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Erdogan receives medal of valor from Jewish Anti-Defamation League

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  • Erdogan receives medal of valor from Jewish Anti-Defamation League

    Now if this doesn't take the cake - highlighted passages....


    NEW YORK (AA) - Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan received the medal of valor which was presented by Jewish Anti-Defamation League to Turkish diplomats who saved lives of Jews massacred during World War II.

    Erdogan received the medal in a breakfast in New York on Friday. Turkish Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul, State Minister Ali Babacan and National Defense Minister Vecdi Gonul also attended the breakfast.

    Erdogan said, ''genocide on Jews is the most unbelievable crime which was committed throughout the history. Millions of Jews became the victims of this crime.''

    ''Not allowing this crime to be forgotten as well as to prevent such a crime to be committed again are our common mission. Anti-Semitism is a perversion which ended with massacre. It is impossible to show an excuse. In Islam, killing a person is like to kill the whole humanity. Genocide, ethnic cleansing, racism, anti-Islamism, anti-Christianity, xenophobia and terrorism are different faces of the same wickedness. If we understand the danger and threat of these calamities and fight against them effectively, our children will live in a better world,'' said Erdogan.

    Noting that anti-Semitism does not exist in Turkey, Erdogan said, ''anti-Semitism is unfamiliar to our culture. Islam is a religion which sees people equal regardless of their being Jewish, Christian or Muslim.''

    Prime Minister Erdogan said that the Turkish nation would continue to have close and friendly relations with the Jewish community and struggle against all sorts of racism.

    ''Turkey (Ottomans) sheltered Jewish people 500 years ago. Our friendship with the Jewish people existed until today. There are still Jewish people living in Turkey today and they are respected members of the Turkish society. We have friendly ties with the Jewish people who settled in the U.S. and in other places and they always supported Turkey on its difficult days. We continue to trust your friendship and you should continue trusting our friendship,'' said Erdogan.

    Erdogan stressed that he was honored to receive the medal.

    The world would always remember Turkish Consul General Selahattin Ulkumen who saved the lives of Jews on Rhodes island, Erdogan said.

    ''Our generation owes a fair and peaceful world for everybody and Turkey is determined to join the EU which buried the old hatreds of the old continent. We are also determined to further deepen our alliance and partnership with the U.S.. This partnership is an indispensable common initiative to serve good goals. Turkey and the U.S. wish to launch complementary efforts for installation of democratic peace by taking their shared values and common goals as the basis. I stressed Turkey's determination to maintain its friendship with Israel during my visit to Israel a short time ago... While receiving this award, I commit to continue our efforts to defeat hatred and tyranny and to work for lasting peace and justice in the world,'' Erdogan said.

  • #2
    lol love the bold parts!
    I'm not surprised...Turkey is Israel's only friend in the region.
    Pinocchio talks about genocide and genocide prevention but not denial... such a shame.
    I wonder if any of the reporters noticed his nose getting longer when he made the statement "Not allowing this crime to be forgotten as well as to prevent such a crime to be committed again are our common mission"? haha


    • #3
      American Jewish lobby supports Ankara on Armenian draft

      The Turkish Prime Minister spoke of Ankara’s sensitivity regarding Iraq and the importance its gives to the territorial integrity of its neighbour.

      Güncelleme: 08:16 ET 14 Eylül 2005 ÇarşambaNEW YORK - Representatives of American Jewish associations who met with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan Tuesday said that they would continue to back Ankara on the Armenian question .
      During a meeting at the Turkevi (Turkhouse) in New York Erdogan asked for the organisations’ support against a draft bill to go before Congress calling for recognition of the so-called Armenian genocide. Erdogan stressed that Ankara denied that allegations that the Ottoman Empire had committed acts of genocide against its Armenian citizens during the period of the First World War. Turkey’s archives were open to academics who wanted to study the issue, he said.

      The representatives of the Jewish groups thanked Erdogan for being a facilitator in the recent talks between the Foreign Ministers of Pakistani and Israel held in Istanbul.

      The Jewish associations also thanked Ankara for the aid it provided to the victims of Hurricane Katrina that devastated a number of the US’ southern states.
      "All truth passes through three stages:
      First, it is ridiculed;
      Second, it is violently opposed; and
      Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

      Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)


      • #4
        Damage to Israel-Turkey relations feared

        Damage to Israel-Turkey relations feared

        12/4/2005 ynet News - By Itamar Eichner
        Foreign Ministry sends calming messages to Ankara following publication on contracts won by Israeli companies to train Kurdish security forces in northern Iraq, claiming companies acted on their own initiative

        Last week's publication by Israel's leading newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth on Israeli companies winning contracts with the Kurdish government to train and equip Kurdish security forces in northern Iraq has caused tension in the relations between Israel and Turkey, Yedioth Ahronoth reported Sunday.

        The affair received widespread coverage on the website of Turkey's popular newspaper Zaman, which reported that the new information revealed has caused tension between the two countries.

        Foreign Ministry officials, aware of the fact that they were dealing with a very complex and sensitive issue, hastened to send calming messages to Turkey over the weekend.

        The main message conveyed by the ministry was that the Israeli companies acted on their own initiative and that the official State of Israel does not operate in the discussed areas.

        'Risk of human life for lucre'

        Israel approached Turkey last year with an update on a number of private Israeli companies operating in northern Iraq. The Turks were told that Israel opposes any Israeli presence in northern Iraq.

        At the same time, the Foreign Ministry harshly criticized the involvement of Israeli companies in northern Iraq, defining it as "scandalous and irresponsible."

        A senior ministry official said that "this is a very serious issue, and that Israel knows about it and is not doing enough in order to prevent it."

        "It is severe because the people who go there are
        risking their lives and could be hurt or kidnapped. Every year dozens of people are abducted there. What do we want, another (former Hizbullah captive Elhanan) Tennenbaum?" he said.

        "This is an unnecessary risk of human life for lucre," he said. "In addition, this activity only complicated and endangers our relations with our ally Turkey. An entire country is in risk so that a businessman will make a profit."

        'Turkey understands Israel could not prevent it'

        The Turkish government showed interest in Yedioth Ahronoth's publication. The Turkish embassy in Israel translated the article and sent it to Ankara, waiting for instructions on how to respond.

        Israeli officials estimated that Turkey would ask Israel for clarifications on the matter.

        A senior Turkish official said that as long as only private companies are involved, this may be a source of concern for Turkey, but they understand that Israel could not prevent it.

        However, he said if Turkey discovers that intelligence officers or Israeli officials were involved, his country would see it as a completely different story that may lead to a rift in diplomatic relations.

        Meanwhile, Yedioth Ahronoth has learned that Turkey is concerned with the ease in which Israelis managed to cross the border from Turkey to Iraq, and that steps will now be taken to examine the issue.

        Tsadouk Yakhiskeli and Anat Tal-Shir contributed to the report
        "All truth passes through three stages:
        First, it is ridiculed;
        Second, it is violently opposed; and
        Third, it is accepted as self-evident."

        Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

