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Scheduled Events in Lithuania

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  • Scheduled Events in Lithuania

    Scheduled Events in Lithuania

    April 24, 2005: Placing of the wreath ceremony at the Armenian monument at Shaul.

    April 29 or May 6, 2005: Photo exhibition in the Museum of Occupation of Lithuania and the Sacrifice of Lithuanian People of Vilnius

  • #2
    Lithuanian Parliament Recognizes And Condemns Armenian Genocide In Ottoman Turkey

    YEREVAN, DECEMBER 15. ARMINFO. By 48 votes "pro" and 3 abstained the Lithuanian Parliament adopted today a resolution recognizing and condemning the Armenian Genocide in Ottoman Turkey.

    The resolution urges TUrkey to recognize the Armenian Genocide. The Lithuanian MPs stressed during the discussion that there is no sense in denying historical truth.

    A draft resolution to recognize the Armenian Genocide is also on the agenda of the Latvian Parliament.
    "All truth passes through three stages:
    First, it is ridiculed;
    Second, it is violently opposed; and
    Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

    Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


    • #3
      Kocharian Thanks Lithuania For Genocide Recognition

      By Anna Saghabalian

      President Robert Kocharian thanked Lithuania for its parliament's recent
      recognition of the Armenian genocide as he received his visiting
      Lithuanian counterpart, Valdas Adamkus, on Tuesday.

      In a resolution overwhelmingly approved last December, the Baltic
      state's legislature, Sejmas, urged Turkey to `recognize historical
      facts' and drop its insistence that the 1915 mass killings of Armenians
      in the Ottoman Empire did not constitute a genocide. The Turkish
      government denounced the move.

      `The issue is very important for us and it is not just historical in
      nature as today our relations with Turkey are burdened by this
      historical reality,' Kocharian told reporters after talks with Adamkus.
      `I think that recognizing the genocide and coming to terms with history
      is extremely important for normalizing our [Turkish-Armenian]

      He said Yerevan will continue to seek worldwide recognition of the
      genocide in collaboration with leaders of Armenian Diaspora

      Adamkus arrived in Yerevan on a official visit which appears to have
      focused on ways of restoring economic ties that used to exist between
      the two former Soviet republics. They announced plans to hold a
      Lithuanian-Armenian business forum in the near future.

      A statement by Kocharian's office said Armenia's relations with the
      European Union, which Lithuania joined two years ago, were also on the
      agenda of the talks. Kocharian again stated that his country is
      interested in learning from Lithuania's as well as neighboring Latvia's
      and Estonia's successful transition to democracy and the free market.

      The Lithuanian president, for his part, made a case for political and
      economic integration in the South Caucasus. `We have discussed common
      regional policies,' he said. `I think it is about time our regions --
      the South Caucasus and the Baltic states -- joined forces to build a
      better future. This is what we call a three-plus-three formula which I
      think will become reality after this meeting.'
      "All truth passes through three stages:
      First, it is ridiculed;
      Second, it is violently opposed; and
      Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

      Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


      • #4
        ‘i Have No Words To Describe What I Saw’

        President of Lithuania at Armenian Genocide Memorial

        It’s hard to express one’s feelings while seeing a man’s cruelty towards other man. Perhaps there is no language that could offer words justifying such acts. These were the words of Valdas Adamkus, president of Lithuania, that he wrote in the memory book of the Armenian Genocide Museum after visiting it with his wife Alma Adamkine and the Lithuanian delegation. Justice minister Davit Harutyunian and Yerevan mayor Yervand Zakharian accompanied the Lithuanian delegation at the Armenian genocide Memorial.

        Head of the Genocide Museum Lavrenti Barseghian presented the Armenian history at large, the atrocities by the Turkish government and lives of some of the genocide victims. The leader of the state that recognized the Genocide on December 15 2004 presented the museum a gift saying: "This is simply our symbolic appreciation as we have no words to express what we saw."

        After lying a wreath at the Memorial the Lithuanian president planted his second tree in the area of the Museum promising to visit time after time to see how it grows. Lavrenti Barseghian, on his part, promised to take care of the tree.

        By Gohar Gevorgian
        Լրահոս edit post Ինչպես են թուրքական իշխանությունները կյանքի կոչում Սիրիայի հետ կնքած «Խաղաղության պայմանագիրը». Գևորգ Դանիելյան 09/03/2025 edit post Առնետներին պետք է ուղարկել իրենց առնետային նկուղները. Փաշինյան (տեսանյութ) 09/03/2025 edit post Լաթաքիայի բնակիչները զգուշանում են դուրս գալ. Զարմիկ Պողիկյան 09/03/2025 edit post Հոխորտանքներին հիմնականում եկել են փոխարինելու մեղայական արդարացումները. Մեսրոպ Առաքելյան 09/03/2025 edit post Իմ […]
        "All truth passes through three stages:
        First, it is ridiculed;
        Second, it is violently opposed; and
        Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

        Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

