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The forgotten Holocaust: The Armenian massacre that inspired Hitler

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  • The forgotten Holocaust: The Armenian massacre that inspired Hitler

    The Daily Mail
    The forgotten Holocaust: The Armenian massacre that inspired Hitler
    Last updated at 23:54pm on 31st August 2007

    When the Turkish gendarmes came for Mugrditch Nazarian, they did not give
    him time to dress, but took him from his home in the dead of night in his

    The year was 1915, and his wife, Varter, knew that she was unlikely to see
    her husband alive again. Armenian men like him were being rounded up and
    taken away. In the words of their persecutors, they were being "deported" -
    but not to an earthly place.

    Varter never found out what fate her husband suffered. Some said he was
    shot, others that he was among the men held in jail, who suffered torture so
    unbearable that they poured the kerosene from prison lamps over their heads
    and turned themselves into human pyres as a release from the agony.

    Heavily pregnant, Varter was ordered to join a death convoy marching women
    and children to desert concentration camps.

    She survived the journey alone - her six children died along the way. The
    two youngest were thrown to their deaths down a mountainside by Turkish
    guards; the other four starved to death at the bottom of a well where they
    had hidden to escape.

    Varter herself was abducted by a man who promised to save her - but raped
    her instead. Eventually, she was released to mourn her lost family, the
    victims of Europe's forgotten holocaust.

    The killing of 1.5m Armenians by the Ottoman Turks during World War I
    remains one of the bloodiest and most contentious events of the 20th
    century, and has been called the first modern genocide.

    In all, 25 concentration camps were set up in a systematic slaughter aimed
    at eradicating the Armenian people - classed as "vermin" by the Turks.

    Winston Churchill described the massacres as an "administrative holocaust"
    and noted: "This crime was planned and executed for political reasons. The
    opportunity presented itself for clearing Turkish soil of a Christian race."

    Chillingly, Adolf Hitler used the episode to justify the Nazi murder of six
    million xxxs, saying in 1939: "Who, after all, speaks today of the
    annihilation of the Armenians?"

    Yet, carried out under the cover of war, the Armenian genocide remains
    shrouded in mystery - not least because modern-day Turkey refuses to
    acknowledge the existence of its killing fields.

    Now, new photographs of the horror have come to light. They come from the
    archives of the German Deutsche Bank, which was working in the region
    financing a railway network when the killing began.

    Unearthed by award-winning war correspondent Robert Fisk, they were taken by
    employees of the bank to document the terror unfolding before them.

    They show young men, crammed into cattle trucks, waiting to travel to their
    deaths. The Turks crowded 90 starving and terrified Armenians into each
    wagon, the same number the Nazis averaged in their transports to the death
    camps of Eastern Europe during the xxxish Holocaust.

    Behind each grainy image lies a human tragedy. Destitute women and children
    stare past the camera, witness to untold savagery.

    Almost all young women were raped according to Fisk, while older women were
    beaten to death - they did not merit the expense of a bullet. Babies were
    left by the side of the road to die.

    Often, attractive young Armenian girls were sent to Turkish harems, where
    some lived in enforced prostitution until the mid-1920s.

    Many other archive photographs testify to the sheer brutality suffered by
    the Armenians: children whose knee tendons were severed, a young woman who
    starved to death beside her two small children, and a Turkish official
    taunting starving Armenian children with a loaf of bread.

    Eyewitness accounts are even more graphic. Foreign diplomats posted in the
    Ottoman Empire at the time told of the atrocities, but were powerless to

    One described the concentration camps, saying: "As on the gates of Dante's
    Hell, the following should be written at the entrance of these accursed
    encampments: 'You who enter, leave all hopes.'"

    So how exactly did the events of 1915-17 unfold? Just as Hitler wanted a
    Nazi-dominated world that would be Judenrein - cleansed of its xxxs - so in
    1914 the Ottoman Empire wanted to construct a Muslim empire that would
    stretch from Istanbul to Manchuria.

    Armenia, an ancient Christian civilisation spreading out from the eastern
    end of the Black Sea, stood in its way.

    At the turn of the 20th century, there were two million Christian Armenians
    living in the Ottoman Empire. Already, 200,000 had been killed in a series
    of pogroms - most of them brutally between 1894 and 1896.

    In November 1914, the Ottoman Empire entered World War I against the Allies
    and launched a disastrous military campaign against Russian forces in the
    Caucasus. It blamed defeat on the Armenians, claiming they had colluded with
    the Russians.

    A prominent Turkish writer at the time described the war as "the awaited
    day" when the Turks would exact "revenge, the horrors of which have not yet
    been recorded in history".

    Through the final months of 1914, the Ottoman government put together a
    number of "Special Organisation" units, armed gangs consisting of thousands
    of convicts specifically released from prison for the purpose.

    These killing squads of murderers and thieves were to perpetrate the
    greatest crimes in the genocide. They were the first state bureaucracy to
    implement mass killings for the purpose of race extermination. One army
    commander described them at the time as the "butchers of the human species".

    On the night of April 24, 1915 - the anniversary of which is marked by
    Armenians around the world - the Ottoman government moved decisively,
    arresting 250 Armenian intellectuals. This was followed by the arrest of a
    further 2,000.

    Some died from torture in custody, while many were executed in public
    places. The resistance poet, Daniel Varoujan, was found disembowelled, with
    his eyes gouged out.

    One university professor was made to watch his colleagues have their
    fingernails and toenails pulled out, before being blinded. He eventually
    lost his mind, and was let loose naked into the streets.

    There were reports of crucifixions, at which the Turks would torment their
    victims: "Now let your Christ come and help you!"

    Johannes Lepsius, a German pastor who tried to protect the Armenians, said:
    "The armed gangs saw their main task as raiding and looting Armenian
    villages. If the men escaped their grasp, they would rape the women."

    So began a carefully orchestrated campaign to eradicate the Armenians.
    Throughout this period, Ottoman leaders deceived the world, orchestrating
    the slaughter using code words in official telegrams.

    At later war crimes trials, several military officers testified that the
    word "deportation" was used to mean "massacre" or "annihilation".

    Between May and August 1915, the Armenian population of the eastern
    provinces was deported and murdered en masse.

    The American ambassador to the Ottoman Empire, Henry Morgenthau, said:
    "Squads of 50 or 100 men would be taken, bound together in groups of four,
    and marched to a secluded spot.

    "Suddenly the sound of rifle shots would fill the air. Those sent to bury
    the bodies would find them almost invariably stark naked, for, as usual, the
    Turks had stolen all their clothes."

    In urban areas, a town crier was used to deliver the deportation order, and
    the entire male population would be taken outside the city limits and
    killed - "slaughtered like sheep".

    Women and children would then be executed, deported to concentration camps
    or simply turned out into the deserts and left to starve to death.

    An American diplomat described the deportations or death marches: "A
    massacre, however horrible the word may sound, would be humane in comparison
    with it."

    An eyewitness who came upon a convoy of deportees reported that the women
    implored him: "Save us! We will become Muslims! We will become Germans! We
    will become anything you want, just save us! They are going to cut our

    Walking skeletons begged for food, and women threw their babies into lakes
    rather than hand them over to the Turks.

    There was mass looting and pillaging of Armenian goods. It is reported that
    civilians burned bodies to find the gold coins the Armenians swallowed for

    Conditions in the concentration camps were appalling. The majority were
    located near the modern Iraqi and Syrian frontiers, in the desert between
    Jerablus and Deir ez-Zor - described as "the epicentre of death". Up to
    70,000 Armenians were herded into each camp, where dysentery and typhus were

    There, they were left to starve or die of thirst in the burning sun, with no
    shelter. In some cases, the living were forced to eat the dead. Few

    In four days alone, from 10-14 June 1915, the gangs 'eliminated' some 25,000
    people in the Kemah Erzincan area alone.

    In September 1915, the American consul in Kharput, Leslie A. Davis, reported
    discovering the bodies of nearly 10,000 Armenians dumped into several
    ravines near beautiful Lake Goeljuk, calling it the "slaughterhouse

    Tales of atrocity abound. Historians report that the killing squads dashed
    infants on rocks in front of their mothers.

    One young boy remembered his grandfather, the village priest, kneeling down
    to pray for mercy before the Turks. Soldiers beheaded him, and played
    football with the old man's decapitated head before his devastated family.

    At the horrific Ras-ul-Ain camp near Urfa, two German railway engineers
    reported seeing three to four hundred women arrive in one day, completely
    naked. One witness told how Sergeant Nuri, the overseer of the camp, bragged
    about raping children.

    An American, Mrs Anna Harlowe Birge, who was travelling from Smyrna to
    Constantinople, wrote in November 1915: "At every station where we stopped,
    we came side by side with one of these trains. It was made up of cattle
    trucks, and the faces of little children were looking out from behind the
    tiny barred windows of each truck."

    In her memoir, Ravished Armenia, Aurora Mardiganian described being raped
    and thrown into a harem. From a wealthy banking family, she was just one of
    thousands of Armenian girls to suffer a similar fate. Many were eventually
    killed and discarded.

    In the city of Malatia, she saw 16 girls crucified, vultures eating their
    corpses. "Each girl had been nailed alive upon her cross, spikes through her
    feet and hands," Mardiganian wrote. "Only their hair blown by the wind
    covered their bodies."

    In another town, she reports that the killing squads played "the game of
    swords" with young Armenian girls, planting their weapons in the ground and
    throwing their victims onto the protruding blade in sport.

    Elsewhere, bodies tied to each other drifted down the Euphrates. And in the
    Black Sea region, the Armenians were herded onto boats and then thrown

    In the desert regions, the Turks set up primitive gas chambers, stuffing
    Armenians into caves and asphyxiating them with brush fires.

    Everywhere, there were Armenian corpses: in lakes and rivers, in empty
    desert cisterns and village wells. Travellers reported that the stench of
    death pervaded the landscape.

    One Turkish gendarme told a Norwegian nurse serving in Erzincan that he had
    accompanied a convoy of 3,000 people. Some were summarily executed in groups
    along the way; those too sick or exhausted to march were killed where they
    fell. He concluded: "They're all gone, finished."

    By 1917, the Armenian 'problem', as it was described by Ottoman leaders, had
    been thoroughly "resolved". Muslim families were brought in to occupy empty

    Even after the war, the Ottoman ministers were not repentant. In 1920, they
    praised those responsible for the genocide, saying: "These things were done
    to secure the future of our homeland, which we know is greater and holier
    than even our own lives."

    The British government pushed for those responsible for the killing to be
    punished, and in 1919 a war crimes tribunal was set up.

    The use of the word "genocide" in describing the massacre of Armenians has
    been hotly contested by Turkey. Ahead of the nation's accession to the EU,
    it is even more politically inflammatory.

    The official Turkish position remains that 600,000 or so Armenians died as a
    result of war. They deny any state intention to wipe out Armenians and the
    killings remain taboo in the country, where it is illegal to use the term
    genocide to describe the events of those bloody years.

    Internationally, 21 countries have recognised the killings as genocide under
    the UN 1948 definition. Armenian campaigners believe Turkey should be denied
    EU membership until it admits responsibility for the massacres.

    Just as in the Nazi Holocaust, there were many tales of individual acts of
    great courage by Armenians and Turks alike.

    Haji Halil, a Muslim Turk, kept eight members of his mother's Armenian
    family safely hidden in his home, risking death.

    In some areas, groups of Kurds followed the deportation convoys and saved as
    many people as they could. Many mothers gave their children to Turkish and
    Kurdish families to save them from death.

    The Governor-General of Aleppo stood up to Ottoman officials and tried to
    prevent deportations from his region, but failed.

    He later recalled: "I was like a man standing by a river without any means
    of rescue. But instead of water, the river flowed with blood and thousands
    of innocent children, blameless old men, helpless women and strong young
    people all on their way to destruction.

    "Those I could seize with my hands I saved. The others, I assume, floated
    downstream, never to return."

    Gas chambers, death squads, torture beyond imagining. All in pursuit of wiping out of an entire race. No, not Hitler's Final Solution - but the secret slaughter that inspired him
    What if I find someone else when looking for you? My soul shivers as the idea invades my mind.

  • #2
    Re: The forgotten Holocaust: The Armenian massacre that inspired Hitler

    Originally posted by scurtel
    i dont believe.
    To be able to believe, you need intelligence, sorry, you'll never believe. GO AWAY.


    • #3
      Re: The forgotten Holocaust: The Armenian massacre that inspired Hitler

      Originally posted by scurtel
      how old are you? 10?


      • #4
        Re: The forgotten Holocaust: The Armenian massacre that inspired Hitler

        Genocide denial is counted as hate crime homeboy, your violating forum rules


        • #5
          Re: The forgotten Holocaust: The Armenian massacre that inspired Hitler

          Originally posted by scurtel
          lets say turkey accept armenian genocide.

          what ll happen next??

          what it ll change in your lives?

          you lose your purpose to live.

          and why americans do not admit red indian genocide?

          and english do not admit africans genocide?

          before turkey,,

          Once we force your criminal Government to accept the AG and shove it down your Enrgenekon’s throats I predict a great civil disturbance in your country with large demonstrations, mutinies, and possibly another military coup to cleanse your moderates. Either way it will not end very good. Once that happens our job has just begun and we will give you a purpose in life to follow like you never had before.

          I advise the Turkish government to do the honorable thing, admit to its past crimes, publicly burn the Article 301, and make a smooth transition with minimal amount of disturbance by opening its Kamel files to the public if there is an ounce of dignity left in them. Of course we don’t expect much humanity to radiate from you guys.
          B0zkurt Hunter


          • #6
            Re: The forgotten Holocaust: The Armenian massacre that inspired Hitler

            Originally posted by scurtel
            yE but you except us to give u some land of turkey.. it is impossible mate.
            Whatever I tell you scurtel would be only my opinion and not the official Armenian standing.
            I personally do not expect 50 Million Turks to just disappear. Not only this is ridiculous to expect (despite what some of us might wish for) but it is also not ethical. What I would like to see is for Turkey to honor the treaty of Sevres which encompasses parts Western Anatolia. Those Armenian lands must once again become under the control of Armenians regardless of the % of Turkish population. The Turks there can have the option of moving or staying. I have a feeling Turks would be better off living under Armenian rules then Turkish one. There are other Armenian here who know a lot more than I do in this regards and can give you better info. Hellektor says it the best when it comes to territory.

            The little Land locked Armenia under blockade surrounded by enemies with no natural resources cannot grow as a thriving country to its best of abilities and your Government knows this very well. You would be screaming bloody murder louder than we are if you were in our shoes.
            B0zkurt Hunter


            • #7
              Re: The forgotten Holocaust: The Armenian massacre that inspired Hitler

              Originally posted by scurtel
              dude i felt bad and guilty for your situotion.. but we cannot give you land .. it will be end of turks and turkey. all loudy war going on cause we dont want to give lands to kurds.. even kurds are now living in there. so i m sorry but we are not gonna give you any land .. even if oneday turkey accep armenian tragedy or genocide or etc. we are not gonna give any land to kurds greeks russians or armenians. there is no country do that in the world. and middle east is so competitve place it is just impossible. i wish armenians had better situotion and better land. and resource and oil sorry about that.
              I understand what you mean. Land is the most precious thing in the world and nobody is just going to give it up for nothing…….but one thing history has shown us is that borders never remain constant and territory is not always acquired by the point of the gun. We know our chances and the implication of it but you don’t really expect us to just give up now do you? I think your leaders are taking this issue more seriously than you are judging from their actions.
              B0zkurt Hunter


              • #8
                Re: The forgotten Holocaust: The Armenian massacre that inspired Hitler

                Originally posted by scurtel
                i dont understand what u mean exactly but if u r saying you will take action in order to get some land ..possible war more likely to cause you lost your current land too.. at least now you have land to live .. you r not minorty in one country.
                You misunderstand again. Nobody said anything about little Armenia declaring war on big bad Turkey who has the backing of Israel and US and it is 5th largest military force in NATO. There are other ways.

                Do rest assure though if your leaders ever make the mistake of carry out there alternative plans of invading Armenia (under whatever false pretence) it will not end very good for them to say the least and they will end up loosing big time.
                B0zkurt Hunter


                • #9
                  Re: The forgotten Holocaust: The Armenian massacre that inspired Hitler

                  Originally posted by scurtel
                  why would we invade armenia??
                  Even if I explained it you won’t be able to understand it. Plus, there nothing that can prove my point and I pray to God that I am wrong. You have to understand the geo-politics of the world, the driving forces of the West (your masters) and the criminal denialist mentality of your leaders, their desperation for us to drop this AG bill, their pan-Turkic wet dream and their need for better access to the Armenian stolen oil controlled by Azerbaboons. If it wasn’t for the Russian threat and the US surely condemning such actions you would have done it a long time ago. Do not take us for fools.
                  B0zkurt Hunter


                  • #10
                    Re: The forgotten Holocaust: The Armenian massacre that inspired Hitler

                    Originally posted by scurtel
                    i hope turks kurds armenians and greeks will be friend one day.. and i hope evil religion islam get rid of our land .. and muslims go to hell with pedofile arabic guy who was wrote islam.. if islam was not exist world would be much more betiful and peacfull place.. by the way i m not chirsitan or xxx .. i m atheist turk and supporter of civilazation and ataturk.

                    i hope your pain and anger cure oneday mu friend. ottoman empire was controlled by evil. but we are the secularist and we dont hate anyone.. we hate islamic nationlist turks and religoust in turkey. kemalist people said that we are all armenian and we are all hrank dink when hrank dink was killed my crazy islamo fasist. so we are peacefull people we only proctect and imporve our countries my friend.
                    That makes us allies my Turkish friend (If you really meant what you said) and we are facing a common enemy. Maybe one day we can trust each other and raise our glasses to a toast for our new found friendship. Only truth, time, patience and our actions as honorable men will determine our future.

                    B0zkurt Hunter

