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Email from Turkish Coalition of America

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  • hrai
    Re: Email from Turkish Coalition of America

    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
    So you don't think the German military was involved with the planning of the Genocide? You don't think that they were experienced in the art of Imperialism? The two events weren't all that far apart in the context of history. Except oddly enough the Nazi's were dumb enough to document everything while the conspirators in WWI were smart enough to cover everything up.

    Oil and rail... I guess it's not a coincidence that Britain took mandate over Iraq after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire which was known to have massive deposits of oil. But no... oil wasn't an influence.

    Inflating figures..... I'll even agree that some of the figures are exaggerated because there is no way to accurately estimate the numbers since the conspirators have done such a great job hiding the facts. There is no way that the Turkish government's ridiculous 400,000 is acceptable.
    Regards population figures, it was pretty much standard practice in many places to file lower numbers than actual, to avoid taxes and military service.
    Probably the only way to calculate numbers is to take an average family unit size and multiply it by the number of Armenian households. (remembering, of course, the extended family groups).
    Would it be realistic to use the number of churches as a guide to population size?

    One of the reasons why there was no US Mandate/Protectorate for the RoA was that Britain held Mosul, for it's oil, and the US couls see no tangible benefits for themselves, so they began to cultivate relations with the turcs, hoping to dislodge the British from the oilfield areas of Middle East.
    But of course, oil had nothing to do with it.

    Of course, when the British troops left the Caucasus, the French volunteered to replace them. Rather than sail to Batumi, they chose to land in Cilicia and were supposed to march inland. Well, we all know what happened then, che?

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  • KanadaHye
    Re: Email from Turkish Coalition of America

    Originally posted by ferdi2
    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
    When are the regular Turkish citizens going to realize that covering up the Genocide just helps the wealthy and powerful get away with using people for pawns in their chess game of life?
    Perhaps when the Armenian diaspora stops:
    - drawing flimsy parrallels (i.e. Nazi Germany for sympathy),
    - exaggerating facts (i.e. influence of Oil and rail),
    - inflating figures (deaths 1.5+ or even 2m+ for 'marketing' impact in foreign parliaments).
    So you don't think the German military was involved with the planning of the Genocide? You don't think that they were experienced in the art of Imperialism? The two events weren't all that far apart in the context of history. Except oddly enough the Nazi's were dumb enough to document everything while the conspirators in WWI were smart enough to cover everything up.

    Oil and rail... I guess it's not a coincidence that Britain took mandate over Iraq after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire which was known to have massive deposits of oil. But no... oil wasn't an influence.

    Inflating figures..... I'll even agree that some of the figures are exaggerated because there is no way to accurately estimate the numbers since the conspirators have done such a great job hiding the facts. There is no way that the Turkish government's ridiculous 400,000 is acceptable.
    Last edited by KanadaHye; 05-21-2009, 04:37 AM.

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  • hrai
    Re: Email from Turkish Coalition of America


    Duhh... read between the lines genius. I'm highlighting the artificial link created by Armenians and the j. Holocaust (committed by the Nazi's) to illicit sympathy. You guys appear to have no problem throwing around this so called Hitler quote like confetti to achieve your political aims but we all know the link is fiction. Ofcourse Nazi's have no connection to the Ottomans, so stop peddling bullsh#t quotes.
    fredi, why don't you just...............

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  • hrai
    Re: Email from Turkish Coalition of America

    Originally posted by KanadaHye View Post
    When are the regular Turkish citizens going to realize that covering up the Genocide just helps the wealthy and powerful get away with using people for pawns in their chess game of life? QUOTE]

    Perhaps when the Armenian diaspora stops:
    - drawing flimsy parrallels (i.e. Nazi Germany for sympathy),
    - exaggerating facts (i.e. influence of Oil and rail),
    - inflating figures (deaths 1.5+ or even 2m+ for 'marketing' impact in foreign parliaments).
    You keep talking about Nazi Germany, this shoes the depth of your knowledge of history............anything else you say is tainted.
    Do some research before you come back.

    FYI, Imperial Germany was in cahoots with the ottoman butchers.

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  • Tiko310
    Re: Email from Turkish Coalition of America


    So let's agree on two things then:
    1) Hitler's so called quote is redundant/irrelevant.
    2) The AG was the 2nd genocide of the 20th century.

    Blow, I think this is what some may call progress?
    Now tell the rest of your compatriot troglodytes to fall in line.

    You dont set the terms of agreement. We do.

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  • hrai
    Re: Email from Turkish Coalition of America

    Originally posted by ferdi2

    That's right it had no impact whatsoever, another figment of Armenian imagination and deception. The German's were quite capable of carrying out atrocities well before their parlay with the Ottomans. In fact, the Herero and Namaqua Genocide was the first genocide of the 20th century committed by Colonial Germany in 1904 when up to 80% of the population were exterminated according to the United Nations Whitaker Report in 1985. Since your a lover of Wikipedia, here's the source:

    So go get fact.
    Ferdi, it was another thread here where you learnt about Herero, and these actions by Germans in Africa gave them the experience to combine with ottomans, tatars & kurds to exterminate Armenians.
    Your knowledge of these events is so poor you should resign here, go read and then come back.
    Last edited by hrai; 05-20-2009, 10:00 PM.

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  • Crimson Glow
    Re: Email from Turkish Coalition of America

    Originally posted by ferdi2

    That's right it had no impact whatsoever, another figment of Armenian imagination and deception. The German's were quite capable of carrying out atrocities well before their parlay with the Ottomans. In fact, the Herero and Namaqua Genocide was the first genocide of the 20th century committed by Colonial Germany in 1904 when up to 80% of the population were exterminated according to the United Nations Whitaker Report in 1985. Since your a lover of Wikipedia, here's the source:

    So go get fact.
    Ummm.....lover of Wikipedia? More straw man statements, huh? And I'm well aware of the Herero/Namaqua genocide. I have posted it many times when listing genocides throughout the 20th century. The methods used there (starvation, and poisoning the water wells) showed no signs of the more advanced methods that would be later used against the Armenians (the ones I mentioned in my last post). In both these cases, the inspiration we speak of is the lack of punishment, or even having to own up to what they had done. Certainly, this instills the confidence that one can keep pushing the envelope, and take things to a new level. Whether the Hitler quote is valid, or not, is irrelevant. It is not needed. The pattern is quite clear. All you did by bringing up the Herero/Namaqua genocide is strengthen OUR claim, not yours.

    Originally posted by ferdi2
    I'm going to have to start copyrighting my words
    Nah, what you're going to have to do is learn how to properly make a post. How is it possible that you've fucked up every single time you've tried to quote someone, which in turn, has thrown off everyone elses attempt at quoting you?

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  • hrai
    Re: Email from Turkish Coalition of America

    Originally posted by Saco View Post

    You and the "facts" sitting in an impoverished & land locked country holding a grudge. How far has it got you to date? Maybe it's time to change tact???????
    Ferdi, I think you mean "tack", as in sailing, it means to change direction when the wind changes. "To change tack"

    Tact is something that you and many here (including me) don't have.

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  • Pazooki
    Re: Email from Turkish Coalition of America

    Originally posted by Pazooki View Post

    Hey isn't that what I said before? I'm going to have to start copyrighting my words

    But that's right, rarely is anything absolute, black or white. Thanks for supporting my point anyway.
    Support? Your talking to the wrong person for support, buddy. I don't doubt Hitler was influenced by the Armenian Genocide 1-bit.

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  • Pazooki
    Re: Email from Turkish Coalition of America


    That's right it had no impact whatsoever, another figment of Armenian imagination and deception. The German's were quite capable of carrying out atrocities well before their parlay with the Ottomans. In fact, the Herero and Namaqua Genocide was the first genocide of the 20th century committed by Colonial Germany in 1904 when up to 80% of the population were exterminated according to the United Nations Whitaker Report in 1985. Since your a lover of Wikipedia, here's the source:

    So go get fact.
    That's just another opinion.

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