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OMG Turkey is starting to panic

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  • #41
    Originally posted by Hovik
    And the xxxxiness about your military superiority is really a weakness in my opinion. If you have to talk about how tough and invincible you are, it shows insecurity. The day Turks admit that they CAN lose a war, CAN lose land, and CAN in other ways be vulnerable, will be the day that Turkey shows true strength...

    Learn a lesson from your Azeri brothers, being the underdog in the realms of money, men and machines means NOTHING...
    As elendil has said Turks have won and lost many wars. Contrary to what many Armenians on this forum believe Turks really can stand up for a good fight, coz, I confess, Turks really are a warring nation. You can still see it in everyday life; young men are still sent off to the army via big ceremonies, when you are in the army you chant "Every Turk is born a soldier" and you are in such a mind frame that you feel you could fight against an army all on your own, when you're out of the army you still have to check in every year with the local army office... so the army is always there and the Turkish people mostly are at ease with this presence. Men are expected to die for their country, no questions asked. I'm sure this is how it is in the Armenian army too because we all live in an area where you have to be strong to live and an area where the spilling of blood is an everyday occurance, it is a matter of survival. Armenians proper would understand this, diasporans not so much.

    All this has its ups and downs but that is what we are. We have lost many wars and some have cost the lives of hundreds and thousands of troops but when you look at history unfortunately you see that is how countries are made. What elendil is trying to say is that we are taught to love our country even though some of you will say that it is stolen and usurped and that it is artificial. It is the only country we have and the strong survival instincts that still prevail in this region renders massive bloodshed inevitable when independence is in jeopardy. We have our strengths and weaknesses but our military definately is not our weakness so strolling down that path would not be wise.


    • #42
      Originally posted by Hovik

      I've heard that Armenia could soon become a member of NATO. Wonder what the rules are regarding one member nation attacking another?

      Side Note: Anyway, NATO won't be around forever in my opinion...

      And in my opinion, Armenia should start dealing with the land issue from a legal perspective NOT a military perspective in the beginning, military action should come after more peaceful means have been taken to resolve the issue.

      Probably all NATO member states are aware how dangerous it would be to accept Armenia to NATO while leaving out Azerbaijan (or vice versa). And if both countries are admitted, it looks like Armenia will get into serious trouble for occupying 20% of Azerbaijan proper (in addition to Karabagh where I believe Armenia has a partly justifiable claim). Therefore I guess that the Armenian government is not intererested in becoming a NATO member under current circumstances.

      As far as NATO is concerned, the occupied Azeri territories is the only 'land issue' which has a potential for further conflict and chaos. If you are referring to your irredentist land issues with Turkey, you can be sure that Turkey will veto potential Armenian membership until Armenia recognizes Turkey's territorial integrity. Given that NATO is all about protecting national borders and member states' security this is the minimum thing Turkey will justifiably ask from Armenia.


      • #43
        Originally posted by hitite
        As elendil has said Turks have won and lost many wars. Contrary to what many Armenians on this forum believe Turks really can stand up for a good fight, coz, I confess, Turks really are a warring nation. You can still see it in everyday life; young men are still sent off to the army via big ceremonies, when you are in the army you chant "Every Turk is born a soldier" and you are in such a mind frame that you feel you could fight against an army all on your own, when you're out of the army you still have to check in every year with the local army office... so the army is always there and the Turkish people mostly are at ease with this presence. Men are expected to die for their country, no questions asked. I'm sure this is how it is in the Armenian army too because we all live in an area where you have to be strong to live and an area where the spilling of blood is an everyday occurance, it is a matter of survival. Armenians proper would understand this, diasporans not so much.

        All this has its ups and downs but that is what we are. We have lost many wars and some have cost the lives of hundreds and thousands of troops but when you look at history unfortunately you see that is how countries are made. What elendil is trying to say is that we are taught to love our country even though some of you will say that it is stolen and usurped and that it is artificial. It is the only country we have and the strong survival instincts that still prevail in this region renders massive bloodshed inevitable when independence is in jeopardy. We have our strengths and weaknesses but our military definately is not our weakness so strolling down that path would not be wise.
        As long as your nation, including your soldiers are taught that it's ok to deny the killing of millions of innocent civilians, and citizens of ones own nation - I hope you don't expect them to be respected as true soldiers. Real soldiers know the rules of war


        • #44
          turk, not only Armenians, but Greeks, Russians, Serbs, Bulgarians...they are all waiting for a chance to kick your asses and it may just come to that some day real soon if you don't wise up and stop pretending.


          • #45
            How can one nation piss so many nations off.
            "All truth passes through three stages:
            First, it is ridiculed;
            Second, it is violently opposed; and
            Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

            Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


            • #46
              Originally posted by Gavur
              How can one nation piss so many nations off.
              A lot of countries are like that. No one country particularly likes another country, that does not exist in international politics. Many countries have territorial claims or old grudges concerning pieces of land against each other. Your Turco-centric thinking habits make you guys look funny sometimes. You actually give Turkey more credit than it really deserves


              • #47
                I'm almost certain the United States has pissed off more countries than Turkey has.


                • #48
                  Diagnosis of the Psychosis: Symptom I They change the subject

                  Originally posted by Vogelgrippe
                  ‘Doğu Anadolu Bölgesi’ is an administrative region of Turkey, and means Eastern Anatolia Region. As I already stated, it is a geographic region invented ( You mean you invent regions as well as history or it's just a slip of the tongue H.) by modern Turkey. It has nothing to do with affirmation or support of genocide or anything.
                  You just can't get enough of changing the subject!
                  It has everything to do with the desperately treacherous diabolism of the Turks to erase the name of Armenia from history, just like they shamelessly change the name of the Biblical Mount Ararat and the names of flora and fauna containing armeniaca, armenicus, etc. and the destruction or restorape of every Armenian monument to deny the existence of the indigenous people of Armenia.
                  This, along with the denial of the Armenian Genocide means the continuation of the same.

                  Originally posted by Vogelgrippe
                  When the French conquered Nizza from the Piedmont Republic, they changed the name to Nice, but the transition was quite peaceful. Americans, on the other hand, preserved most of Native Indian geographical names (Massachusetts, Wyoming, Connecticut... to name a few), unfortunately, they did not show the same respect for the people who live on these territories. This is only to show that there is no direct correlation between the respect for place names and respect for human lives.
                  A little linguistic knowledge is also welcome in addition to your sophism.
                  Nizza is the same as Nice and I didn't even know the story.

                  As far as the Americans are concerned, do not begin to dream of dreaming to compare your savage species with them.

                  The Americans of European origin:

                  I. do not deny the existence of the indigenous people of the land they invaded
                  II. do not deny what happened to the indigenous peoples of the land they invaded
                  III. do not deny or appropriate the history of the indigenous peoples of the land they invaded.

                  They don't call the Aztec and Maya civilizations as theirs, neither do they pretend to be the descendants of the same.

                  One shouldn't dismiss the positive things they brought to the region in ugly contrast to the blackness the Turks sowed wherever they set hoof.

                  Originally posted by Vogelgrippe
                  When I meant that ' is also called Armenia', I pointed to the fact that a big chunk (if not all) of the same territory is also shown as 'Kurdistan' in many historical maps. In other words, your historical Armenia overlaps greatly with historical Kurdistan. Yes? No? Be honest.
                  Armenian state has existed since 2800 BC at least. We'll still learn more about it once older evidence is deciphered. The oldest we can go is what we have in Sumerian records.
                  A state of Kurdistan has NEVER existed in human history on this planet.
                  The Kurds were migrated by the diabolical Ottoman Tyranny into Armenia as early as the 16th century to harass the Armenians, to check them and to force them out of their ancestral land as well as to use the Kurds as a shield against the Persian Empire.

                  Originally posted by Vogelgrippe
                  I requested you many times to refrain from 'screwy' types of bets in a gentle fashion. Your title feels like you couldn't resist the attraction of being sensational, but your boomerang is coming back! Again, I refrain from my right if you finally admit your wrong So do not worry!
                  You go on and cuss to your heart's content. I don't care. What pisses me off the most is hypocrisy.

                  Originally posted by Vogelgrippe
                  About Uncle Sam and Mr. Wilson, you are totally right about the Treaty of Lausanne which the U.S Congress did not approve. The same Congress however approved the N.A.T.O Treaty, which states that any attack on any other member will be considered by each N.A.T.O member country as an attack on it own soil. Therefore, any attack on Erzurum or Van by Armenia will be considered an attack on American soil according to the 1952 NATO Treaty.
                  Here you change the subject again because I clearly said:
                  Originally posted by Hellektor
                  My avatar shows the borders drawn by president Wilson for the treaty of Sèvres.
                  It is the LEGAL Armenia and no attack is needed to take that back.
                  You guys always ask for deeds. This is the legal deed for 45% of my homeland.

                  Originally posted by Vogelgrippe
                  The U.S’ failure to ratify the Lausanne Treaty therefore is a shame on the U.S., and nothing more.
                  It's not your fault. It's because you still haven't acquired the attributes human beings have come to develop in the last six million years or so such as shame, guilt, remorse, sympathy, compassion, honesty, modesty, sincerity, truthfulness, conscience, objectivity, self-criticism, understanding for the suffering of others, the ability to share others' pain, etc.
                  Therefore, instead of being repulsed by the son-of-a-xxxxxery of those who signed the Lausanne treaty disregarding the rights of the Armenians who had been butchered just few years earlier, you rebuke the Americans for having been upright for once.

                  Since it seems it escaped your attention, I will reproduce my analogy once more.
                  Definition of Lausanne treaty for dummies:
                  In plain language the murderous squatters signed a contract which gave them the "right" of the ownership to the home of the landlord (whose family they had just raped and slaughtered) without the consent of the same, who was not even allowed to be present at the signing of the contract.
                  Shred it and make toilet paper out of it.

                  Originally posted by Vogelgrippe
                  About the Tavernier quote, let me explain it to you in a different fashion. If I had told you that my height is 1.86cm, there is a chance that you would believe me. If I had told you, however, that I have blue hair, green skin color, and am 1.86cm tall, you would also think that I am also lying to you about my height, because the other two pieces of information I give you is bullxxxx by definition. By the same token, when you quote ‘serious’ historians talking about ‘‘....Turks living for 300 years etc...’’ I am forced to think that your other ‘serious’ historians are bullxxxx as well. Sorry, your bad.
                  Severe case of exposing symptom I (changing the subject)...
                  It's no wonder you freak out when you are confronted with facts. It causes what's known as cognitive dissonance in your brainwashed psyche.
                  For the Turk, facts are irrelevant. It is not acceptable for the Turk that the majority population of Armenia was consisted of Armenians, which is as logical as logic can get.
                  If you could go back in time, you would strangle Tavernier before he put his observations to paper.

                  Your desperate attempt to dismiss all history because somebody made some erroneous remark or exaggerated giving an account is hilariously pathetic.
                  FYI, Grigor Aknertsi didn't see your grandpaws and grandclaws. He only reflected the accounts of their barbarities, which he heard from different people. The unheard of monstrosities your grandapes committed was so shocking, people of the time really thought the Turks were some abomination from god and couldn't believe they had anything to do with humans.
                  It's from 700 years ago after all and the people of the time had superstitions we may not be able to understand.

                  Historians compare the records and come up with a picture that describes the true events of the past and as far as Turks are concerned:

                  I. Turks appeared in the region after the 11th century.
                  II. Turks were in the lowest stages of evolution when they invaded the region and they never had a civilization.
                  III. Turks have nothing whatsoever the fukk to do with the civilizations of the region.
                  IV. Turks did not bring a single positive value and all they brought was nothing but death, destruction, subjugation, terror, rape, slavery, pillage, plunder and genocide.

                  Originally posted by Vogelgrippe
                  About your comment about why Armenia lost its territories, I wholeheartedly agree with you about this sad but true observation. It turns out the best defence has always been offence in nations' histories....
                  You know nothing of our history. I don't think advising you to go and read Khorenatsi, Pavstos Buzand, Agatangeghos, Ghazar Parpetsi, Sebeos, Lastivertsi, Gandzaketsi, etc., etc., etc., will be anything but futile, because it's all rubbish to you...

                  I don't quite get the last part of your comment though. If by that you are cynically accusing us of being offensive then what's offense compared to the xxxx we have been taking from you for a thousand years?

                  After being used and abused, extorted, humiliated, slaughtered and raped for a millennium by your barbaric kind, had we been 0.00000000000000001% like you, we should have dissected every living Turk, without anesthesia, plucking flesh off your corpses with pliers or we should have sledge-hammered every bone in your bodies like you sledge-hammer our monuments.

                  But relax, we are nothing like you. We have at least 5000 years of civilization, however, it's a wonder how we have suffered so much without giving you back a taste of your medicine, although you accuse us of doing that.

                  Originally posted by Vogelgrippe
                  Anyways, here is some references to, and maps of, Eastern Anatolia in non-Turkish sources...

                  Your desperation makes me want to cry for you...
                  For the fukk of it I clicked your genocidal links and this is the garbage I found.

                  From xxxxlink one:
                  ... Dogan Seber, ...

                  Niyazi Türkelli, Cemil Gürbüz, Sadi Kuleli, Hayrullah Karabulut, Ekrem Zor, Rengin Gök,Tolga Beklar, and Esen Arpat, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute,

                  Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey

                  Salih Bayraktutan, Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey

                  From xxxxlink two:
                  Mehmet Keskin

                  Istanbul University, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Geological Engineering, 34850 Avcilar,

                  Istanbul, Turkey.

                  Some pureblooded, white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant names, eh?

                  Oh, the xxxxlink three:
                  I have already told wikipedophiliacs like you that I am not into wikipedophilia.
                  Everyone can defecate any garbage they want and pretend it's scripture.
                  Just look at the "Azeri" history from wiki where one has got to go to the toilet several times before one can finish reading that filth.

                  I have taken a crap on an older version of that here. The new garbage is no better only more "elaborate", like a rather more elongated turd compared to the previous diarrhea.

                  It's incredible how you dismiss thousand upon thousands of pages of independent, objective, non-Armenian AG eyewitness accounts when you cannot come up with ONE objective source to corroborate you history distortions.


                  So this means you're fuqqued and you don't even know it
                  Four things denialist Turks do when they are confronted with facts:

                  I. They change the subject [SIZE="1"](e.g. they copy/paste tons of garbage to divert attention).[/SIZE]
                  II. They project [SIZE="1"](e.g. they replace "Turk" with "Armenian" and vice versa and they regurgitate Armenian history).[/SIZE]
                  III. They offend [SIZE="1"](e.g. they cuss, threaten and/or mock).[/SIZE]
                  IV. They shut up and say nothing.

                  [URL=""][COLOR="Red"]A country named Azerbaijan north of the Arax River [B]NEVER[/B] existed before 1918[/COLOR][/URL]


                  • #49
                    Originally posted by Hellektor
                    You just can't get enough of changing the subject!
                    It has everything to do with the desperately treacherous diabolism of the Turks to erase the name of Armenia from history, just like they shamelessly change the name of the Biblical Mount Ararat and the names of flora and fauna containing armeniaca, armenicus, etc. and the destruction or restorape of every Armenian monument to deny the existence of the indigenous people of Armenia.
                    This, along with the denial of the Armenian Genocide means the continuation of the same.

                    A little linguistic knowledge is also welcome in addition to your sophism.
                    Nizza is the same as Nice and I didn't even know the story.

                    As far as the Americans are concerned, do not begin to dream of dreaming to compare your savage species with them.

                    The Americans of European origin:

                    I. do not deny the existence of the indigenous people of the land they invaded
                    II. do not deny what happened to the indigenous peoples of the land they invaded
                    III. do not deny or appropriate the history of the indigenous peoples of the land they invaded.

                    They don't call the Aztec and Maya civilizations as theirs, neither do they pretend to be the descendants of the same.

                    One shouldn't dismiss the positive things they brought to the region in ugly contrast to the blackness the Turks sowed wherever they set hoof.

                    Armenian state has existed since 2800 BC at least. We'll still learn more about it once older evidence is deciphered. The oldest we can go is what we have in Sumerian records.
                    A state of Kurdistan has NEVER existed in human history on this planet.
                    The Kurds were migrated by the diabolical Ottoman Tyranny into Armenia as early as the 16th century to harass the Armenians, to check them and to force them out of their ancestral land as well as to use the Kurds as a shield against the Persian Empire.

                    You go on and cuss to your heart's content. I don't care. What pisses me off the most is hypocrisy.

                    Here you change the subject again because I clearly said:

                    You guys always ask for deeds. This is the legal deed for 45% of my homeland.

                    It's not your fault. It's because you still haven't acquired the attributes human beings have come to develop in the last six million years or so such as shame, guilt, remorse, sympathy, compassion, honesty, modesty, sincerity, truthfulness, conscience, objectivity, self-criticism, understanding for the suffering of others, the ability to share others' pain, etc.
                    Therefore, instead of being repulsed by the son-of-a-xxxxxery of those who signed the Lausanne treaty disregarding the rights of the Armenians who had been butchered just few years earlier, you rebuke the Americans for having been upright for once.

                    Since it seems it escaped your attention, I will reproduce my analogy once more.
                    Definition of Lausanne treaty for dummies:
                    In plain language the murderous squatters signed a contract which gave them the "right" of the ownership to the home of the landlord (whose family they had just raped and slaughtered) without the consent of the same, who was not even allowed to be present at the signing of the contract.
                    Shred it and make toilet paper out of it.

                    Severe case of exposing symptom I (changing the subject)...
                    It's no wonder you freak out when you are confronted with facts. It causes what's known as cognitive dissonance in your brainwashed psyche.
                    For the Turk, facts are irrelevant. It is not acceptable for the Turk that the majority population of Armenia was consisted of Armenians, which is as logical as logic can get.
                    If you could go back in time, you would strangle Tavernier before he put his observations to paper.

                    Your desperate attempt to dismiss all history because somebody made some erroneous remark or exaggerated giving an account is hilariously pathetic.
                    FYI, Grigor Aknertsi didn't see your grandpaws and grandclaws. He only reflected the accounts of their barbarities, which he heard from different people. The unheard of monstrosities your grandapes committed was so shocking, people of the time really thought the Turks were some abomination from god and couldn't believe they had anything to do with humans.
                    It's from 700 years ago after all and the people of the time had superstitions we may not be able to understand.

                    Historians compare the records and come up with a picture that describes the true events of the past and as far as Turks are concerned:

                    I. Turks appeared in the region after the 11th century.
                    II. Turks were in the lowest stages of evolution when they invaded the region and they never had a civilization.
                    III. Turks have nothing whatsoever the fukk to do with the civilizations of the region.
                    IV. Turks did not bring a single positive value and all they brought was nothing but death, destruction, subjugation, terror, rape, slavery, pillage, plunder and genocide.

                    You know nothing of our history. I don't think advising you to go and read Khorenatsi, Pavstos Buzand, Agatangeghos, Ghazar Parpetsi, Sebeos, Lastivertsi, Gandzaketsi, etc., etc., etc., will be anything but futile, because it's all rubbish to you...

                    I don't quite get the last part of your comment though. If by that you are cynically accusing us of being offensive then what's offense compared to the xxxx we have been taking from you for a thousand years?

                    After being used and abused, extorted, humiliated, slaughtered and raped for a millennium by your barbaric kind, had we been 0.00000000000000001% like you, we should have dissected every living Turk, without anesthesia, plucking flesh off your corpses with pliers or we should have sledge-hammered every bone in your bodies like you sledge-hammer our monuments.

                    But relax, we are nothing like you. We have at least 5000 years of civilization, however, it's a wonder how we have suffered so much without giving you back a taste of your medicine, although you accuse us of doing that.

                    Your desperation makes me want to cry for you...
                    For the fukk of it I clicked your genocidal links and this is the garbage I found.

                    From xxxxlink one:
                    ... Dogan Seber, ...

                    Niyazi Türkelli, Cemil Gürbüz, Sadi Kuleli, Hayrullah Karabulut, Ekrem Zor, Rengin Gök,Tolga Beklar, and Esen Arpat, Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute,

                    Bogaziçi University, Istanbul, Turkey

                    Salih Bayraktutan, Atatürk University, Erzurum, Turkey

                    From xxxxlink two:
                    Mehmet Keskin

                    Istanbul University, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Geological Engineering, 34850 Avcilar,

                    Istanbul, Turkey.

                    Some pureblooded, white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant names, eh?

                    Oh, the xxxxlink three:
                    I have already told wikipedophiliacs like you that I am not into wikipedophilia.
                    Everyone can defecate any garbage they want and pretend it's scripture.
                    Just look at the "Azeri" history from wiki where one has got to go to the toilet several times before one can finish reading that filth.

                    I have taken a crap on an older version of that here. The new garbage is no better only more "elaborate", like a rather more elongated turd compared to the previous diarrhea.

                    It's incredible how you dismiss thousand upon thousands of pages of independent, objective, non-Armenian AG eyewitness accounts when you cannot come up with ONE objective source to corroborate you history distortions.


                    So this means you're fuqqued and you don't even know it
                    Wowww man, how impressive, how sensational! We are so proud of you.

                    Still, let me summarize in short what I've always said.

                    - You have come up with your sexually loaded bet about historic Armenia and location of pre-1918 Azerbaijan. I invited you to prove that I had claimed the contrary view in any of my postings (so that the bet would have a validity, two people defending two opposing claims). You couldn't prove it, but as Mr. Perfect, you did not admit that I had never challenged you on these two issues either

                    - Neither did I claim that the name 'Eastern Anatolia' existed in 1915. It has nothing to do with 1915, but with 1923, when the Republic of Turkey was founded, and divided into seven administrative regions. The first two links I included are American geographical and topographical websites, and they include works of Turkish scientists as well. About the third one, I thought you would like Wickipedia since it was used many times to slander Turkey on this forum

                    - I always and totally acknowledged that part of historic Armenia is in today's Eastern Anatolia (or Turkey). However, I also indicated to the fact, that in some historical maps, that region is also called Kurdistan. Check for yourself:

                    Since you claim to speak German as well, you can also check Karl May's 'Durch das wilde Kurdistan', where Agrı, Van, Elazig (Kharpert) is referred to as Kurdistan. And I seriously do not think that Karl May was an undercover Turkish agent.

                    - I wrote you that Armenians have not been a majority in what is today's Eastern Anatolia for several centuries. Your Tabernier quote disputes it, and I explained you why this gentleman's findings is dubious. Look at all accounts of related historians and statesmen, including Henry Morgenthau and Patrick Kinross, who are otherwise quite anti-Turkish in their tone. They all show Armenians as a significant minority (between 25 and 40%) in 19th century in Eastern Turkey / Historic Armenia.

                    -In the light of the previous paragraph, I claim that ARMENIANS DID NOT CONSTITUTE A MAJORITY IN WHAT YOU CALL WESTERN ARMENIA IN 1915, NOR PRIOR TO 1915. Armenians had probably constituted a majority in these regions prior to 1071, when Turks entered Anatolia, but this situation had changed few centuries before 1915. The decrease in their relative numbers had been probably due to oppression and attrocities (committed by Seldjuks and early Ottomans) as well, which had, however, taken place way before 1915 or 1815. All other claims excepts this one, which you attribute to me, and make subject of your sucky-screwy bets, has nothing to do with me. You might have felt the boomerang effect and enjoyed it, but it really is inmature and untactful when discussing serious things.

                    - There have admittedly been some Turks in this forum who have denied each and every justifiable claim of Armenians, and I have consistently opposed them the way I oppose your nonsense. Therefore you play an ugly game here by hitting under belt whenever you feel cornered due to your own mistakes and putting words in my mouth.

                    - You can formulate the word 'xxxx' in 100 different versions, and use it at your will. For the next time, let me propose the 'Phuq', and 'Fuhk' combinations, because I have not seen you using these two yet. (And God, you are blaming me with 'cussing' for Heaven's sake)

                    - You have been warned by the moderators of this forum not to use cusses, even if they are disguised under misspellings. As I openly stated several times, I seriously doubt their goodwill and honesty regarding upholding forum rules, especially when it comes to banning Turkhating cussmachines like you. Still, be careful, It would upset me to lose you, because at least you seem to be honest about what you are.


                    • #50
                      Originally posted by Vogelgrippe
                      Wowww man, how impressive, how sensational! We are so proud of you.

                      Still, let me summarize in short what I've always said.

                      - You have come up with your sexually loaded bet about historic Armenia and location of pre-1918 Azerbaijan. I invited you to prove that I had claimed the contrary view in any of my postings (so that the bet would have a validity, two people defending two opposing claims). You couldn't prove it, but as Mr. Perfect, you did not admit that I had never challenged you on these two issues either

                      - Neither did I claim that the name 'Eastern Anatolia' existed in 1915. It has nothing to do with 1915, but with 1923, when the Republic of Turkey was founded, and divided into seven administrative regions. The first two links I included are American geographical and topographical websites, and they include works of Turkish scientists as well. About the third one, I thought you would like Wickipedia since it was used many times to slander Turkey on this forum

                      - I always and totally acknowledged that part of historic Armenia is in today's Eastern Anatolia (or Turkey). However, I also indicated to the fact, that in some historical maps, that region is also called Kurdistan. Check for yourself:

                      Since you claim to speak German as well, you can also check Karl May's 'Durch das wilde Kurdistan', where Agr?, Van, Elazig (Kharpert) is referred to as Kurdistan. And I seriously do not think that Karl May was an undercover Turkish agent.

                      - I wrote you that Armenians have not been a majority in what is today's Eastern Anatolia for several centuries. Your Tabernier quote disputes it, and I explained you why this gentleman's findings is dubious. Look at all accounts of related historians and statesmen, including Henry Morgenthau and Patrick Kinross, who are otherwise quite anti-Turkish in their tone. They all show Armenians as a significant minority (between 25 and 40%) in 19th century in Eastern Turkey / Historic Armenia.

                      -In the light of the previous paragraph, I claim that ARMENIANS DID NOT CONSTITUTE A MAJORITY IN WHAT YOU CALL WESTERN ARMENIA IN 1915, NOR PRIOR TO 1915. All other claims excepts this one, which you attribute to me, and make subject of your sucky-screwy bets, has nothing to do with me. You might have felt the boomerang effect and enjoyed it, but it really is inmature and untactful when discussing serious things.

                      - There have admittedly been some Turks in this forum who have denied each and every justifiable claim of Armenians, and I have consistently opposed them the way I oppose your nonsense. Therefore you play an ugly game here by hitting under belt whenever you feel cornered due to your own mistakes and putting words in my mouth.

                      - You can formulate the word 'xxxx' in 100 different versions, and use it at your will. For the next time, let me propose the 'Phuq', and 'Fuhk' combinations, because I have not seen you using these two yet. (And God, you are blaming me with 'cussing' for Heaven's sake)

                      - You have been warned by the moderators of this forum not to use cusses, even if they are disguised under misspellings. As I openly stated several times, I seriously doubt their goodwill and honesty regarding upholding forum rules, especially when it comes to banning Turkhating cussmachines like you. Still, be careful, It would upset me to lose you, because at least you seem to be honest about what you are.
                      Guys, can we end this thread? It's going nowhere and is continually degenerating.
                      General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”

