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Email from Turkish Coalition of America

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  • Tiko310
    Re: Email from Turkish Coalition of America

    Unger, all im trying to do, is get a response from them.

    After all these facts thrown at them, what else can they possibly say besides not responding. Its better than doing anything. Im interested in what they think.

    And it depends on who you are talking about. A 15 year old in Turkey right now, might think that the Genocide really did not happen. The younger generations are confident it is all made up.

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  • Sako
    Re: Email from Turkish Coalition of America

    Tiko jan, do you REALLY THINK that they don't know they're wrong?!?!? Just answer this question.

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  • Pedro Xaramillo
    Re: Email from Turkish Coalition of America

    Originally posted by Tiko310 View Post
    Alright well after i saw the Turkish Coalition of America advertising that the turkish archives are open and armenian archives arent, i sent them an email to their headquarters in Washington DC and got a response.

    I urge all of you to email them as well at [email protected]

    This is my original email.

    I got this response a couple hours later.

    This in itself is a terribly flawed statement, I sent them a response a few minutes ago, pretty long, but worth reading.

    Well I am waiting for a response to all of this. Lets see what they can say. If any of you guys manage to get a response post it up here : D
    You won't get a reply, Edmond and I tried with Ergun Kirlikovali, I emailed hundreds of Turkish sites, the moment you disprove their claims, they disregard you and remove your posts, remember you are facing an organization that falsifies history for their own betterment, why would thheu change their ways, there is no profit in that

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  • Tiko310
    started a topic Email from Turkish Coalition of America

    Email from Turkish Coalition of America

    Alright well after i saw the Turkish Coalition of America advertising that the turkish archives are open and armenian archives arent, i sent them an email to their headquarters in Washington DC and got a response.

    I urge all of you to email them as well at [email protected]

    This is my original email.

    You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Putting these ads everywhere.. Let me tell you that ARMENIANS WERE A STATELESS MINORITY. MEANING THEY HAD NO ARCHIVES.
    I got this response a couple hours later.

    Tigran Hovhannisyan:

    Thank you for your e-mail. Contrary to your claim, the Armenian Revolutionary Federation has archives kept in Boston. However, they are closed to the public. You will also find that there remain archives in Yerevan, as well as Jerusalem under the auspices of the Armenian Patriarchate.
    This in itself is a terribly flawed statement, I sent them a response a few minutes ago, pretty long, but worth reading.

    To your claim, please read carefully:
    The Turkish archives covering the period of the Armenian Genocide are not opened to the public. They are only open to Turkish scholars and persons friendly to Turkey.

    The Turkish archives have been closed so long that scholars have no idea of what is being, or has been, purged. Furthermore, the work of the Genocide was done under the aegis of the Committee of Union and Progress, a shadow government similar to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and in particular by its Special Organization (Teshkilat-i Mahsusa) under the notorious Dr. Behaettin Shakir who was sentenced to death in absentia by a Turkish court-martial following World War I. Will their records be opened? There is no talk of that.

    Anyway what could possibly be of interest to the Turkish government, relevant to the Armenian Genocide, in the Armenian archives? Armenia was not even reestablished until 1918 after the Genocide has been effectively completed. Rather we already have the American archives, the American missionary archives, the British archives, the Russian archives, the Italian archives, and even the archives of the Germans and Austrians, the allies of the Turks.

    Alright well lets explore some of your other counter arguments to the actuality of The Armenian Genocide in the following paragraphs.

    "The Armenians were killed in a civil war, or an ethnic feud; it was not genocide."
    When the armed government of 25 million people turns on and attempts to exterminate an unarmed minority of three million old men, women, and children, it is hardly an "intercommunal struggle," "an ethnic feud," or "civil war"; it is nothing more or less than genocide. The Turkish government had a bureaucracy, tax money, an army, irregular troops, the local police, and special killing squads to carry out its mission. What did the Armenians have?

    If it was a feud between Turks and Armenians, what explains the genocide carried out by Turkey against the Christian Assyrians at the same time? Furthermore, Turkish armies invaded the fledging Armenian Republic in the Caucasus inhabited by indigenous Armenians in order to wipe out not only Armenians in the Ottoman Empire but also Armenians who lived elsewhere.

    "Why not leave historical questions to the historians? Why should the issue of the Armenian Genocide be fought out in the U.S. Congress, the European Commission, the European Parliament, or among world governments?"
    The Turkish government and its supporters have adopted the line of "leave Armenian history to the historians" because they do not have objective scholarship supporting their allegations and have resorted to propaganda. Currently, they are losing their propaganda battle. The issue of the Armenian Genocide is not a question of historical truth; that has been settled by historians. It is rather an issue of morality, legality and the acceptance of the truth.

    History is too important to leave to historians. By leaving the Armenian injustice of World War I uncorrected, the stage was set for the Holocaust of World War II. The abandonment of the Armenians was not lost on Hitler. Hitler said before sending his troops into Poland, "Go, go kill without mercy. Who today remembers the extermination of the Armenians?"

    "It is your word against ours."
    The Turkish government has confessed in earlier times. Prime Minister Damat Ferid Pasha placed the blame squarely on the Young Turk Party and held war crime trials in which the chief perpetrators were condemned to death.

    PrinceAbdul Mecid, the heir apparent to the Ottoman Throne, said during an interview: "I refer to those awful massacres. They are the greatest stain that has ever disgraced our nation and race. They were entirely the work of Talat and Enver. I heard some days before they began that they were intended. I went to Istanbul and insisted on seeing Enver. I asked him if it was true and they intended to recommence the massacres that had been our shame and disgrace under Abdul Hamid. The only reply I could get from his was: 'It is decided. It is the program.'"

    Mustafa Kemal Pasha (later surnamed "Ataturk") said in a 1926 interview with a Swiss reporter that "these holdovers from the Young Turkey. Party should be made to account for the lives of millions of our Christian subjects who were ruthlessly driven en masse from their homes and massacred. . . ."

    And, of course, Hitler knew and drew a lesson from it. As he sent his Death Heads troops into Poland to start World War II, he said: "Go. Kill without pity. Who nowadays remembers the annihilation of the Armenians?"

    Please read all this carefully and respond accordingly.
    Well I am waiting for a response to all of this. Lets see what they can say. If any of you guys manage to get a response post it up here : D