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Anti-Semitism in Turkey

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  • Anti-Semitism in Turkey

    Anti-Semitism in Turkey
    By: Amed Demirhan
    May 2 2005

    Historically anti-Semitism all most always has been related to general
    intolerance, racism, and xenophobia. In modern Turkey this elements
    have the main ingredients of foundation of the Turkish Republic. In
    republican era there have been up and down with anti-Semitism and some
    times high-ranking government officials have been speaking positively
    about Jews and Israel and even claming to be protectors of the Jewish
    minority in Turkey. However, in recent years anti-Semitism and racism
    become very dangerous, and not just targeted to small minority of
    Jews in Turkey but to the "Donme" the Jews that were converted about
    300 years ago to Islam and "Turkism", and to Jews in general.

    In the past Jews were forced to relocation in 1924, forced to pay
    higher taxes or forced to bankruptcy by force of government, for
    example in 1942 infamous "Wealth Tax" that directed to non-Muslim
    minorities. In 1955 they were targeted in Istanbul together Greek
    and Armenians. In late 1980s and in 1990s Jewish or "Donme" business
    people were subject of "Ulkucu Mafia" a state sponsored extreme
    rights group was taking money from Jews by force and illegally. Some
    Jewish businessman had to move to the USA and Israel.

    However, recent anti-Semitism is more dangerous, in the past it was
    limited to small marginal leftist, Marxist, Islamist, and fascist
    groups, and all most of them were controlled by the state; now
    anti-Semitism is becoming a mass movement like 1930s Europe. Some
    people seemed surprised to see Hitler's book become best seller,
    in reality there are many more anti-Semitics books and articles
    recently have been published and they are more dangerous than
    Hitler's book. For example, the Dr. Yalicin Kucuk a former Marxist
    his book titled "Tekelistan" about Jews and specifically about
    donme, it has more conspiracy in it than Hitler's book. This book
    become so popular he had to write several other books and among many
    other Pan-Turkist/Pan-Islamists become Dr. Kucuk's main readers. In
    addition Yalcin Soner's book about "Done" was one of the best seller
    in Turkey for long time. Mr. Soner's book is comparable with Dr.
    Kucuk's book. All major newspapers are daily full with anti-Semitic
    remarks. These conspiracies includes Jews or "hidden Jews" been
    in charge of the Turkish state, been behind separatist movements,
    Islamist movements, been in charge of America, or Israel Zionist
    conspiracy to take over South Eastern part of Turkey. The type of
    conspiracy dependent to the ideology of the writers, for example
    if an Islamist write like Sevket Eygi he will claim Turkey's ethnic
    conflict is invention of the Jews, Kemalist-nationalist will claim
    Jews are in charge of America and they try to divide Turkey, and
    so on. Fighting against ant-Semitism is as important as fighting
    against Nazism, neo-Nazism or any totalitarian regime or ideology. One
    of the important ways fighting against anti-Semitism in Turkey is
    defending freedom of speech, freedom of worship, freedom of assembly,
    and Western pluralistic democracy.

  • #2
    Anti-Zionist Jews Espouse Ahmadinejad
    By Cihan News Agency, Tehran
    Published: Monday, March 13, 2006

    Known for his anti-Zionist stance, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s anger at Israel when he said, “Israel must be wiped off the map,” was backed up by a Jewish congregation.

    “The Zionists have exploited the notion of the Jewish Holocaust,” said officials from Neturei Karta, the Orthodox Jewish congregation, when they met in Tehran with Iranian Vice-President Gholamreza Aghazadeh and pressured for the handover of Israeli soil to the Palestinians.

    The get-together ended with expressions of loathing by officials over Israel’s existence. “We do not see the Holocaust as a means to an end,” said Dovid Weiss, a spokesman for the Jews in Tehran, according to the Israeli daily, Yediot Ahronot, which interpreted the visit and its repercussions, as intolerable.

    Members of the Neturei Karta congregation hold a belief in the Old Testament and immaculate Judaism.

    There are 400 Naturei Karta families in Jerusalem that still do not recognize the state of Israel.

    Moshe Hirsch, who met with former Palestinian leader Yaser Arafat on a number of occasions, is regarded as the founder of this congregation.
    "All truth passes through three stages:
    First, it is ridiculed;
    Second, it is violently opposed; and
    Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

    Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


    • #3
      Gavur the Naturei Karta is made up of American Jews, who ironically are only allowed in Israel because of the very law of return they want to be destroyed.

      Their leader also denied the Holocaust while in Tehran. They are no different then Armenians today who take the side of Turkey, deny the Armenian Genocide, Campaign for the Turks and the Azeris, and blame Armenia for everything bad that happens.

