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The final sentence about the genocide!

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  • #21
    well but MOST of the historians says like me,even the great authorities...


    • #22 McCartey


      • #23
        Originally posted by Attila McCartey
        First of, it's McCarthy lol

        Now, let's see you name some more great historians... hurry up, I'm waiting.


        • #24
 know him better than me...
          thank you for making it real....



          • #25
            Originally posted by Attila
            well but MOST of the historians says like me,even the great authorities...
            Quite the contrary, my friend. There are only two versions of the "truth" of this event: The Turkish one, and the rest of the world's. The number of historians that consider this event to not be a genocide is actually very small, and minute. Even a tiny bit of research should have indicated this to you. There are only a handfull of non-Turkish historians that believe it was not genocide. And for that small handfull, there are equally as many, if not MORE Turkish historians that say it WAS a genocide, and that their own govenment needs to come clean on this issue in order to let time heal the wounds created by decades of denial. Educate thy self, Attila. At the very least, read some of this forum so you can stop repeating the same, weak arguments your fellow Turks have already presented to us time and time again the last few weeks, and that have been shot down equally as many times by the forumers here.


            • #26
              first anwer my questions above the page...PLEASE!!!


              • #27
                Originally posted by Attila
                first anwer my questions above the page...PLEASE!!!
                *Massages his temples*

                Originally posted by Crimson Glow
                read some of this forum so you can stop repeating the same, weak arguments your fellow Turks have already presented to us time and time again the last few weeks, and that have been shot down equally as many times by the forumers here.
                Which part of "you're presenting nothing new, and we're sick of dealing with/answering the same pathetic 'qeustions' from the less then intellectual Turks frequenting this forum" don't you understand?


                • #28
                  Originally posted by Crimson Glow
                  ..we're sick of dealing with/answering the same pathetic 'qeustions' from the less then intellectual Turks frequenting this forum"
                  Are there any intellectual Turks?

                  One thing is for certain, there are darn few of them online. Or do they only turn into gibbering neanderthals when the "A" and "G" words are mentioned, and behave like normal humans for the rest of the time (a bit like a werewolf exposed to a full moon).
                  Plenipotentiary meow!


                  • #29
                    i live in izmir and i am a Turk....

                    secondly i didn't mean that you have to wait for anything... i was trying to tell you why you can not make sense to Turks...i don't suggest you to stop trying...

                    i believe there had been killings in 1915 and for my part i am sorry for the people who lost their lives and homes. and i also believe we should apologize.

                    let me tell you smthing..

                    my cousin was serving as infantryman in an army post near a little Kurdish village.... one day they noticed every women in the village were hanging clothes to the ropes to dry them(for signaling the terroritsts) while they were sending a patrol outside....and that patrol got attacked by terrorists... they send more patrols in the following days and same things should guess what happened to that village... wiped out....

                    if you happen to ask if it is a right thing to do,most of us will say they deserved it and rest would suggest all villages around military posts should be cleared just to make sure..

                    interesting part is same termination progress applies to turkish villages also because back in 1930s there had been a muslim rebellion in a turkish village and Atatürk simply ordered " wipe it out"...

                    one more example.... tanks paraded in one Turkish city after the mayor made some silly talk about religious stuff just a few years ago...

                    what i am trying to tell you is that;

                    as you say Turks are simple minded people...that i agree..there is black and white for most of us... in those cases above it is just a matter of being friend or foe... we still love military and think militarist...we still say screw the government and democracy we have generals and they wont let anything bad happen to us....

                    i am trying to explain that even if every country in the world recognizes the genocide Turks will just look at you dumbly and say whats the big deal we did what needed to be all know that as we do it here also.....

                    i hope you stop getting surprised why we dont understand anything....

                    one more..we also like to pop up in the places where we are not supposed to and disturb the local humans and other natural beings for example in Anatolia, at the gates of vienna and ofcourse here in this forum...i really dont know why we do that but you should accept we bring some color here in this forum
                    Last edited by Otto; 05-23-2005, 11:24 AM.


                    • #30
                      Otto yours is perhaps the first totally honest and more or less accurate post form a Turk in this forum for at least the last several months. I notice that you did not directly make any accusations - which is good. You spoke to the Turkish postion (as do the accusations in more ways then just the obvious as well) - but in a way that perhaps might be constructive. Some of us already understand most of what you say BTW. But I for one am anxious to hear more from you. I do not believe that Turks are necissarily unwise or unaware.

