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The Assassination of Hrant Dink

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  • 26 March 2007
    Antakya (Antioch)

    Turkey Armenian Patriarch Excellency Mesrob Mutafyan leaded a religious ceremony in Vakıflı village Samandağı, Antakya where Armenian people live. After the ceremony, he stated "It means that real intenders of Hrant Dink assasination are protected very well that they cannot be catched. We pray to find who are responsible"


    • Originally posted by Panos26 View Post
      SoSarkissian.As fas as i known my great-grandmother's archives contain some pictures of her friend and her family.I can also confirm the last name of my great-grandma's friend which is Alexanian.That is as far as i know.
      My great-grandma lives in the extreme north of the county whereas i live in Athens.I will do my best once i visit my great-grandma to gather all the material i can and send it to you.Is there any national armenian foundation that i can provide the material that i will gather???
      The stories i know from my great-grandma about Armenian people are countless...
      The AGBU (The Armenian General Benevolent Union)
      check out their site:


      Project Save

      General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


      • Originally posted by Helen View Post
        Although this is not getting much play in Western reports...
        The killers of Turkish Armenian journalist Hrant Dink belonged to the "Center of Islamic Order," a radical Islamic group.
        According to Milliyet newspaper, 17-year-old Ogün Samast, arrested yesterday over suspicion of Dink's killing, received the gun from Hayal. At that both were members of the "Center of Islamic Order" ultra-right organization. The edition reminds that after the arrest in Trabzon Hayal shouted out in the court, "I did it to punish Americans. I'll get free in three years and will blow up HSBC Bank and the Russian Consulate."
        International Herald Tribune says Yasin Hayal was trained to make bombs at a camp of Chechen militants in Azerbaijan.
        One of the suspects, Yasin Hayal, an alleged Islamic militant who learned to make bombs from Chechen militants at a camp in Azerbaijan and who served 11 months in jail for the bombing of a McDonalds restaurant in Trabzon in 2004, is suspected of masterminding the attacks on both Dink and Father Santaro.
        Like Hrant Dink, Father Santaro was shot in the back twice by his assailant, a young Muslim boy who shouted "Allah Akbar" (God is great) as he murdered the kneeling priest.
        Again a fake news from media. I am in Islamist movement in Turkey since i am 13, i havent heard an organization "Center of Islamic Order". I thought "maybe i didnt heard" and searched, but still there is no.
        Also there is no Chechen camp in Azerbaijan. Turkish state refused to accept Chechen immigrants many times and only 30 Chechen immigrants can live in Istanbul, Fenerbahçe (Once i visited them and they are starving becuase of poverty, one child had died). Moreover, it is claimed that Turkish intelligence service helped Russia to kill Shamil Basayev and MIT (National Inteeligence Organization) didnot deny.
        Two person from BBP (Great Union Party-an ultranationalist party) were arrested for their help to Yasin Hayal and Ogün Samast, killers of Hrant Dink.
        Also, after the McDonalds bombing, Hayal became police agent and it is approved by the authorities.


        • U.S. Senate committee adopted resolution condemning Hrant Dink’s murder

          U.S. Senate committee adopted resolution condemning Hrant Dink’s murder
          29.03.2007 13:19 GMT+04:00
          /PanARMENIAN.Net/ The Senate Foreign Relations Committee adopted human rights legislation, authored by the panel's chairman and presidential candidate, Senator Joe Biden, condemning the murder of journalist and human rights activist Hrant Dink and calling on the Turkish government to repeal the law, Article 301, under which he was prosecuted. The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) reports that this measure was adopted unanimously by voice vote March 28. At the last meeting, on March 6th, the panel, at the request of its Ranking Member Richard Lugar, had deferred consideration of the legislation for three weeks. Despite the efforts to cut any reference to the Armenian Genocide, the resolution noted Dink's persecution because of his speech on the Genocide. The legislation condemns Hrant Dink's murder as “a shameful act of “democratic values, non-violence, and media freedom.” It specifically notes that he was “subjected to legal action under Article 301 of the Turkish Penal Code for referring to the 1915 massacre of Armenians as genocide.” It also calls on the Turkish government to repeal this anti-free speech law and “work diligently to foster a more open intellectual environment.” “We want to thank Chairman Biden for his leadership in honoring Hrant Dink's memory by urging the Turkish government to repeal Article 301 - the law under which he was prosecuted,” ANCA Executive Director Aram Hamparian said.

          The version of the resolution adopted on March 28 is an amended version of the text initially introduced by Senator Biden. The original version included a more direct reference to the Armenian Genocide and a more pointed mention of Turkey's responsibility for its blockade and refusal to normalize relations with Armenia. The State Department and Turkish government, despite their aggressive lobbying, were unsuccessful in removing reference to the Armenian Genocide from the resolution.

          Earlier ANCA Press Secretary Elizabeth Chouldjian said removing the term “genocide” from the text of resolution is unacceptable and makes the document senseless.


          • Turkey chides Senate panel over Dink resolution


            Mar 29, 2007 — ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkey chided a Senate panel on Thursday for backing a resolution condemning the murder in January of prominent Turkish Armenian editor Hrant Dink, saying the bill was politically motivated.

            The mainly symbolic resolution, which can now pass to the floor of the Senate for a vote, has angered Ankara as it makes a reference to the mass killings of Armenians in 1915 and mentions that Dink had faced legal action for writing about them.

            The resolution, backed by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, took place as the U.S. Congress weighs whether to debate and back a much more explosive bill that would recognize the Armenian massacres by Ottoman Turks as genocide.

            "It is clear that bringing this resolution (on Dink's killing) to the agenda of the Senate serves only to exploit the loathsome murder for political aims by referring to the events of 1915," Turkey's Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

            The ministry noted the government had strongly condemned Dink's murder and that large numbers of Turks had taken to the streets of Istanbul at his funeral to show their revulsion.

            Dink was shot dead outside his Istanbul office by a young Turkish ultra-nationalist, who later said he had killed Dink for "insulting" Turkey. Several other men have been arrested in connection with the killing.

            Before his death, Dink had been prosecuted under a controversial law for his writings on the Armenian massacres, a highly sensitive subject in Turkey.

            Turkey denies Ottoman forces committed a systematic genocide against Armenians during World War One. It says large numbers of both Christian Armenians and Muslim Turks died in inter-ethnic fighting as the Ottoman Empire collapsed.

            Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan has warned of serious damage to U.S.-Turkish relations if Congress backed the genocide resolution next month.

            Many other parliaments around the world have passed similar resolutions acknowledging the Armenian killings as genocide.

            Copyright 2007 Reuters News Service. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
            "All truth passes through three stages:
            First, it is ridiculed;
            Second, it is violently opposed; and
            Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

            Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


            • Hrant Dink story on PBS Frontline

              In the lead story, 'War of Ideas,' correspondent Greg Barker investigates new Arab media and its role in both mitigating and exacerbating the clash between the West and Islam. Focusing on Al Jazeera and how it has changed the face of a once-parochial and tightly controlled Arab media, Barker reports on Al Jazeera's growing influence around the world.
              General Antranik (1865-1927): “I am not a nationalist. I recognize only one nation, the nation of the oppressed.”


              • I can say only one thing about it.It was a nonesensness of uneducated Turkish fascists' failure..
                [B][COLOR="Navy"]A genocide called Armenian genocide did not occur in the history!!![/COLOR][/B]


                • Originally posted by S.S.Zagora View Post
                  I can say only one thing about it.It was a nonesensness of uneducated Turkish fascists' failure..
                  I disagree. It was not a failure - but yet another sucessful and unpunished act of the Armenian Genocide by the Ottoman/Nationalist Turkish fascist state. Much like this recent travesty at Akhtamar Island (Oh I'm sorry that would be Akdamar Island now wouldn't it).


                  • we can't be in a position like Turkey because we have logic, where in Turkey logic is something no one (in government) had experienced, especially when it comes to decisions ... the most common order from Turkish leaders decisions and orders is; KILL HIM!!! fastest way to solve a problem (that’s what you guys thought and do think) ...


                    • Originally posted by SoSarkissian View Post
                      we can't be in a position like Turkey because we have logic, where in Turkey logic is something no one (in government) had experienced, especially when it comes to decisions ... the most common order from Turkish leaders decisions and orders is; KILL HIM!!! fastest way to solve a problem (that’s what you guys thought and do think) ...
                      Turkish "government in government" (it is called "deep government" in Turkey) had never logic, i agree. Veli Küçük, who threated Hrant Dink in trials and by calling him phone, is the major responsible. Dink told his advocate Fethiye Çetin, "if this man is on, it is needed to be afraid of"...

