Re: Pontian Genocide
The tendency towards atrocity in the Balkans, Anatolia, and Caucasus is quite old. And everyone has blood on their hands, including Armenians, Serbs, Greeks, Bulgars, and others.
The main point is that the bloodshed and the historical and cultural injustices have far more been by Muslims against Christians than the other way around. If we just look at these areas:
Muslims vs. Christians:
Ottoman destruction of Christian culture in Anatolia/Balkans/Caucasus - Constantinople, Ani, etc.
Blood tax of Christians - tellaks, koceks, janissaries, harem women
Slave labor (kuluk) against Christians
Deportation of Christians out of Nakhchivan
Expulsion of Greeks from Thessaloniki
Armenian genocide
Hamidian massacres
Assyrian massacres
Pontic genocide
Expulsion of Greeks from Anatolia
Istanbul Pogrom and expulsion
Cyprus invasion and expulsion of Greeks
Chios massacre
Massacre of Bulgarians
Albanian participation in WWI against Serbs, with massacres
Albanian participation in WWII against Serbs, Macedonian Slavs, and Greeks, with massacres and SS divisions
Albanian siezure of Kosovo and wiping out of Christians
Bosnian Muslim collaboration in WWII with Nazis, with SS division and deporting Serbs to death camps
Bosnian Muslim killings/expelling of Serbs and Croats in the 1990s.
Chechens killing Ossetians in Beslans
Chechens killing/expelling Russians, Greeks, Armenians, Georgians from Chechnya
Azerbaijan expellling/killing Armenians
Christians vs. Muslims
Russians deporting/killing Circassians and other Muslims to Anatolia and the Middle East
Greeks massacre Turks at Tripolitsa and attack Cretan Turks
Greeks, Serbs, and Bulgarians expel and kill Turks and Muslim converts as they get independence
Greeks expel/kill Turks in the 1920s
Greeks expel Chams after WWII
Serbs crack down on Albanians during Balkan wars, right after WWI, and in the 1990s.
Serbs expel/kill Bosnian Muslims in the 1990s and some in WWII as well
Bulgarians force Turks to be "Bulgarized" in the 1980s
Greeks expel some Turks from south Cyprus
Armenians expel/kill Azeris in Ngorno and Armenia proper during the war.
Now, while I am sympathetic to all these issues, I think if we tallied up all the victims from the two sides, the Muslim atrocities against Christians in the post-Byzantine-sphere territories (I think that's a good name, no?) vastly outnumbers the reverse - perhaps even by an order of magnitude.
Please tell me where the Turks are on this map?

Also, you question the Greek/Armenian precendence to Anatolia, yet you cannot deny that the Armenian presence dates to at least the 6th century B.C. and the Greek presence dates to a similar time. And you have the gall to claim that their presence there - up until the 20th century A.D. when the genocidal Turks exterminated/expelled them - is irrelevant? Please.
The tendency towards atrocity in the Balkans, Anatolia, and Caucasus is quite old. And everyone has blood on their hands, including Armenians, Serbs, Greeks, Bulgars, and others.
The main point is that the bloodshed and the historical and cultural injustices have far more been by Muslims against Christians than the other way around. If we just look at these areas:
Muslims vs. Christians:
Ottoman destruction of Christian culture in Anatolia/Balkans/Caucasus - Constantinople, Ani, etc.
Blood tax of Christians - tellaks, koceks, janissaries, harem women
Slave labor (kuluk) against Christians
Deportation of Christians out of Nakhchivan
Expulsion of Greeks from Thessaloniki
Armenian genocide
Hamidian massacres
Assyrian massacres
Pontic genocide
Expulsion of Greeks from Anatolia
Istanbul Pogrom and expulsion
Cyprus invasion and expulsion of Greeks
Chios massacre
Massacre of Bulgarians
Albanian participation in WWI against Serbs, with massacres
Albanian participation in WWII against Serbs, Macedonian Slavs, and Greeks, with massacres and SS divisions
Albanian siezure of Kosovo and wiping out of Christians
Bosnian Muslim collaboration in WWII with Nazis, with SS division and deporting Serbs to death camps
Bosnian Muslim killings/expelling of Serbs and Croats in the 1990s.
Chechens killing Ossetians in Beslans
Chechens killing/expelling Russians, Greeks, Armenians, Georgians from Chechnya
Azerbaijan expellling/killing Armenians
Christians vs. Muslims
Russians deporting/killing Circassians and other Muslims to Anatolia and the Middle East
Greeks massacre Turks at Tripolitsa and attack Cretan Turks
Greeks, Serbs, and Bulgarians expel and kill Turks and Muslim converts as they get independence
Greeks expel/kill Turks in the 1920s
Greeks expel Chams after WWII
Serbs crack down on Albanians during Balkan wars, right after WWI, and in the 1990s.
Serbs expel/kill Bosnian Muslims in the 1990s and some in WWII as well
Bulgarians force Turks to be "Bulgarized" in the 1980s
Greeks expel some Turks from south Cyprus
Armenians expel/kill Azeris in Ngorno and Armenia proper during the war.
Now, while I am sympathetic to all these issues, I think if we tallied up all the victims from the two sides, the Muslim atrocities against Christians in the post-Byzantine-sphere territories (I think that's a good name, no?) vastly outnumbers the reverse - perhaps even by an order of magnitude.
Please tell me where the Turks are on this map?

Also, you question the Greek/Armenian precendence to Anatolia, yet you cannot deny that the Armenian presence dates to at least the 6th century B.C. and the Greek presence dates to a similar time. And you have the gall to claim that their presence there - up until the 20th century A.D. when the genocidal Turks exterminated/expelled them - is irrelevant? Please.