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What if ... ?

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  • #41
    Originally posted by ardakilic View Post
    You see we have reached an agreement again

    I always try to be honest and sometimes i really got angry to you. If your reply does not contain any sarcasm or mock, then i am happy.
    Arda, I honestly like you very much. Althoug I do not know for sure you are a man or a woman (I suspect you are a woman) but independent of that you are very smart logical person. Look sarcasm is the way i am, I cant do nothing about that. But sinserly, I like you...
    HUGS, Vahe.
    I have been there... I have seen ruins of St. Karapet!


    • #42
      Originally posted by VaheTheGreat(e) View Post
      Arda, I honestly like you very much. Althoug I do not know for sure you are a man or a woman (I suspect you are a woman) but independent of that you are very smart logical person. Look sarcasm is the way i am, I cant do nothing about that. But sinserly, I like you...
      HUGS, Vahe.
      A false guess again I am a young man.And thanks for your compliments. Same for you


      • #43
        Originally posted by Edoman View Post
        Hitite, I saw that DVD a long time ago and there are some truth in it but do you really believe everything they are saying? If you like those kinds of concpiracy theories I suggest you watch “Power of Nightmares” as well. It is well done and makes a good point in regards to Neo-conservatives and Militant Islam.

        No I dont believe everything in those movies. Especially the part about Christianity in "the movie" seemed extremely superficial and the argument together with the conclusions they led to were not convincing.

        However I was shocked to learn about the building that collapsed at 9/11 and that never got hit by a plane. That was new and further looking around proved that to be a fact.

        The economic/financial/monetary section was good in the sense that it brings together all we have learned about the moneatry system and its switch from gold to papaer and how these banks are sort of ruling the world. All the information there I know to be a fact but there is overwhelming exxaggeration IMHO about the bankers the morgans, rockerfellers and rothschilds being the familys that decide everything that happens on the planet.

        You should however watch "the addendum" which is a lot better than the first and was just released in November. Again I would distance myself from the "solution" but cant help to see that the possible Utopia they portray is very needed.


        • #44
          Originally posted by ardakilic View Post
          Moral right of nuking a whole country?
          maybe our first reactions being little hard i did same thing too in my first post. but after thinking about that it is not always easy but we should try to continue talking. change something especially ideas most diffucult thing in the world. If we want to change something we should start from ourselves and try to be more patient i guess. our methods shouldn't be banning people our alienating them (unless extra ordinary situations). we should use our voices inside and try to get over our regrets and pains with sharing each other.


          • #45
            Originally posted by No Pasaran View Post
            maybe our first reactions being little hard i did same thing too in my first post. but after thinking about that it is not always easy but we should try to continue talking. change something especially ideas most diffucult thing in the world. If we want to change something we should start from ourselves and try to be more patient i guess. our methods shouldn't be banning people our alienating them (unless extra ordinary situations). we should use our voices inside and try to get over our regrets and pains with sharing each other.
            Golden words, thank you!
            I have been there... I have seen ruins of St. Karapet!


            • #46
              And we should try our best to keep everything calm ...


              • #47
                Originally posted by steph View Post
                But to be fair to Hellektor Joseph, if you ask a silly question you probably get a silly answer. now I'm not saying Saco's original post was silly but in context Hellektor may have posted from his heart. Is that proscribed?
                For a person who gets angry at seeing the word "piss" in someone's posting, I'd have thought you would want Hellektor banned for life. He couldn't write a sentence without it containing an obscenity - and they were not even amusing or creative obscenities!
                Plenipotentiary meow!


                • #48
                  Originally posted by bell-the-cat
                  For a person who gets angry at seeing the word "p**s" in someone's posting, I'd have thought you would want Hellektor banned for life. He couldn't write a sentence without it containing an obscenity - and they were not even amusing or creative obscenities!
                  Bell, you should only speak if you're sure that you can improve the silence.

                  You didn't.


                  • #49
                    Re: What if ... ?

                    Originally posted by Joseph View Post
                    Agree. Hellektor has been banned.
                    I wouldn't have answered this if it wasn't for Joseph... You really disappointed me! I thought it was the other mod. Anyway, don't you have some sense of humor? Could anyone do such a thing, anyway?

                    I only expressed my total refusal of any rapprochement with the genocidal vermin going by the four letter curse to humanity Turk, before they acquire a nano-iota of humanity, and please, don't bother me with Akçams of this world: as you must have known by now, our problem with the Inhuman Culture-deficiency Viruses is over TERRITORY and unless I hear that this parasite is ready to cede the minimum of my homeland which they stole through genocide, I won't change my mind.

                    BTW, for an incidental user who might wonder, this is the post that got me banned from the other, rather pro-Turk “Armenian” forum:

                    Originally posted by Hellektor, on the other forum
                    Originally posted by imported_Saco View Post
                    Guys, what if you could do anything? What if you had the power to make major decisions? If you did, what would you do to help the Armenians (and Turks) and to get the AG recognized? Take this very seriously, imagine you actually had the power ... what would you do?
                    Seriously? I'd steal all the nukes all over the world, destroy nuke production plants, destroy all but a couple hundred warheads, drop these all on Turkey and fake “Azerbaijan” and eradicate the genocidal parasites, thus saving human civilization.
                    I can't believe after all these years I get banned for only one lighthearted post... You really can't take a joke, can you? Can't we be angry with Turks anymore just because they pretend they are human while they are screwing us once more?


                    • #50
                      Re: What if ... ?

                      Originally posted by Hellektor View Post
                      I wouldn't have answered this if it wasn't for Joseph... You really disappointed me! I thought it was the other mod. Anyway, don't you have some sense of humor? Could anyone do such a thing, anyway?

                      I only expressed my total refusal of any rapprochement with the genocidal vermin going by the four letter curse to humanity Turk, before they acquire a nano-iota of humanity, and please, don't bother me with Akçams of this world: as you must have known by now, our problem with the Inhuman Culture-deficiency Viruses is over TERRITORY and unless I hear that this parasite is ready to cede the minimum of my homeland which they stole through genocide, I won't change my mind.

                      BTW, for an incidental user who might wonder, this is the post that got me banned from the other, rather pro-Turk “Armenian” forum:

                      I can't believe after all these years I get banned for only one lighthearted post... You really can't take a joke, can you? Can't we be angry with Turks anymore just because they pretend they are human while they are screwing us once more?
                      I appreciated your post.

