[Translated using SYSTRAN. Not knowing German, I can't assess the quality of the translation. The German original follows. Siamanto.]
Part I
Frankfurt general newspaper, Germany 2 July 2005
George of fire; Appeal at of Europe consciences; A
complaint from the year 1903 over the massacres, those for a long time
before the First World War already large groups of the Armenian people
to the victim "Armenia and Europe" fell are a lecture, which was held
in Berlin on 2 February 1903. The German Reich was closely
allied with the Turkish ottomanischen, which becomes here from good
reason the the subject of the polemik: In the decade, which
preceded the speech of George of fire, the troops of the Sultans at
least three hundred thousand that fell about three million Armenians -
who lived on Turkish, Persian and Russian national territory - to the
victim; 1909 followed new Turkish massacres, for the time after
1914 a number of one million of Armenian victims of the Turkish policy
is accepted. The speaker spoke before Armenian students in
Berlin. George of fire, in Germany particularly as the
discoverers Nietz for a European public become known, was born 1842
in Copenhagen under the name Morris Cohen and died there 1927.
Its work dedicated itself in Monographien among other things
to Goethe, Disraeli and Ferdinand let-letting let-leaving.
During the First World War it expressed against nationalistic
exaggerations on both sides, the thesis of the however debt of the
German Reich at the outbreak of war stepped itself it couragiert
against. F.A.Z.
That I am one of the European writers,
who very early already raised their voice for Armenia, very early
already tried, the public attention on the most terrible and most
infuriating people tragedy in more recent time in addition-steer this
circumstance owe I the honour, by the association of Armenian students
in Europe to have been requested here today evening the word to seize.
I slope to overrate the verbal words of a simple author and very
probably do not know that in largepolitical questions the decision
lies with the ruling powers. But even the ruling powers are
forced in our days to take on a strong and unanimously expressed
public opinion consideration and therefore it applies to call so for a
long time until such an public opinion in all countries awakes.
But particularly in the German Reich. As you know all,
Turkish Armenia was during the last ten years the scene of such
atrocities, their-same certified world history hardly from the
rohesten times reported. Before we experienced it, none had
considered possible that a whole population could become in such a way
article of exhausting, torture and mass murder. The blood of
hundredthousands walk to the sky.
I know that Turkey is a power
in a friendly manner connected with Germany. Ebendas gave
plenty of rope to the Turkish government. I want to speak with
no syllable of the personality of the Sultans. But the
friendship, which constitutes its luck, cannot hold for advocates of
the humanity to step before the German public. Hungary is in a
friendly manner connected by master relationship and excessive
quantities, which extend over centuries, with Turkey. The
courageous vorkaempfer for the thing of Armenia, Pierre was
attentively belonged nevertheless to pouring pool of broadcasting
corporations, in Budapest, when he recently, in the middle of
Decembers, which Hungary facts submitted out Armenia of newest
history. The German people stands for Turkey very much
furthermore as the magyarische, and as a whole it is by far more
powerful. A collection of the public opinion in Germany for the
Armenian thing would have now perhaps crucial meaning. Wofern
the Armenians nothing different one for itself would have than their
misfortune, it would be impossible to refuse to them participation.
They suffered, what cannot be said let alone described nearly,
because the listeners zuhalten themselves the ears became.
One says: Three hundred thousand lives were extinguished,
partly by acts of violence, partly by hunger emergency and frost, then
that makes a small impression; it does not set imagination in
motion. Which uses the report for example that in August 1894 in
the villages at Musj a mass murder took place, which took three
weeks the fact that men, Mrs., children without difference were
niedergesaebelt that everywhere was done to the Mrs. Gewalt, before
they died that one handed only soon two hundreds over at one time,
soon three hundred women the soldiers, before they were killed with
bayonets and swords! Which uses it to communicate what on the
spot a German traveler experienced: In Kendránz the Kurds had
given each other their word to rape each female nature from the
five-year child upward! To say or: At another place almost
sixty thousand young women and girls were included into a small
church, delivered the soldier and finally killed by them. A
bloodstream flowed under the church door out. If one wants to
make an unforgettable impression, then one must go into details.
The fact that hundredthousand were murdered works less, as if
was gemordet individually. A woman resulted the soldiers on
the knees and flehte to preserve their life - in reality two lives.
Is it a boy or a girl? the soldiers called. And they
bet seven Medsjidié on a boy. We check nevertheless!
And one slit it the belly. That it told, can indicate and
the names of the witnesses call all circumstances. In another
place the Kurds have bet, whether they could knock the head off with
an impact four infants, and it before the eyes of the mothers did.
Into Trebisund an Armenian went out of a baker's shop on the
first day of the blood bath, where he had bought bread for his ill
wife and its children. It was surprised by a furious gang.
He asks for grace. One promises deceitful-proves to do to
it nothing bad. He believes it and thanks deeply. But one
made oneself only merry over it. One ties its feet together.
One strikes its a hand off and strikes to him with this bloody
hand in the face. Then one strikes the other hand off. One
requests it to make the indication of the cross while others ask it to
call louder so that its God can hear it. One cuts the ears to it
off, plugs it only into its mouth in and throws it to it then in the
face. Another calls: The mouth of the Effendi must be
punished, because it defamed such bitebite bites. And one cuts
its tongue out. Now it can lead not more blasphemous speeches.
With the point of a dolches its eye lets jump out of the eye
socket. These fanatics still savages make the terrible
distorted face, the twitching of the poor body; also they
discharge the other eye to jump and strike to it the feet, before they
give it with a Dolchstich to the throat the grace impact.
In a report of the English consul in Erserúm a scene from the village
Semál is described still before the blood bath. The Armenian
Azó had refused indicating some the best men of the place.
Thereupon the judge Talib Effendi and two Turkish main
people left him through a whole night martern. Only he got
the Bastonade. Then one bound it naked with spread arms at
two bars, and which began Auspeit. The unfortunate one could
not agitate a member. The twitching in its face betrayed its a
suffering. The more he cried, the more struck one. It
flehte its Buettel on to kill it nevertheless. It tried to
smash its head at the bars. That was prevented. When it
did not want to stain itself yet certification against its own ones
placings, not with innocent blood, Talib let whiskers with pliers
peel off only its, then one began to traktieren its body with
glowing iron burned him at the hands, in the face, at the feet and at
still different parts of the body. With glowing pliers one
burned its tongue. Three times it fell in faint, remained
howeverFUL. In the adjoining room and its children, before grey
ones rigidly, heard his wife its Jammern.
And now the stay in
the prisons, for example in Bitlis, where the prisoners, who were
zusammengepfercht to hundreds, in whom sometimes neither could be
appropriate nor sit for dreadful dirt, still in addition hungerten
and were often tortured.
I know it and it very probably felt:
They listened to me ungerne. They had themselves to do
force, around me not zuzurufen: Enough! Enough! I
also probably noticed that many ladies left the hall. It was
graesslich for you to sound oneself. Thus I ask you, the
atrocities, which I communicated to you to multiply and consider with
some hundredthousand: Which the citizens of Berlin ladies did
not hear be able to bear, have the Armenians hundredthousandfold stood
that. That happened in our time, in the last decade, about four
to five day journeys from here - and we left it happened, did nothing
to repel it. Long Europe was warned. The preparations for
the Gemorde in Sassún were so publicly operated that the English
consul asked in Erserúm in a long report for protection for the
Armenian population. England does not want to interfere "into
the internal affairs of a friendly power". That is constantly
the formula. And which the outrageous is: After Europe no
more does not float in ignorance, this atrocity condition persists
Still the Armenians are robbed, plundered, abused of
their liberty in large amounts, niedergesaebelt individually or.
I could state hundreds of examples. I call one: On 3
July 1900 five hundred Kurds surrounded the village Spaghánk.
With balls, swords, bayonets they put loosely. Women and
children ran toward the soldiers flehend. The small children
were raised, still living, on the bayonet points; the women were
undressed, violated, murdered. The village priest, a eighty-year
old Greis, slowly both sides of the mouth were split and the
kinnladen were pulled out. Pregnant women a woman named
Timene, which was married with the municipality chief, the belly
was cut open; the child was carved up and the woman with fifty
measurer passes was killed. We did not always know that our
culture did not exclude offenses, robbery desire and blood act of
individual still those criminal gangs. That was so unfortunate,
did not appear it us not as rebutting evidence against the culture
stage, which we believed to have reached. In the same way we
always knew that our culture, even in the most civilized states,
excludes not the social misfortune, the poverty and the neglect arms.
But even the misery does not schaebigst placing seemed us
against the high conditions of the present culture to speak.
Armenia as Vorhut of western civilization in Asia.
We always knew, what means war, how he excites the passions, which
atrocity he produces. But we do not lead nowadays war, as one
led it in earlier times. Ungerne do the army leaders of the
peaceful population wrong; against women and children only under
certain conditions war is led, if for the example cities are
bombarded. Thus also the war does not speak against our
certainty to stand on a very high civilization stage. Although
we thus the frequent crimes, the social unfairness and cruelty, the
race enmity and the religion hate, which grey ones of the wars had to
grant, then remained nevertheless always a passing, which seemed
inconceivable to us in our days and was belonging stamped as in the
antiquity or in the Middle Ages. Thus we must stop. After
Europe did not prevent the atrocities, those in Armenia to be
organized and nowadays also in Macedonia, can not possibly be stated,
our time has something in ethical regard the dark times of history
I said: Wofern the Armenians nothing at all
different one for itself would have than their misfortune, then they
earned our participation, our assistance. But the Armenians are
one of the oldest culture peoples of the earth with one nearly 4000
years old history - a culture people, who carried out and more still
outside of its country large services for the civilization in its
country. Like Poland the Armenians are divided between three
large powers. They are Russia, Persia and Turkey subjected -
countries, whose three languages not rarely control the education in
this people except their own, while they in addition often a European
language understand and speak. It is that of the peoples the
east, which acquired itself to most European humanity; it was,
like one of its best sons, Archag Tchobanián, said, "the
Vorhut of the European civilization in Asia".
Although its country, which was because of the way of the conquest peoples of Asia,
always on the new of strangers inundated and (already in the antiquity
of Assyrern and Medern to to the Arabs), has it was suppressed a
completely unusual strength to the day put and a not very much smaller
ability to accept foreigner to itself. Parthischen kings, who
governed Armenia from the second century before Christ on, had become
Armenians. The partly distinguished kings from the family of the
Bagratruni, which followed after them, were apparent
armenisierte Jews; but that is not safe, since it was
considered at that time as an honour to descend from the "house
David". From the oldest to our time Armenia gave large men to
strange peoples. In the Byzantine empire the Armenians were
outstanding krieger, renewing philosophers, and a scarce dozen of
the emperors was Armenian descent.
Part I
Frankfurt general newspaper, Germany 2 July 2005
George of fire; Appeal at of Europe consciences; A
complaint from the year 1903 over the massacres, those for a long time
before the First World War already large groups of the Armenian people
to the victim "Armenia and Europe" fell are a lecture, which was held
in Berlin on 2 February 1903. The German Reich was closely
allied with the Turkish ottomanischen, which becomes here from good
reason the the subject of the polemik: In the decade, which
preceded the speech of George of fire, the troops of the Sultans at
least three hundred thousand that fell about three million Armenians -
who lived on Turkish, Persian and Russian national territory - to the
victim; 1909 followed new Turkish massacres, for the time after
1914 a number of one million of Armenian victims of the Turkish policy
is accepted. The speaker spoke before Armenian students in
Berlin. George of fire, in Germany particularly as the
discoverers Nietz for a European public become known, was born 1842
in Copenhagen under the name Morris Cohen and died there 1927.
Its work dedicated itself in Monographien among other things
to Goethe, Disraeli and Ferdinand let-letting let-leaving.
During the First World War it expressed against nationalistic
exaggerations on both sides, the thesis of the however debt of the
German Reich at the outbreak of war stepped itself it couragiert
against. F.A.Z.
That I am one of the European writers,
who very early already raised their voice for Armenia, very early
already tried, the public attention on the most terrible and most
infuriating people tragedy in more recent time in addition-steer this
circumstance owe I the honour, by the association of Armenian students
in Europe to have been requested here today evening the word to seize.
I slope to overrate the verbal words of a simple author and very
probably do not know that in largepolitical questions the decision
lies with the ruling powers. But even the ruling powers are
forced in our days to take on a strong and unanimously expressed
public opinion consideration and therefore it applies to call so for a
long time until such an public opinion in all countries awakes.
But particularly in the German Reich. As you know all,
Turkish Armenia was during the last ten years the scene of such
atrocities, their-same certified world history hardly from the
rohesten times reported. Before we experienced it, none had
considered possible that a whole population could become in such a way
article of exhausting, torture and mass murder. The blood of
hundredthousands walk to the sky.
I know that Turkey is a power
in a friendly manner connected with Germany. Ebendas gave
plenty of rope to the Turkish government. I want to speak with
no syllable of the personality of the Sultans. But the
friendship, which constitutes its luck, cannot hold for advocates of
the humanity to step before the German public. Hungary is in a
friendly manner connected by master relationship and excessive
quantities, which extend over centuries, with Turkey. The
courageous vorkaempfer for the thing of Armenia, Pierre was
attentively belonged nevertheless to pouring pool of broadcasting
corporations, in Budapest, when he recently, in the middle of
Decembers, which Hungary facts submitted out Armenia of newest
history. The German people stands for Turkey very much
furthermore as the magyarische, and as a whole it is by far more
powerful. A collection of the public opinion in Germany for the
Armenian thing would have now perhaps crucial meaning. Wofern
the Armenians nothing different one for itself would have than their
misfortune, it would be impossible to refuse to them participation.
They suffered, what cannot be said let alone described nearly,
because the listeners zuhalten themselves the ears became.
One says: Three hundred thousand lives were extinguished,
partly by acts of violence, partly by hunger emergency and frost, then
that makes a small impression; it does not set imagination in
motion. Which uses the report for example that in August 1894 in
the villages at Musj a mass murder took place, which took three
weeks the fact that men, Mrs., children without difference were
niedergesaebelt that everywhere was done to the Mrs. Gewalt, before
they died that one handed only soon two hundreds over at one time,
soon three hundred women the soldiers, before they were killed with
bayonets and swords! Which uses it to communicate what on the
spot a German traveler experienced: In Kendránz the Kurds had
given each other their word to rape each female nature from the
five-year child upward! To say or: At another place almost
sixty thousand young women and girls were included into a small
church, delivered the soldier and finally killed by them. A
bloodstream flowed under the church door out. If one wants to
make an unforgettable impression, then one must go into details.
The fact that hundredthousand were murdered works less, as if
was gemordet individually. A woman resulted the soldiers on
the knees and flehte to preserve their life - in reality two lives.
Is it a boy or a girl? the soldiers called. And they
bet seven Medsjidié on a boy. We check nevertheless!
And one slit it the belly. That it told, can indicate and
the names of the witnesses call all circumstances. In another
place the Kurds have bet, whether they could knock the head off with
an impact four infants, and it before the eyes of the mothers did.
Into Trebisund an Armenian went out of a baker's shop on the
first day of the blood bath, where he had bought bread for his ill
wife and its children. It was surprised by a furious gang.
He asks for grace. One promises deceitful-proves to do to
it nothing bad. He believes it and thanks deeply. But one
made oneself only merry over it. One ties its feet together.
One strikes its a hand off and strikes to him with this bloody
hand in the face. Then one strikes the other hand off. One
requests it to make the indication of the cross while others ask it to
call louder so that its God can hear it. One cuts the ears to it
off, plugs it only into its mouth in and throws it to it then in the
face. Another calls: The mouth of the Effendi must be
punished, because it defamed such bitebite bites. And one cuts
its tongue out. Now it can lead not more blasphemous speeches.
With the point of a dolches its eye lets jump out of the eye
socket. These fanatics still savages make the terrible
distorted face, the twitching of the poor body; also they
discharge the other eye to jump and strike to it the feet, before they
give it with a Dolchstich to the throat the grace impact.
In a report of the English consul in Erserúm a scene from the village
Semál is described still before the blood bath. The Armenian
Azó had refused indicating some the best men of the place.
Thereupon the judge Talib Effendi and two Turkish main
people left him through a whole night martern. Only he got
the Bastonade. Then one bound it naked with spread arms at
two bars, and which began Auspeit. The unfortunate one could
not agitate a member. The twitching in its face betrayed its a
suffering. The more he cried, the more struck one. It
flehte its Buettel on to kill it nevertheless. It tried to
smash its head at the bars. That was prevented. When it
did not want to stain itself yet certification against its own ones
placings, not with innocent blood, Talib let whiskers with pliers
peel off only its, then one began to traktieren its body with
glowing iron burned him at the hands, in the face, at the feet and at
still different parts of the body. With glowing pliers one
burned its tongue. Three times it fell in faint, remained
howeverFUL. In the adjoining room and its children, before grey
ones rigidly, heard his wife its Jammern.
And now the stay in
the prisons, for example in Bitlis, where the prisoners, who were
zusammengepfercht to hundreds, in whom sometimes neither could be
appropriate nor sit for dreadful dirt, still in addition hungerten
and were often tortured.
I know it and it very probably felt:
They listened to me ungerne. They had themselves to do
force, around me not zuzurufen: Enough! Enough! I
also probably noticed that many ladies left the hall. It was
graesslich for you to sound oneself. Thus I ask you, the
atrocities, which I communicated to you to multiply and consider with
some hundredthousand: Which the citizens of Berlin ladies did
not hear be able to bear, have the Armenians hundredthousandfold stood
that. That happened in our time, in the last decade, about four
to five day journeys from here - and we left it happened, did nothing
to repel it. Long Europe was warned. The preparations for
the Gemorde in Sassún were so publicly operated that the English
consul asked in Erserúm in a long report for protection for the
Armenian population. England does not want to interfere "into
the internal affairs of a friendly power". That is constantly
the formula. And which the outrageous is: After Europe no
more does not float in ignorance, this atrocity condition persists
Still the Armenians are robbed, plundered, abused of
their liberty in large amounts, niedergesaebelt individually or.
I could state hundreds of examples. I call one: On 3
July 1900 five hundred Kurds surrounded the village Spaghánk.
With balls, swords, bayonets they put loosely. Women and
children ran toward the soldiers flehend. The small children
were raised, still living, on the bayonet points; the women were
undressed, violated, murdered. The village priest, a eighty-year
old Greis, slowly both sides of the mouth were split and the
kinnladen were pulled out. Pregnant women a woman named
Timene, which was married with the municipality chief, the belly
was cut open; the child was carved up and the woman with fifty
measurer passes was killed. We did not always know that our
culture did not exclude offenses, robbery desire and blood act of
individual still those criminal gangs. That was so unfortunate,
did not appear it us not as rebutting evidence against the culture
stage, which we believed to have reached. In the same way we
always knew that our culture, even in the most civilized states,
excludes not the social misfortune, the poverty and the neglect arms.
But even the misery does not schaebigst placing seemed us
against the high conditions of the present culture to speak.
Armenia as Vorhut of western civilization in Asia.
We always knew, what means war, how he excites the passions, which
atrocity he produces. But we do not lead nowadays war, as one
led it in earlier times. Ungerne do the army leaders of the
peaceful population wrong; against women and children only under
certain conditions war is led, if for the example cities are
bombarded. Thus also the war does not speak against our
certainty to stand on a very high civilization stage. Although
we thus the frequent crimes, the social unfairness and cruelty, the
race enmity and the religion hate, which grey ones of the wars had to
grant, then remained nevertheless always a passing, which seemed
inconceivable to us in our days and was belonging stamped as in the
antiquity or in the Middle Ages. Thus we must stop. After
Europe did not prevent the atrocities, those in Armenia to be
organized and nowadays also in Macedonia, can not possibly be stated,
our time has something in ethical regard the dark times of history
I said: Wofern the Armenians nothing at all
different one for itself would have than their misfortune, then they
earned our participation, our assistance. But the Armenians are
one of the oldest culture peoples of the earth with one nearly 4000
years old history - a culture people, who carried out and more still
outside of its country large services for the civilization in its
country. Like Poland the Armenians are divided between three
large powers. They are Russia, Persia and Turkey subjected -
countries, whose three languages not rarely control the education in
this people except their own, while they in addition often a European
language understand and speak. It is that of the peoples the
east, which acquired itself to most European humanity; it was,
like one of its best sons, Archag Tchobanián, said, "the
Vorhut of the European civilization in Asia".
Although its country, which was because of the way of the conquest peoples of Asia,
always on the new of strangers inundated and (already in the antiquity
of Assyrern and Medern to to the Arabs), has it was suppressed a
completely unusual strength to the day put and a not very much smaller
ability to accept foreigner to itself. Parthischen kings, who
governed Armenia from the second century before Christ on, had become
Armenians. The partly distinguished kings from the family of the
Bagratruni, which followed after them, were apparent
armenisierte Jews; but that is not safe, since it was
considered at that time as an honour to descend from the "house
David". From the oldest to our time Armenia gave large men to
strange peoples. In the Byzantine empire the Armenians were
outstanding krieger, renewing philosophers, and a scarce dozen of
the emperors was Armenian descent.