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The Turks

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  • Wait for next attacks!!!There is no threat!!!

    Originally posted by TurQ
    Gullay GOkturk once said,"our state is always under attack, there is always an 'internal threat' ". She means that a certain elite holds and controls the dynamics of the state dvice and they are not interested in giving up their position to the control of the nation.

    I believe that too, and different portions of the society is agitated that they are under attack by those who dont share their political views, i.e nationalists believe that they are under communist attack, communist believe that they are under fasist attack, leftists believe that Islamic fundementalism is a real threat, conservatives believe that Turkish culture and religous values are under attack.

    I am saddened to see that my compatriots express such fear here(no offense Vogelgrip +Rudo), but as long as people from different views and political groups dont try to understand each other and spread fear and feel threatened, I dont think Turkey will ever have the chance of stabilty and progress. The interesting part is people really feel that threat but when asked in general they give abstract definitions of that threat, have little if not no info about other political views. Thats my humble opinion, but this immense skepticism about "others" really bothers me.
    Have you heard today's news???A advocater has killed Danıştay and his workers.

    Do we still wait for their next violent attacks???

    Isn't there anything to worry???

    What about these Islamist attacks to our seccular country???

    I can't understand you!!!


    • Originally posted by kerkuk_kurdista
      Thanks folks, and I hope that some Turkish members will understand what I am trying to say. We are not just annoying people who can't do anything rather than complain (this is what I hear a lot from SOME Turks(Note how I wrote some kek RUDO)), Try to make us true citizens of Turkey, or give us autonomy, nobody will accept domination these times. Well, an indepedent state is the best of course , but that will enflame you a bit too much
      Ok,my friend.


      • Note how I wrote some kek RUDO
        Ok,I am kek but at least I am logical.I am not the one who is day-dreaming.

        I don't want any Kurdish mother to cry for her death children.

        I don't want any Turkish mother to cry for her death children

        I don't want WAR and TERRORISM.I only want PEACE


        • Originally posted by kerkuk_kurdista
          Thanks folks, and I hope that some Turkish members will understand what I am trying to say. We are not just annoying people who can't do anything rather than complain (this is what I hear a lot from SOME Turks(Note how I wrote some kek RUDO)), Try to make us true citizens of Turkey, or give us autonomy, nobody will accept domination these times. Well, an indepedent state is the best of course , but that will enflame you a bit too much
          you are already a citizen of Turkey...But there is nothing to do if you don't want seems as if you want to be a citizen of an independent kurt country ignoring your ancestors fihting for the country that you don't want to be a member of...
          tell me what would be worse for a man or for a country worse than racism???
          do you think when you say "i am kurt" you mean something else than "i am a turk"??
          "Ne mutlu Türküm diyene" why is it so difficult to say this sentence for a man of Turkey???


          • Originally posted by RUDO
            I don't mean that.

            I mean you are provacating Turks by your rude words.Ok???
            I only stated facts my friend, if that is provocation, than I am a proud provocator!

            But this war and terrorism will not benefit us.We will die,they will die and hate will get stronger between nations.Right???
            You my friend have a problem.
            The problem that Turks have created and you have fallen into it.
            You think it's like this, you think you can only have 2 choices:
            1- PKK-symphatizer
            2- Turk

            And you have chosen the 2nd.
            You think every Kurd being an opposition against the Turkish government is a PKK member, and I am not saying we should use PKK or war. I am just a Kurd demanding my human rights and eventually separation if that is OK. And there is no problem with that.

            I support democtaric ways.
            Either we Kurds should be FULL KURDISH CITIZENS OF TURKEY,
            or KURDISH AUTONOMOUS REGION should be established.
            NOT sleepwalking into becoming a Turk and waiting for something which maybe will happen in the year 3000.

            If you look at my posts in this site,you will see that I am always angry because of not knowing my mother language.

            I lovemy language.Fortunately my family sometimes speak Kurdish so I know a little. I can understand a little.

            But I am determined to learn Kurdish and I will teach my children too in the future.
            I am happy to hear that, I personally can speak 100% Kurdish, and I will never teach my children any other language!!! GET THAT? This is the most natural thing a human does, SPEAKING HIS MOTHER TONGUE! And this is what Turkey deprives us from and almost for a century!!!

            So don't say me that someone like you I highly doubt you can speak Kurdish.
            Because I love my nation as much as you maybe even more.Because I don't want Kurds to die but live.Kurds should gain his rights by politics not terrorism.
            Here I am seeing this again, I AM NOT SAYING BY TERRORISM, why do you always have to start about terrorism? I am not saying we should support PKK, but we should support our cause in KURDISH WAY, not Turkish way!!!
            You must join us and help us in every way you can. I attended the demonstration in Brussels against the killings of the Kurdish children last month, that is something.
            Look maybe you cant say anything anti-Turkish government because you are in Turkey.

            I am not forced to be Turkish citizen.
            Then why did we all rise up against the Kemalist state in the '20s?
            Tell me...... Didn't this state crush the treaty of Sevres where we were promised an independent state?
            We did NOT choose to be citizens of Turkey, we were FORCED to be. And this is a fact you can't deny, and maybe you are happy about it, but I guarantee you, 99% of Kurds in the world like an independent Kurdish state more than IRAN,IRAQ,TURKEY,SYRIA!!!

            You don't understand one thing:Those who kill our brothers aren't all Turks just a minority.

            AND OUR AIM:GET RID OF THOSE MURDERERS WITH OUR DEMOCRATIC AND LEFT-WINGED TURKISH BROTHERS LIKE 60s 70s 80s...Do you understand me???Like Deniz Gezmiş and his brothers who want full democratic Turkey with all nations without despising them.Ok???I think that aim is much better than having independent state.

            What do you think about it???
            You are constantly contradicting yourself in this topic. First you say it is a small group of facists controlling Turkey, then you are saying I shall be a soldier of Turkey. So basically you are saying you will support those facists!!
            I told you my opinion what Turkey should do about Kurds, full legitimate KURDISH citizens of Turkey, or Kurdish Autonomy


            • You are constantly contradicting yourself in this topic. First you say it is a small group of facists controlling Turkey, then you are saying I shall be a soldier of Turkey. So basically you are saying you will support those facists!!
              I told you my opinion what Turkey should do about Kurds, full legitimate KURDISH citizens of Turkey, or Kurdish Autonomy
              Don't say me you will support fascists!!!

              I hate those facists.

              I think we have a lot of ideas in common.Only we don't get together in a few ideas.

              But I understand that we can get on well if you were a bit more tactfull.


              • i cannot believe what i am reading...let the government do a kurdish autonomy and then a laz autonomy and a dadaş autonomy and so on...
                this is what you want???say me it's something different from racism...
                still racism in 2006 still...
                racism...the best way to punish themselves for humanity...


                • Kerkuk Kurdista,we don't get together in one thing:
                  You want an independent Kurdish state.

                  But I don't want my country to be parted!!!ok?

                  Where do you live?Kerkuk???


                  • I am telling you this guys is not a Kurd.

                    Originally posted by RUDO
                    Kerkuk Kurdista,we don't get together in one thing:
                    You want an independent Kurdish state.

                    But I don't want my country to be parted!!!ok?

                    Where do you live?Kerkuk???


                    • rudo is a kurt or not...does it change your look to his answers??is it so important his nation???so important??

