this historic event. In this connection, certain
            measures have been taken which will be applied if the Serb
            population of Bosnia-Herzegovina does not agree to this idea.

            1. Every individual Serb must be aware of the responsibility
            of the entire nation for his uncontrolled actions; the penalty
            for crimes committed will be collective - for one demolished
            Moslem house, ten Serb houses will be demolished - for one dead
            Moslem, one hundred Serbs will be liquidated - for one wounded
            Moslem (depending on the severity of the wound) 10-15 Serbs.

            2. All Serbs will have a 12-hour working day. Their wages
            will be proportionate to the loyalty of all the employees and
            as a rule they will be paid 30% less than the wages of Moslems
            who occupy the same post.

            3. Serbs will have priority in the dismissal of redundant

            4. Serbs cannot enter public institutions without special passes.

            5. Serbs will receive rations for food which they will obtain in
            special shops.

            6. Serbs do not have national parties and if they do not abide
            by the rules of political life, they will not be entitled to
            political Organization or to vote.

            7. In the Islamic Republic, the right of Serbs to produce
            alcohol will not be withdrawn, but Moslems are entitled to apply
            the Sheriat to all inhabitants of the state.

            8. Serbs are equal to Moslems if, of their own will, they are
            received into the Islamic faith of their forefathers. No one has
            the right to refer to their previous life because they are not
            guilty for being Serbs. No generation is accountable for the
            actions of the previous one, or some other that preceded it.

            9. A good Serb is a living and obedient Serb; or a dead,
            disobedient Serb.

            ================================================== ========

            If any single factor made the Balkans what they were in history -- and what they still are today -- it was the ordeal of the Turk... For the 18th and 19th Centuries, the image of Turkey was that of a rotting empire, of a corrupt, incompetent and sadistic national elite preying on the subject Balkan peoples - of a cynical government whose very method of rule was ATROCITY....

            The above quote is from:
            "The Balkans," page 43
            Time-Life World Library
            by Edmund Stillman and the Editors of LIFE
            Time Inc., New York, 1967
            [SIZE="3"]First Rule of Battle: [COLOR="Red"] KNOW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]YOUR[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]ENEMY[/COLOR][/SIZE]


            • #16
              Alija Izzetbegovic was a honorable person. YOu are just spreading stupid childish lies. Bosna was the only multiethnic state that the ethnic groups lived togather. Obviously you read or have been under chetnik literature.

              Izzetbegaov believed in multi ethnic Bosnia he believed in democracy.

              You give some quotes and tell us how those quotes makes his book mein kampf? He is telling us about how muslims should be, he is not dictatig to non muslims.

              Your shrinking brain does not have the capability to process? Go to a library and get is book and read it make your own judgement. YOu are giving us materials prepared by Serbian fashist lobby. I have read lots of Serb garbage,
              obviously your stomach digests those garbage

              Originally posted by Sensei

              Seeing the success of Croatian Nazis in turning the clock back to 1941, Islam fundamentalist Muslims of Bosnia are trying to turn the clock even further back into the Balkan past. They are trying to turn the clock more than 100 years back. Back to the time when Bosnia was part of Turkish Empire.... And non-Muslims were only second class citizens. In doing that they have full support from the "democratic West".

              Your "innocent" Bosnian muslim victims.

              Alija Izetbegovic's book "The Islamic Declaration"

              "There can be no peace or coexistence between Islamic and non-Islamic institutions... The Islamic movement must and can take place as soon as it is... numerically strong enough, not only to destroy the non-Islamic one, but to build up a new Islamic one."




              Western media presents him as a 'secular' President, but... It is not without reason that Mr. Izetbegovic got the highest praise from Islam Fundamentalist leaders of the world for SPREAD OF ISLAM.


              It is up to you to find eventual differences between Mr Izetbegovic's capital work and Ayatollah Khomeyni's speeches. I do not see any...

              The following are excerpts from the book "The Islamic Declaration" ("Islamska deklaracija"), written by Mr. Alija Izetbegovic, current President of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The book was reprinted by "BOSNA", Sarajevo, 1990, 127 pages.



              "... A nation, and an individual, who has accepted Islam is incapable of living and dying for another ideal after that fact. It is unthinkable for a Muslim to sacrifice himself for any tzar or ruler, no matter what his name may be, or for the glory of any nation, party or some such, because acting on the strongest Muslim instinct he recognizes in this a certain type of godlessness and idolatry. A Muslim can die only with the name of Allah on his lips and for the glory of Islam, or he may run away from the battlefield. ..."

              page 4


              "... Muslim nations will never accept anything that is explicitly against Islam, because Islam here is not merely a faith and the law, Islam has become love and compassion. He who rises against Islam will reap nothing but hate and resistance. ..."

              page 17


              "... In perspective, there is but one way out in sight: creation and gathering of a new intelligence which thinks and feels along Islamic lines. This intelligence would then raise the flag of the Islamic order and together with the Muslim masses embark into action to implement this order. ..."

              page 18


              "... The shortest definition of the Islamic order defines it as a unity of faith and law, upbringing and force, ideals and interests, spiritual community and state, free will and force. As a synthesis of these components, the Islamic order has two fundamental premises: an Islamic society and Islamic authority. The former is the essence, and the latter the form of an Islamic order. An Islamic society without Islamic power is incomplete and weak; Islamic power without an Islamic society is either a utopia or violence.

              A Muslim generally does not exist as an individual. If he wishes to live and survive as a Muslim, he must create an environment, a community, an order. He must change the world or be changed himself. History knows of no true Islamic movement which was not at the same time a political movement as well. This is because Islam is a faith, but also a philosophy, a set of moral codes, an order of things, a style, an atmosphere - in a nutshell, an integral way of life. ..."

              page 19


              "... The first and foremost of such conclusions is surely the one on the incompatibility of Islam and non-Islamic systems. There can be no peace or coexistence between the "Islamic faith" and non- Islamic societies and political institutions. ... Islam clearly excludes the right and possibility of activity of any strange ideology on its own turf. Therefore, there is no question of any laicistic principles, and the state should be an expression and should support the moral concepts of the religion. ..."

              page 22


              " Islam contains the principle of ummet, i.e. the tendency towards unification of all Muslims into a single community - a spiritual, cultural and political community. Islam is not a nationality, it is above nationalities. ..."

              page 27


              "... The upbringing of the nation, and especially the mass media - the press, TV and film - should be in the hands of people whose Islamic moral and intellectual authority is undisputed. ...

              ... Islamic renewal cannot be initiated without a religious, and cannot be successfully continued and concluded without a political revolution."

              page 32


              "... Establishing of an Islamic order is thus shown as the ultimate act of democracy, because it means the implementation of the deepest desires of the Muslim nations and common man. One thing is certain: no matter what a part of the rich and the intelligence wants, the common man wants Islam and living in his Islamic community. ..."

              page 33


              "... Islamic order may be implemented only in countries where Muslims represent the majority of the population. Without this majority, the Islamic order is reduced to authority only (because the other element is lacking - the Islamic society), and may turn into violence. ..."

              page 37


              "... the Islamic movement should and must start taking over the power as soon as it is morally and numerically strong enough to not only overthrow the existing non-Islamic, but also to build up a new Islamic authority. ..."

              page 43


              "... In one of the thesis for an Islamic order today we have stated that it is a natural function of the Islamic order to gather all Muslims and Muslim communities throughout the world into one. Under present conditions, this desire means a struggle for creating a great Islamic federation from Morocco to Indonesia, from the tropical Africa to the Central Asia. ..."

              page 46


              "... Panislamism always came from the very heart of the Muslim peoples, nationalism was always imported stuff. ..."

              page 49


              * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
              * The text below was published in October 1991 in the Bosnian *
              * magazine Vox. With permission from the book "The Eradication of *
              * of Serbs" that provided evidence that led to indictments at The *
              * Hague. Authenticity can be confirmed by writing to P.O. Box 163, *
              * CDN, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, H3S 2S5. *
              * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


              The day is nearing when the announced Islamic Republic of
              Bosnia-Herzegovina will be proclaimed. The date which every
              Moslem in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Sandzak is ardently waiting
              for has been known for a long time to be the 31st December.
              There are some indications that Serbs in Bosnia-Herzegovina
              might oppose this historic event. In this connection, certain
              measures have been taken which will be applied if the Serb
              population of Bosnia-Herzegovina does not agree to this idea.

              1. Every individual Serb must be aware of the responsibility
              of the entire nation for his uncontrolled actions; the penalty
              for crimes committed will be collective - for one demolished
              Moslem house, ten Serb houses will be demolished - for one dead
              Moslem, one hundred Serbs will be liquidated - for one wounded
              Moslem (depending on the severity of the wound) 10-15 Serbs.

              2. All Serbs will have a 12-hour working day. Their wages
              will be proportionate to the loyalty of all the employees and
              as a rule they will be paid 30% less than the wages of Moslems
              who occupy the same post.

              3. Serbs will have priority in the dismissal of redundant

              4. Serbs cannot enter public institutions without special passes.

              5. Serbs will receive rations for food which they will obtain in
              special shops.

              6. Serbs do not have national parties and if they do not abide
              by the rules of political life, they will not be entitled to
              political Organization or to vote.

              7. In the Islamic Republic, the right of Serbs to produce
              alcohol will not be withdrawn, but Moslems are entitled to apply
              the Sheriat to all inhabitants of the state.

              8. Serbs are equal to Moslems if, of their own will, they are
              received into the Islamic faith of their forefathers. No one has
              the right to refer to their previous life because they are not
              guilty for being Serbs. No generation is accountable for the
              actions of the previous one, or some other that preceded it.

              9. A good Serb is a living and obedient Serb; or a dead,
              disobedient Serb.

              ================================================== ========

              If any single factor made the Balkans what they were in history -- and what they still are today -- it was the ordeal of the Turk... For the 18th and 19th Centuries, the image of Turkey was that of a rotting empire, of a corrupt, incompetent and sadistic national elite preying on the subject Balkan peoples - of a cynical government whose very method of rule was ATROCITY....

              The above quote is from:
              "The Balkans," page 43
              Time-Life World Library
              by Edmund Stillman and the Editors of LIFE
              Time Inc., New York, 1967


              • #17
                Wow! I actually agree with TurQ about something...


                • #18
                  Thanks, we dont need to oppose each other all the time you know.

                  Actually I am more into Balkan history than Caucusian history, during the war I had lots of Bosniak friends, and actually worked with humanitarian organizations helping Bosna. I also met Turkish UN soldiers who served in Zenitsa. I am pretty much aware of the Serbian SUC and other lobbying activities, I wished Sensei could have written something that he knows or his ideas, but he just copies and pastes(unfortunetly thats what the case with some of the Turkish posters).

                  Originally posted by 1.5 million
                  Wow! I actually agree with TurQ about something...


                  • #19
                    Originally posted by TurQ
                    Thanks, we dont need to oppose each other all the time you know.

                    Actually I am more into Balkan history than Caucusian history, during the war I had lots of Bosniak friends, and actually worked with humanitarian organizations helping Bosna. I also met Turkish UN soldiers who served in Zenitsa. I am pretty much aware of the Serbian SUC and other lobbying activities, I wished Sensei could have written something that he knows or his ideas, but he just copies and pastes(unfortunetly thats what the case with some of the Turkish posters).

                    You are such the typical turkish LIAR. I have given/written plenty of what I know, my thoughts, opinions and ideas. But that is insufficient, what is needed is proof and facts to back up what you say. Of course, turks wouldn't know anything about that.

                    As a turk, you're not very prejudiced as you stated about all of your Bosniak "friends." And it seems like all of you like to claim you "worked there with humanitarian organization." Pfffffffffffttttt. Yeah, right. It is always the same story. Point out to us which one you are in the picture of the muslim jihad boys.

                    If you would have told me you had Serbian friends, I might be impressed. My sources are numerous and varied, very little comes from Serbian sources. You cannot dispute the fact that Serb controlled territory is ALL multi-ethnic, while the muslims and croat territory is all mono-ethnic with practically ALL of the Serb and other minorities having been ethnically cleansed.
                    [SIZE="3"]First Rule of Battle: [COLOR="Red"] KNOW[/COLOR] [COLOR="Blue"]YOUR[/COLOR] [COLOR="DarkOrange"]ENEMY[/COLOR][/SIZE]


                    • #20
                      Point out to us which one you are in the picture of the muslim jihad boys.
                      I am not the one to answer but I want to do it.Because those you see in the pictures are just radical and extreme terrorists.You can't make all muslims there terrorists.Be more logical!!!(only advice)

